'use strict';
Load the UI module.
Ox.load('UI', function() {
Create a new Ox.UI widget.
Ox.IPv4Map = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element({}, self)
bookmarks: [{id: 'google.com', title: 'Google'}],
ip: '',
lookupURL: '',
tilesURL: '',
zoom: 0
.options(options || {})
.attr({id: 'map'})
Keyboard events trigger in case the element has focus.
key_a: function() {
key_comma: function() { toggleOverlay('xkcd'); },
key_control_a: function() {
key_control_shift_a: function() {
key_c: function() {
key_delete: function() {
key_dot: function() { toggleOverlay('projection'); },
key_down: function() { panBy([0, 0.5]); },
key_enter: function() { find(self.$find.options('value')); },
key_equal: function() { zoomBy(1); },
key_f: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
key_i: function() { self.$about.trigger('click'); },
key_left: function() { panBy([-0.5, 0]); },
key_m: function() { self.$toggle.trigger('click'); },
key_minus: function() { zoomBy(-1); },
key_right: function() { panBy([0.5, 0]); },
key_shift_down: function() { panBy([0, 1]) },
key_shift_equal: function() { zoomBy(2); },
key_shift_left: function() { panBy([-1, 0]) },
key_shift_minus: function() { zoomBy(-2); },
key_shift_right: function() { panBy([1, 0]) },
key_shift_up: function() { panBy([0, -1]) },
key_slash: function() { toggleOverlay('milliondollarhomepage'); },
key_up: function() { panBy([0, -0.5]); },
mousedown: function(e) {
!$(e.target).is('.OxInput') && that.gainFocus();
Ox.loop(self.maxZoom + 1, function(z) {
that.bindEvent('key_' + z, function() {
hashchange: onHashchange,
resize: onResize
self.hashchange = true;
self.mapCenter = [
Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2),
Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2)
self.maxZoom = 8;
self.path = 'U';
self.projection = {
U: [[0, 2, 3, 1], 'DUUC'],
D: [[0, 1, 3, 2], 'UDDA'],
C: [[3, 2, 0, 1], 'ACCU'],
A: [[3, 1, 0, 2], 'CAAD']
self.tileAreaInIPs = Math.pow(4, 16 - self.options.zoom);
self.tileSize = 256;
self.tileSizeInXY = Math.pow(2, 16 - self.options.zoom);
self.xy = getXYByIP(self.options.ip);
self.mapSize = Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom) * self.tileSize;
Tiles layer.
self.$tiles = Ox.Element({
tooltip: function(e) {
return $(e.target).is('.tile')
? getIPByMouseXY(e)
: '';
.attr({id: 'tiles'})
position: 'absolute',
width: self.mapSize + 'px',
height: self.mapSize + 'px'
mousewheel: onMousewheel
doubleclick: onDoubleclick,
dragstart: function(e) {
onDragstart(e, false);
drag: onDrag,
singleclick: onSingleclick,
About button.
self.$about = Ox.Button({
selectable: false,
title: 'IPv4 Map of the Internet',
width: 256
.attr({id: 'about'})
click: function() {
if (!self.text) {
Ox.get('html/about.html', function(data) {
self.text = data;
} else {
The panel inside the about dialog.
self.$panel = Ox.TabPanel({
content: {
about: Ox.Element()
.css({padding: '16px', overflowY: 'auto'})
self.$text = $('')
position: 'absolute',
width: '256px',
textAlign: 'justify'
self.$images = $('
position: 'absolute',
left: '288px',
width: '256px'
controls: self.$controlsPanel = Ox.Element()
.css({padding: '16px', overflowY: 'auto'})
tabs: [
{id: 'about', title: 'About', selected: true},
{id: 'controls', title: 'Mouse & Keyboard Controls'}
'Mouse': {
'Click': 'Pan to position / Select marker',
'shift Click': 'Add marker to selection',
'command Click': 'Add/remove marker to/from selection',
'Doubleclick': 'Zoom to position',
'Drag': 'Pan',
'Wheel': 'Zoom to position'
'Keyboard': {
'arrow_left arrow_right arrow_up arrow_down':
'Pan by half the window size',
'shift+arrow_left shift+arrow_right shift+arrow_up shift+arrow_down':
'Pan by the full window size',
'0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8': 'Set zoom level',
'- =': 'Zoom by one level',
'shift+- shift+=': 'Zoom by two levels',
'A': 'About',
'C': 'Mouse & Keyboard Controls',
'F': 'Find',
'M': 'Toggle overview map',
', . /': 'Toggle map overlay',
'return': 'Pan to selected marker',
'shift+return': 'Pan to "Me" marker',
'control+A': 'Select all markers',
'shift+control+A': 'Deselect all markers',
'delete': 'Clear selected markers',
'control+delete': 'Clear all markers'
}, function(keys, section) {
Ox.forEach(keys, function(value, key) {
key.split(' ').map(function(key) {
return key.split('+').map(function(key) {
return Ox.UI.symbols[key] || key;
}).join(' ')
About dialog.
