'use strict'; /*@ Ox.ArrayEditable <f> Array Editable options <o> Options object self <o> Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.Element> Array Editable add <!> add blur <!> blur change <!> change delete <!> delete edit <!> edit insert <!> insert open <!> open selectnext <!> selectnext selectprevious <!> selectprevious selectnone <!> selectnone select <!> select submit <!> submit @*/ Ox.ArrayEditable = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ clickLink: null, editable: true, format: null, getSortValue: null, globalAttributes: [], highlight: '', highlightGroup: false, itemName: 'item', items: [], maxHeight: void 0, placeholder: '', position: -1, selected: '', separator: ',', sort: [], submitOnBlur: true, tooltipText: '', type: 'input', unformat: null, width: 256 }) .options(options || {}) .options({tooltip: tooltip}) .update({ highlight: function() { self.$items.forEach(function($item) { $item.options({highlight: self.options.highlight}) }); }, items: function() { if (self.options.selected && getSelectedPosition() == -1) { selectNone(); } renderItems(true); }, placeholder: function() { if (self.options.items.length == 0) { self.$items[0].options({ placeholder: self.options.placeholder, value: '' }); } }, selected: function() { selectItem(self.options.selected); }, sort: renderItems, width: function() { var width = self.options.width; that.css({width: width - 8 + 'px'}); // 2 x 4 px padding self.options.type == 'textarea' && self.$items.forEach(function($item) { $item.options({width: width}) }); } }) .addClass('OxArrayEditable OxArrayEditable' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.type)) .css({width: self.options.width - (self.options.type == 'input' ? 8 : 0) + 'px'}) // 2 x 4 px padding .bindEvent({ key_delete: function() { deleteItem(); }, key_enter: function() { // make sure the newline does // not end up in the textarea setTimeout(function() { that.editItem(); }, 0); }, key_escape: selectNone, key_down: self.options.type == 'input' && !Ox.contains(self.options.separator, '<br') ? selectLast : selectNext, key_left: self.options.type == 'input' && !Ox.contains(self.options.separator, '<br') ? selectPrevious : selectFirst, key_right: self.options.type == 'input' && !Ox.contains(self.options.separator, '<br') ? selectNext : selectLast, key_up: self.options.type == 'input' && !Ox.contains(self.options.separator, '<br') ? selectFirst : selectPrevious, singleclick: singleclick, touchstart: singleclick }); self.$items = []; self.editing = false; renderItems(); self.selected = getSelectedPosition(); function deleteItem(id) { // it is possible to delete an (empty-value) item // by selecting another one id = id || self.options.selected; var position = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.items, id) if (self.options.editable) { self.options.items.splice(position, 1); renderItems(); that.triggerEvent('delete', {id: id}); self.editing = false; if (self.options.selected == id) { self.selected = -1; self.options.selected = ''; } else if (self.options.selected) { self.selected = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.item, self.options.selected) } } } function doubleclick(e) { // fixme: unused var $target = $(e.target), $parent = $target.parent(); if ($parent.is('.OxEditableElement')) { that.editItem(); } else if (!$target.is('.OxInput')) { that.triggerEvent('add'); } } function getId(position) { return position > -1 ? self.options.items[position].id : ''; } function getSelectedId() { return getId(self.selected); } function getPosition(id) { return Ox.getIndexById(self.options.items, id); } function getSelectedPosition() { return getPosition(self.options.selected); } function renderItems(blur) { if (self.editing) { self.options.items[getSelectedPosition()].value = that.find(self.options.type + ':visible').val(); } that.empty(); if (self.options.items.length == 0) { self.$items = [Ox.Editable({ editable: false, placeholder: self.options.placeholder, type: self.options.type, value: '' }) .appendTo(that)]; } else { sortItems(); if (self.options.highlightGroup) { var selectedItem = Ox.getObjectById(self.options.items, self.options.selected) || {}; } self.