'use strict'; /*@ Ox.VideoTimelinePlayer <f> Video Timeline Player ([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.SplitPanel> Video Timeline Player censored <!> censored follow <!> follow muted <!> muted playing <!> playing position <!> position timeline <!> timeline volume <!> volume options <o> Options self <o> Shared private variable @*/ Ox.VideoTimelinePlayer = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ censored: [], censoredIcon: '', censoredTooltip: '', cuts: [], duration: 0, find: '', followPlayer: false, getFrameURL: null, getLargeTimelineURL: null, height: 0, 'in': 0, matches: [], muted: false, out: 0, paused: false, position: 0, showMilliseconds: false, smallTimelineURL: '', subtitles: [], timeline: '', timelines: [], video: '', videoRatio: 1, volume: 1, width: 0 }) .options(options || {}) .update({ height: setHeight, paused: function() { self.options.paused = !self.options.paused; togglePaused(); }, position: setPosition, timeline: function() { self.$menuButton.checkItem(self.options.timeline); updateTimeline(); }, width: setWidth }); self.fps = 25; self.frame = self.options.position * self.fps; self.frames = self.options.duration * self.fps; self.tileWidth = 1500; self.tileHeight = 64; self.margin = 8; self.contentWidth = self.options.width - 2 * self.margin; self.contentHeight = self.options.height - 32; self.positionWidth = 48 + !!self.options.showMilliseconds * 2 + self.options.showMilliseconds * 6; self.tiles = Math.ceil(self.frames / self.tileWidth); self.videoWidth = Math.round(self.tileHeight * self.options.videoRatio); self.lines = getLines(); // may update self.contentWidth self.videoLines = getVideoLines(); self.$menubar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}); self.$menuButton = Ox.MenuButton({ items: [ {id: 'timelines', title: 'Timeline', disabled: true}, {group: 'timeline', min: 1, max: 1, items: Ox.map( self.options.timelines, function(timeline) { return Ox.extend({ checked: timeline.id == self.options.timeline }, timeline); } )}, {}, { id: 'followPlayer', title: 'Follow Player While Playing', checked: self.options.followPlayer } ], style: 'square', title: 'set', tooltip: 'Options', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var id = data.id; if (id == 'timeline') { self.options.timeline = data.checked[0].id; updateTimeline(); that.triggerEvent('timeline', { timeline: self.options.timeline }); } else if (id == 'followPlayer') { self.options.followPlayer = data.checked; if (!self.options.paused && self.options.followPlayer) { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); scrollToPosition(); } that.triggerEvent('follow', { follow: self.options.followPlayer }); } } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$scrollButton = Ox.Button({ style: 'symbol', title: 'arrowDown', tooltip: 'Scroll to Player', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right'}) .hide() .bindEvent({ click: function() { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); scrollToPosition(); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$timelinePlayer = Ox.Element() .css({overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'auto'}) .on({ mousedown: mousedown, mouseleave: mouseleave, mousemove: mousemove, scroll: scroll }) .bindEvent({ mousedown: function() { this.gainFocus(); }, key_0: toggleMuted, key_down: function() { self.options.position += self.contentWidth / self.fps; setPosition(); }, key_equal: function() { changeVolume(0.1); }, key_enter: function() { scrollToPosition(); }, key_left: function() { self.options.position -= self.videoWidth / self.fps; setPosition(); }, key_minus: function() { changeVolume(-0.1); }, key_right: function() { self.options.position += self.videoWidth / self.fps; setPosition(); }, key_shift_left: function() { self.options.position -= 1 / self.fps; setPosition(); }, key_shift_right: function() { self.options.position += 1 / self.fps; setPosition(); }, key_space: function() { togglePaused() }, key_up: function() { self.options.position -= self.contentWidth / self.fps; setPosition(); } }); self.$playerbar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}); self.$playButton = Ox.Button({ style: 'symbol', title: 'play', tooltip: 'Play', type: 'image' }) .css({ float: 'left' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { togglePaused(); } }) .appendTo(self.$playerbar); self.$muteButton = Ox.Button({ style: 'symbol', title: self.options.muted ? 'unmute' : 'mute', tooltip: self.options.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ click: toggleMuted }) .appendTo(self.$playerbar); self.$smallTimeline = getSmallTimeline().appendTo(self.$playerbar); self.$position = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxPosition') .css({ width: self.positionWidth - 4 + 'px' }) .html(formatPosition()) .on({ click: function() { if (!self.options.paused) { self.playOnSubmit = true; togglePaused(); } self.$position.hide(); self.$positionInput .value(formatPosition()) .show() .focusInput(false); } }) .appendTo(self.