'use strict'; /*@ Ox.get <f> Get a remote file # fixme: remote? same-origin-policy? jsonp? (url, callback) -> <u> undefined url <s> Remote URL callback <f> Callback function data <s> The contents of the remote resource @*/ Ox.get = function(url, callback) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', url, true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { callback(req.responseText); } else { throw new Error( 'Cannot get URL "' + url + '" (Status: ' + req.status + ')' ); } } }; req.send(); }; /*@ Ox.getJSON <f> Get and parse one or more remote JSON files # fixme: remote? same-origin-policy? (url, callback) -> <u> undefined url <s|[s]> One or more remote URLs callback <f> Callback function data <o> The parsed contents of the remote resource(s) For multiple URLs, keys are file names, values are contents @*/ Ox.getJSON = function(url, callback) { var urls = Ox.makeArray(url); Ox.loadAsync(urls, function(url, callback) { Ox.get(url, function(data) { var result = {}; result[url] = JSON.parse(data); callback(result); }); }, function(results) { callback(urls.length == 1 ? results[url] : results); }); } /*@ Ox.getJSONP <f> Get and parse one or more remote JSONP files (url, callback) -> <u> undefined url <s|[s]> One or more remote URLs, {callback} gets replaced with jsonp callback function name callback <f> Callback function data <o> The parsed contents of the remote resource(s) For multiple URLs, keys are file names, values are contents @*/ Ox.getJSONP = function(url, callback) { var urls = Ox.makeArray(url); Ox.loadAsync(urls, function(url, callback) { var id = 'callback' + Ox.uid(); Ox.getJSONP[id] = function(data) { delete Ox.getJSONP[id]; callback(data); } Ox.$('body').append(Ox.$('<script>').attr({ 'src': url.replace('{callback}', 'Ox.getJSONP.' + id), 'type': 'text/javascript' })); }, function(results) { callback(urls.length == 1 ? results[url] : results); }); } /*@ Ox.getJSONC <f> Get and parse a remote JSONC file JSONC is JSON with JavaScript line or block comments (url, callback) -> <u> undefined url <s> Remote URL callback <f> Callback function data <s> The parsed contents of the remote resource @*/ Ox.getJSONC = function(url, callback) { Ox.get(url, function(data) { callback(JSON.parse(Ox.minify(data))); }); }; /*@ Ox.loadFile <f> Loads a file (image, script or stylesheet) (file="script.js", callback) -> <u> undefined (file="stylesheet.css", callback) -> <u> undefined (file="image.png", callback) -> <u> undefined file <s> Local path or remote URL callback <f> Callback function image <e> DOM element (if the file is an image) @*/ Ox.loadFile = (function() { // fixme: this doesn't handle errors yet // fixme: rename to getFile? var cache = {}; return function(files, callback) { Ox.loadAsync(files, function(file, callback) { loadFile(file, function(images) { callback(images ? {file: images} : {}); }); }, callback); } function loadFile(file, callback) { var element, head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement, request, type = file.split('.').pop(), isImage = type != 'css' && type != 'js'; if (!cache[file]) { if (isImage) { element = new Image(); element.onload = addFileToCache; element.src = file; } else { if (!findFileInHead()) { element = document.createElement( type == 'css' ? 'link' : 'script' ); element[type == 'css' ? 'href' : 'src'] = file + '?' + Ox.random(1000000); element.type = type == 'css' ? 'text/css' : 'text/javascript'; if (type == 'css') { element.rel = 'stylesheet'; } if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // fixme: find a way to check if css/js have loaded in msie setTimeout(addFileToCache, 2500); } else { if (type == 'css') { waitForCSS(); } else { element.onload = addFileToCache; } } head.appendChild(element); } else { addFileToCache(); } } } else { callback(); } function addFileToCache() { if (isImage) { // for an image, save the element itself, // so that it remains in the browser cache cache[file] = element; callback(element); } else { cache[file] = true; callback(); } } function findFileInHead() { return Ox.toArray( document.getElementsByTagName(type == 'css' ? 'link' : 'script') ).map(function(element) { return element[type == 'css' ? 'href' : 'src'] == file; }).reduce(function(prev, curr) { return prev || curr; }, false); } function waitForCSS() { var error = false; try { element.sheet.cssRule; } catch (e) { error = true; setTimeout(function() { waitForCSS(); }, 25); } !error && addFileToCache(); } }; }()); /*@ Ox.loadAsync <f> Runs an asynchonous function on array elements (arr, map, callback) -> <u> undefined arr <s|a> String or array of either strings or arrays of strings Multiple strings in the same array will be processed simultaneously, but multiple arrays of strings will be processed in that order. callback <f> Callback function results <o> Results @*/ Ox.loadAsync = function(array, map, callback) { array = Ox.makeArray(array); var i = 0, n = array.length, results = {}; if (array.some(Ox.isArray)) { iterate(); } else { array.forEach(function(value) { map(value, function(result) { Ox.extend(results, result); ++i == n && callback(results); }); }); } function iterate() { Ox.loadAsync(array.shift(), function(result) { Ox.extend(results, result); array.length ? iterate() : callback(results); }); } };