'use strict'; /*@ Ox.VideoAnnotationPanel VideoAnnotationPanel Object options Options object self Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> VideoAnnotationPanel Object addannotation addannotation annotationsrange annotationsrange annotationssize annotationssize annotationssort annotationssort audioTrack Two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or track name censored censored define define downloadselection downloadselection downloadvideo downloadvideo editannotation editannotation editannotation editannotation embedselection embedselection findannotations findannotations find find importannotations importannotations info info key_* key_* muted muted paused paused points points position position posterframe posterframe removeannotation removeannotation resizecalendar resizecalendar resizemap resizemap resolution resolution select select subtitles subtitles timeline timeline toggleannotations toggleannotations togglecalendar togglecalendar togglelayer togglelayer togglemap togglemap volume volume @*/ Ox.VideoAnnotationPanel = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ annotationsCalendarSize: 256, annotationsMapSize: 256, annotationsRange: 'all', annotationsSize: 256, annotationsSort: 'position', annotationsTooltip: Ox._('annotations'), audioTrack: '', autocomplete: null, censored: [], censoredIcon: '', censoredTooltip: '', clickLink: null, cuts: [], duration: 0, enableDownload: false, enableImport: false, enableExport: false, enableSetPosterFrame: false, enableSubtitles: false, find: '', fps: 25, getFrameURL: null, getLargeTimelineURL: null, getSmallTimelineURL: null, 'in': 0, itemName: {singular: 'video', plural: 'videos'}, height: 0, layers: [], loop: false, muted: false, out: 0, paused: true, playbackRate: 1, position: 0, posterFrame: 0, resolution: 0, selected: '', selectResult: false, showAnnotations: false, showAnnotationsCalendar: false, showAnnotationsMap: false, showLargeTimeline: true, showLayers: {}, showUsers: false, subtitles: [], subtitlesDefaultTrack: 'en', subtitlesLayer: null, subtitlesOffset: 0, subtitlesTrack: 'en', timeline: '', timelines: [], videoRatio: 16/9, videoSize: 'small', video: '', volume: 1, width: 0 }) .options(options || {}) .update({ height: setSizes, 'in': function() { setPoint('in', self.options['in']); }, loop: function() { self.$video.options({loop: self.options.loop}); }, out: function() { setPoint('out', self.options.out); }, paused: function() { self.$player[0].options({ paused: self.options.paused }); }, playbackRate: function() { self.$player[0].options({ playbackRate: self.options.playbackRate }); }, position: function() { setPosition(self.options.position); }, selected: function() { selectAnnotation( self.options.selected ? Ox.getObjectById(self.annotations, self.options.selected) : {id: ''} ); }, showAnnotations: function() { self.$mainPanel.toggleElement(1); }, showLayers: function() { self.$annotationPanel.options({ showLayers: Ox.clone(self.options.showLayers) }); }, timeline: function() { self.$menuButton.checkItem('timelines_' + self.options.timeline); updateTimelines(); }, volume: function() { self.$player[0].options({ volume: self.options.volume }); }, width: setSizes }) .bindEvent({ key_0: toggleMuted, key_alt_left: function() { }, key_alt_right: function() { }, key_alt_shift_left: function() { }, key_alt_shift_right: function() { }, key_b: function() { self.annotations.length && selectAnnotation( getNextAnnotation('annotation', -1) ); }, key_backslash: function() { self.annotations.length && selectAnnotation(); }, key_closebracket: function() { self.annotations.length && movePositionTo('annotation', 1); }, key_comma: function() { movePositionTo('cut', -1); }, key_control_c: function() { that.triggerEvent('copy', [{ annotation: self.options.selected, 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }]); }, key_control_shift_c: function() { that.triggerEvent('copyadd', [{ annotation: self.options.selected, 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }]); }, key_delete: function() { self.$annotationPanel.removeItem(true); }, key_dot: function() { movePositionTo('cut', 1); }, key_down: function() { movePositionBy(self.sizes.timeline[0].width); }, key_enter: function() { if (self.editing) { blurAnnotation(); } else if (isEditable()) { editAnnotation(); } }, key_equal: function() { self.$player[0].changeVolume(0.1); }, key_escape: function() { if (self.editing) { blurAnnotation(); } else if (self.options.selected) { selectAnnotation({id: ''}); } }, key_f: function() { setTimeout(function() { self.$findInput.focusInput(true); }); }, key_g: function() { self.results.length && selectAnnotation( getNextAnnotation('result', 1) ); }, key_h: showKeyboardShortcuts, key_i: function() { setPoint('in', self.options.position); }, key_k: function togglePlaybackRate() { that.options({playbackRate: self.options.playbackRate == 1 ? 2 : 1}); }, key_l: toggleLoop, key_left: function() { movePositionBy(-1 / self.options.fps); }, key_minus: function() { self.