'use strict'; /*@ Ox.MapRectangleMarker <f> MapRectangleMarker Object (options) -> <o> MapRectangleMarker Object options <o> Options object map <o|null> map place <o|null> place position <s|''> @*/ Ox.MapRectangleMarker = function(options) { options = Ox.extend({ map: null, place: null, position: '' }, options); var that = this; Ox.forEach(options, function(val, key) { that[key] = val; }); that.markerImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage that.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ cursor: that.position + '-resize', draggable: true, icon: Ox.MapMarkerImage({ mode: 'editing', rectangle: true, type: that.place.id[0] == '_' ? 'result' : 'place' }), position: that.place.points[that.position], raiseOnDrag: false }); function dragstart(e) { that.drag = { lat: e.latLng.lat(), lng: e.latLng.lng() }; } function drag(e) { // fixme: implement shift+drag (center stays the same) Ox.Log('Map', e.pixel.x, e.pixel.y) var lat = Ox.limit(e.latLng.lat(), Ox.MIN_LATITUDE, Ox.MAX_LATITUDE), lng = e.latLng.lng(); that.drag = { lat: lat, lng: lng }; if (that.position.indexOf('s') > -1) { that.place.south = lat; } if (that.position.indexOf('n') > -1) { that.place.north = lat; } if (that.position.indexOf('w') > -1) { that.place.west = lng; } if (that.position.indexOf('e') > -1) { that.place.east = lng; } //Ox.Log('Map', 'west', that.place.west, 'east', that.place.east); //Ox.Log('Map', 'south', that.place.south, 'north', that.place.north); that.place.update(); that.place.marker.update(); that.place.rectangle.update(); } function dragend(e) { var south; if (that.place.south > that.place.north) { south = that.place.south; that.place.south = that.place.north; that.place.north = south; that.place.update(); that.place.marker.update(); that.place.rectangle.update(); } that.map.triggerEvent('changeplaceend', that.place); } /*@ add <f> add @*/ that.add = function() { that.marker.setMap(that.map.map); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'dragstart', dragstart); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'drag', drag); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'dragend', dragend); }; /*@ remove <f> remove @*/ that.remove = function() { that.marker.setMap(null); google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.marker); }; /*@ update <f> update @*/ that.update = function() { that.marker.setOptions({ icon: Ox.MapMarkerImage({ mode: 'editing', rectangle: true, type: that.place.id[0] == '_' ? 'result' : 'place' }), position: that.place.points[that.position] }); }; return that; };