self.$dialog = Ox.Dialog({
buttons: [
id: 'close',
title: 'Close'
click: function() {
closeButton: true,
content: self.$panel,
keys: {enter: 'close', escape: 'close'},
fixedSize: true,
height: 288,
title: 'IPv4 Map of the Internet',
width: 560 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
'png/xkcd.png', 'png/projection.png', 'png/flags.png', 'png/map.png'
].forEach(function(image) {
.attr({href: image, target: '_blank'})
.attr({src: image})
.css({width: '256px', marginBottom: '16px'})
Find element.
self.$findElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
items: [{id: '', title: 'Me'}, {}].concat(
[{}, {id: 'clear', title: 'Clear Markers'}]
overlap: 'right',
selectable: false,
title: 'map',
type: 'image'
click: function(data) {
if (data.id == 'clear') {
} else {
self.$find.options({value: data.id});
self.$find = Ox.Input({
clear: true,
placeholder: 'Find host name or IP address',
width: 240
submit: function(data) {
.attr({id: 'find'})
Zoom control.
self.$zoom = Ox.Range({
arrows: true,
min: 0,
max: 8,
size: 256,
thumbSize: 32,
thumbValue: true,
value: self.options.zoom
.attr({id: 'zoom'})
change: function(data) {
Overview map control.
self.$toggle = Ox.Button({
title: 'Show Overview Map',
width: 256
.attr({id: 'toggle'})
click: toggleWorld
Overview map.
self.$world = Ox.Element({
tooltip: function(e) {
return getWorldIP(e);
.attr({id: 'world'})
dragstart: function(e) {
onDragstart(e, true);
drag: onDrag,
singleclick: function(e) {
src: self.options.tilesURL
+ '0/'
.css({width: '256px', height: '256px'})
Position marker on overview map.
self.$point = Ox.Element()
Off-screen regions on overview map.
self.$regions = Ox.Element()
.attr({id: 'regions'})
['center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(region) {
self['$' + region] = Ox.Element()
.attr({id: region})
['topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'square'].forEach(function(region) {
self['$' + region] = Ox.Element()
.addClass('region ui')
renderMarker({host: 'Me', ip: self.options.ip});
document.location.hash && onHashchange();
Looks up a given host name or IP address.
function find(value) {
var isHost, query = '';
value = value.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '');
isHost = !isIP(value);
if (value) {
if (
isHost && value != 'localhost'
&& value.indexOf('.') == -1
) {
value += '.com';
query = '&' + (isHost ? 'host' : 'ip') + '='
+ encodeURIComponent(value);
self.$find.options({value: value});
getJSONP(self.options.lookupURL + query, function(data) {
if (isHost && !isIP(data.ip)) {
//document.location.hash = '';
} else {
data.host = value ? data.host : 'Me';
panTo(self.xy, function() {
Returns an IP address for a given mouse event.
function getIPByMouseXY(e) {
return getIPByXY(getXYByMouseXY(e));
Returns an IP address for a given number.
function getIPByN(n) {
return Ox.range(4).map(function(i) {
return (Math.floor(n / Math.pow(256, 3 - i)) % 256).toString();
Returns an IP address for given XY coordinates and zoom level.
