// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js /*@ Ox.Button Button Object () -> Button Object (options) -> Button Object (options, self) -> Button Object options Options object disabled disabled group is part of group id: button id overlap overlap selectable is selecatable selected is selected size button size style // can be default, checkbox, symbol, or tab title title, can be array of titles tooltip tooltip if multiple must be same number as titles type button type, text or image, (for image, title must be symbolTitle.svg must be availabe) width button width self Shared private variable click non-selectable button was clicked deselect selectable button was deselected select selectable button was selected @*/ Ox.Button = function(options, self) { var self = self || {}, that = new Ox.Element('', self) .defaults({ disabled: false, group: false, id: '', overlap: 'none', selectable: false, selected: false, size: 'medium', // fixme: 'default' or ''? style: 'default', // can be default, checkbox, symbol, or tab title: '', tooltip: '', type: 'text', width: 'auto' }) .options(options || {}) .attr({ disabled: self.options.disabled ? 'disabled' : '', type: self.options.type == 'text' ? 'button' : 'image' }) .addClass('OxButton Ox' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.size) + (self.options.disabled ? ' OxDisabled': '') + (self.options.selected ? ' OxSelected': '') + (self.options.style != 'default' ? ' Ox' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.style) : '') + (self.options.overlap != 'none' ? ' OxOverlap' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.overlap) : '')) .css(self.options.width == 'auto' ? {} : { width: (self.options.width - 14) + 'px' }) .mousedown(mousedown) .click(click); $.extend(self, Ox.isArray(self.options.title) ? { selectedTitle: Ox.setPropertyOnce(self.options.title, 'selected'), titles: self.options.title } : { selectedTitle: 0, titles: [{ id: '', title: self.options.title }] }); setTitle(self.titles[self.selectedTitle].title); if (self.options.tooltip) { self.tooltips = Ox.isArray(self.options.tooltip) ? self.options.tooltip : [self.options.tooltip]; self.$tooltip = new Ox.Tooltip({ title: self.tooltips[self.selectedTitle] }); that.mouseenter(mouseenter) .mouseleave(mouseleave); } function click() { if (!self.options.disabled) { var data = self.titles[self.selectedTitle]; if (!self.options.selectable) { that.triggerEvent('click', data); } else { //self.options.selected = !self.options.selected; //that.toggleClass('OxSelected'); if (self.options.group) { that.triggerEvent('select', data); } else { that.toggleSelected(); //that.triggerEvent('change', {selected: self.options.selected}); } } if (self.titles.length == 2) { that.toggleTitle(); } } } function mousedown(e) { if (self.options.type == 'image' && $.browser.safari) { // keep image from being draggable e.preventDefault(); } } function mouseenter(e) { self.$tooltip.show(e.clientX, e.clientY); } function mouseleave() { self.$tooltip.hide(); } function setTitle(title) { self.title = title; if (self.options.type == 'image') { that.attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImagePath( 'symbol' + title[0].toUpperCase() + title.substr(1) + '.svg' ) }); } else { that.val(title); } } self.setOption = function(key, value) { if (key == 'disabled') { that.attr({ disabled: value ? 'disabled' : '' }) .toggleClass('OxDisabled'); } else if (key == 'selected') { if (value != that.hasClass('OxSelected')) { // fixme: neccessary? that.toggleClass('OxSelected'); } that.triggerEvent('change'); } else if (key == 'title') { setTitle(value); } else if (key == 'width') { that.$element.css({ width: (value - 14) + 'px' }); } } /*@ toggleDisabled () -> toggle disabled state @*/ that.toggleDisabled = function() { that.options({ disabled: !self.options.disabled }); return that; //self.options.disabled = !self.options.disabled; } /*@ toggleSelected () -> toggle selected state @*/ that.toggleSelected = function() { that.options({ selected: !self.options.selected }); return that; //self.options.selected = !self.options.selected; } /*@ toggleTitle () -> toggle through titles @*/ that.toggleTitle = function() { self.selectedTitle = 1 - self.selectedTitle; setTitle(self.titles[self.selectedTitle].title); self.$tooltip && self.$tooltip.options({ title: self.tooltips[self.selectedTitle] }); return that; } return that; };