$(function() { Ox.theme("modern"); var $body = $("body"), $document = $(document), app = new Ox.App({ // requestURL: "http://blackbook.local:8000/api/" requestURL: "http://lion.oil21.org:8000/api/" }), findCondition = {}, groups = [ { conditions: [], id: "director", title: "Director" }, { conditions: [], id: "country", title: "Country" }, { conditions: [], id: "year", title: "Year" }, { conditions: [], id: "language", title: "Language" }, { conditions: [], id: "genre", title: "Genre" } ], $group = [], elements = [], rightPanelWidth = $document.width() - 256; $.each(groups, function(i, v) { var size = rightPanelWidth / 5 + (rightPanelWidth % 5 > i); $group[i] = new Ox.TextList({ columns: [ { align: "left", id: "name", operator: v.id == "year" ? "-" : "+", title: v.title, unique: true, visible: true, width: size - 40 - ($.browser.mozilla ? 16 : 12) }, { align: "right", id: "items", operator: "-", title: "#", visible: true, width: 40 } ], id: "group_" + v.id, request: function(options) { delete options.keys; app.request("find", $.extend(options, { group: v.id, query: constructQuery() }), options.callback); }, sort: [ { key: v.id == "year" ? "name" : "items", operator: "-" } ] }); elements.push({ element: $group[i], resizable: true, size: size }); }); var $groupsInnerPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ elements[1], elements[2], elements[3] ], orientation: "horizontal" }), $groupsOuterPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ elements[0], { element: $groupsInnerPanel }, elements[4] ], orientation: "horizontal" }) $list = new Ox.TextList({ columns: [ { align: "left", id: "id", operator: "+", title: "ID", unique: true, visible: true, width: 80 }, { align: "left", id: "title", operator: "+", title: "Title", visible: true, width: 160 }, { align: "left", id: "director", operator: "+", title: "Director", visible: true, width: 160 }, { align: "left", id: "country", operator: "+", title: "Country", visible: true, width: 120 }, { align: "right", id: "year", operator: "-", title: "Year", visible: true, width: 60 }, { align: "left", id: "language", operator: "+", title: "Language", visible: true, width: 120 }, { align: "right", id: "runtime", operator: "-", title: "Runtime", visible: true, width: 80 }, { align: "left", id: "genre", operator: "+", title: "Genre", visible: true, width: 120 }, { align: "right", id: "rating", operator: "-", title: "Rating", width: 80 }, { align: "right", id: "votes", operator: "-", title: "Votes", width: 80 } ], id: "list", request: function(options) { app.request("find", $.extend(options, { query: constructQuery() }), options.callback); }, sort: [ { key: "director", operator: "+" } ] }), $toolBar = Ox.Bar({ size: 24 }), $button = Ox.Button({ id: "groupsButton", value: ["Show Groups", "Hide Groups"] }).css({ float: "left", margin: "4px" }).width(80).appendTo($toolBar), $select = Ox.Select({ id: "viewSelect", items: [ { checked: true, id: "list", title: "View as List" }, { id: "icons", title: "View as Icons" }, { id: "clips", title: "View with Clips" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View with Timelines" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View with Maps" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View with Calendars" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View as Clips" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View on Map" }, { id: "timelines", title: "View on Calendar" }, ] }).css({ float: "left", margin: "4px" }).width(120).appendTo($toolBar); $input = new Ox.Input({ autocomplete: function(key, value, callback) { Ox.print("autocomplete", key, value); value === "" && Ox.print("Warning: autocomplete function should never be called with empty value"); if (key == "all") { callback(); } else { app.request("find", { keys: [key], query: { conditions: [ { key: key, value: value, operator: "~" } ], operator: "" }, sort: [ { key: key, operator: "+" } ], range: [0, 10] }, function(result) { callback($.map(result.data.items, function(v) { return v.title; })) }); } }, clear: true, highlight: true, id: "find", label: [ { id: "all", title: "Find: All" }, { id: "title", title: "Find: Title" }, { id: "director", title: "Find: Director" }, { id: "country", title: "Find: Country" }, { id: "year", title: "Find: Year" }, { id: "language", title: "Find: Language" }, { id: "writer", title: "Find: Writer" }, { id: "producer", title: "Find: Producer" }, { id: "cinematographer", title: "Find: Cinematographer" }, { id: "editor", title: "Find: Editor" }, { id: "actor", title: "Find: Actor" }, { id: "character", title: "Find: Character" }, { id: "name", title: "Find: Name" }, { id: "genre", title: "Find: Genre" }, { id: "keyword", title: "Find: Keyword" }, { id: "summary", title: "Find: Summary" }, { id: "dialog", title: "Find: Dialog" } ], labelWidth: 85 }).css({ float: "right", margin: "4px" }).width(300).appendTo($toolBar); $contentPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: $groupsOuterPanel, size: 128 }, { element: $list } ], orientation: "vertical" }), $statusBar = new Ox.Bar({ size: 16 }).attr({ id: "statusBar" }), $totals = new Ox.Element().attr({ id: "totals" }).appendTo($statusBar); $leftPanel = new Ox.Container(), $rightPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: $toolBar, size: 24 }, { element: $contentPanel }, { element: $statusBar, size: 16 } ], orientation: "vertical" }), $loadingIcon = new Ox.LoadingIcon({ size: "medium" }); $mainMenu = new Ox.MainMenu({ extras: [ $loadingIcon ], menus: [ { id: "oxdb", title: "OxDB", items: [ { id: "about", title: "About" } ] }, { id: "sort", title: "Sort", items: [ { id: "sort_movies", title: "Sort Movies by", items: [ { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "title", title: "Title"}, { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "director", title: "Director" }, { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "country", title: "Country" }, { checked: true, group: "sort_movies", id: "year", title: "Year" }, { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "language", title: "Language" }, { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "runtime", title: "Runtime" }, { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "genre", title: "Genre" }, ] }, { id: "order_movies", title: "Order Movies", items: [ { checked: false, group: "order_movies", id: "ascending", title: "Ascending"}, { checked: true, group: "order_movies", id: "descending", title: "Descending" }, ] } ] }, { id: "debug", title: "Debug", items: [ { id: "show_query", title: "Show Query" } ] } ], size: "medium" }), $mainPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: $leftPanel, size: 256 }, { element: $rightPanel } ] }), $appPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: $mainMenu, size: 20 }, { element: $mainPanel } ], orientation: "vertical" }).appendTo($body); Ox.Request.requests() && $loadingIcon.start(); Ox.Event.bind(null, "requestStart", function() { Ox.print("start") $loadingIcon.start(); }); Ox.Event.bind(null, "requestStop", function() { Ox.print("stop") $loadingIcon.stop(); }); $.each(groups, function(i, group) { Ox.Event.bind(null, "select_group_" + group.id, function(event, data) { $list.options({ request: function(options) { groups[i].conditions = $.map(data.ids, function(v) { return { key: group.id, value: v, operator: "=" }; }); Ox.print return app.request("find", $.extend(options, { query: constructQuery() }), options.callback); } }); $.each(groups, function(i_, group_) { if (i_ != i) { $group[i_].options({ request: function(options) { delete options.keys; return app.request("find", $.extend(options, { group: group_.id, query: constructQuery(group_.id) }), options.callback); } }) } }); }); }); Ox.Event.bind(null, "change_sort_movies", function(event, data) { }); Ox.Event.bind(null, "load_list", function(event, data) { Ox.print("data", data) var html = [ data.items + " movie" + (data.items != 1 ? "s" : ""), Ox.formatDuration(data.runtime, "long"), Ox.formatDuration(data.runtime, "medium"), Ox.formatDuration(data.runtime, 3, "short"), data.files + " file" + (data.files != 1 ? "s" : ""), Ox.formatDuration(data.duration, "short"), Ox.formatValue(data.size, "B"), Ox.formatValue(data.pixels, "px") ]; $totals.html(html.join(", ")); }); Ox.Event.bind(null, "sort_list", function(event, data) { }); Ox.Event.bind(null, "click_show_query", function(event, data) { var query = constructQuery(), html = "Conditions

" + $.map(query.conditions, function(v) { return v.key + " " + v.operator + " " + v.value; }).join("
") + "

Operator: " + query.operator, $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({ title: "Show Query", buttons: [ { value: "Close", click: function() { $dialog.close(); } } ] }) .append(html) .open(); }); function constructQuery(groupId) { var conditions = $.merge(!Ox.isUndefined(findCondition.query) ? [findCondition] : [], $.map(groups, function(v, i) { if (v.id != groupId) { return v.conditions; } })); /* Ox.print("conditions", conditions, "groups conditions", $.map(groups, function(v) { return v.conditions; })); */ return { conditions: conditions, operator: conditions.length ? "," : "" }; } function getGroupById(id) { // unused $.each(groups, function(i, v) { if (v.id == id) { return i; } }); return -1; } });