'use strict'; Ox.documentReady(function() { // FIXME: use Ox.$foo everywhere! //@ Ox.$body <o> jQuery-wrapped body Ox.$body = $('body'); //@ Ox.$document <o> jQuery-wrapped document Ox.$document = $(document); //@ Ox.$head <o> jQuery-wrapped head Ox.$head = $('head'); //@ Ox.$window <o> jQuery-wrapped window Ox.$window = $(window); }); //@ Ox.$elements <o> Reference to all Ox Elements Ox.$elements = {}; //@ Ox.UI.DIMENSIONS <o> Names of horizontal and vertical dimensions Ox.DIMENSIONS = Ox.UI.DIMENSIONS = { horizontal: ['width', 'height'], vertical: ['height', 'width'] }; //@ Ox.UI.EDGES <o> Names of horizontal and vertical edges Ox.EDGES = Ox.UI.EDGES = { horizontal: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'], vertical: ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'] }; //@ Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE <n> Size of scrollbars Ox.SCROLLBAR_SIZE = Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE = $.browser.webkit ? 8 : (function() { var inner = Ox.$('<p>').css({ height: '200px', width: '100%' }), outer = Ox.$('<div>').css({ height: '150px', left: 0, overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', top: 0, visibility: 'hidden', width: '200px' }).append(inner).appendTo($('body')), width = inner[0].offsetWidth; outer.css({overflow: 'scroll'}); width = 1 + width - (inner[0].offsetWidth == width ? outer[0].clientWidth : inner[0].offsetWidth); outer.remove(); return Math.max(width + width % 2, 8); })(); //@ Ox.UI.PATH <str> Path of Ox UI Ox.UI.PATH = Ox.PATH + 'UI/'; /*@ Ox.UI.getImageData <f> Returns properties of an Ox UI image (url) -> <s> Image Name @*/ Ox.UI.getImageData = Ox.cache(function(url) { var str = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'; return Ox.startsWith(url, str) ? JSON.parse(atob(url.split(',')[1]).match(/<!--(.+?)-->/)[1]) : null; }); /*@ Ox.UI.getImageURL <f> Returns the URL of an Ox UI image (name[, color[, theme]]) -> <s> Image URL name <s> Image name color <s|[n]> Color name or RGB values theme <s> Theme name @*/ Ox.UI.getImageURL = Ox.cache(function(name, color, theme) { var colorName, colors = { marker: { '#000000': 'videoMarkerBorder', '#FFFFFF': 'videoMarkerBackground' }, symbol: { '#FF0000': 'symbolWarningColor' } }, image = Ox.UI.IMAGES[name], themeData, type = Ox.toDashes(name).split('-')[0]; color = color || 'default'; theme = theme || Ox.Theme(); themeData = Ox.Theme.getThemeData(theme); image = image || Ox.UI.IMAGES['symbolHelp'] if (type == 'symbol') { if (Ox.isString(color)) { colorName = color; color = themeData[ 'symbol' + color[0].toUpperCase() + color.slice(1) + 'Color' ]; } image = image.replace(/#808080/g, '#' + Ox.toHex(color)); } Ox.forEach(colors[type], function(name, hex) { image = image.replace( new RegExp(hex, 'g'), '$' + Ox.toHex(themeData[name]) ); }); image = image.replace(/\$/g, '#'); return 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa( image + '<!--' + JSON.stringify(Ox.extend(color ? { color: colorName } : {}, { name: name, theme: theme })) + '-->' ); }, { key: function(args) { args[1] = args[1] || 'default'; args[2] = args[2] || Ox.Theme(); return JSON.stringify(args); } }); //@ Ox.UI.getElement <f> Returns the Ox.Element of a DOM element, or `undefined` Ox.UI.getElement = function(element) { return Ox.$elements[$(element).data('oxid')]; }; /*@ Ox.UI.hideScreen <f> Hide and remove Ox UI loading screen @*/ Ox.UI.hideScreen = function() { Ox.UI.LoadingScreen.hide(); }; //@ Ox.UI.isElement <f> Returns `true` if a DOM element is an Ox.Element Ox.UI.isElement = function(element) { return !!$(element).data('oxid'); };