$player[0].changeVolume(-0.1); }, key_n: function() { self.annotations.length && selectAnnotation( getNextAnnotation('annotation', 1) ); }, key_o: function() { setPoint('out', self.options.position); }, key_openbracket: function() { self.annotations.length && movePositionTo('annotation', -1); }, key_p: playInToOut, key_right: function() { movePositionBy(1 / self.options.fps); }, key_shift_0: function() { movePositionBy(-self.options.position); }, key_shift_down: function() { movePositionBy(self.options.duration); }, key_shift_enter: function() { if (self.editing) { blurAnnotation(); } else if (isEditable()) { editAnnotation(); } }, key_shift_equal: function() { self.options.videoSize == 'small' && toggleSize(); }, key_shift_g: function() { self.results.length && selectAnnotation( getNextAnnotation('result', -1) ); }, key_shift_i: function() { goToPoint('in'); }, key_shift_left: function() { movePositionBy(-1); }, key_shift_minus: function() { self.options.videoSize == 'large' && toggleSize(); }, key_shift_o: function() { goToPoint('out'); }, key_shift_p: function() { setPosition(self.options.posterFrame); }, key_shift_right: function() { movePositionBy(1); }, key_shift_up: function() { movePositionBy(-self.options.position); }, key_slash: selectCut, key_space: togglePaused, key_up: function() { movePositionBy(-self.sizes.timeline[0].width); } }); self.options.subtitles = options.subtitles !== void 0 ? self.options.subtitles : parseSubtitles(); self.subtitlesTracks = Ox.sort(Ox.unique(Ox.flatten( self.options.subtitles.map(function(subtitle) { return subtitle.tracks; }) ))).map(function(track) { return { id: track, title: Ox._(track), checked: self.options.enableSubtitles && track == self.options.subtitlesTrack }; }).concat([{ id: '', title: Ox._('None'), checked: !self.options.enableSubtitles }]); if (Ox.isObject(self.options.video[0])) { self.resolutions = Ox.sort(Ox.unique( self.options.video.map(function(video) { return video.resolution; }) )).map(function(resolution) { return { id: resolution + '', title: resolution + 'p', checked: self.options.resolution == resolution }; }); self.audioTracks = Ox.sort(Ox.unique( self.options.video.map(function(video) { return video.track; }) )).map(function(track) { return { id: track, title: Ox._(track), checked: self.options.audioTrack == track }; }); } self.options.layers.forEach(function(layer, i) { that.bindEvent('key_' + (i + 1), function() { layer.editable ? addAnnotation(layer.id) : that.triggerEvent('info', {layer: layer.id}); }); }); self.$player = []; self.$timeline = []; self.annotations = getAnnotations(); self.controlsHeight = 16; self.editing = false; self.margin = 8; self.positions = getPositions(); self.results = []; self.words = getWords(); self.$editor = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxVideoAnnotationPanel OxMedia') .on({ mousedown: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); if (!$target.is('.OxPosition') && !$target.is('input')) { that.gainFocus(); } // ignore mousedown inside a focused input element if ($target.is('.OxKeyboardFocus')) { return; } // the following is needed to determine // how to handle annotation input blur if (self.editing) { self.focused = true; setTimeout(function() { // annotation folder will gain focus on blur // so we need to get focus back that.gainFocus(); self.focused = false; }, 25); } } }); self.sizes = getSizes(); ['play', 'in', 'out'].forEach(function(type, i) { self.$player[i] = Ox.VideoPlayer({ censored: self.options.censored, censoredIcon: self.options.censoredIcon, censoredTooltip: self.options.censoredTooltip, controlsBottom: type == 'play' ? ['play', 'playInToOut', 'volume', 'size', 'space', 'position'] : ['goto', 'set', 'space', 'position'], duration: self.options.duration, enableMouse: true, enablePosition: true, enableSubtitles: self.options.enableSubtitles, externalControls: true, find: self.options.find, height: self.sizes.player[i].height, id: 'player' + Ox.toTitleCase(type), 'in': self.options['in'], loop: self.options.loop, muted: self.options.muted, out: self.options.out, paused: self.options.paused, playbackRate: self.options.playbackRate, position: type == 'play' ? self.options.position : self.options[type], posterFrame: self.options.posterFrame, resolution: self.options.resolution, showMarkers: true, showMilliseconds: 3, sizeIsLarge: self.options.videoSize == 'large', subtitles: Ox.clone(self.options.subtitles, true), subtitlesDefaultTrack: self.options.subtitlesDefaultTrack, subtitlesOffset: self.options.subtitlesOffset, subtitlesTrack: self.options.subtitlesTrack, type: type, video: type == 'play' ? self.options.video : self.options.getFrameURL, volume: self.options.volume, width: self.sizes.player[i].width }) .css({ left: self.sizes.player[i].left + 'px', top: self.sizes.player[i].top + 'px' }) .bindEvent( Ox.extend({ censored: function() { that.triggerEvent('censored'); } }, type == 'play' ? { loop: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('loop', data); }, muted: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('muted', data); }, paused: function(data) { self.options.paused = data.paused; that.triggerEvent('paused', data); }, playing: function(data) { setPosition(data.position, true); }, position: function(data) { setPosition(data.position); }, positioning: function(data) { setPosition(data.position, false, true); }, resolution: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('resolution', data); }, size: function() { toggleSize(); }, submit: function() { that.gainFocus(); }, subtitles: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('subtitles', data); }, volume: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('volume', data); } } : { gotopoint: function() { goToPoint(type); }, position: function(data) { setPoint(type, data.position); }, setpoint: function() { setPoint(type, self.options.position); } }) ) .appendTo(self.