// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; /*@ Ox.ListMap ListMap object () -> ListMap object (options) -> ListMap object (options, self) -> ListMap object options Options object height Height in px labels If true, show labels mode Mode ('add' or 'define') places Array of places, or function that returns places selected Id of the selected place width Width in px self Shared private variable @*/ Ox.ListMap = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ addPlace: null, collapsible: false, editPlace: null, getMatches: null, hasMatches: false, height: 256, labels: false, mode: 'add', pageLength: 100, places: null, removePlace: null, selected: '', showControls: false, showLabels: false, showTypes: false, sort: [{key: 'geoname', operator: '+'}], width: 256 }) .options(options || {}) .css({ width: self.options.width + 'px', height: self.options.height + 'px' }); self.isAsync = Ox.isFunction(self.options.places); // FIXME: duplicated, see MapMarker self.typeColor = { country: [64, 64, 255], region: [0, 192, 192], city: [255, 0, 0], borough: [255, 128, 0], street: [255, 255, 0], building: [255, 64, 128], feature: [0, 192, 0] }; self.areaSize = { 10000: 8, // 100 x 100 m 10000000000: 10 // 100 x 100 km }; self.columns = [ { addable: false, // fixme: implement id: 'id', title: 'Id', unique: true, visible: false, width: 32 }, { format: function(value, data) { return data.type ? $('') .attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname(data.geoname, 16) }) .css({ width: '14px', height: '14px', borderRadius: '4px', marginLeft: '-3px', marginTop: 0 }) : ''; }, id: 'countryCode', map: function(value) { var names = value.split(', '); if (!Ox.getCountryByGeoname(names[names.length - 1])) { names.push('~'); } return names.reverse().join(', '); }, operator: '+', resizable: false, // fixme: implement title: 'Flag', titleImage: 'flag', tooltip: function(data) { return Ox.toTitleCase(data.geoname || '') }, visible: true, width: 16 }, { format: function(value, data) { var iconSize = 6; Ox.forEach(self.areaSize, function(size, area) { if (data.area >= area) { iconSize = size; } else { return false; } }); return data.type ? $('
') .addClass('OxTypeIcon') .css({ width: iconSize + 'px', height: iconSize + 'px', borderRadius: (iconSize + 4) / 2 + 'px', margin: [0, 0, 0, -3].map(function(v) { return v + (10 - iconSize) / 2 + 'px'; }).join(' '), background: 'rgb(' + self.typeColor[data.type].join(', ') + ')' }) : ''; }, id: 'type', operator: '+', title: 'Type', titleImage: 'icon', tooltip: function(data) { return Ox.toTitleCase(data.type || ''); }, visible: true, width: 16 }, { format: function(value, data) { return data.type ? value : $('').addClass('OxWarning').html(value); }, id: 'name', operator: '+', removable: false, title: 'Name', visible: true, width: 144 }, { format: function(value) { return value.join('; '); }, id: 'alternativeNames', operator: '+', title: 'Alternative Names', visible: true, width: 144 }, { id: 'geoname', map: function(value) { var names = value.split(', '); if (!Ox.getCountryByGeoname(names[names.length - 1])) { names.push('~'); } return names.reverse().join(', '); }, operator: '+', title: 'Geoname', visible: false, width: 192 }, { align: 'right', format: toFixed, id: 'lat', operator: '+', title: 'Latitude', visible: true, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: toFixed, id: 'lng', operator: '+', title: 'Longitude', visible: true, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: toFixed, id: 'south', operator: '+', title: 'South', visible: false, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', id: 'west', operator: '+', title: 'West', visible: false, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: toFixed, id: 'north', operator: '+', title: 'North', visible: false, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: toFixed, id: 'east', operator: '+', title: 'East', visible: false, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: {type: 'area', args: []}, id: 'area', operator: '-', title: 'Area', visible: true, width: 128 }, { format: function(value) { return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value); }, id: 'user', operator: '+', title: 'User', visible: false, width: 96 }, { format: function(value) { return value.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''); }, id: 'created', operator: '-', title: 'Date Created', visible: false, width: 128, }, { format: function(value) { return value.