'use strict'; Ox.load.Unicode = function(options, callback) { Ox.getJSON(Ox.PATH + 'Ox.Unicode/json/Ox.Unicode.json?' + Ox.VERSION, function(chars) { //@ Constants ---------------------------------------------------------- //@ Ox.UNICODE_CHARACTERS <o> Unicode characters Ox.UNICODE_CHARACTERS = chars; var byASCII = {}, byName = {}, bySection = [], byType = {}; Ox.forEach(chars, function(data, char) { if (data.ascii) { byASCII[data.ascii] = byASCII[data.ascii] || []; byASCII[data.ascii].push(char); } data.names.forEach(function(name) { byName[name] = char; }); bySection[data.section] = bySection[data.section] || []; bySection[data.section].push(char); byType[data.type] = byType[data.type] || []; byType[data.type].push(char); }); //@ Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- /*@ Ox.getCharactersByASCII <f> Returns all unicode equivalents of a given ASCII string (ascii) -> <[s]> Unicode Characters ascii <s> ASCII string > Ox.getCharactersByASCII('A').length 36 @*/ Ox.getCharactersByASCII = function(ascii) { return byASCII[ascii] || ''; }; /*@ Ox.getCharacterByName <f> Returns a character for a given unicode name (name) -> <s> Character > Ox.getCharacterByName('Skull and Crossbones') '\u2620' @*/ Ox.getCharacterByName = function(name) { return byName[name.toUpperCase()] || ''; }; /*@ Ox.getCharactersBySection <f> Returns all characters in a given section (section) -> <[s]> Characters section <s> Unicode section name > Ox.getCharactersBySection('Arabic').length 252 @*/ Ox.getCharactersBySection = function(section) { return bySection[section.toUpperCase()] || ''; }; /*@ Ox.getCharactersByType <f> Returns all characters of a given type (type) -> <[s]> Characters type <s> Unicode character type > Ox.getCharactersByType('Uppercase Latin Alphabet').join('') 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' @*/ Ox.getCharactersByType = function(type) { return byType[type.toUpperCase()] || ''; }; /*@ Ox.sortASCII <f> Sorts an array of unicode strings (arr) -> <[s]> Sorted array > Ox.sortASCII(['å', 'b', 'ç', 'd', 'é']) ['å', 'b', 'ç', 'd', 'é'] @*/ Ox.sortASCII = function(arr) { return Ox.sort(arr, function(str) { return Ox.toASCII(str); }); }; /*@ Ox.toASCII <f> Replaces a unicode string with its ASCII equivalent (unicode) -> <s> ASCII string > Ox.toASCII('Åbçdé') 'Abcde' > Ox.toASCII('\u2162 \u33a6') '3 km3' @*/ Ox.toASCII = function(str) { return Ox.map(str, function(chr) { return chars[chr].ascii || chr; }); }; callback(true); }); }