// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js Ox.IconItem = function(options, self) { //Ox.print('IconItem', options, self) var self = self || {}, that = new Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ height: 128, id: '', info: '', size: 128, title: '', width: 128, url: '' }) .options(options || {}) $.extend(self, { fontSize: self.options.size == 64 ? 6 : 9, height: self.options.size * 1.5, lineLength: self.options.size == 64 ? 15 : 23, lines: self.options.size == 64 ? 4 : 5, url: Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/transparent.png', width: self.options.size }); self.title = formatText(self.options.title, self.lines - 1, self.lineLength); self.info = formatText(self.options.info, 5 - self.title.split('
').length, self.lineLength); that.css({ width: self.width + 'px', height: self.height + 'px' }); that.$icon = $('
') .addClass('OxIcon') .css({ top: self.options.size == 64 ? -64 : -124, width: (self.options.size + 4) + 'px', height: (self.options.size + 4) + 'px' }); that.$iconImage = $('') .addClass('OxLoading OxTarget') .attr({ src: self.url }) .css({ width: self.options.width + 'px', height: self.options.height + 'px' }) .mousedown(mousedown) .mouseenter(mouseenter) .mouseleave(mouseleave); self.options.url && that.$iconImage.one('load', load); that.$textBox = $('
') .addClass('OxText') .css({ top: (self.options.size / 2) + 'px', width: (self.options.size + 4) + 'px', height: (self.options.size == 64 ? 30 : 58) + 'px' }) that.$text = $('
') .addClass('OxTarget') .css({ fontSize: self.fontSize + 'px' }) .html( self.title + '
' + self.info + '' ) .mouseenter(mouseenter) .mouseleave(mouseleave); that.$reflection = $('
') .addClass('OxReflection') .css({ top: self.options.size + 'px', width: (self.options.size + 4) + 'px', height: (self.options.size / 2) + 'px' }); that.$reflectionImage = $('') .addClass('OxLoading') .attr({ src: self.url }) .css({ width: self.options.width + 'px', height: self.options.height + 'px', // firefox is 1px off when centering images with odd width and scaleY(-1) paddingLeft: ($.browser.mozilla && self.options.width % 2 ? 1 : 0) + 'px' }); that.$gradient = $('
') .css({ //top: (-self.options.size / 2) + 'px', width: self.options.width + 'px', height: (self.options.size / 2) + 'px' }); that.append( that.$reflection.append( that.$reflectionImage ).append( that.$gradient ) ).append( that.$textBox.append( that.$text ) ).append( that.$icon.append( that.$iconImage ) ); function formatText(text, maxLines, maxLength) { var lines = Ox.wordwrap(text, maxLength, '
', true, false).split('
'); return $.map(lines, function(line, i) { if (i < maxLines - 1) { return line; } else if (i == maxLines - 1) { return lines.length == maxLines ? line : Ox.truncate($.map(lines, function(line, i) { return i < maxLines - 1 ? null : line; }).join(' '), maxLength, '...', 'center'); } else { return null; } }).join('
'); } function load() { that.$iconImage.attr({ src: self.options.url }) .one('load', function() { that.$iconImage.removeClass('OxLoading'); that.$reflectionImage .attr({ src: self.options.url }) .removeClass('OxLoading'); }); } function mousedown(e) { // fixme: preventDefault keeps image from being draggable in safari - but also keeps the list from getting focus // e.preventDefault(); } function mouseenter() { that.addClass('OxHover'); } function mouseleave() { that.removeClass('OxHover'); } return that; };