// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript /*@ Ox.Dialog Dialog object () -> Dialog object (options) -> Dialog object (options, self) -> Dialog object options Options object draggable is window draggable fullscreenable fixme: silly name height height resizeable resizeable scaleable sccaleable width width self Shared private variable @*/ Ox.Dialog = function(options, self) { // fixme: use controlsTop/controlsBottom options, like in VideoPlayer (????) self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ buttons: [], controlsBottom: [], controlsTop: [], closeButton: false, content: null, fixedCenter: false, fixedSize: false, fixedRatio: false, focus: true, height: 200, keys: {}, maxHeight: Infinity, maximizeButton: false, maxWidth: Infinity, minHeight: 64, minWidth: 128, title: '', width: 400 }) .options(options || {}) .addClass('OxDialog') .bindEvent({ key_enter: function() { keypress('enter'); }, key_escape: function() { keypress('escape'); } }) .hide() .appendTo(Ox.UI.$body); self.hasButtons = !!self.options.buttons.length; self.barsHeight = 24 + 24 * self.hasButtons; self.initialMaxHeight = self.options.maxHeight; self.initialMaxWidth = self.options.maxWidth; self.titleMargin = 8 + (self.options.closeButton ? 20 : 0) + (self.options.maximizeButton ? 20 : 0); if (self.options.focus) { self.$layer = Ox.Element() // fixme: Layer widget that would handle click? .addClass('OxLayer') .mousedown(mousedownLayer) .mouseup(mouseupLayer) .hide() .appendTo(Ox.UI.$body); } self.$box = $('
') .addClass('OxDialogBox') .css({zIndex: 11}); self.$titlebar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }) .addClass('OxTitlebar') .appendTo(that); if (self.options.closeButton) { self.$closeButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'close', type: 'image' }) .css({ top: '4px', left: '4px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); } if (self.options.maximizeButton) { self.$maximizeButton = Ox.Button({ title: [ {id: 'add', title: 'add'}, {id: 'remove', title: 'remove'} ], type: 'image' }) .css({ top: '4px', left: '24px' }) .bindEvent({ click: maximize }) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); } self.$title = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxTitle') .css({ marginLeft: self.titleMargin + 'px', marginRight: self.titleMargin + 'px' }) .html(self.options.title) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); setContent(); if (self.hasButtons) { self.$buttonsbar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }) .addClass('OxButtonsbar') .appendTo(that); self.$buttonsLeft = $('
') .addClass('OxButtonsLeft') .appendTo(self.$buttonsbar.$element); self.$buttonsRight = $('
') .addClass('OxButtonsRight') .appendTo(self.$buttonsbar.$element); setButtons(); } if (!self.options.fixedCenter) { self.$titlebar.css({ cursor: 'move' }) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function() { !self.centered && center(true); }, dragstart: dragstart, drag: drag, dragend: dragend, }); self.hasButtons && self.$buttonsbar.css({ cursor: 'move' }) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function() { !self.centered && center(true); }, dragstart: dragstart, drag: drag, dragend: dragend }); } !self.options.fixedSize && [ 'TopLeft', 'Top', 'TopRight', 'Left', 'Right', 'BottomLeft', 'Bottom', 'BottomRight' ].forEach(function(edge) { Ox.Element() .addClass('OxResize OxResize' + edge) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function() { reset(true); }, dragstart: resizestart, drag: resize, dragend: resizeend }) .appendTo(that); }); function center(animate) { var ms = animate ? 100 : 0; self.centered && decenter(); that.animate({ left: Math.round( (window.innerWidth - self.options.width) / 2 ) + 'px', top: Math.round( (window.innerHeight - self.options.height - self.barsHeight) * 0.4 ) + 'px', width: self.options.width + 'px', height: self.options.height + self.barsHeight + 'px' }, ms, function() { that.css({ left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: Math.round( (window.innerHeight - self.options.height - self.barsHeight) * 0.2 ) + 'px', margin: 'auto' }); self.centered = true; Ox.isFunction(animate) && animate(); }); } function decenter() { var offset = that.offset(); if (self.centered) { that.css({ left: offset.left + 'px', top: offset.top + 'px', margin: 0 }); self.centered = false; } } function dragstart(event) { var offset; if (!