$editor); }); self.$timeline[0] = Ox.LargeVideoTimeline({ cuts: self.options.cuts, duration: self.options.duration, find: self.options.find, getImageURL: self.options.getLargeTimelineURL, id: 'timelineLarge', 'in': self.options['in'], //matches: self.options.matches, out: self.options.out, position: self.options.position, subtitles: getSubtitles(), type: self.options.timeline, width: self.sizes.timeline[0].width }) .css({ left: self.sizes.timeline[0].left + 'px', top: self.sizes.timeline[0].top + 'px' }) .bindEvent({ position: function(data) { setPosition(data.position); }, positioning: function(data) { setPosition(data.position, false, true); } }) .appendTo(self.$editor); self.$timeline[1] = Ox.BlockVideoTimeline({ cuts: self.options.cuts, duration: self.options.duration, find: self.options.find, getImageURL: self.options.getSmallTimelineURL, id: 'timelineSmall', 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out, position: self.options.position, results: find(self.options.find), showPointMarkers: true, state: self.options.selected ? 'selected' : 'default', subtitles: getSubtitles(), type: self.options.timeline, videoId: self.options.videoId, width: self.sizes.timeline[1].width }) .css({ left: self.sizes.timeline[1].left + 'px', top: self.sizes.timeline[1].top + 'px' }) .bindEvent({ edit: function() { if (isEditable() && !self.editing) { editAnnotation(); } }, position: function(data) { setPosition(data.position); }, select: function() { selectAnnotation(void 0, true); } }) .appendTo(self.$editor); self.$menubar = Ox.Bar({ size: 16 }) .addClass('OxVideoPlayer') .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function(e) { if ($(e.target).is('.OxBar')) { self.$editor.animate({scrollTop: 0}, 250); } } }); self.$keyboardShortcuts = $('
').css({margin: '16px'}); [ {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.space, action: Ox._('Play/Pause')}, {key: 'P', action: Ox._('Play In to Out')}, {key: 'K', action: Ox._('Toggle Playback Speed')}, {key: 'L', action: Ox._('Loop')}, {key: '0', action: Ox._('Mute/Unmute')}, {key: '-', action: Ox._('Turn Volume Down')}, {key: '+', action: Ox._('Turn Volume Up')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + '-', action: Ox._('Small Player')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + '+', action: Ox._('Large Player')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_left, action: Ox._('Go One Frame Back')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_right, action: Ox._('Go One Frame Forward')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_left, action: Ox._('Go One Second Back')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_right, action: Ox._('Go One Second Forward')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_up, action: Ox._('Go One Line Up')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_down, action: Ox._('Go One Line Down')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_up, action: Ox._('Go to First Frame')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + Ox.SYMBOLS.arrow_down, action: Ox._('Go to Last Frame')}, {key: 'I', action: Ox._('Set In Point')}, {key: 'O', action: Ox._('Set Out Point')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + 'I', action: Ox._('Go to In Point')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + 'O', action: Ox._('Go to Out Point')}, {key: '[', action: Ox._('Go to Previous Annotation')}, {key: ']', action: Ox._('Go to Next Annotation')}, {key: '\\', action: Ox._('Select Current Annotation')}, {key: 'B', action: Ox._('Select Previous Annotation')}, {key: 'N', action: Ox._('Select Next Annotation')}, {key: '<', action: Ox._('Go to Previous Cut')}, {key: '>', action: Ox._('Go to Next Cut')}, {key: '/', action: Ox._('Select Current Cut')}, {key: 'F', action: Ox._('Find')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + 'G', action: Ox._('Go to Previous Result')}, {key: 'G', action: Ox._('Go to Next Result')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS['return'], action: Ox._('Edit/Submit')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.escape, action: Ox._('Cancel/Deselect')}, {key: Ox.SYMBOLS.delete, action: Ox._('Delete')} ].concat( Ox.filter(self.options.layers.slice(0, 9).map(function(layer, i) { return layer.editable ? {key: i + 1, action: Ox._('Add {0}', [layer.item])} : null; })) ).forEach(function(shortcut) { self.$keyboardShortcuts.append( $('
').css({display: 'table-row'}) .append( $('
').css({ display: 'table-cell', height: '16px', paddingRight: '16px', //fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'right' }) .html(shortcut.key) ) .append( $('
