'use strict'; /*@ Ox.VideoEditorPlayer VideoEditorPlayer Object () -> VideoEditorPlayer Object (options) -> VideoEditorPlayer Object (options, self) -> VideoEditorPlayer Object options Options object self shared private variable @*/ Ox.VideoEditorPlayer = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ duration: 0, find: '', height: 0, points: [0, 0], position: 0, posterFrame: 0, size: 'small', subtitles: [], type: 'play', url: '', width: 0 }) .options(options || {}) .addClass('OxVideoPlayer') .css({ height: (self.options.height + 16) + 'px', width: self.options.width + 'px' }); self.controlsHeight = 16; if (self.options.type == 'play') { self.$video = Ox.VideoElement({ height: self.options.height, paused: true, points: self.options.points, position: self.options.position, url: self.options.url, width: self.options.width }) .bindEvent({ paused: paused, playing: playing }) .appendTo(that); self.video = self.$video.$element[0]; } else { self.$video = $('') .css({ height: self.options.height + 'px', width: self.options.width + 'px' }) .appendTo(that.$element) } self.$subtitle = $('
') .addClass('OxSubtitle') .appendTo(that.$element); setSubtitleSize(); self.$markerFrame = $('
') .addClass('OxMarkerFrame') .append( $('
') .addClass('OxFrame') .css({ width: Math.floor((self.options.width - self.options.height) / 2) + 'px', height: self.options.height + 'px' }) ) .append( $('
') .addClass('OxPoster') .css({ width: (self.options.height - 2) + 'px', height: (self.options.height - 2) + 'px' }) ) .append( $('
') .addClass('OxFrame') .css({ width: Math.ceil((self.options.width - self.options.height) / 2) + 'px', height: self.options.height + 'px' }) ) .hide() .appendTo(that.$element); self.$markerPoint = {}; ['in', 'out'].forEach(function(point, i) { self.$markerPoint[point] = {}; ['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(edge) { var titleCase = Ox.toTitleCase(point) + Ox.toTitleCase(edge); self.$markerPoint[point][edge] = $('') .addClass('OxMarkerPoint OxMarker' + titleCase) .attr({ src: Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/videoMarker' + titleCase + '.png' }) .hide() .appendTo(that.$element); if (self.options.points[i] == self.options.position) { self.$markerPoint[point][edge].show(); } }); }); self.$controls = Ox.Bar({ size: self.controlsHeight }) .css({ marginTop: '-2px' }) .appendTo(that); if (self.options.type == 'play') { // fixme: $buttonPlay etc. ? self.$playButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'Play', tooltip: ['Play', 'Pause'], type: 'image', values: ['play', 'pause'] }) .bindEvent('click', togglePlay) .appendTo(self.$controls); self.$playInToOutButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'PlayInToOut', title: 'PlayInToOut', tooltip: 'Play In to Out', type: 'image' }) .bindEvent('click', function() { that.playInToOut(); }) .appendTo(self.$controls); self.$muteButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'Mute', tooltip: ['Mute', 'Unmute'], type: 'image', values: ['mute', 'unmute'] }) .bindEvent('click', toggleMute) .appendTo(self.$controls); self.$sizeButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'Size', tooltip: ['Larger', 'Smaller'], type: 'image', value: self.options.size, values: [ {id: 'small', title: 'grow'}, {id: 'large', title: 'shrink'} ] }) .bindEvent('click', toggleSize) .appendTo(self.$controls); } else { self.$goToPointButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'GoTo' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type), title: 'GoTo' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type), tooltip: 'Go to ' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type) + ' Point', type: 'image' }) .bindEvent('click', goToPoint) .appendTo(self.$controls); self.$setPointButton = Ox.Button({ id: self.options.id + 'Set' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type), title: 'Set' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type), tooltip: 'Set ' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type) + ' Point', type: 'image' }) .bindEvent('click', setPoint) .appendTo(self.$controls); } self.$positionInput = Ox.TimeInput({ milliseconds: true, seconds: true, value: Ox.formatDuration(self.options.position, 3) }) .css({ float: 'right', }) .appendTo(self.$controls) // fixme: strange positioning hack self.$positionInput.css({ width: '98px' }); $.browser.mozilla && self.$positionInput.css({ marginTop: '-19px' }); self.$positionInput.children('.OxLabel').each(function(i, element) { $(this).css({ width: '22px', marginLeft: (i == 0 ? 