function getIPByXY(xy, zoom) {
var n = 0, path = self.path,
z = zoom === void 0 ? self.options.zoom : zoom;
Ox.loop(8 + z, function(i) {
try {
var p2 = Math.pow(2, 7 + z - i),
p4 = Math.pow(4, 7 + z - i),
xy_ = xy.map(function(v) {
return Math.floor(v / p2);
q = self.projection[path][0].indexOf(xy_[0] + xy_[1] * 2);
} catch(e) { Ox.print('ERROR', q, path); }
n += q * p4;
xy = xy.map(function(v, i) {
return v - xy_[i] * p2;
path = self.projection[path][1][q];
return getIPByN(n * Math.pow(4, 8 - z));
Cached getJSONP method.
var getJSONP = Ox.cache(Ox.getJSONP, {async: true});
Returns a marker for a given mouse event.
function getMarker(e) {
var $target = $(e.target);
return $target.is('.marker')
? ($target.is('img') ? $target.parent() : $target)
: null;
Returns a number for a given IP address.
function getNByIP(ip) {
return ip.split('.').reduce(function(prev, curr, i) {
return prev + parseInt(curr) * Math.pow(256, 3 - i);
}, 0);
Returns overlay image CSS, taking into account that xkcd.png has a white
function getOverlayCSS(image) {
var src = $('#overlay').attr('src');
image = image || (src && src.slice(4, -4));
return image == 'xkcd' ? {
width: 24 * Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom)
+ self.mapSize + 'px',
height: 24 * Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom)
+ self.mapSize + 'px',
margin: -12 * Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom) + 'px',
} : {
width: self.mapSize + 'px',
height: self.mapSize + 'px'
Returns the IP address on the overview map for a given mouse event.
function getWorldIP(e) {
var parts = getIPByXY([
(e.clientX - window.innerWidth + 272),
(e.clientY - window.innerHeight + 304)
], 0).split('.');
return [parts[0], parts[1], 0, 0].join('.');
Returns XY coordinates for a given IP address.
function getXYByIP(ip) {
var path = self.path, x = 0, y = 0, z = self.options.zoom,
n = Math.floor(getNByIP(ip) / Math.pow(4, 8 - z));
Ox.loop(8 + z, function(i) {
var p2 = Math.pow(2, 7 + z - i),
p4 = Math.pow(4, 7 + z - i),
q = Math.floor(n / p4),
xy = self.projection[path][0][q];
x += xy % 2 * p2;
y += Math.floor(xy / 2) * p2;
n -= q * p4;
path = self.projection[path][1][q];
return [x, y];
Returns XY coordinates for a given mouse event.
function getXYByMouseXY(e) {
var mouseXY = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
return self.xy.map(function(v, i) {
return v - self.mapCenter[i] + mouseXY[i];
Tests if a given string is an IP address.
function isIP(str) {
var parts = str.split('.');
return parts.length == 4 && Ox.every(parts, function(v) {
var n = parseInt(v);
return n == v && n >= 0 && n < 256;
Handles doubleclick event.
function onDoubleclick(e) {
onMousewheel(e, 0, 0, e.shiftKey ? - 1 : 1);
Handles drag event for map and overview map.
function onDrag(e) {
var delta = [e.clientDX, e.clientDY];
setXY(self.dragstartXY.map(function(v, i) {
return Ox.limit(v - delta[i] * self.dragfactor, 0, self.mapSize - 1);
Handles dragstart event for map and overview map.
function onDragstart(e, isWorld) {
self.dragstartXY = self.xy;
self.dragfactor = isWorld ? -Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom) : 1
Handles hashchange event.
function onHashchange() {
var parts;
if (self.hashchange) {
parts = document.location.hash.substr(1).split(',');
if (parts[1] != self.options.zoom) {
self.$find.options({value: parts[0]});
Handles mousewheel event.
function onMousewheel(e, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {
var $marker = getMarker(e),
deltaZ = 0,
mouseXY = getXYByMouseXY(e);
if (!self.zooming && Math.abs(deltaY) > Math.abs(deltaX)) {
if (deltaY < 0 && self.options.zoom > 0) {
deltaZ = -1;
} else if (deltaY > 0 && self.options.zoom < self.maxZoom) {
deltaZ = 1;
if (deltaZ) {
if ($marker) {
} else {
setXY(self.xy.map(function(xy, i) {
return deltaZ == -1
? 2 * xy - mouseXY[i]
: (xy + mouseXY[i]) / 2
self.zooming = true;
setTimeout(function() {
self.zooming = false;
}, 50);
Handles window resize event.