').css({display: 'table-cell'}) .html(shortcut.action) ) ); }); self.$menuButton = Ox.MenuButton({ items: [].concat( [ {id: 'size', title: Ox._('Large Player'), checked: self.options.videoSize == 'large'}, {id: 'loop', title: Ox._('Loop'), checked: self.options.loop, keyboard: 'l'}, {}, {id: 'resolutions', title: Ox._('Resolution'), items: [ {group: 'resolution', min: 1, max: 1, items: self.resolutions} ]} ], self.audioTracks.length > 1 ? [ {id: 'audioTracks', title: Ox._('Audio'), items: [ {group: 'audioTrack', min: 1, max: 1, items: self.audioTracks} ]} ] : [], self.options.subtitles.length ? [ {id: 'subtitlesTracks', title: Ox._('Subtitles'), items: [ {group: 'subtitlesTrack', min: 1, max: 1, items: self.subtitlesTracks} ]} ] : [], [ {id: 'timelines', title: Ox._('Timeline'), items: [ {group: 'timeline', min: 1, max: 1, items: Ox.map( self.options.timelines, function(timeline) { return Ox.extend({ checked: timeline.id == self.options.timeline }, timeline); } )} ]}, {}, {id: 'gotoPosterFrame', title: Ox._('Go to Poster Frame'), keyboard: 'shift p'}, {id: 'setPosterFrame', title: Ox._('Set Poster Frame'), disabled: !self.options.enableSetPosterFrame}, {}, {id: 'downloadVideo', title: Ox._('Download Video...'), disabled: !self.options.enableDownload }, {id: 'downloadSelection', title: Ox._('Download Selection...'), disabled: !self.options.enableDownload}, {id: 'embedSelection', title: Ox._('Embed Selection...')}, {id: 'linkToSelection', title: Ox._('Link to Selection...')}, {}, {id: 'keyboard', title: Ox._('Keyboard Shortcuts...'), keyboard: 'h'} ] ), style: 'square', title: 'set', tooltip: Ox._('Options'), type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ click: function(data) { var id = data.id; if (id == 'gotoPosterFrame') { setPosition(self.options.posterFrame); } else if (id == 'setPosterFrame') { self.options.posterFrame = self.options.position; self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options('posterFrame', self.options.posterFrame); }); that.triggerEvent('posterframe', { position: self.options.posterFrame }); } else if (id == 'downloadVideo') { that.triggerEvent('downloadvideo'); } else if (id == 'downloadSelection') { that.triggerEvent('downloadselection', { 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }); } else if (id == 'embedSelection') { that.triggerEvent('embedselection', { 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }); } else if (id == 'linkToSelection') { that.triggerEvent('linktoselection', { 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }); } else if (id == 'keyboard') { showKeyboardShortcuts(); } }, change: function(data) { var enableSubtitles, id = data.id; if (id == 'size') { toggleSize(); } else if (id == 'loop') { toggleLoop(); } else if (id == 'resolution') { self.options.resolution = parseInt(data.checked[0].id, 10); self.$player[0].options({resolution: self.options.resolution}); } else if (id == 'audioTrack') { self.options.audioTrack = data.checked[0].id; self.$player[0].options({audioTrack: self.options.audioTrack}); } else if (id == 'subtitlesTrack') { enableSubtitles = !!data.checked[0].id; if (enableSubtitles != self.options.enableSubtitles) { that.triggerEvent('subtitles', {subtitles: enableSubtitles}); } self.options.subtitlesTrack = data.checked[0].id; setSubtitlesTrack(); // will set self.options.enableSubtitles } else if (id == 'timeline') { self.options.timeline = data.checked[0].id; updateTimelines(); that.triggerEvent('timeline', { timeline: self.options.timeline }); } }, hide: function() { that.gainFocus(); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$clearButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: self.options.find === '', style: 'symbol', title: 'close', tooltip: Ox._('Clear'), type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { self.$findInput.clearInput(); submitFindInput(''); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$findInput = Ox.Input({ autocomplete: self.words.map(function(word) { return word.value; }), autocompleteReplace: false, autocompleteSelect: true, autocompleteSelectHighlight: true, autocompleteSelectMax: 10, autocompleteSelectSubmit: true, changeOnKeypress: true, placeholder: Ox._('Find...'), value: self.options.find, width: 128 }) .css({float: 'right', background: 'transparent'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { submitFindInput(data.value, false); }, submit: function(data) { submitFindInput(data.value, true); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$nextButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: true, style: 'symbol', title: 'arrowRight', tooltip: Ox._('Next Result'), type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { selectAnnotation(getNextAnnotation('result', 1)); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$previousButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: true, style: 'symbol', title: 'arrowLeft', tooltip: Ox._('Previous Result'), type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { selectAnnotation(getNextAnnotation('result', -1)); } }) .appendTo(self.$menubar); self.$results = $('
') .css({float: 'right', width: '36px', padding: '2px 4px 0 0', fontSize: '9px', textAlign: 'right', cursor: 'default', opacity: 0.25}) .html('0') .appendTo(self.$menubar.$element); self.$annotationPanel = Ox.AnnotationPanel({ autocomplete: self.options.autocomplete, calendarSize: self.options.annotationsCalendarSize, clickLink: self.options.clickLink, editable: true, enableExport: self.options.enableExport, enableImport: self.options.enableImport, highlight: self.options.find, 'in': self.options['in'], itemName: self.options.itemName, layers: self.options.layers, mapSize: self.options.annotationsMapSize, out: self.options.out, position: self.options.position, range: self.options.annotationsRange, selected: self.options.selected, showCalendar: self.options.showAnnotationsCalendar, showLayers: Ox.clone(self.options.showLayers), showMap: self.options.showAnnotationsMap, showUsers: self.options.showUsers, sort: self.options.annotationsSort, width: self.options.annotationsSize }) .bindEvent({ add: function(data) { addAnnotation(data.layer); }, annotationsrange: function(data) { self.options.annotationsRange = data.range; that.triggerEvent('annotationsrange', data); }, annotationssort: function(data) { self.options.annotationsSort = data.sort; that.triggerEvent('annotationssort', data); }, blur: function(data) { // Only blur if the video editor did not receive the click, // no dialog is open, and no menu was visible if ( !self.focused && !