$items = self.options.items.map(function appendItem(item, i) { if (i && self.options.type == 'input') { $('<span>') .addClass('OxSeparator') .html(self.options.separator + ' ') .appendTo(that); } return Ox.Editable({ autocomplete: self.options.autocomplete, autocompleteReplace: self.options.autocompleteReplace, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: self.options.autocompleteReplaceCorrect, autocompleteSelect: self.options.autocompleteSelect, autocompleteSelectHighlight: self.options.autocompleteSelectHighlight, autocompleteSelectMaxWidth: self.options.autocompleteSelectMaxWidth, autocompleteSelectOffset: self.options.autocompleteSelectOffset, autocompleteSelectSubmit: self.options.autocompleteSelectSubmit, autocompleteSelectUpdate: self.options.autocompleteSelectUpdate, blurred: self.editing && i == self.selected ? blur : false, clickLink: self.options.clickLink, editable: self.options.editable && item.editable, editing: self.editing && i == self.selected, format: self.options.format, globalAttributes: self.options.globalAttributes, highlight: self.options.highlight, maxHeight: self.options.maxHeight, submitOnBlur: self.options.submitOnBlur, type: self.options.type, unformat: self.options.unformat, value: item.value, width: self.options.type == 'input' ? 0 : self.options.width - 9 }) .addClass(item.id == self.options.selected ? 'OxSelected' : '') .addClass(self.options.highlightGroup && item.group == selectedItem.group ? 'OxGroup' : '') .data({id: item.id, position: i}) .bindEvent({ blur: function(data) { // fixme: remove data that.gainFocus(); that.triggerEvent('blur', { id: item.id, value: data.value }); self.blurred = true; setTimeout(function() { self.blurred = false; }, 250); }, cancel: function(data) { var id = $(this).data('id'); self.editing = false; that.gainFocus(); data.value === '' ? submitItem(id, '') : that.triggerEvent('blur', data); }, change: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('change', { id: item.id, value: data.value }); }, edit: function() { if (item.id != self.options.selected) { selectItem(item.id); } self.editing = true; that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.options({title: ''}); that.triggerEvent('edit'); }, insert: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('insert', data); }, open: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('open'); }, submit: function(data) { var id = $(this).data('id'); self.editing = false; that.gainFocus(); submitItem(id, data.value); } }) .appendTo(that); }); } //self.editing && that.editItem(blur); } function selectFirst() { if (self.selected > -1) { self.selected > 0 ? selectItem(0) : that.triggerEvent('selectprevious'); } } function toggleItem(idOrPosition) { var id, position; if (Ox.isString(idOrPosition)) { id = idOrPosition position = getPosition(id); } else { position = idOrPosition id = getId(position); } if (!Ox.isArray(self.options.selected)) { self.options.selected = [self.options.selected] } if (!Ox.isArray(self.selected)) { self.selected = [self.selected] } if (self.options.selected.includes(id)) { self.options.selected.pop(id) self.selected.pop(position) } else { self.options.selected.push(id) self.selected.push(position) } that.find('.OxSelected').removeClass('OxSelected').removeClass('OxMultiple'); that.find('.OxGroup').removeClass('OxGroup') if (self.options.selected.length == 1) { self.options.selected = self.options.selected[0] self.selected = self.selected[0] self.$items[self.selected].addClass('OxSelected'); self.options.highlightGroup && that.updateItemGroup() } else { Ox.forEach(self.selected, function(selected) { self.$items[selected].addClass('OxSelected').addClass('OxMultiple'); }) } triggerSelectEvent(); } function selectItem(idOrPosition) { if (Ox.isString(idOrPosition)) { self.options.selected = idOrPosition; self.selected = getSelectedPosition(); } else { self.selected = idOrPosition; self.options.selected = getSelectedId(); } if (/*self.options.selected == '' && */self.editing) { self.editing = false; that.blurItem(); } that.find('.OxSelected').removeClass('OxSelected'); that.find('.OxGroup').removeClass('OxGroup') if (self.selected > -1) { self.