// todo: check http://ejohn.org/blog/ecmascript-5-strict-mode-json-and-more/ var Ox = { version: '0.1.2' }; /* ================================================================================ Constants ================================================================================ */ Ox.AMPM = ['AM', 'PM']; //Ox.DAYS = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; Ox.DURATIONS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second']; Ox.EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; Ox.EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE = Ox.EARTH_RADIUS * 2 * Math.PI; Ox.HTML_ENTITIES = { '"': '"', '&': '&', "'": ''', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; Ox.KEYS = { SECTION: 0, BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, CLEAR: 12, ENTER: 13, SHIFT: 16, CONTROL: 17, OPTION: 18, PAUSE: 19, CAPSLOCK: 20, ESCAPE: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGEUP: 33, PAGEDOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, INSERT: 45, DELETE: 46, HELP: 47, 0: 48, 1: 49, 2: 50, 3: 51, 4: 52, 5: 53, 6: 54, 7: 55, 8: 56, 9: 57, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, G: 71, H: 72, I: 73, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, Q: 81, R: 82, S: 83, T: 84, U: 85, V: 86, W: 87, X: 88, Y: 89, Z: 90, META_LEFT: 91, META_RIGHT: 92, SELECT: 93, '0_NUMPAD': 96, '1_NUMPAD': 97, '2_NUMPAD': 98, '3_NUMPAD': 99, '4_NUMPAD': 100, '5_NUMPAD': 101, '6_NUMPAD': 102, '7_NUMPAD': 103, '8_NUMPAD': 104, '9_NUMPAD': 105, '*_NUMPAD': 106, '+_NUMPAD': 107, '\n_NUMPAD': 108, '-_NUMPAD': 109, '._NUMPAD': 110, '/_NUMPAD': 111, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 110, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, F13: 124, F14: 125, F15: 126, F16: 127, NUMLOCK: 144, SCROLLLOCK: 145, ';': 186, '=': 187, ',': 188, '-': 189, '.': 190, '/': 191, '`': 192, '(': 219, '\\': 220, ')': 221, '\'': 222 }; //Ox.MAX_LATITUDE = Ox.deg(Math.atan(Ox.sinh(Math.PI))); //Ox.MIN_LATITUDE = -Ox.MAX_LATITUDE; Ox.MONTHS = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ]; Ox.PREFIXES = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']; Ox.SYMBOLS = { DOLLAR: '\u0024', CENT: '\u00A2', POUND: '\u00A3', CURRENCY: '\u00A4', YEN: '\u00A5', BULLET: '\u2022', ELLIPSIS: '\u2026', PERMILLE: '\u2030', COLON: '\u20A1', CRUZEIRO: '\u20A2', FRANC: '\u20A3', LIRA: '\u20A4', NAIRA: '\u20A6', PESETA: '\u20A7', WON: '\u20A9', SHEQEL: '\u20AA', DONG: '\u20AB', EURO: '\u20AC', KIP: '\u20AD', TUGRIK: '\u20AE', DRACHMA: '\u20AF', PESO: '\u20B1', GUARANI: '\u20B2', AUSTRAL: '\u20B3', HRYVNIA: '\u20B4', CEDI: '\u20B5', TENGE: '\u20B8', RUPEE: '\u20B9', CELSIUS: '\u2103', FAHRENHEIT: '\u2109', POUNDS: '\u2114', OUNCE: '\u2125', OHM: '\u2126', KELVIN: '\u212A', ANGSTROM: '\u212B', INFO: '\u2139', LEFT: '\u2190', UP: '\u2191', RIGHT: '\u2192', DOWN: '\u2193', HOME: '\u2196', END: '\u2198', RETURN: '\u21A9', REDO: '\u21BA', UNDO: '\u21BB', PAGEUP: '\u21DE', PAGEDOWN: '\u21DF', CAPSLOCK: '\u21EA', TAB: '\u21E5', SHIFT: '\u21E7', INFINITY: '\u221E', CONTROL: '\u2303', COMMAND: '\u2318', ENTER: '\u2324', ALT: '\u2325', DELETE: '\u2326', CLEAR:'\u2327',BACKSPACE: '\u232B', OPTION: '\u2387', NAVIGATE: '\u2388', ESCAPE: '\u238B', EJECT: '\u23CF', SPACE: '\u2423', DIAMOND: '\u25C6', STAR: '\u2605', SOUND: '\u266B', TRASH: '\u267A', FLAG: '\u2691', ANCHOR: '\u2693', GEAR: '\u2699', ATOM: '\u269B', WARNING: '\u26A0', CUT: '\u2702', BACKUP: '\u2707', FLY: '\u2708', CHECK: '\u2713', CLOSE: '\u2715', BALLOT: '\u2717', WINDOWS: '\u2756', EDIT: '\uF802', CLICK: '\uF803', APPLE: '\uF8FF' }; Ox.TYPES = [ 'Arguments', 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Element', 'Function', 'Infinity', 'NaN', 