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''); }, id: 'modified', operator: '-', title: 'Date Modified', visible: false, width: 128, } ]; self.options.hasMatches && self.columns.push({ align: 'right', id: 'matches', operator: '-', title: 'Matches', visible: true, width: 64 }); self.$listToolbar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }); self.$findElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({ elements: [ self.$findSelect = Ox.Select({ items: [ {id: 'all', title: 'Find: All'}, {id: 'name', title: 'Find: Name'}, {id: 'alternativeNames', title: 'Find: Alternative Names'}, {id: 'geoname', title: 'Find: Geoname'} ], overlap: 'right', type: 'image' }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var key = data.value, value = self.$findInput.value(); value && updateList(key, value); } }), self.$findInput = Ox.Input({ clear: true, placeholder: 'Find in List', width: 234 }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { var key = self.$findSelect.value(), value = data.value; updateList(key, value); } }) ] }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px'}) .appendTo(self.$listToolbar); self.$list = Ox.TextList({ columns: self.columns, columnsRemovable: true, columnsVisible: true, items: Ox.clone(self.options.places), //items: self.options.places, // area needed for icon, geoname needed for flag keys: ['area', 'geoname', 'matches'], max: 1, min: 0, pageLength: self.options.pageLength, scrollbarVisible: true, selected: self.options.selected ? [self.options.selected] : [], sort: self.options.sort }) .bindEvent({ 'delete': removeItem, init: initList, // fixme: do we need 0/shift-0? return already zooms to place key_0: function() { self.$map.panToPlace(); }, key_equal: function() { self.$map.zoom(1); }, key_minus: function() { self.$map.zoom(-1); }, key_shift_0: function() { self.$map.zoomToPlace(); }, load: function() { that.triggerEvent('loadlist'); }, open: openItem, select: selectItem }); // if loaded with selection, set map and form self.options.selected && self.$list.bindEventOnce({ load: function() { self.$list.triggerEvent({ select: {ids: [self.options.selected]} }); } }); self.$listStatusbar = Ox.Bar({ size: 16 }); self.$status = Ox.Element() .css({paddingTop: '2px', margin: 'auto', fontSize: '9px', textAlign: 'center'}) .appendTo(self.$listStatusbar); self.$map = Ox.Map({ clickable: true, editable: true, findPlaceholder: 'Find on Map', height: self.options.height, places: self.options.places, //statusbar: true, showControls: self.options.showControls, showLabels: self.options.showLabels, showTypes: self.options.showTypes, toolbar: true, width: self.options.width - 514,//self.mapResize[1], zoombar: true }) .bindEvent({ /* addplace: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('addplace', data); }, */ changeplace: function(data) { self.$placeForm.values(data).show(); self.$areaKmInput.value(Ox.formatArea(data.area)); }, changeplaceend: function(data) { //Ox.Log('Map', 'ssP', self.selectedPlace); var isResult = self.selectedPlace[0] == '_'; !isResult && editPlace([ 'lat', 'lng', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'area' ]); }, geocode: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('geocode', data); }, /* resize: function() { self.$map.resizeMap(); // fixme: don't need event }, */ selectplace: selectPlace }); self.$placeTitlebar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }); self.$placeTitle = $('
') .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeTitlebar); if (self.options.mode == 'define') { self.$findPlaceButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'find', tooltip: 'Find', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: findPlace }) .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeTitle); } self.$placeFlag = $('') .addClass('OxFlag') .attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname('', 16) }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .appendTo(self.$placeTitle); self.$placeName = Ox.Label({ title: '', width: 208 }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 0 4px 0'}) .bindEvent({ singleclick: function() { self.$map.panToPlace(); }, doubleclick: function() { self.$map.zoomToPlace(); } }) .appendTo(self.$placeTitle); self.$deselectPlaceButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'close', tooltip: 'Done', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { self.$list.options({selected: []}); // FIXME: list doesn't fire select event selectItem({ids: []}); } }) .appendTo(self.$placeTitle); self.$placeData = Ox.Element(); self.$placeForm = Ox.Form({ items: Ox.merge([ self.$nameInput = Ox.Input({ id: 'name', label: 'Name', labelWidth: 64, width: 240 }), self.$alternativeNamesInput = Ox.ArrayInput({ id: 'alternativeNames', label: 'Alternative Names', max: 10, //sort: true, values: [], width: 240 }), self.$geonameInput = Ox.Input({ id: 'geoname', label: 'Geoname', labelWidth: 64, width: 240 }), Ox.Input({ id: 'countryCode' }).hide(), Ox.Select({ id: 'type', items: [ {id: 'country', title: 'Country'}, {id: 'region', title: 'Region'}, // administative (Kansas) or colloquial (Midwest) {id: 'city', title: 'City'}, {id: 'borough', title: 'Borough'}, {id: 'street', title: 'Street'}, // streets, squares, bridges, tunnels, ... {id: 'building', title: 'Building'}, // airports, stations, stadiums, military installations, ... {id: 'feature', title: 'Feature'} // continents, islands, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains... ], label: 'Type', labelWidth: 64, width: 240 }) ], ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'South', 'West', 'North', 'East'].map(function(v) { var id = ( v == 'Latitude' ? 'lat' : v == 'Longitude' ? 'lng' : v ).toLowerCase(), max = ['Latitude', 'South', 'North'].indexOf(v) > -1 ? Ox.MAX_LATITUDE : 180; return Ox.Input({ changeOnKeypress: true, decimals: 8, disabled: ['lat', 'lng'].indexOf(id) > -1, id: id, label: v, labelWidth: 80, min: -max, max: max, type: 'float', width: 240 }); }), [ self.$areaInput = Ox.Input({ id: 'area', type: 'float' }).hide() ]), width: 240 }) .css({margin: '8px'}) .hide() .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { Ox.print('CHANGE', data) var isResult = self.selectedPlace[0] == '_'; if (data.id == 'name') { !isResult && self.$list.value(self.selectedPlace, 'name', data.data.value); if (!self.isAsync) { Ox.getObjectById( self.options.places, self.selectedPlace ).name = data.data.value; } else { !isResult && editPlace(['name']); } self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, 'name', data.data.value); } else if (data.id == 'alternativeNames') { if (!self.isAsync) { // ... } else { !isResult && editPlace(['alternativeNames']) } self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, 'alternativeNames', data.data.value); } else if (data.id == 'geoname') { var geoname = data.data.value, country = Ox.getCountryByGeoname(geoname), countryCode = country ? country.code : ''; self.$placeFlag.attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname(geoname, 16) }); self.$placeName.options({title: geoname}); self.$placeForm.values({countryCode: countryCode}); if (!self.isAsync) { if (!isResult) { self.$list.value(self.selectedPlace, 'geoname', geoname); self.$list.value(self.selectedPlace, 'countryCode', countryCode); } } else { !isResult && editPlace(['countryCode', 'geoname']); } self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, 'countryCode', countryCode); self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, 'geoname', geoname); } else if (data.id == 'type') { if (!self.isAsync) { // ... } else { !isResult && editPlace(['type']); } self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, 'type', data.data.value); } else { // south, west, north, east if (!self.isAsync) { // ... } else { !isResult && editPlace([data.id]); } self.$map.value(self.selectedPlace, data.id, parseFloat(data.data.value)); } } }) .appendTo(self.$placeData); self.$areaKmInput = Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'areaKm', label: 'Area', labelWidth: 80, textAlign: 'right', width: 240 }) .css({margin: '8px 8px 0 8px'}) .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeData); if (self.options.hasMatches) { self.$matchesInput = Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'matches', label: 'Matches', labelWidth: 80, type: 'int', width: 240 }) .css({margin: '8px'}) .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeData); } self.$placeStatusbar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }); self.$newPlaceButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'New Place', width: 70 }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { self.