$items[self.selected].addClass('OxSelected'); self.options.highlightGroup && that.updateItemGroup() } triggerSelectEvent(); } function selectLast() { if (self.selected > -1) { self.selected < self.options.items.length - 1 ? selectItem(self.options.items.length - 1) : that.triggerEvent('selectnext'); } } function selectNext() { if (self.selected > -1) { self.selected < self.options.items.length - 1 ? selectItem(self.selected + 1) : that.triggerEvent('selectnext'); } } function selectNone() { selectItem(-1); } function selectPrevious() { if (self.selected > -1) { self.selected > 0 ? selectItem(self.selected - 1) : that.triggerEvent('selectprevious'); } } function singleclick(e) { var $target = $(e.target), $element = $target.is('.OxEditableElement') ? $target : $target.parents('.OxEditableElement'), position; if (!$target.is('.OxInput')) { if ($element.length) { position = $element.data('position'); // if clicked on an element if (position != self.selected) { if (e.shiftKey) { // add/remove item from multiple selection document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); toggleItem(position); } else { // select another item selectItem(position); } } else if (e.metaKey) { // or deselect current item selectNone(); } } else if (!self.blurred) { // otherwise, if there wasn't an active input element if (self.editing) { // blur if still in editing mode that.blurItem(); } else { // otherwise if (self.selected > -1) { // deselect selected selectNone(); } else { // or trigger event that.triggerEvent('selectnone'); } } } that.gainFocus(); } } function sortItems() { if (!Ox.isEmpty(self.options.sort)) { self.options.items = Ox.sortBy( self.options.items, self.options.sort, self.options.getSortValue ? {value: self.options.getSortValue} : {} ); self.selected = getSelectedPosition(); } } function submitItem(id, value) { var item = Ox.getObjectById(self.options.items, id); Ox.Log('AE', 'submitItem', id, item) if (value === '') { deleteItem(item.id); } else { that.triggerEvent(item.value === value ? 'blur' : 'submit', { id: item.id, value: value }); item.value = value; } } function tooltip(e) { var $target = $(e.target), $element = $target.closest('.OxEditableElement'), position = $element.data('position'), item = self.options.items[position], isLink = $target.closest('a').length, click = isLink ? 'Shift-click' : 'Click', doubleclick = isLink ? 'shift-doubleclick' : 'doubleclick'; return item === undefined || self.editing ? '' : ( self.options.tooltipText ? self.options.tooltipText(item) + '<br>' : '' ) + ( self.options.editable ? Ox._(click + ' to select') + ( item.editable ? Ox._(', ' + doubleclick + ' to edit') : '' ) : '' ); } var triggerSelectEvent = Ox.debounce(function() { that.triggerEvent('select', { id: self.options.selected }); }, true); /*@ addItem <f> addItem (position, item) -> <o> add item at position @*/ that.addItem = function(position, item) { if (self.options.editable) { self.options.items.splice(position, 0, item); renderItems(); } return that; //that.triggerEvent('add'); /* self.values = Ox.filter(values, function(value) { return value; }); self.values.push(''); renderItems(); Ox.last(self.$items).triggerEvent('doubleclick'); */ }; /*@ blurItem <f> blurItem @*/ that.blurItem = function() { /* if (self.options.selected) { self.$items[self.selected].options({editing: false}); } else { */ self.editing = false; self.$items.forEach(function($item) { $item.options({editing: false}); }); //} return that; }; /*@ editItem <f> editItem @*/ that.editItem = function() { Ox.Log('AE', 'EDIT ITEM', self.options.editable, self.options.selected); if (self.options.editable && self.options.selected) { self.editing = true; self.$items[self.selected].options({editing: true}); that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.options({title: ''}); } else if (!self.options.editable) { that.triggerEvent('open'); } return that; }; /*@ reloadItems <f> reloadItems @*/ that.reloadItems = function() { renderItems(); return that; }; /*@ removeItem <f> removeItem @*/ that.removeItem = function() { if (self.options.editable && self.options.selected) { deleteItem(); } return that; }; /* that.submitItem = function() { if (self.editing) { self.editing = false; self.$items[self.selected].options({editing: false}); } } */ that.updateItem = function(value) { if (self.options.selected) { self.$items[self.selected].options({value: value}); } }; that.updateItemGroup = function() { var group = self.selected > - 1 ? self.options.items[self.selected].group : ''; self.$items.forEach(function($item, index) { $item[ self.options.highlightGroup && group && self.options.items[index].group == group ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('OxGroup'); }); } return that; };