'Null', 'Number', 'Object', 'RegExp', 'String', 'Undefined' ]; Ox.WEEKDAYS = [ 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' ]; /* ================================================================================ Core functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.getset = function(obj, args, callback, context) { /*** Generic getter and setter function can be implemented like this: that.options = function() { return Ox.getset(options, arguments, setOption(key, val), that); } Ox.getset(obj, []) returns obj Ox.getset(obj, [key]) returns obj.key Ox.getset(obj, [key, val], callback, context) Ox.getset(obj, [{key: val, ...}], callback, context) sets obj.key to val, calls callback(key, val) for any changed value, returns context (for chaining) >>> o = new function() { var o = {}, s = function() {}, t = this; t.o = function() { return Ox['getset'](o, arguments, s, t); }; return t; } true >>> Ox.getset({}, []) && o.o('key', 'val').o('key') 'val' >>> Ox.getset({}, []) && o.o({key: 'val', foo: 'bar'}).o().foo 'bar' >>> Ox.getset({}, []) && typeof o.o({foo: undefined}).o('foo') == 'undefined' true >>> delete o true ***/ var obj_ = Ox.clone(obj), ret; if (args.length == 0) { // getset([]) ret = obj; } else if (args.length == 1 && !Ox.isObject(args[0])) { // getset([key]) ret = obj[args[0]] } else { // getset([key, val]) or getset([{key: val, ...}]) args = Ox.makeObject(Ox.isObject(args[0]) ? args[0] : args); obj = Ox.extend(obj, args); Ox.forEach(args, function(val, key) { if (!obj_ || !Ox.isEqual(obj_[key], val)) { callback && callback(key, val); } }); ret = context; } return ret; } Ox.print = function() { /* */ if (window.console) { var args = Ox.makeArray(arguments), date = new Date; args.unshift(Ox.formatDate(date, '%H:%M:%S') + '.' + (Ox.pad(+date % 1000, 3))); window.console.log.apply(window.console, args); } } Ox.uid = (function() { /*** returns a unique id >>> Ox.uid() != Ox.uid() true ***/ var uid = 0; return function() { return uid++; }; }()); Ox.user = function() { // fixme: move to ox.ui $.get("http://www.maxmind.com/app/locate_my_ip", function(data) { var arr = data.split("tblProduct1"), re = />(.+?)<\/td>\n<td class=output align="center">\n(.*?)\n/, results = {}; arr.shift(); Ox.forEach(arr, function(v) { var result = re(v); results[result[1].replace(/Your |\*/, "")] = result[2]; }); Ox.print(results) }); return { document: { referrer: document.referrer }, history: { length: history.length }, navigator: navigator, innerHeight: innerHeight, innerWidth: innerWidth, screen: screen, outerHeight: outerHeight, outerWidth: outerWidth } }; /* ================================================================================ Array and Object functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.avg = function(obj) { /*** returns the average of an array's values, or an object's properties >>> Ox.avg([-1, 0, 1]) 0 >>> Ox.avg({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) 2 ***/ return Ox.sum(obj) / Ox.length(obj); }; Ox.clone = function(obj) { /* >>> (function() { a = ['val']; b = Ox.clone(a); a[0] = null; return b[0]; }()) 'val' >>> (function() { a = {key: 'val'}; b = Ox.clone(a); a.key = null; return b.key; }()) 'val' */ return Ox.