8 : 0) + 'px', background: 'rgb(32, 32, 32)' }); }); self.$positionInput.children('div.OxInput').each(function(i) { var marginLeft = [-82, -58, -34, -10]; $(this).css({ marginLeft: marginLeft[i] + 'px' }); }); if (self.options.type == 'play') { self.$loadingIcon = Ox.LoadingIcon() .appendTo(that) .start(); self.loadingInterval = setInterval(function() { if (self.video.readyState) { clearInterval(self.loadingInterval); self.$loadingIcon.stop(); setPosition(); } }, 50); } else { setPosition(); } function getSubtitle() { var subtitle = ''; Ox.forEach(self.options.subtitles, function(v) { if (v['in'] <= self.options.position && v['out'] > self.options.position) { subtitle = v.value; Ox.break(); } }); return subtitle; } function goToPoint() { that.triggerEvent('change', { position: self.options.points[self.options.type == 'in' ? 0 : 1] }); } function paused() { self.$playButton.toggle(); } function playing(data) { self.options.position = data.position; setMarkers(); setSubtitle(); self.$positionInput.value(Ox.formatDuration(self.options.position, 3)); that.triggerEvent('playing', { position: self.options.position }); } function setHeight() { that.css({ height: (self.options.height + 16) + 'px' }); self.options.type == 'play' ? self.$video.options({ height: self.options.height }) : self.$video.css({ height: self.options.height + 'px' }); } function setMarkers() { self.options.position == self.options.posterFrame ? self.$markerFrame.show() : self.$markerFrame.hide(); Ox.forEach(self.$markerPoint, function(markers, point) { Ox.forEach(markers, function(marker) { self.options.position == self.options.points[point == 'in' ? 0 : 1] ? marker.show() : marker.hide(); }); }) } function setPoint() { var data = {}; self.options.points[self.options.type == 'in' ? 0 : 1] = self.options.position; setMarkers(); data[self.options.type] = self.options.position; that.triggerEvent('set', data); } function setPosition() { var position = Ox.limit( self.options.position - (self.options.type == 'out' ? 0.01 : 0), 0, self.options.duration - 0.01 ), url; if (self.options.type == 'play') { self.$video.position(self.options.position); } else { self.$loadingIcon && self.$loadingIcon.stop(); url = self.options.url(position); if (self.$video.attr('src') != url) { self.$loadingIcon = Ox.LoadingIcon() .appendTo(that) .start(); self.$video.attr({ src: url }) .load(self.$loadingIcon.stop); } } setMarkers(); setSubtitle(); self.$positionInput.value(Ox.formatDuration(self.options.position, 3)); } function setSubtitle() { var subtitle = getSubtitle(); if (subtitle != self.subtitle) { self.subtitle = subtitle; self.$subtitle.html( Ox.highlight(self.subtitle, self.options.find, 'Ox.Highlight') .replace(/\n/g, '
') ); } } function setSubtitleSize() { self.$subtitle.css({ bottom: parseInt(self.controlsHeight + self.options.height / 16) + 'px', width: self.options.width + 'px', fontSize: parseInt(self.options.height / 20) + 'px', WebkitTextStroke: (self.options.height / 1000) + 'px rgb(0, 0, 0)' }); } function setWidth() { that.css({ width: self.options.width + 'px' }); self.options.type == 'play' ? self.$video.options({ width: self.options.width }) : self.$video.css({ width: self.options.width + 'px' }); setSubtitleSize(); } function toggleMute() { self.$video.toggleMute(); } function togglePlay() { self.video.paused ? that.play() : that.pause(); } function toggleSize(data) { self.options.size = data.id that.triggerEvent('togglesize', { size: self.options.size }); } self.setOption = function(key, value) { if (key == 'height') { setHeight(); } else if (key == 'points') { setMarkers(); } else if (key == 'position') { setPosition(); } else if (key == 'posterFrame') { setMarkers(); } else if (key == 'width') { setWidth(); } } /*@ mute mute @*/ that.mute = function() { self.$video.mute(); return that; }; /*@ pause pause @*/ that.pause = function() { self.$video.pause(); return that; }; /*@ play play @*/ that.play = function() { self.$video.play(); return that; }; /*@ playInToOut playInToOut @*/ that.playInToOut = function() { self.$video.paused() && self.$playButton.toggle(); self.$video.playInToOut(); return that; }; /*@ toggleMute toggleMute @*/ that.toggleMute = function() { self.$muteButton.trigger('click'); return that; } /*@ togglePlay togglePlay @*/ that.togglePlay = function() { self.$playButton.trigger('click'); return that; } /*@ unmute unmute @*/ that.unmute = function() { self.$video.unmute(); return that; }; return that; };