function onResize() {
self.mapCenter = [
Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2),
Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2)
if (window.innerHeight < 352) {
if (self.$world.is(':visible')) {
self.worldWasVisible = true;
self.$toggle.options({disabled: true});
} else {
self.$toggle.options({disabled: false});
if (self.worldWasVisible) {
self.worldWasVisible = false;
Handles singleclick event.
function onSingleclick(e) {
var $marker = getMarker(e),
ip = getIPByMouseXY(e);
if ($marker) {
if (e.metaKey) {
} else {
!e.shiftKey && $('.marker').removeClass('selected');
} else {
panTo(getXYByMouseXY(e), function() {
e.shiftKey && find(ip);
Pans the map by XY.
function panBy(xy) {
panTo(xy.map(function(v, i) {
return Ox.limit(self.xy[i] + v * window[
i == 0 ? 'innerWidth' : 'innerHeight'
], 0, self.mapSize - 1);
Pans the map to XY.
function panTo(xy, callback) {
if (!self.panning) {
self.panning = true;
left: self.mapCenter[0] - self.xy[0] + 'px',
top: self.mapCenter[1] - self.xy[1] + 'px'
}, 250, function() {
self.panning = false;
callback && callback();
Renders the map.
function renderMap() {
var halfWidth, halfHeight;
//if (isIP(document.location.hash.substr(1).split(',')[0])) {
left: self.mapCenter[0] - self.xy[0] + 'px',
top: self.mapCenter[1] - self.xy[1] + 'px'
self.widthTiles = Math.floor(
window.innerWidth / self.tileSize / 2
) * 2 + 3;
self.heightTiles = Math.floor(
window.innerHeight / self.tileSize / 2
) * 2 + 3;
halfWidth = self.widthTiles / 2,
halfHeight = self.heightTiles / 2;
Ox.loop(-Math.floor(halfHeight), Math.ceil(halfHeight), function(dy) {
Ox.loop(-Math.floor(halfWidth), Math.ceil(halfWidth), function(dx) {
var xy = [
self.xy[0] + dx * self.tileSize,
self.xy[1] + dy * self.tileSize
if (
xy[0] >= 0 && xy[0] < self.mapSize
&& xy[1] >= 0 && xy[1] < self.mapSize
) {
//document.location.hash = self.options.ip + ',' + self.options.zoom;
Renders a marker.
function renderMarker(data) {
var $icon, $marker = self.$tiles.find('div[id="' + data.ip + '"]'),
src, timeout;
if (!$marker.length) {
src = data.host == 'Me'
? Ox.UI.getImageURL('symbolUser')
: 'http://' + data.host + '/favicon.ico';
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
$icon = $('
.attr({src: 'png/favicon.png'})
.css({opacity: 0})
.animate({opacity: 1}, 250);
}, 1000);
$marker = Ox.Element({
tooltip: function() {
var host = data.host, ip = $marker.attr('id');
return '' + (host || 'Me') + ''
+ (ip != host ? '
' + ip : '');
.attr({id: data.ip || self.options.ip})
left: self.xy[0] + 'px',
top: self.xy[1] + 'px',
opacity: 0
.data({host: data.host || data.ip})
.animate({opacity: 1}, 250);
$marker.$tooltip.css({textAlign: 'center'});
load: function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($icon) {
opacity: 0
}, 125, callback);
} else {
function callback() {
opacity: 1
}, $icon ? 125 : 250));
.attr({src: src})
.css({opacity: 0});
Renders a tile at a given IP address.