$playerbar); self.$positionInput = Ox.Input({ value: formatPosition(), width: self.positionWidth }) .addClass('OxPositionInput') .bindEvent({ blur: submitPositionInput, submit: submitPositionInput }) .appendTo(self.$playerbar); self.$positionInput.children('input').css({ width: (self.positionWidth - 6) + 'px', fontSize: '9px' }); self.$panel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: self.$menubar, size: 16 }, { element: self.$timelinePlayer }, { element: self.$playerbar, size: 16 } ], orientation: 'vertical' }) .addClass('OxVideoTimelinePlayer'); that.setElement(self.$panel); self.$lines = []; self.$timelines = []; self.$timeline = renderTimeline(); //setSubtitles(); Ox.loop(self.lines, function(i) { addLine(i); }); Ox.last(self.$lines).css({ height: self.tileHeight + 1.5 * self.margin + 'px' }); self.$frameBox = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: self.margin / 2 - 1 + 'px', width: self.videoWidth + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + 'px', borderTop: '1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128)', borderBottom: '1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128)', background: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' }) .appendTo(self.$timelines[self.videoLines[1]][0]); self.$frame = Ox.VideoPlayer({ censored: self.options.censored, censoredIcon: self.options.censoredIcon, censoredTooltip: self.options.censoredTooltip, duration: self.options.duration, height: self.tileHeight, position: self.options.position, scaleToFill: true, type: 'in', video: self.options.getFrameURL, width: self.videoWidth }) .bindEvent({ censored: function() { that.triggerEvent('censored'); } }) .appendTo(self.$frameBox); $('<div>') .addClass('OxFrameInterface') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, width: self.videoWidth + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + 'px' }) .appendTo(self.$frameBox); self.$videoBox = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: self.margin / 2 - 1 + 'px', width: self.videoWidth + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + 'px', borderTop: '1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128)', borderBottom: '1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128)', background: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', zIndex: 5 }) .appendTo(self.$timelines[self.videoLines[0]][0]); self.$video = Ox.VideoPlayer({ censored: self.options.censored, censoredIcon: self.options.censoredIcon, censoredTooltip: self.options.censoredTooltip, duration: self.options.duration, height: self.tileHeight, muted: self.options.muted, paused: self.options.paused, position: self.options.position, scaleToFill: true, video: self.options.video, width: self.videoWidth }) .bindEvent({ censored: function() { that.triggerEvent('censored'); }, ended: function() { togglePaused(true); }, playing: function(data) { self.options.position = data.position; setPosition(true); } }) .appendTo(self.$videoBox); $('<div>') .addClass('OxFrameInterface OxVideoInterface') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, width: self.videoWidth + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + 'px' }) .appendTo(self.$videoBox); self.$tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({ animate: false }) .css({ textAlign: 'center' }); setTimeout(function() { scrollToPosition(); }); function addLine(i) { self.$lines[i] = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: self.margin + 'px', top: self.margin / 2 + i * (self.tileHeight + self.margin) + 'px', width: self.contentWidth + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + self.margin + 'px', overflowX: 'hidden' }) .appendTo(self.$timelinePlayer); self.$timelines[i] = [ self.$timeline.clone(true) .css({ width: self.frame + self.videoWidth + 'px', marginLeft: -i * self.contentWidth + 'px' }), self.$timeline.clone(true) .css({ marginLeft: -i * self.contentWidth + self.videoWidth - 1 + 'px' }) ]; self.$lines[i] .append(self.$timelines[i][1]) .append(self.$timelines[i][0]); } function changeVolume(num) { self.options.volume = Ox.limit(self.options.volume + num, 0, 1); setVolume(); } function formatPosition(position) { position = Ox.isUndefined(position) ? self.options.position : position; return Ox.formatDuration(position, self.options.showMilliseconds); } function getLines(scrollbarIsVisible) { // Returns the number of lines var lines; if (scrollbarIsVisible) { self.contentWidth -= Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; } lines = Math.ceil( (self.frames - 1 + self.videoWidth) / self.contentWidth ); return !scrollbarIsVisible && lines * ( self.tileHeight + self.margin ) + self.margin > self.contentHeight ? getLines(true) : lines; } function getPosition(e) { return ( e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : e.clientX - $(e.target).offset().left ) / self.fps; } function getPositionScrollTop() { // Returns the target scrolltop if the player is not fully visible, // otherwise returns null var scrollTop = self.