/* In this example, we use Ox.Map to display the countries provided by Ox.COUNTRIES on a world map. */ 'use strict'; Ox.load(['UI', 'Geo'], function() { var $map = Ox.Map({ keys: ['region'], markerColor: function(place) { return Ox.getGeoColor(place.region); }, markerSize: function(place) { return place.area >= 1e13 ? 24 : place.area >= 1e12 ? 22 : place.area >= 1e11 ? 20 : place.area >= 1e10 ? 18 : place.area >= 1e9 ? 16 : place.area >= 1e8 ? 14 : place.area >= 1e7 ? 12 : place.area >= 1e6 ? 10 : 8; }, maxMarkers: Ox.COUNTRIES.length, places: Ox.COUNTRIES.map(function(country) { return Ox.extend(country, {geoname: country.name}); }), showZoombar: true }) .appendTo(Ox.$body); Ox.$window.bind({resize: $map.resizeMap}); }); /* For an example that shows more properties of Ox.COUNTRIES, see <a href="#examples/countries">here</a>. */