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : Ox.extend({}, obj); }; Ox.count = function(arr) { /* Ox.count(['foo', 'bar', 'foo']).foo 2 */ var obj = {}; arr.forEach(function(v) { obj[v] = (obj[v] || 0) + 1; }); return obj; }; Ox.each = function(obj, fn) { // fixme: deprecate! /* Ox.each() works for arrays, objects and strings, like $.each(), unlike [].forEach() >>> Ox.each([0, 1, 2], function(i, v) {}) [0, 1, 2] >>> Ox.each({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(k, v) {}).a 1 >>> Ox.each('foo', function(i, v) {}) 'foo' */ var i, isArray = Ox.isArray(obj); for (i in obj) { i = isArray ? parseInt(i) : i; // fixme: should be (v, k), like [].forEach() if (fn(i, obj[i]) === false) { break; } } return obj; }; Ox.every = function(obj, fn) { /* Ox.every() works for arrays, objects and strings, unlike [].every() >>> Ox.every([0, 1, 2], function(v, i) { return i == v; }) true >>> Ox.every({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(v) { return v == 1; }) false >>> Ox.every("foo", function(v) { return v == 'f'; }) false >>> Ox.every([true, true, true]) true */ return Ox.filter(Ox.values(obj), fn || function(v) { return v; }).length == Ox.length(obj); }; Ox.extend = function() { /* >>> Ox.extend({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {c: 3}).c 3 */ var obj = arguments[0]; Ox.forEach(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), function(arg, i) { Ox.forEach(arg, function(val, key) { obj[key] = val; }); }); return obj; }; Ox.filter = function(arr, fn) { /* Ox.filter works for arrays and strings, like $.grep(), unlike [].filter() >>> Ox.filter([2, 1, 0], function(v, i) { return v == i; }) [1] >>> Ox.filter('210', function(v, i) { return v == i; }) ['1'] */ var i, len = arr.length, ret = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (fn(arr[i], i)) { ret.push(arr[i]); } } return ret; }; Ox.flatten = function(arr) { /* >>> Ox.flatten([1, [2, [3], 4], 5]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] */ var ret = []; arr.forEach(function(v) { if (Ox.isArray(v)) { Ox.flatten(v).forEach(function(v) { ret.push(v); }); } else { ret.push(v); } }); return ret; } Ox.find = function(arr, str) { /* returns an array with two arrays as elements: an array of elements of arr that begin with str, and an array of elements of arr that contain, but do not begin with str >>> Ox.find(["foo", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo"], "foo") [["foo", "foobar"], ["barfoo"]] */ var arrLowerCase = arr.map(function(v) { return v.toLowerCase(); }), ret = [[], []]; str && arrLowerCase.forEach(function(v, i) { var index = v.indexOf(str.toLowerCase()); index > -1 && ret[index == 0 ? 0 : 1].push(arr[i]); }); return ret; } Ox.forEach = function(obj, fn) { /* Ox.forEach() works for arrays, objects and strings, like $.each(), unlike [].forEach() The arguments of the iterator function are (value, key), like [].forEach(), unlike $.each() >>> Ox.forEach([0, 1, 2], function(v, i) {}) [0, 1, 2] >>> Ox.forEach({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(v, k) {}).a 1 >>> Ox.forEach('foo', function(v, i) {}) 'foo' */ var key, isArray = Ox.isArray(obj); for (key in obj) { key = isArray ? parseInt(key) : key; if (fn(obj[key], key) === false) { break; } } return obj; }; Ox.getObjectById = function(arr, id) { /*** >>> Ox.getObjectById([{id: "foo", title: "Foo"}, {id: "bar", title: "Bar"}], "foo").title "Foo" ***/ var ret = null; Ox.forEach(arr, function(v) { if (v.id == id) { ret = v; return false; } }); return ret; }; Ox.getPositionById = function(arr, id) { /*** >>> Ox.getPositionById([{id: "foo", title: "Foo"}, {id: "bar", title: "Bar"}], "bar") 1 ***/ var ret = -1; Ox.forEach(arr, function(v, i) { if (v.id == id) { ret = i; return false; } }); return ret; }; Ox.isEmpty = function(val) { return Ox.length(val) == 0; }; Ox.isEqual = function(obj0, obj1) { /* >>> Ox.isEqual(false, false) true >>> Ox.isEqual(0, 0) true >>> Ox.isEqual(NaN, NaN) false >>> Ox.isEqual([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) true >>> Ox.isEqual({a: 1, b: [2, 3], c: {d: '4'}}, {a: 1, b: [2, 3], c: {d: '4'}}) true >>> Ox.isEqual(function() { return; }, function() { return; }); true */ var ret = false; if (obj0 === obj1) { ret = true; } else if (typeof(obj0) == typeof(obj1)) { if (obj0 == obj1) { ret = true; } else if (Ox.isArray(obj0) && obj0.length == obj1.length) { Ox.forEach(obj0, function(v, i) { ret = Ox.isEqual(v, obj1[i]); return ret; }); } else if (Ox.isDate(obj0)) { ret = obj0.getTime() == obj1.getTime(); } else if (Ox.isObject(obj0)) { ret = Ox.isEqual(Ox.keys(obj0), Ox.keys(obj1)) && Ox.isEqual(Ox.values(obj0), Ox.values(obj1)); } else if (Ox.isFunction(obj0)) { ret = obj0.toString() == obj1.toString(); } } return ret; } Ox.keys = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.keys({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) ["a", "b", "c"] */ var keys = []; Ox.forEach(obj, function(v, k) { keys.push(k); }); return keys; }; Ox.length = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.length([1, 2, 3]) 3 >>> Ox.length({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) 3 */ var length = 0; Ox.forEach(obj, function() { length++; }); return length; }; Ox.makeArray = function(arg) { /* like $.makeArray() >>> Ox.makeArray('foo', 'bar') ['foo', 'bar'] >>> (function() { return Ox.makeArray(arguments); }('foo', 'bar')) ['foo', 'bar'] */ return Array.prototype.slice.call( Ox.isArguments(arg) ? arg : arguments ); }; Ox.makeObject = function() { /* >>> Ox.makeObject("foo", "bar").foo "bar" >>> Ox.makeObject(["foo", "bar"]).foo "bar" >>> Ox.makeObject({foo: "bar"}).foo "bar" >>> (function() { return Ox.makeObject(arguments); }("foo", "bar")).foo "bar" */ var arg = arguments, obj = {}; if (arg.length == 1) { if (Ox.isObject(arg[0])) { // ({foo: 'bar'}) obj = arg[0]; } else { // (['foo', 'bar']) obj[arg[0][0]] = arg[0][1]; } } else { // ('foo', 'bar') obj[arg[0]] = arg[1]; } return obj; }; Ox.map = function(arr, fn) { /* Ox.map() works for arrays and strings, like $.map(), unlike [].map() >>> Ox.map([1, 1, 1], function(v, i) { return v == i; }) [false, true, false] >>> Ox.map("111", function(v, i) { return v == i; }) [false, true, false] >>> Ox.map(new Array(3), function(v, i) { return i; }) [0, 1, 2] */ var i, len = arr.length, val, ret = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ((val = fn(arr[i], i)) !== null) { ret.push(val); } } return ret; }; Ox.max = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.max([-1, 0, 1]) 1 >>> Ox.max({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) 3 */ return Math.max.apply(Math, Ox.values(obj)); }; Ox.min = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.min([-1, 0, 1]) -1 >>> Ox.min({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) 1 */ return Math.min.apply(Math, Ox.values(obj)); }; Ox.merge = function(arr) { /* >>> Ox.merge(['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz']) ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] */ Ox.forEach(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), function(arg) { Ox.forEach(arg, function(val) { arr.push(val); }); }); return arr; }; Ox.range = function(start, stop, step) { /* >>> Ox.range(3) [0, 1, 2] >>> Ox.range(3, 0) [3, 2, 1] >>> Ox.range(1, 2, 0.5) [1, 1.5] */ stop = arguments.length > 1 ? stop : arguments[0]; start = arguments.length > 1 ? start : 0; step = step || (start <= stop ? 1 : -1); var arr = [], i; for (i = start; step > 0 ? i < stop : i > stop; i += step) { arr.push(i); } return arr; }; Ox.serialize = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.serialize({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) 'a=1&b=2&c=3' */ var arr = []; Ox.forEach(obj, function(val, key) { val !