$('.OxDialogLayer').length && !$('.OxMenuLayer').length ) { blurAnnotation(); } }, change: function(data) { if (data.layer == self.options.subtitlesLayer) { updateSubtitles(); } that.triggerEvent('editannotation', data); }, define: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('define', data); }, edit: function(data) { updateWords('remove'); self.editing = true; setTimelineState(); }, exportannotations: function() { that.triggerEvent('exportannotations'); }, find: function(data) { self.$findInput.options({value: data.value}); submitFindInput(data.value, true); }, findannotations: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('findannotations', data); }, focus: that.gainFocus, importannotations: function() { that.triggerEvent('importannotations'); }, info: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('info', data); }, open: function() { setPosition(self.options['in']); }, remove: removeAnnotation, resize: resizeAnnotations, resizeend: resizeendAnnotations, resizecalendar: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('resizecalendar', data); }, resizemap: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('resizemap', data); }, select: function(data) { selectAnnotation(data, true); }, showentityinfo: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('showentityinfo', data); }, submit: submitAnnotation, toggle: toggleAnnotations, togglecalendar: function(data) { self.options.showAnnotationsCalendar = !data.collapsed; that.triggerEvent('togglecalendar', data); }, togglelayer: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('togglelayer', { collapsed: data.collapsed, layer: data.layer }); }, togglemap: function(data) { self.options.showAnnotationsMap = !data.collapsed; that.triggerEvent('togglemap', data); } }); [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'b', 'backslash', 'closebracket', 'comma', 'dot', 'equal', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'minus', 'n', 'o', 'openbracket', 'p', 'shift_0', 'shift_equal', 'shift_g', 'shift_i', 'shift_minus', 'shift_o', 'slash', 'space' ].forEach(function(key) { key = 'key.' + key; self.$annotationPanel.bindEvent(key, function() { that.triggerEvent(key); }); }); that.setElement( self.$mainPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: self.$menubar, size: 16 }, { element: self.$editor } ], orientation: 'vertical' }) }, { collapsed: !self.options.showAnnotations, collapsible: true, element: self.$annotationPanel, resizable: true, resize: [192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512], size: self.options.annotationsSize, tooltip: self.options.annotationsTooltip } ], orientation: 'horizontal' }) ); // we need a timeout so that a chained bindEvent // actually catches the event self.options.find && self.options.selectResult && setTimeout(function() { // only submit if no annotation is selected submitFindInput(self.options.find, !self.options.selected); }); function addAnnotation(layer) { if (self.editing) { self.editing = false; setTimelineState(); self.$annotationPanel.blurItem(); } that.triggerEvent('addannotation', { 'in': self.options['in'], layer: layer, out: self.options.out, value: '' }); } function blurAnnotation() { updateWords('add'); self.editing = false; setTimelineState(); if ( self.options.annotationsRange == 'position' && ( self.options.position < self.options['in'] || self.options.position > self.options.out ) ) { setPosition(self.options['in']); } // setPosition causes a folder redraw // so blur once that's done setTimeout(self.$annotationPanel.blurItem); } function editAnnotation() { updateWords('remove'); self.editing = true; setTimelineState(); self.$annotationPanel.editItem(); } function find(query) { var results = []; if (query.length) { query = query.toLowerCase(); results = self.annotations.filter(function(annotation) { return Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(Ox.stripTags( annotation.value.toLowerCase() )).indexOf(query) > -1; }); } return results; } function getAnnotation() { // Get annotation at current position var annotations = self.annotations.filter(function(annotation) { return annotation['in'] <= self.options.position && annotation.out >= self.options.position }).sort(function(a, b) { var aValue = self.options.position - a['in'], bValue = self.options.position - b['in'], ret = 0; if (aValue < bValue) { ret = -1; } else if (aValue > bValue) { ret = 1; } else if (a.duration < b.duration) { ret = -1 } else if (a.duration > b.duration) { ret = 1; } else if (a.value < b.value) { ret = -1 } else if (a.value > b.value) { ret = 1; } return ret; }); return annotations.length ? annotations[0] : {id: ''}; } function getAnnotations() { return Ox.flatten(self.options.layers.map(function(layer) { return layer.items; })).sort(sortAnnotations); } function