function renderTile(ip) {
var n = getNByIP(ip),
firstN = Math.floor(n / self.tileAreaInIPs) * self.tileAreaInIPs,
lastN = firstN + self.tileAreaInIPs - 1,
firstIP = getIPByN(firstN),
lastIP = getIPByN(lastN),
src = self.options.tilesURL + firstIP.split('.')[0] + '/'
+ firstIP + '-' + lastIP + '.png',
xy = getXYByIP(firstIP).map(function(v) {
return Math.floor(v / 256) * 256;
if (!self.$tiles.$element.find('img[src="' + src + '"]').length) {
.attr({src: src})
left: xy[0] + 'px',
top: xy[1] + 'px',
Sets the hash to a given value, or to the current IP address.
function setHash(value) {
Temporarily disable the hashchange handler
self.hashchange = false;
document.location.hash = [
value || self.options.ip, self.options.zoom
setTimeout(function() {
self.hashchange = true;
Sets IP and XY.
function setIP(ip) {
self.options.ip = ip;
self.xy = getXYByIP(ip);
Sets XY and IP.
function setXY(xy) {
self.xy = xy;
self.options.ip = getIPByXY(xy);
Toggles overlay image.
function toggleOverlay(image) {
var $overlay = $('#overlay'), src = 'png/' + image + '.png';
$overlay.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 250, function() {
if (!$('#overlay[src="' + src + '"]').length) {
.attr({id: 'overlay', src: src})
.animate({opacity: 0.5}, 250);
Toggles the overview map.
function toggleWorld() {
var action = self.$toggle.options('title').substr(0, 4);
title: (action == 'Show' ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Overview Map'
action == 'Show' && self.$world.show();
opacity: action == 'Show' ? 1 : 0
}, 250, function() {
action == 'Hide' && self.$world.hide();
Updates the overview map.
function updateWorld(animate) {
var ms = animate ? 250 : 0,
p = Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom),
width = Math.round(window.innerWidth / p),
height = Math.round(window.innerHeight / p),
left = Math.floor(256 + self.xy[0] / p - width / 2),
top = Math.floor(256 + self.xy[1] / p - height / 2);
left: Math.round(self.xy[0] / p) + 'px',
top: Math.round(self.xy[1] / p) + 'px'
}, ms);
left: left - 512 + 'px',
top: top - 512 + 'px',
width: width + 512 + 'px',
height: height + 512 + 'px'
}, ms);
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
width: width + 'px'
width: width + 'px'
var uiwidth = 256 / p + 'px',
uiheight = 16 / p + 'px',
uiradius = 8 / p + 'px',
uimargin = 256 + 16 / p + 'px',
uibottom = 256 + 48 / p + 'px';
['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(topbottom) {
['left', 'right'].forEach(function(leftright) {
var $element = self['$' + topbottom + leftright];
$element.css(topbottom, uimargin);
$element.css(leftright, uimargin);
width: uiwidth,
height: uiheight,
borderRadius: uiradius
right: uimargin,
bottom: uibottom,
width: uiwidth,
height: uiwidth
Zooms the map by Z zoom levels.
function zoomBy(z) {
zoomTo(self.options.zoom + z);
Zooms the map to zoom level Z.
function zoomTo(z) {
if (z >= 0 && z <= self.maxZoom) {
self.options.zoom = z;
self.mapSize = Math.pow(2, self.options.zoom) * self.tileSize;
self.tileSizeInXY = Math.pow(2, 16 - self.options.zoom);
self.tileAreaInIPs = Math.pow(4, 16 - self.options.zoom);
self.xy = getXYByIP(self.options.ip);
self.$zoom.options({value: self.options.zoom});
self.$tiles.$element.find('div.marker').each(function() {
var $marker = $(this), xy = getXYByIP($marker.attr('id'));
left: xy[0] + 'px',
top: xy[1] + 'px'
width: self.mapSize + 'px',
height: self.mapSize + 'px'
return that;
var URL = 'http://0x2620.org/html/ipv4map/',
lookupURL = URL + 'php/ipv4map.php?callback={callback}',
tilesURL = URL + 'png/tiles/';
Ox.getJSON('json/bookmarks.json', function(bookmarks) {
Ox.getJSONP(lookupURL, function(data) {
bookmarks: bookmarks,
ip: data.ip.indexOf(':') == -1 ? data.ip : '',
lookupURL: lookupURL,
tilesURL: tilesURL,
zoom: 4