$timelinePlayer.scrollTop(), videoTop = [ self.margin + Ox.min(self.videoLines) * (self.tileHeight + self.margin), self.margin + Ox.max(self.videoLines) * (self.tileHeight + self.margin) ], offset = self.contentHeight - self.tileHeight - self.margin; return videoTop[0] < scrollTop + self.margin ? videoTop[0] - self.margin : videoTop[1] > scrollTop + offset ? videoTop[1] - offset : null; } function getSmallTimeline() { var $timeline = Ox.SmallVideoTimeline({ duration: self.options.duration, imageURL: self.options.smallTimelineURL, mode: 'player', paused: self.options.paused, position: self.options.position, showMilliseconds: self.options.showMilliseconds, width: getSmallTimelineWidth() }) .css({float: 'left'}) .css({background: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'}) .css({background: '-o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'}) .css({background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'}) .bindEvent({ position: function(data) { self.options.position = data.position; setPosition(); that.triggerEvent('position', { position: self.options.position }); } }); $timeline.children().css({marginLeft: '32px'}); $timeline.find('.OxInterface').css({marginLeft: '32px'}); return $timeline; } function getSmallTimelineWidth() { return self.options.width - 32 - self.positionWidth; } function getSubtitle(position) { var subtitle = ''; Ox.forEach(self.options.subtitles, function(v) { if (v['in'] <= position && v.out > position) { subtitle = v; Ox.Break(); } }); return subtitle; } function getVideoLine() { self.videoLine = Math.floor(getVideoFrame() / self.contentWidth); } function getVideoLines() { // Returns the lines the video is at, as an array of two line numbers. // If the video fits in one line, they're both the same, otherwise, the // line that has most of the video (and thus the player) comes first. var videoFrame = getVideoFrame(), videoLeft = videoFrame % self.contentWidth, lines = []; lines[0] = Math.floor(videoFrame / self.contentWidth); lines[1] = lines[0] + ( videoLeft + self.videoWidth > self.contentWidth ? 1 : 0 ) if (videoLeft + Math.floor(self.videoWidth / 2) > self.contentWidth) { lines.reverse(); } return lines; } function getVideoFrame() { return Math.floor(self.options.position * self.fps); } function mousedown(e) { var $target = $(e.target), isTimeline = $target.is('.OxTimelineInterface'), isVideo = $target.is('.OxFrameInterface'); if (isTimeline) { self.options.position = getPosition(e); setPosition(); if (!self.triggered) { that.triggerEvent('position', { position: self.options.position }); self.triggered = true; setTimeout(function() { self.triggered = false; }, 250); } } else if (isVideo) { togglePaused(); } } function mouseleave() { self.$tooltip.hide(); } function mousemove(e) { var $target = $(e.target), isTimeline = $target.is('.OxTimelineInterface'), isVideo = $target.is('.OxFrameInterface'), position, subtitle; if (isTimeline || isVideo) { position = isTimeline ? getPosition(e) : self.options.position; subtitle = getSubtitle(position); self.$tooltip.options({ title: ( subtitle ? '<span class=\'OxBright\'>' + Ox.highlight( subtitle.text, self.options.find, 'OxHighlight' ).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') + '</span><br/>' : '' ) + Ox.formatDuration(position, 3) }) .show(e.clientX, e.clientY); } else { self.$tooltip.hide(); } } function renderTimeline() { var $timeline = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: self.frames + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + self.margin + 'px', overflow: 'hidden' }); Ox.loop(self.tiles, function(i) { $('<img>') .attr({ src: self.options.getLargeTimelineURL(self.options.timeline, i) }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: i * self.tileWidth + 'px', top: self.margin / 2 + 'px' }) .data({index: i}) .appendTo($timeline); }); $('<div>') .addClass('OxTimelineInterface') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: self.margin / 2 + 'px', width: self.frames + 'px', height: self.tileHeight + 'px' }) .appendTo($timeline); return $timeline; } function scroll() { updateScrollButton(); if (!self.options.paused && self.options.followPlayer) { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); self.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() { scrollToPosition(); self.scrollTimeout = 0; }, 2500); } } function scrollToPosition() { var positionScrollTop = getPositionScrollTop(); positionScrollTop && self.$timelinePlayer.stop().animate({ scrollTop: positionScrollTop }, 250, function() { self.$scrollButton.hide(); }); } function setHeight() { self.contentHeight = self.options.height - 32; if (!self.options.paused && self.options.followPlayer) { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); scrollToPosition(); } } function setPosition(fromVideo) { var isPlaying = !self.options.paused, max, min, videoLines, videoLines_; self.options.position = Ox.limit(self.options.position, 0, self.options.duration); self.frame = Math.floor(self.options.position * self.fps); videoLines = getVideoLines(); // current and previous video lines videoLines_ = Ox.flatten([self.videoLines, videoLines]); min = Ox.min(videoLines_); max = Ox.max(videoLines_); Ox.loop(min, max + 1, function(i) { self.