getAnnotationValue(annotationId) { var found = false, value; Ox.forEach(self.options.layers, function(layer, i) { Ox.forEach(layer.items, function(item) { if (item.id == annotationId) { value = item.value; found = true; return false; // break } }); if (found) { return false; // break } }); return value; } function getNextAnnotation(type, direction) { // type can be 'annotation' or 'result' var annotation, annotations = type == 'annotation' ? self.annotations : self.results, index, position; if (self.options.selected) { index = Ox.getIndexById(annotations, self.options.selected); if (index > -1 && self.options.position == annotations[index]['in']) { annotation = annotations[Ox.mod(index + direction, annotations.length)]; } } if (!annotation) { position = getNextPosition(type, direction); annotations = annotations.filter(function(annotation) { return annotation['in'] == position; }); annotation = annotations[direction == 1 ? 0 : annotations.length - 1]; } return annotation; } // fixme: why not goToNextPosition()? function getNextPosition(type, direction) { // type can be 'annotation', 'cut' or 'result' var positions; if (type == 'annotation') { positions = self.positions; } else if (type == 'cut') { positions = [0].concat(self.options.cuts, self.options.duration); } else if (type == 'result') { positions = Ox.unique(self.results.map(function(result) { return result['in']; })); } return Ox.nextValue(positions, self.options.position, direction); } function getPositions() { return Ox.unique(self.annotations.map(function(annotation) { return annotation['in']; })); } function getSelectedLayer() { var selectedLayer; Ox.forEach(self.options.layers, function(layer) { Ox.forEach(layer.items, function(item) { if (item.id == self.options.selected) { selectedLayer = layer.id; return false; } }); if (selectedLayer) { return false; } }); return selectedLayer; } function getSizes(scrollbarIsVisible) { var scrollbarWidth = Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, contentWidth = self.options.width - (self.options.showAnnotations * self.options.annotationsSize) - 1 - (scrollbarIsVisible ? scrollbarWidth : 0), height, lines, size = { player: [], timeline: [] }, width, widths; function getHeight() { return size.player[0].height + self.controlsHeight + size.timeline[0].height + lines * 16 + (lines + 3) * self.margin; } if (self.options.videoSize == 'small') { width = 0; widths = Ox.splitInt(contentWidth - 4 * self.margin, 3); [1, 0, 2].forEach(function(v, i) { size.player[v] = { left: (i + 0.5) * self.margin + width, top: self.margin / 2, width: widths[i], height: Math.round(widths[1] / self.options.videoRatio) }; width += widths[i]; }); } else { size.player[0] = { left: self.margin / 2, top: self.margin / 2, width: Math.round((contentWidth - 3 * self.margin + (self.controlsHeight + self.margin) / 2 * self.options.videoRatio) * 2/3) }; size.player[0].height = Math.round(size.player[0].width / self.options.videoRatio); size.player[1] = { left: size.player[0].left + size.player[0].width + self.margin, top: size.player[0].top, width: contentWidth - 3 * self.margin - size.player[0].width }; size.player[1].height = Math.ceil(size.player[1].width / self.options.videoRatio); size.player[2] = { left: size.player[1].left, top: size.player[0].top + size.player[1].height + self.controlsHeight + self.margin, width: size.player[1].width, height: size.player[0].height - size.player[1].height - self.controlsHeight - self.margin }; } size.timeline[0] = { left: self.margin / 2, top: size.player[0].height + self.controlsHeight + 1.5 * self.margin, width: contentWidth - 2 * self.margin, height: 64 }; size.timeline[1] = { left: size.timeline[0].left, top: size.timeline[0].top + size.timeline[0].height + self.margin, width: size.timeline[0].width }; lines = Math.ceil(self.options.duration / size.timeline[1].width); height = getHeight(); self.$editor.css({ overflowY: (scrollbarIsVisible && height <= self.options.height - 16) ? 'scroll' : 'auto' }); return (!scrollbarIsVisible && height > self.options.height - 16) ? getSizes(true) : size; } function getSubtitles() { return self.options.enableSubtitles ? self.options.subtitles.filter(function(v) { return Ox.contains(v.tracks, self.options.subtitlesTrack); }) : []; } function getWords() { var words = []; Ox.forEach(Ox.count(Ox.words( self.annotations.map(function(annotation) { return Ox.decodeHTMLEntities( Ox.stripTags(annotation.value.toLowerCase()) ); }).join(' ') )), function(count, value) { words.push({count: count, value: value}); }) return words.sort(function(a, b) { return b.count - a.count; }); } function goToPoint(point) { setPosition(self.options[point]); } function isEditable() { var annotation = Ox.getObjectById(self.annotations, self.options.selected); return annotation && annotation.editable; } function movePositionBy(sec) { setPosition(Ox.limit(self.options.position + sec, 0, self.options.duration)); } function movePositionTo(type, direction) { setPosition(getNextPosition(type, direction)); } function parseSubtitles() { return self.options.subtitlesLayer ? self.options.layers.filter(function(layer) { return layer.id == self.options.subtitlesLayer; })[0].items.map(function(subtitle) { return { id: subtitle.id, 'in': subtitle['in'], out: subtitle.out, text: subtitle.value.