// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js /*@ Ox.MapMarker MapMarker Object (options) -> MapMarker Object options Options object color marker color map map place place size size @*/ Ox.MapMarker = function(options) { options = Ox.extend({ color: [255, 0, 0], map: null, place: null, size: 16 }, options); var that = this; Ox.forEach(options, function(val, key) { that[key] = val; }); that.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ raiseOnDrag: false, shape: {coords: [8, 8, 8], type: 'circle'}, title: that.place.name, //zIndex: 1000 }); setOptions(); function click() { if (!that.place.selected) { that.map.options({selected: that.place.id}); } else if (that.map.getKey() == 'meta') { that.map.options({selected: null}); } else if (that.map.getKey() == 'shift') { that.map.zoomToPlace(); } else { that.map.panToPlace(); } } function dragstart(e) { } function drag(e) { var northSouth = (that.place.north - that.place.south) / 2, lat = Ox.limit( e.latLng.lat(), Ox.MIN_LATITUDE + northSouth, Ox.MAX_LATITUDE - northSouth ), lng = e.latLng.lng(), span = Math.min( that.place.sizeEastWest * Ox.getDegreesPerMeter(lat) / 2, 179.99999999 ); degreesPerMeter = Ox.getDegreesPerMeter(lat); that.place.south += lat - that.place.lat; that.place.north += lat - that.place.lat; that.place.west = lng - span; that.place.east = lng + span; if (that.place.west < -180) { that.place.west += 360; } else if (that.place.east > 180) { that.place.east -= 360; } Ox.print('west', that.place.west, 'east', that.place.east, 'span', span); that.place.update(); that.marker.setOptions({ position: that.place.center }) that.place.rectangle.update(); } function dragend(e) { } function getMarkerImage(options, callback) { // fixme: unused options = Ox.extend({ background: [255, 0, 0], editing: false, result: false, selected: false, size: 16 }, options); var background = options.result ? [255, 255, 0] : [255, 0, 0], border = options.editing ? [128, 128, 255] : options.selected ? [255, 255, 255] : [0, 0, 0], c = Ox.canvas(options.size, options.size), image, r = options.size / 2; if (Ox.isArray(background)) { c.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + background.join(', ') + ', 0.5)'; c.context.arc(r, r, r - 2, 0, 360); c.context.fill(); renderImage(); } else { image = new Image(); image.onload = renderImage; image.src = background; } function renderImage() { //var i; if (Ox.isString(background)) { c.context.drawImage(image, 1, 1, options.size - 2, options.size - 2); /* c.imageData = c.context.getImageData(0, 0, options.size, options.size); c.data = c.imageData.data; for (i = 3; i < c.data.length; i += 1) { c.data[i] = Math.round(c.data[i] * 0.5); } c.context.putImageData(c.imageData, 0, 0); */ } c.context.beginPath(); c.context.lineWidth = 2; c.context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(' + border.join(', ') + ')'; c.context.arc(r, r, r - 1, 0, 360); c.context.stroke(); callback(new google.maps.MarkerImage( c.canvas.toDataURL(), new google.maps.Size(options.size, options.size), new google.maps.Point(0, 0), new google.maps.Point(r, r) )); } } function setOptions() { // workaround to prevent marker from appearing twice // after setting draggable from true to false (google maps bug) var fix = that.marker.getDraggable() && !that.place.editing; //Ox.print('setOptions, that.color', that.color) that.marker.setOptions({ // fixme: cursor remains pointer cursor: that.place.editing ? 'move' : 'pointer', draggable: that.place.editing, icon: Ox.MapMarkerImage({ color: that.color, mode: that.place.editing ? 'editing' : that.place.selected ? 'selected' : 'normal', size: that.size, type: that.place.id[0] == '_' ? 'result' : 'place' }), position: that.place.center }); if (fix) { that.marker.setVisible(false); setTimeout(function() { that.marker.setVisible(true); }, 0); } } /*@ add add to map () -> add to map, returns MapMarker @*/ that.add = function() { that.marker.setMap(that.map.map); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'click', click); return that; }; /*@ edit edit marker () -> edit marker, returns MapMarker @*/ that.edit = function() { setOptions(); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'dragstart', dragstart); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'drag', drag); google.maps.event.addListener(that.marker, 'dragend', dragend); return that; }; /*@ remove remove marker () -> remove marker from map, returns MapMarker @*/ that.remove = function() { that.marker.setMap(null); google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.marker); return that; }; /*@ submit submit marker () -> clear edit listeners, returns MapMarker @*/ that.submit = function() { google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.marker, 'dragstart'); google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.marker, 'drag'); google.maps.event.clearListeners(that.marker, 'dragend'); return that; } /*@ update update marker () -> update marker, returns MapMarker @*/ that.update = function() { setOptions(); return that; } return that; };