$(event.target).is('.OxButton')) { offset = that.offset(); self.drag = { left: offset.left, top: offset.top, x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; decenter(); that.wrap(self.$box); } } function drag(event) { Ox.print(document.body.scrollTop, '...') var left, top; if (!$(event.target).is('.OxButton')) { left = Ox.limit( self.drag.left - self.drag.x + event.clientX, self.minLeft, self.maxLeft ); top = Ox.limit( self.drag.top - self.drag.y + event.clientY, self.minTop, self.maxTop ); setCSS({ left: left, top: top }); } } function dragend() { that.unwrap(); } function getButtonById(id) { var ret = null; Ox.forEach(self.options.buttons, function(button) { //Ox.print(button.options(), button.options('id')) if (button.options && button.options('id') == id) { ret = button; return false; } }); return ret; } function keypress(key) { var id = self.options.keys[key]; Ox.print(id, getButtonById(id)); id && getButtonById(id).$element.trigger('click'); } function maximize() { var offset = that.offset(); decenter(); if (!self.maximized) { self.originalLeft = offset.left; self.originalTop = offset.top; self.originalWidth = self.options.width; self.originalHeight = self.options.height; } setCSS(self.maximized ? { left: self.originalLeft, top: self.originalTop, width: self.originalWidth, height: self.originalHeight } : { left: Math.round((window.innerWidth - self.options.maxWidth) / 2), top: Math.round((window.innerHeight - self.options.maxHeight - self.barsHeight) / 2), width: self.options.maxWidth, height: self.options.maxHeight }, true); self.maximized = !self.maximized; } function mousedownLayer() { self.$layer.stop().animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 0); } function mouseupLayer() { self.$layer.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 0); } function reset(animate) { var offset, left, top; if (!self.centered) { offset = that.offset(); left = Ox.limit( offset.left + Math.round((self.options.width - self.initialWidth) / 2), self.minLeft, self.maxLeft ); top = Ox.limit( offset.top + Math.round((self.options.height - self.initialHeight) / 2), self.minTop, self.maxTop ); } setCSS(Ox.extend({ width: self.initialWidth, height: self.initialHeight }, self.centered ? {} : { left: left, top: top }), animate); } function resizestart(event) { var edge = event.target.className.substr(17).toLowerCase(), offset = that.offset(); self.drag = { edge: edge, height: self.options.height, isLeft: edge.indexOf('left') > -1, isTop: edge.indexOf('top') > -1, isRight: edge.indexOf('right') > -1, isBottom: edge.indexOf('bottom') > -1, left: offset.left, top: offset.top, width: self.options.width }; decenter(); if (self.maximized) { self.$maximizeButton.toggleTitle(); self.maximized = false; } that.wrap(self.$box); } function resize(event) { var ratio = self.drag.width / self.drag.height, horizontal, vertical; if (!self.drag.fixedRatio && event.shiftKey) { self.drag.centerX = Math.round(self.drag.left + self.drag.width / 2); self.drag.centerY = Math.round(self.drag.top + self.drag.height / 2); } self.drag.fixedCenter = self.options.fixedCenter || event.altKey; self.drag.fixedRatio = self.options.fixedRatio || event.shiftKey; horizontal = self.drag.edge == 'left' || self.drag.edge == 'right' || ratio >= 1 || !self.drag.fixedRatio; vertical = self.drag.edge == 'top' || self.drag.edge == 'bottom' || ratio < 1 || !self.drag.fixedRatio; if (self.drag.isLeft && horizontal) { self.options.width = Ox.limit( self.options.width + ( self.drag.left - Math.min(event.clientX, self.maxLeft) ) * (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), self.options.minWidth, self.options.maxWidth ); if (self.drag.fixedRatio) { self.options.height = Ox.limit( Math.round(self.options.width / ratio), self.options.minHeight, self.options.maxHeight ); self.options.width = Math.round(self.options.height * ratio); } setCSS(Ox.extend({ left: self.drag.left + ( self.drag.width - self.options.width ) / (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), width: self.options.width, }, self.drag.fixedRatio ? { top: Math.max(Math.round( self.drag.edge == 'topleft' ? self.drag.top + self.drag.height - self.options.height : self.drag.edge == 'bottomleft' ? self.drag.top : self.drag.centerY - self.options.height / 2 ), self.minTop), height: self.options.height } : {})); } if (self.drag.isTop && vertical) { self.options.height = Ox.limit( self.options.height + ( self.drag.top - Ox.limit(event.clientY, self.minTop, self.maxTop) ) * (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), self.options.minHeight, self.options.maxHeight ); if (self.drag.fixedRatio) { self.options.width = Ox.limit( Math.round(self.options.height * ratio), self.options.minWidth, self.options.maxWidth ); self.options.height = Math.round(self.options.width / ratio); } setCSS(Ox.extend({ top: Math.max(self.drag.top + ( self.drag.height - self.options.height ) / (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), self.minTop), height: self.options.height, }, (self.drag.fixedRatio) ? { left: Math.round( self.drag.edge == 'topleft' ? self.drag.left + self.drag.width - self.options.width : self.drag.edge == 'topright' ? self.drag.left : self.drag.centerX - self.options.width / 2 ), width: self.options.width } : {})); } if (self.drag.isRight && horizontal) { self.options.width = Ox.limit( self.options.width + ( Math.max(event.clientX, 24) - self.drag.left - self.drag.width ) * (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), self.options.minWidth, self.options.maxWidth ); if (self.drag.fixedRatio) { self.options.height = Ox.limit( Math.round(self.options.width / ratio), self.options.minHeight, self.options.maxHeight ); self.options.width = Math.round(self.options.height * ratio); } setCSS(Ox.extend({ width: self.options.width, }, self.drag.fixedCenter ? { left: self.drag.left + ( self.drag.width - self.options.width ) / 2 } : {}, self.drag.fixedRatio ? { top: Math.max(Math.round( self.drag.edge == 'topright' ? self.drag.top + self.drag.height - self.options.height : self.drag.edge == 'bottomright' ? self.drag.top : self.drag.centerY - self.options.height / 2 ), self.minTop), height: self.options.height } : {})); } if (self.drag.isBottom && vertical) { self.options.height = Ox.limit( self.options.height + ( Math.max(event.clientY, 24) - self.drag.top - self.drag.height - self.barsHeight ) * (self.drag.fixedCenter ? 2 : 1), self.options.minHeight, self.options.maxHeight ); if (self.drag.fixedRatio) { self.options.width = Ox.limit( Math.round(self.options.height * ratio), self.options.minWidth, self.options.maxWidth ); self.options.height = Math.round(self.options.width / ratio); } setCSS(Ox.extend({ height: self.options.height, }, self.drag.fixedCenter ? { top: Math.max(self.drag.top + ( self.drag.height - self.options.height ) / 2, self.minTop) } : {}, self.drag.fixedRatio && self.drag.edge == 'bottom' ? { left: Math.round( self.drag.edge == 'bottomleft' ? self.drag.left + self.drag.width - self.options.width : self.drag.edge == 'bottomright' ? self.drag.left : self.drag.centerX - self.options.width / 2 ), width: self.options.width } : {})); } var offset = that.offset(); self.drag.left = offset.left; self.drag.top = offset.top; self.drag.width = self.options.width; self.drag.height = self.options.height; self.drag.minLeft = 24 - self.options.width; self.drag.minTop = self.hasButtons ? 24 - self.options.height - self.barsHeight : 0; that.triggerEvent('resize', { width: self.options.width, height: self.options.height }); } function resizeend() { that.unwrap(); that.triggerEvent('resizeend', { width: self.options.width, height: self.options.height }); } function setButtons() { var buttonsLeft, buttonsRight, index = Ox.map(self.options.buttons, function(v, i) { return Ox.isEmpty(v) ? i : null; })[0]; if (index) { buttonsLeft = Ox.sub(self.options.buttons, 0, index); buttonsRight = Ox.sub(self.options.buttons, index + 1); } else { buttonsLeft = []; buttonsRight = self.options.buttons; } self.$buttonsLeft.empty(); buttonsLeft.forEach(function($button) { $button.addClass('OxLeft').appendTo(self.$buttonsLeft); }); self.$buttonsRight.empty(); buttonsRight.forEach(function($button) { $button.addClass('OxRight').appendTo(self.$buttonsRight); }); } function setContent() { var animate = !!self.$content isImage = !self.options.content.ox && self.options.content.is('img'); if (animate) { self.$content.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, function() { $(this).remove() // fixme: removeElement? }); self.options.content.css({ opacity: 0 }); } self.