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(//g, '\n'), tracks: subtitle.languages || [self.options.subtitlesDefaultTrack] }; }) : []; } function playInToOut() { self.$player[0].playInToOut(); } function removeAnnotation(data) { var layer = Ox.getObjectById(self.options.layers, data.layer), index = Ox.getIndexById(layer.items, data.id); // deselect event will have fired before self.options.selected = data.id; updateWords('remove'); self.options.selected = ''; layer.items.splice(index, 1); self.annotations = getAnnotations(); self.positions = getPositions(); self.options.find && submitFindInput(self.options.find); self.editing = false; if (data.layer == self.options.subtitlesLayer) { updateSubtitles(); } setTimelineState(); self.$annotationPanel.removeItem(); that.triggerEvent('removeannotation', data); } function resizeAnnotations(data) { self.options.annotationsSize = data.size; setSizes(); self.$annotationPanel.options({width: data.size}); } function resizeendAnnotations(data) { that.triggerEvent('annotationssize', {size: data.size}); } function selectAnnotation(data, stayAtPosition) { if (Ox.isUndefined(data)) { // doubleclick on small timeline data = getAnnotation(); } else if (!data.id && Ox.$elements[that.oxid]) { // focus only if in the dom that.gainFocus(); } // FIXME // self.editing = false; if (data.id) { if (!stayAtPosition || ( self.options.annotationsRange != 'position' && ( self.options.position < data['in'] || self.options.position > data.out ) ) ) { setPosition(data['in']); // if annotationsRange is 'position', // this may cause a deselect } if (!self.editing) { setPoint('in', data['in'], true); setPoint('out', data.out, true); } } if (!self.editing) { self.options.selected = data.id; self.$annotationPanel.options({selected: self.options.selected}); setTimelineState(); that.triggerEvent('select', {id: self.options.selected}); } } function selectCut() { var points = { 'in': Ox.last(self.options.cuts), out: self.options.duration }; Ox.forEach(self.options.cuts, function(cut, i) { if (cut > self.options.position) { points = { 'in': i == 0 ? 0 : self.options.cuts[i - 1], out: cut - 1 / self.options.fps }; return false; // break } }); setPoint('in', points['in']); setPoint('out', points.out); } function setPoint(point, position, keepSelected) { self.options[point] = position; if (self.options.selected && !self.editing && !keepSelected) { selectAnnotation({id: ''}); } self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options(point, self.options[point]); }); self.$player[point == 'in' ? 1 : 2].options({ position: self.options[point] }); self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options(point, self.options[point]); }); if (self.options['in'] > self.options.out) { setPoint(point == 'in' ? 'out' : 'in', position, keepSelected); } else { self.$annotationPanel.options({ 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out }); that.triggerEvent('points', { 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out, position: self.options.position }); if (self.editing && self.options.selected.length && self.options.selected[0] != '_') { that.triggerEvent('editannotation', { id: self.options.selected, 'in': self.options['in'], out: self.options.out, value: $('.OxEditableElement input:visible').val() }); } } } function setPosition(position, playing, dragging) { var minute = Math.floor(position / 60), previousMinute = Math.floor(self.options.position / 60); self.options.position = position; !playing && self.$player[0].options({position: self.options.position}); self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options({position: self.options.position}); }); self.$annotationPanel.options({position: self.options.position}); if ((!playing || minute != previousMinute) && !dragging) { that.triggerEvent(playing ? 'playing' : 'position', { position: !playing ? self.options.position : minute * 60 }); } } function setSizes() { self.sizes = getSizes(); self.$player.forEach(function($player, i) { $player.options({ height: self.sizes.player[i].height, width: self.sizes.player[i].width }) .css({ left: self.sizes.player[i].left + 'px', top: self.sizes.player[i].top + 'px' }); }); self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline, i) { $timeline.options({ width: self.sizes.timeline[i].width }) .css({ left: self.sizes.timeline[i].left + 'px', top: self.sizes.timeline[i].top + 'px' }); }); } function setSubtitlesTrack() { var enableSubtitles = self.options.subtitlesTrack != '', subtitles, toggleSubtitles = enableSubtitles != self.options.enableSubtitles; self.options.enableSubtitles = enableSubtitles; if (toggleSubtitles) { self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options({ enableSubtitles: self.options.enableSubtitles }); }); that.triggerEvent('subtitles', { subtitles: self.options.enableSubtitles }); } else { self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options({ subtitlesTrack: self.options.subtitlesTrack }); }); } self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options({subtitles: getSubtitles()}); }); } function showKeyboardShortcuts() { var dialog = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({id: 'close', title: Ox._('Close')}) .bindEvent({click: function() { dialog.close(); }}) ], content: self.$keyboardShortcuts, height: 384, keys: {enter: 'close', escape: 'close'}, title: Ox._('Keyboard Shortcuts'), width: 256 }).open(); } function setTimelineState() { self.