'use strict'; /*@ Ox.Editable Editable element options Options object editing If true, loads in editing state format Format function (value) -> Formatted value value Input value self Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> Input Element blur blur cancel cancel edit edit open open submit submit @*/ Ox.Editable = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({ element: options.type == 'textarea' ? '
' : '', tooltip: options.tooltip }, self) .defaults({ blurred: false, clickLink: null, editable: true, editing: false, format: null, height: 0, highlight: null, maxHeight: void 0, placeholder: '', replaceTags: {}, submitOnBlur: true, tags: null, tooltip: '', type: 'input', value: '', width: 0 }) .options(options || {}) .update({ editing: function() { if (self.options.editing) { // edit will toggle self.options.editing self.options.editing = false; edit(); } else { submit(); } }, height: function() { setCSS({height: self.options.height + 'px'}); }, width: function() { setCSS({width: self.options.width + 'px'}); }, highlight: function() { self.$value.html(formatValue()); }, value: function() { self.$value.html(formatValue()); } }) .addClass('OxEditableElement' + (self.options.editable ? ' OxEditable' : '')) .on({ click: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); if (!e.shiftKey && ($target.is('a') || ($target = $target.parents('a')).length)) { e.preventDefault(); if (self.options.clickLink) { e.target = $target[0]; self.options.clickLink(e); } else { document.location.href = $target.attr('href'); } } return false; } }) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: edit, singleclick: function(e) { } }); self.options.value = self.options.value.toString(); self.css = {}; self.$value = Ox.Element(self.options.type == 'input' ? '' : '
') .addClass('OxValue') .html(formatValue()) .appendTo(that); if (self.options.editing) { // need timeout so that when determining height // the element is actually in the DOM setTimeout(function() { // edit will toggle self.options.editing self.options.editing = false; edit(); }, 0); } function blur(data) { self.options.value = parseValue(); if (self.options.value !== self.originalValue) { self.originalValue = self.options.value; that.triggerEvent('change', {value: self.options.value}); } that.triggerEvent('blur', data); } function cancel() { self.options.editing = false; that.removeClass('OxEditing'); self.options.value = self.originalValue; self.$input.value(formatInputValue()).hide(); self.$test.html(formatTestValue()); self.$value.html(formatValue()).show(); that.triggerEvent('cancel', {value: self.options.value}); } function change(data) { self.options.value = parseValue(data.value); self.$value.html(formatValue()); self.$test.html(formatTestValue()); setSizes(); } function edit() { var height, width; if (self.options.editable && !self.options.editing) { self.options.editing = true; that.addClass('OxEditing'); self.originalValue = self.options.value; if (!self.$input) { self.$input = Ox.Input({ changeOnKeypress: true, element: self.options.type == 'input' ? '' : '
', style: 'square', type: self.options.type, value: formatInputValue() }) .css(self.css) .bindEvent({ blur: self.options.submitOnBlur ? submit : blur, cancel: cancel, change: change, insert: function(data) { that.triggerEvent('insert', data); }, submit: submit }) .appendTo(that); self.$input.find('input').css(self.css); self.$test = self.$value.$element.clone() .css(Ox.extend({display: 'inline-block'}, self.css)) .html(formatTestValue()) .css({background: 'rgb(192, 192, 192)'}) .appendTo(that); } self.minWidth = 8; self.maxWidth = that.parent().width(); self.minHeight = 13; self.maxHeight = self.options.type == 'input' ? self.minHeight : self.options.maxHeight || that.parent().height(); setSizes(); self.$value.hide(); self.$input.show(); if (!self.options.blurred) { setTimeout(function() { self.$input.focusInput(self.options.type == 'input'); }, 0); that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.options({title: ''}); that.triggerEvent('edit'); } } else if (!self.options.editable) { that.triggerEvent('open'); } self.options.blurred = false; } function formatInputValue() { return Ox.decodeHTMLEntities( self.options.type == 'input' ? self.options.value : self.options.value.replace(//g, '\n\n') ); } function formatTestValue() { var value = Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(self.$input.options('value')); return !value ? ' ' : self.options.type == 'input' ? value.replace(/ /g, ' ') : value.replace(/\n$/, '\n ') .replace(/ /g, '  ') .replace(/(^ | $)/, ' ') .replace(/\n/g, '
') } function formatValue() { var value = self.options.value; if (self.options.value === '' && self.options.placeholder) { value = self.options.placeholder; } else if (self.options.format) { value = self.options.format(self.options.value); } if (self.options.highlight) { value = Ox.highlight( value, self.options.highlight, 'OxHighlight', true ); } return value; } function parseValue() { var value = Ox.clean( self.$input.value().replace(/\n\n+/g, '\0') ).replace(/\0/g, '\n\n').trim(); return (self.options.type == 'input' ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value) : Ox.sanitizeHTML(value, self.options.tags, self.options.replaceTags) ); } function setCSS(css) { self.$test && self.$test.css(css); self.$input && self.$input.css(css); self.$input && self.$input.find(self.options.type).css(css); } function setSizes() { var height, width; self.$test.css({display: 'inline-block'}); height = self.options.height || Ox.limit(self.$test.height(), self.minHeight, self.maxHeight); width = self.$test.width(); // +Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE to prevent scrollbar from showing up if (self.options.type == 'textarea') { width += Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; } width = self.options.width || Ox.limit(width, self.minWidth, self.maxWidth); self.$test.css({display: 'none'}); /* that.css({ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }); */ self.$input.options({ width: width, height: height }); self.$input.find(self.options.type).css({ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }); } function submit() { self.options.editing = false; that.removeClass('OxEditing'); self.$input.value(formatInputValue()).hide(); self.$test.html(formatTestValue()); self.$value.html(formatValue()).show(); that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.options({title: self.options.tooltip}); that.triggerEvent('submit', {value: self.options.value}); } /*@ css css @*/ that.css = function(css) { self.css = css; that.$element.css(css); self.$value.css(css); self.$test && self.$test.css(css); self.$input && self.$input.css(css); return that; }; return that; };