$map.newPlace(); } }) .appendTo(self.$placeStatusbar); self.$addPlaceButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Add Place', width: 90 }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { if (this.options('title') == 'Add Place') { addPlace(); } else { removePlace(); } } }) .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeStatusbar); if (self.options.mode == 'define') { self.$definePlaceButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Define Place', width: 80 }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 0 4px 0'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { if (this.options('title') == 'Define Place') { definePlace(); } else { clearPlace(); } } }) .hide() .appendTo(self.$placeStatusbar); } /* self.mapResize = [ Math.round(self.options.width * 0.25), Math.round(self.options.width * 0.5), Math.round(self.options.width * 0.75) ]; */ /* if (!self.isAsync) { self.placesLength = self.options.places.length; setStatus(); } else { self.options.places({}, function(results) { self.placesLength = results.data.items; setStatus(); }); } */ that.$element.replaceWith( that.$element = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { collapsible: self.options.collapsible, element: self.$listPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: self.$listToolbar, size: 24 }, { element: self.$list }, { element: self.$listStatusbar, size: 16 } ], orientation: 'vertical' }), resizable: true, resize: [256, 384, 512], size: 256 }, { element: self.$map .bindEvent({ resize: function() { self.$map.resizeMap(); } }), }, { collapsible: self.options.collapsible, element: Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: self.$placeTitlebar, size: 24 }, { element: self.$placeData }, { element: self.$placeStatusbar, size: 24 } ], orientation: 'vertical' }) .bindEvent({ resize: function(data) { self.$placeName.options({width: data.size - 48}); // fixme: pass width through form self.$placeFormItems.forEach(function($item) { $item.options({width: data.size - 16}); }); self.$areaKmInput.options({width: data.size - 16}); self.$matchesInput && self.$matchesInput.options({width: data.size - 16}); } }), resizable: true, resize: [256, 384], size: 256 } ], orientation: 'horizontal' }) .addClass('OxListMap') .$element ); function addPlace() { var place = self.$placeForm.values(), country = Ox.getCountryByGeoname(place.geoname); place.countryCode = country ? country.code : ''; if (!self.isAsync) { place.id = self.selectedPlace.substr(1); // fixme: safe? self.selectedPlace = place.id; self.options.places.push(place); self.$list.options({ items: Ox.clone(self.options.places), selected: [place.id] }); self.$map.addPlace(place); self.$addPlaceButton.options({title: 'Remove Place'}); //setStatus(); } else { self.$addPlaceButton.options({disabled: true, title: 'Adding...'}); self.options.addPlace(encodeValues(place), function(result) { if (result.status.code == 200) { place.id = result.data.id; self.selectedPlace = place.id; self.$list.reloadList().options({selected: [place.id]}); self.$map.addPlace(place); self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.value( result.data.matches ).show(); self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$definePlaceButton.options({ disabled: !result.data.matches, title: 'Clear Place' }).show(); self.$addPlaceButton.options({ disabled: false, title: 'Remove Place' }).show(); } else if (result.status.code == 409) { if (result.data.names.indexOf(self.$nameInput.value()) > -1) { self.$nameInput.addClass('OxError'); } self.$alternativeNamesInput.setErrors(result.data.names); self.$addPlaceButton.options({disabled: false, title: 'Add Place'}); } }); } } function clearPlace() { var values = { id: self.selectedPlace, alternativeNames: [], geoname: '', type: '', lat: null, lng: null, south: null, west: null, north: null, east: null, area: null }; self.$definePlaceButton.options({disabled: true, title: 'Clearing...'}); self.options.editPlace(values, function() { self.$list.reloadList(); self.$map.removePlace().options({selected: ''}); self.$findPlaceButton.show(); self.$placeFlag.hide(); hideForm(); self.$definePlaceButton.options({disabled: false, title: 'Define Place'}) }); } function decodeValues(place) { return Ox.map(place, function(value) { return Ox.isString(value) ? Ox.decodeHTML(value) : Ox.isArray(value) ? Ox.map(value, function(value) { return Ox.decodeHTML(value); }) : value; }); } function definePlace() { self.