$timelines[i][0].css({ width: self.frame + self.videoWidth + 'px' }); }); if (videoLines[1] != self.videoLines[1]) { // move frame to new line self.$frameBox.detach().appendTo(self.$timelines[videoLines[1]][0]); } if (videoLines[0] != self.videoLines[0]) { // move video to new line isPlaying && self.$video.togglePaused(); self.$videoBox.detach().appendTo(self.$timelines[videoLines[0]][0]); isPlaying && self.$video.togglePaused(); } if (videoLines[0] != videoLines[1]) { // if the player spans two lines, update the frame // (but only once per second if the video is playing) self.$frame.options({ position: self.paused ? self.options.position : Math.floor(self.options.position) }); } if ( fromVideo && !self.scrollTimeout && videoLines[1] != self.videoLines[1] && videoLines[1] > videoLines[0] ) { // if the video is moving, the user has not scrolled away // and the video has reached a line break, then either // follow the video or update the scroll button self.videoLines = videoLines; self.options.followPlayer ? scrollToPosition() : updateScrollButton(); } else { self.videoLines = videoLines; } if (!fromVideo) { self.$video.options({position: self.options.position}); self.$frame.options({position: self.options.position}); scrollToPosition(); } self.$smallTimeline.options({position: self.options.position}); self.$position.html(formatPosition()); that.triggerEvent(fromVideo ? 'playing' : 'position', { position: self.options.position }); } function setSubtitles() { self.$timeline.find('.OxSubtitle').remove(); self.$subtitles = []; self.options.subtitles.forEach(function(subtitle, i) { var found = self.options.find && subtitle.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(self.options.find.toLowerCase()) > -1; self.$subtitles[i] = $('<div>') .addClass('OxSubtitle' + (found ? ' OxHighlight' : '')) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: (subtitle['in'] * self.fps) + 'px', width: (((subtitle.out - subtitle['in']) * self.fps) - 2) + 'px' }) .html(Ox.highlight( subtitle.text, self.options.find, 'OxHighlight' )) .appendTo(self.$timeline); }); } function setTimeline() { self.$timelinePlayer.empty(); } function setVolume() { self.$video.options({volume: self.options.volume}); that.triggerEvent('volume', { volume: self.options.volume }); } function setWidth() { self.contentWidth = self.options.width - 2 * self.margin; self.lines = getLines(); Ox.loop(self.lines, function(i) { if (self.$lines[i]) { self.$lines[i].css({ width: self.contentWidth + 'px' }); self.$timelines[i][0].css({ marginLeft: -i * self.contentWidth + 'px' }); self.$timelines[i][1].css({ marginLeft: -i * self.contentWidth + self.videoWidth - 1 + 'px' }); } else { addLine(i); } }); while (self.$lines.length > self.lines) { self.$lines[self.$lines.length - 1].remove(); self.$lines.pop(); self.$timelines.pop(); } Ox.last(self.$lines).css({ height: self.tileHeight + 1.5 * self.margin + 'px' }); if (!self.options.paused && self.options.followPlayer) { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); scrollToPosition(); } self.$smallTimeline.options({width: getSmallTimelineWidth()}) } function submitPositionInput() { self.$positionInput.hide(); self.$position.html('').show(); self.options.position = Ox.parseDuration(self.$positionInput.value()); setPosition(); if (self.playOnSubmit) { togglePaused(); self.playOnSubmit = false; } that.triggerEvent('position', { position: self.options.position }); } function toggleMuted() { self.options.muted = !self.options.muted; self.$video.options({muted: self.options.muted}); self.$muteButton.options({ title: self.options.muted ? 'unmute' : 'mute', tooltip: self.options.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute' }); that.triggerEvent('muted', { muted: self.options.muted }); } function togglePaused(fromVideo) { self.options.paused = !self.options.paused; if (!self.options.paused && self.options.followPlayer) { self.scrollTimeout && clearTimeout(self.scrollTimeout); scrollToPosition(); } !fromVideo && self.$video.options({ paused: self.options.paused }); self.$playButton.options({ title: self.options.paused ? 'play' : 'pause' }); } function updateScrollButton() { var scrollTop = self.$timelinePlayer.scrollTop(), positionScrollTop = getPositionScrollTop(); if (positionScrollTop === null) { self.$scrollButton.hide(); } else { self.$scrollButton.options({ title: positionScrollTop < scrollTop ? 'arrowUp' : 'arrowDown' }).show(); } } function updateTimeline() { self.$timelinePlayer.find('img').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.attr({ src: self.options.getLargeTimelineURL( self.options.timeline, $this.data('index') ) }); }); } /*@ togglePaused <f> toggle paused () -> <o> toggle paused @*/ that.togglePaused = function() { togglePaused(); return that; }; return that; };