'use strict'; /*@ Ox.Fullscreen <o> Fullscreen controller bind <f> Add a fullscreen event handler event <s> Event name ('change', 'enter' or 'exit') handler <f> Event handler state <b> Fullscreen state (present in case of a 'change' event) bindOnce <f> Add a fullscreen event handler that will run only once event <s> Event name ('change', 'enter' or 'exit') handler <f> Event handler state <b> Fullscreen state (present in case of a 'change' event) enter <f> Enter fullscreen exit <f> Exit fullscreen getState <f> Get fullscreen state (true, false or undefined) toggle <f> Toggle fullscreen unbind <f> Remove a fullscreen event handler event <s> Event name ('change', 'enter' or 'exit') handler <f> Event handler @*/ Ox.Fullscreen = (function() { var documentElement = document.body, enter = document.body.requestFullscreen || document.body.mozRequestFullScreen || document.body.webkitRequestFullscreen, exit = document.exitFullscreen || document.mozCancelFullScreen || document.webkitExitFullscreen, state = 'fullscreen' in document ? 'fullscreen' : 'mozFullScreen' in document ? 'mozFullScreen' : 'webkitIsFullScreen' in document ? 'webkitIsFullScreen' : void 0, handlers = { '': {'change': [], 'enter': [], 'exit': []}, 'once': {'change': [], 'enter': [], 'exit': []} }, types = Object.keys(handlers), that = {}; [ 'fullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenchange' ].forEach(function(originalEvent) { document.addEventListener(originalEvent, change); }); function bind(event, handler, once) { var type = once ? 'once' : ''; if ( handlers[type][event] && handlers[type][event].indexOf(handler) == -1 ) { handlers[type][event].push(handler); } } function change() { var state = that.getState(), events = ['change'].concat(state ? 'enter' : 'exit'), unbind = []; types.forEach(function(type) { events.forEach(function(event) { handlers[type][event].forEach(function(handler) { event == 'change' ? handler(state) : handler(); type == 'once' && unbind.push( {event: event, handler: handler} ); }); }); }); unbind.forEach(function(value) { that.unbind(value.event, value.handler, true); }); }; function unbind(event, handler, once) { var index; [once ? ['once'] : types].forEach(function(type) { if (handlers[type][event]) { while ((index = handlers[type][event].indexOf(handler)) > -1) { handlers[type][event].splice(index, 1); } } }); } that.available = document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || false; that.bind = function(event, handler) { bind(event, handler); }; that.bindOnce = function(event, handler) { bind(event, handler, true); }; that.enter = function(element) { var element = element || document.body; if (element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } // FIXME: Why does storing the function in a variable not work? // enter && enter(); // ^ Missing `this` binding }; that.exit = function() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen() } // FIXME: Why does storing the function in a variable not work? // exit && exit(); // ^ Missing `this` binding }; that.getState = function() { return document[state]; }; that.toggle = function() { var state = that.getState(); if (state === false) { that.enter(); } else if (state === true) { that.exit(); } }; that.unbind = function(event, handler) { unbind(event, handler); }; return that; }());