$map.newPlace(); // this will call selectPlace, then editPlace self.$definePlaceButton.options({title: 'Clear Place'}); } function encodeValues(place) { return Ox.map(place, function(value) { return Ox.isString(value) ? Ox.encodeHTML(value) : Ox.isArray(value) ? Ox.map(value, function(value) { return Ox.encodeHTML(value); }) : value; }); } function editPlace(keys) { Ox.Log('Map', 'EDIT PLACE', keys, self.$placeForm.values()) var values = Ox.filter(self.$placeForm.values(), function(values, key) { return keys.indexOf(key) > -1; }); values.id = self.selectedPlace; self.options.editPlace(encodeValues(values), function(result) { Ox.Log('Map', 'EDIT PLACE::', result) if (result.status.code == 200) { if ( keys.indexOf(self.$list.options('sort')[0].key) > -1 || ( self.options.mode == 'define' && ( keys.indexOf('name') > -1 || keys.indexOf('alternativeNames') > -1 ) ) ) { self.$list.reloadList(); } else { Ox.forEach(values, function(value, key) { if (key != 'id') { self.$list.value(values.id, key, value); self.$map.value(values.id, key, value); } }); self.$list.value(values.id, 'matches', result.data.matches); } if (self.options.mode == 'define') { self.$findPlaceButton.hide(); self.$placeFlag.show(); } self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.value(result.data.matches); if (self.options.mode == 'define') { self.$definePlaceButton.options({ disabled: !result.data.matches, title: 'Clear Place' }); self.$addPlaceButton.options({ disabled: !!result.data.matches }); } } else { if (result.data.names.indexOf(self.$nameInput.value()) > -1) { self.$nameInput.addClass('OxError'); } self.$alternativeNamesInput.setErrors(result.data.names); } }); } function findPlace() { self.$map //.options({find: ''}) .options({find: self.$list.value(self.options.selected, 'name')}); } function hideForm() { self.$placeForm.hide(); self.$areaKmInput.hide(); } function initList(data) { self.$status.html( Ox.formatNumber(data.items) + ' Place' + ( data.items == 1 ? '' : 's' ) ); } function openItem(data) { selectItem(data); self.$map.zoomToPlace(data.ids[0]); } function removeItem(data) { var id = data.ids[0]; self.$list.value(id, 'type') && self.$map.removePlace(id); // FIXME: events or callback functions?? that.triggerEvent('removeplace', {id: id}); } function removePlace() { var index; Ox.Log('Map', 'REMOVE PLACE', self.selectedPlace, index) if (!self.isAsync) { // fixme: doesn't call self.options.removePlace! index = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.places, self.selectedPlace); self.options.places.splice(index, 1); self.$list.options({items: Ox.clone(self.options.places)}); self.$addPlaceButton.options({title: 'Add Place'}); //setStatus(); } // fixme: what is this? both options.removePlace and event removeplace?? if (self.isAsync) { self.$addPlaceButton.options({disabled: true, title: 'Removing...'}) self.options.removePlace({id: self.selectedPlace}, function() { self.$list.options({selected: []}).reloadList(true); self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.hide(); self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$definePlaceButton.options({ disabled: true }); self.$addPlaceButton.options({disabled: false, title: 'Add Place'}); }); } self.$map.removePlace(); that.triggerEvent('removeplace', {id: self.selectedPlace}); } function selectItem(data, place) { // Select item in list Ox.Log('Map', 'selectItem', data, place); var isUndefined, selectedPlace; self.options.selected = data.ids.length ? data.ids[0] : ''; place = place || ( self.options.selected ? self.$list.value(self.options.selected) : {} ); isUndefined = !!self.options.selected && !place.type; selectedPlace = self.options.selected && !isUndefined ? self.options.selected : ''; self.$map.options({selected: selectedPlace}); selectedPlace && self.$map.panToPlace(); if (self.options.selected) { self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$findPlaceButton[isUndefined ? 'show' : 'hide'](); self.$placeFlag.attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname(place.geoname || '', 16) })[isUndefined ? 'hide' : 'show'](); self.$placeName.options({title: place.name || ''}); self.$placeTitle.show(); !isUndefined ? showForm(place) : hideForm(); self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.value(place.matches || 0).show(); self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$definePlaceButton.options({ disabled: !isUndefined && !place.matches, title: isUndefined ? 