$timeline[1].options({ state: self.editing ? 'editing' : isEditable() ? 'editable' : self.options.selected ? 'selected' : 'default' }); } function sortAnnotations(a, b) { var ret = 0; if (a['in'] < b['in']) { ret = -1; } else if (a['in'] > b['in']) { ret = 1; } else if (a.out < b.out) { ret = -1; } else if (a.out > b.out) { ret = 1; } else if (a.value < b.value) { ret = -1; } else if (a.value > b.value) { ret = 1; } return ret; } function submitAnnotation(data) { self.annotations = getAnnotations(); self.positions = getPositions(); updateWords('add'); self.options.find && submitFindInput(self.options.find); self.editing = false; if (data.layer == self.options.subtitlesLayer) { updateSubtitles(); } setTimelineState(); if ( self.options.annotationsRange == 'position' && ( self.options.position < self.options['in'] || self.options.position > self.options.out ) ) { setPosition(self.options['in']); } data['in'] = self.options['in']; data.out = self.options.out; that.triggerEvent('editannotation', data); } function submitFindInput(value, hasPressedEnter) { self.options.find = value; self.results = find(self.options.find); self.$results .css({opacity: self.results.length ? 1 : 0.25}) .html(self.results.length); self.$previousButton.options({ disabled: !self.results.length }); self.$nextButton.options({ disabled: !self.results.length }); self.$clearButton.options({ disabled: !self.options.find }); self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options({find: self.options.find}); }); self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options({find: self.options.find}); }); self.$timeline[1].options({results: self.results}); if (hasPressedEnter) { that.triggerEvent('find', {find: self.options.find}); if (self.results.length) { selectAnnotation(getNextAnnotation('result', 1)); that.gainFocus(); } else { self.$findInput.focusInput(true); } } self.$annotationPanel.options({highlight: self.options.find}); } function toggleAnnotations(data) { self.options.showAnnotations = !data.collapsed; setSizes(); that.triggerEvent('toggleannotations', { showAnnotations: self.options.showAnnotations }); } function toggleLoop() { self.options.loop = !self.options.loop; self.$menuButton[ self.options.loop ? 'checkItem' : 'uncheckItem' ]('loop'); self.$player[0].toggleLoop(); } function toggleMuted() { self.$player[0].toggleMuted(); } function togglePaused() { self.$player[0].togglePaused(); self.$player[0].options('paused') && that.triggerEvent('position', { position: self.$player[0].options('position') }); } function toggleSize() { self.options.videoSize = self.options.videoSize == 'small' ? 'large' : 'small'; setSizes(); self.$menuButton[ self.options.videoSize == 'small' ? 'uncheckItem' : 'checkItem' ]('size'); self.$player[0].options({ sizeIsLarge: self.options.videoSize == 'large' }); that.triggerEvent('togglesize', { size: self.options.videoSize }); } function updateSubtitles() { // FIXME: missing: re-render subtitles submenu self.options.subtitles = parseSubtitles(); self.$player.forEach(function($player) { $player.options({subtitles: Ox.clone(self.options.subtitles, true)}); }); if (self.options.enableSubtitles) { self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options({subtitles: getSubtitles()}); }); } } function updateTimelines() { self.$timeline.forEach(function($timeline) { $timeline.options({type: self.options.timeline}); }); } function updateWords(action) { // action can be 'add' or 'remove' var words = []; Ox.forEach(Ox.count(Ox.words( getAnnotationValue(self.options.selected) || '' )), function(count, value) { words.push({count: count, value: value}); }); words.forEach(function(word) { var index = Ox.indexOf(self.words, function(w) { return w.value === word.value; }); if (action == 'add') { if (index == -1) { self.words.push({count: 1, value: word.value}); } else { self.words[index].count++; } } else if (index > -1) { // index is -1 when removing an annotation by editing // (which removes the words) and clearing its value if (self.words[index].count == 1) { self.words.splice(index, 1); } else { self.words[index].count--; } } }); self.words.sort(function(a, b) { return b.count - a.count; }); self.$findInput.options({ autocomplete: self.words.map(function(word) { return word.value; }) }); } /*@ addAnnotation add annotation (layer, item) -> add annotation to layer layer layer id annotation annotation to add @*/ that.addAnnotation = function(layer, annotation) { // called from addannotation callback self.$annotationPanel.addItem(layer, annotation); }; that.getCurrentAnnotations = function() { return self.$annotationPanel.getCurrentAnnotations(); }; /*@ updateAnnotation updateAnnotation (id, annotation) -> update annotation with id @*/ that.updateAnnotation = function(id, annotation) { // called from editannotation callback // id might have changed if new annotation was created if (annotation.id) { self.options.selected = annotation.id; } if (getSelectedLayer() == self.options.subtitlesLayer) { updateSubtitles(); } self.$annotationPanel.updateItem(id, annotation); }; /*@ removeAnnotation remove annotation (layer, ids) -> remove annotation from layer layer layer id ids array of item ids to remove @*/ /* that.removeAnnotation = function(layer, id) { var i = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.layers, layer); self.$annotationPanel[i].removeItem(id); }; */ return that; };