'use strict'; /*@ Ox.MapRectangle <f> MapRectangle Object (options) -> <o> MapRectangle Object options <o> Options object map <o|null> map place <o|null> place @*/ Ox.MapRectangle = function(options) { options = Ox.extend({ map: null, place: null }, options); var that = this, themeData = Ox.Theme.getThemeData(); Ox.forEach(options, function(val, key) { that[key] = val; }); /*@ rectangle <f> google.maps.Rectangle @*/ that.rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({ clickable: true, bounds: that.place.bounds }); /*@ markers <a> array of markers @*/ that.markers = Ox.map(that.place.points, function(point, position) { return new Ox.MapRectangleMarker({ map: that.map, place: that.place, position: position }); }); setOptions(); function click() { if ( that.map.options('editable') && that.place.editable && !that.place.editing ) { that.place.edit(); } else if (that.map.getKey() == 'meta') { that.place.submit(); } else if (that.map.getKey() == 'shift') { that.map.zoomToPlace(); } else { that.map.panToPlace(); } } function setOptions() { var color = '#' + Ox.toHex(themeData[ that.place.editing ? 'mapPlaceEditingBorder' : 'mapPlaceSelectedBorder' ]); that.rectangle.setOptions({ bounds: that.place.bounds, fillColor: color, fillOpacity: that.place.editing ? 0.1 : 0, strokeColor: color, strokeOpacity: that.place.id[0] == '_' ? 0.5 : 1, strokeWeight: 2 }); } /*@ add <f> add @*/ that.add = function() { that.rectangle.setMap(that.map.map); google.maps.event.addListener(that.rectangle, 'click', click); return that; }; /*@ deselect <f> deselect @*/ that.deselect = function() { setOptions(); Ox.Log('Map', 'MARKERS', that.markers) Ox.forEach(that.markers, function(marker) { marker.remove(); }); return that; }; /*@ remove <f> remove @*/ that.remove = function() { that.rectangle.setMap(null); google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.rectangle); return that; } /*@ select <f> select @*/ that.select = function() { setOptions(); Ox.forEach(that.markers, function(marker) { marker.add(); }); return that; }; /*@ update <f> udpate @*/ that.update = function() { Ox.Log('Map', 'UPDATE...') setOptions(); Ox.forEach(that.markers, function(marker) { marker.update(); }); return that; } return that; };