'Define Place' : 'Clear Place' }).show(); self.$addPlaceButton.options({ disabled: self.options.mode == 'define' && !!place.matches, title: 'Remove Place' }).show(); } else { self.$placeTitle.hide(); hideForm(); self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.hide(); self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$definePlaceButton.hide(); self.$addPlaceButton.hide(); } } function selectPlace(place) { // Select place on map Ox.Log('Map', 'selectPlace', place) var isResult = !!place.id && place.id[0] == '_', isUndefined = !!self.options.selected && !self.$list.value(self.options.selected, 'type'), names; self.selectedPlace = place.id || ''; if (isResult && isUndefined) { // define undefined place self.selectedPlace = self.options.selected; place.name = self.$list.value(self.options.selected, 'name'); place.id = self.options.selected; self.$map.addPlace(place); self.$findPlaceButton.hide(); self.$placeFlag.attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname(place.geoname || '', 16) }).show(); showForm(place); editPlace([ 'geoname', 'type', 'lat', 'lng', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'area' ]); } else if (self.selectedPlace && isResult) { // select result place self.$list.options({selected: []}); self.$placeFlag.attr({ src: Ox.getFlagByGeoname(place.geoname || '', 16) }).show(); self.$placeName.options({title: place.name || ''}); self.$placeTitle.show(); showForm(place); if (self.options.hasMatches) { self.$matchesInput.value('').show(); names = Ox.filter(Ox.merge([place.name], place.alternativeNames), function(name) { return name !== ''; }); self.options.getMatches(names, function(matches) { self.$matchesInput.value(matches); }); } self.options.mode == 'define' && self.$definePlaceButton.hide(); self.$addPlaceButton.options({disabled: false, title: 'Add Place'}).show(); } else if (!self.selectedPlace && !self.options.selected) { // deselect result place self.$placeFlag.hide(); self.$placeTitle.hide(); hideForm(); self.options.hasMatches && self.$matchesInput.hide(); } else if (!self.selectedPlace && isUndefined) { // deselect triggered by selecting an undefined item, // so do nothing } else { // select or deselect existing place self.options.selected = self.selectedPlace; self.$list.options({ selected: self.options.selected ? [self.options.selected] : [] }); // FIXME: list doesn't fire select event selectItem({ids: self.$list.options('selected')}, place); } } function showForm(place) { self.$nameInput.removeClass('OxError'); self.$alternativeNamesInput.setErrors([]); self.$placeForm.values(decodeValues(place)).show(); self.$areaKmInput.value(Ox.formatArea(place.area)).show(); } function toFixed(val) { return Ox.isNumber(val) ? val.toFixed(3) : ''; } function toggleList() { var list = self.$listSelect.options('value'); list == 'names' && !self.namesLoaded ? load() : toggle(); function load() { self.options.names(function(data) { self.$namesList.options({items: data}); self.namesLoaded = true; toggle(); }); } function toggle() { self.$listPanel.replaceElement(1, self[list == 'places' ? '$list' : '$namesList']); } } function updateList(key, value) { var query = { conditions: Ox.merge( ['all', 'name'].indexOf(key) > -1 ? [{key: 'name', value: value, operator: '='}] : [], ['all', 'alternativeNames'].indexOf(key) > -1 ? [{key: 'alternativeNames', value: value, operator: '='}] : [], ['all', 'geoname'].indexOf(key) > -1 ? [{key: 'geoname', value: value, operator: '='}] : [] ), operator: key == 'all' ? '|' : '&' }; self.$list.options({ items: function(data, callback) { return pandora.api.findPlaces(Ox.extend(data, { query: query }), callback); } }); } /*@ setOption setOption @*/ self.setOption = function(key, value) { if (key == 'height') { self.$list.size(); self.$map.resizeMap(); } else if (key == 'selected') { self.$list.options({selected: value}); } else if (key == 'width') { self.$map.resizeMap(); } } /*@ focusList focusList @*/ that.focusList = function() { self.$list.gainFocus(); return that; } /*@ reloadList reloadList @*/ that.reloadList = function() { self.$list.reloadList(); return that; } /*@ resizeMap resizeMap @*/ that.resizeMap = function() { Ox.Log('Map', 'Ox.ListMap.resizeMap()') self.$map.resizeMap(); return that; }; return that; };