// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js /*@ Ox.DateTimeInput DateTimeInput Element () -> DateTimeInput Element (options) -> DateTimeInput Element (options, self) -> DateTimeInput Element options Options object ampm false is 24h true is am/pm format options are short, medium, long seconds show seconds value defautls to now weekday weekday self Shared private variable change triggered on change of value @*/ Ox.DateTimeInput = function(options, self) { var self = self || {}, that = new Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ ampm: false, format: 'short', seconds: false, value: Ox.formatDate(new Date(), '%F %T'), weekday: false }) .options(options || {}); self.values = self.options.value.split(' '); //Ox.print(self.values) that = new Ox.InputGroup({ inputs: [ new Ox.DateInput({ format: self.options.format, id: 'date', value: self.values[0], weekday: self.options.weekday }), new Ox.TimeInput({ ampm: self.options.ampm, id: 'time', value: self.values[1], seconds: self.options.seconds }) ], separators: [ {title: '', width: 8} ], value: self.options.value }) .bindEvent('change', setValue); function setValue() { self.options.value = [ self.options('inputs')[0].options('value'), self.options('inputs')[1].options('value') ].join(' '); } return that; };