$content = (isImage ? self.options.content : Ox.Element()) .addClass('OxContent') .css(self.hasButtons ? { bottom: '24px' } : { bottom: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: '8px', borderBottomRightRadius: '8px' }) .appendTo(that.$element); !isImage && self.$content.append( self.options.content.css(self.hasButtons ? {} : { borderBottomLeftRadius: '8px', borderBottomRightRadius: '8px' }) ); animate && self.options.content.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250); } function setCSS(css, animate) { var ms = animate ? 100 : 0, offset = that.offset(), triggerEvent = (css.width && css.width != self.options.width) || (css.height && css.height != self.options.height) css = Ox.extend({ left: offset.left, top: offset.top, width: self.options.width, height: self.options.height }, css); that.animate({ left: css.left + 'px', top: css.top + 'px', width: css.width + 'px', height: css.height + self.barsHeight + 'px' }, ms, function() { self.options.width = css.width; self.options.height = css.height; self.minLeft = 24 - self.options.width; self.minTop = self.hasButtons ? 24 - self.options.height - self.barsHeight : 0; triggerEvent && that.triggerEvent('resize', { width: self.options.width, height: self.options.height }); Ox.isFunction(animate) && animate(); }); } function setMinAndMax() { var ratio, maxRatio, minRatio; self.maxLeft = window.innerWidth - 24; self.maxTop = window.innerHeight - 24; self.minLeft = 24 - self.options.width; self.minTop = self.hasButtons ? 24 - self.options.height : 0; self.options.maxHeight = Ox.limit(self.initialMaxHeight, 64, window.innerHeight - self.barsHeight); self.options.maxWidth = Ox.limit(self.initialMaxWidth, 128, window.innerWidth); if (self.options.fixedRatio) { ratio = self.options.width / self.options.height; maxRatio = self.options.maxWidth / self.options.maxHeight; minRatio = self.options.minWidth / self.options.minHeight; if (maxRatio > ratio) { self.options.maxWidth = Math.round(self.options.maxHeight * ratio); } else if (maxRatio < ratio) { self.options.maxHeight = Math.round(self.options.maxWidth / ratio); } if (minRatio > ratio) { self.options.minWidth = Math.round(self.options.minHeight * ratio); } else if (minRatio < ratio) { self.options.minHeight = Math.round(self.options.minWidth / ratio); } } Ox.print('sMM', self, window.innerHeight, maxRatio) } self.setOption = function(key, value) { if (key == 'buttons') { setButtons(); } else if (key == 'content') { setContent(); } else if (key == 'height') { setMinAndMax(); setCSS({height: value}); } else if (key == 'title') { self.$title.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 50, function() { self.$title.html(value).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 50); }); } else if (key == 'width') { setMinAndMax(); setCSS({width: value}); } }; that.close = function(callback) { that.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100, function() { //that.removeElement(); that.hide(); callback && callback(); }); if (self.maximized) { self.$maximizeButton.toggleTitle(); self.maximized = false; } if (self.options.focus) { self.$layer.hide(); that.loseFocus(); Ox.UI.$window.unbind({mouseup: mouseupLayer}); } that.triggerEvent('close'); return that; }; that.disableButton = function(id) { getButtonById(id).options({disabled: true}); return that; }; that.enableButton = function(id) { getButtonById(id).options({disabled: false}); return that; }; that.open = function() { self.initialHeight = self.options.height; self.initialWidth = self.options.width; setMinAndMax(); center(); reset(); that.css({ opacity: 0 }).show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100); if (self.options.focus) { self.$layer.show(); that.gainFocus(); Ox.UI.$window.bind({mouseup: mouseupLayer}); } Ox.UI.$window.bind({ resize: function() { var offset = that.offset(); setMinAndMax(); if (self.centered) { center(); } else { that.css({ left: Math.min(offset.left, self.maxLeft) + 'px', top: Math.min(offset.top, self.maxTop) + 'px' }); } } }); return that; }; that.setSize = function(width, height) { self.options.width = width; self.options.height = height; setMinAndMax(); if (self.maximized) { self.originalWidth = width; self.originalHeight = height; self.options.width = self.options.maxWidth; self.options.height = self.options.maxHeight; } center(true); that.triggerEvent('resize', { width: self.options.width, height: self.options.height }); }; return that; };