== '' && arr.push(key + '=' + val); }); return arr.join('&'); }; Ox.setPropertyOnce = function(arr, str) { /* >>> Ox.setPropertyOnce([{selected: false}, {selected: false}], 'selected') 0 >>> Ox.setPropertyOnce([{selected: false}, {selected: true}], 'selected') 1 >>> Ox.setPropertyOnce([{selected: true}, {selected: true}], 'selected') 0 */ var pos = -1; Ox.forEach(arr, function(v, i) { if (pos == -1 && arr[i][str]) { pos = i; } else if (pos > -1 && arr[i][str]) { delete arr[i][str]; } }); if (pos == -1) { arr[0][str] = true; pos = 0; } return pos; } Ox.shuffle = function(arr) { /* >>> Ox.shuffle([1, 2, 3]).length 3 */ var shuffle = arr; return shuffle.sort(function() { return Math.random() - 0.5; }); }; Ox.some = function(obj, fn) { /* Ox.some() works for arrays, objects and strings, unlike [].some() >>> Ox.some([2, 1, 0], function(i, v) { return i == v; }) true >>> Ox.some({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(v) { return v == 1; }) true >>> Ox.some("foo", function(v) { return v == 'f'; }) true */ return Ox.filter(Ox.values(obj), fn).length > 0; }; Ox.sum = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.sum([-1, 0, 1]) 0 >>> Ox.sum({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) 6 */ var sum = 0; Ox.forEach(obj, function(val) { sum += val; }); return sum; }; Ox.toArray = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.toArray('foo') ['foo'] >>> Ox.toArray(['foo']) ['foo'] */ var arr; if (Ox.isArray(obj)) { arr = obj; } else if (Ox.isArguments(obj)) { arr = Ox.makeArray(obj); } else { arr = [obj]; } return arr; }; Ox.unique = function(arr) { /* >>> Ox.unique([1, 2, 3, 1]) [1, 2, 3] */ var unique = []; Ox.forEach(arr, function(val) { unique.indexOf(val) == -1 && unique.push(val); }); return unique; }; Ox.unserialize = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.unserialize('a=1&b=2&c=3').c '3' */ var arr, obj = {}; Ox.forEach(str.split('&'), function(val) { arr = val.split('='); obj[arr[0]] = arr[1]; }); return obj; }; Ox.values = function(obj) { /* >>> Ox.values({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) [1, 2, 3] >>> Ox.values([1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] */ var values = []; Ox.forEach(obj, function(val) { values.push(val); }); return values; }; Ox.zip = function() { /* >>> Ox.zip([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]) [[0, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5]] >>> Ox.zip([0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]) [[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]] */ var args = arguments.length == 1 ? arguments[0] : Ox.makeArray(arguments), arr = []; args[0].forEach(function(v, i) { arr[i] = []; args.forEach(function(v_, i_) { arr[i].push(v_[i]); }); }); return arr; }; /* ================================================================================ Color functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.hsl = function(rgb) { /* >>> Ox.hsl([0, 0, 0]) [0, 0, 0] >>> Ox.hsl([255, 255, 255]) [0, 0, 1] >>> Ox.hsl([0, 255, 0]) [120, 1, 0.5] */ rgb = rgb.map(function(v) { return v / 255; }); var max = Ox.max(rgb), min = Ox.min(rgb), hsl = [0, 0, 0]; hsl[2] = 0.5 * (max + min); if (max == min) { hsl[0] = 0; hsl[1] = 0; } else { if (max == rgb[0]) { hsl[0] = (60 * (rgb[1] - rgb[2]) / (max - min) + 360) % 360; } else if (max == rgb[1]) { hsl[0] = 60 * (rgb[2] - rgb[0]) / (max - min) + 120; } else if (max == rgb[2]) { hsl[0] = 60 * (rgb[0] - rgb[1]) / (max - min) + 240; } if (hsl[2] <= 0.5) { hsl[1] = (max - min) / (2 * hsl[2]); } else { hsl[1] = (max - min) / (2 - 2 * hsl[2]); } } return hsl; }; Ox.rgb = function(hsl) { /* >>> Ox.rgb([0, 0, 0]) [0, 0, 0] >>> Ox.rgb([0, 0, 1]) [255, 255, 255] >>> Ox.rgb([120, 1, 0.5]) [0, 255, 0] */ hsl[0] /= 360; var rgb = [0, 0, 0], v1, v2, v3; if (hsl[1] == 0) { rgb = [hsl[2], hsl[2], hsl[2]]; } else { if (hsl[2] < 0.5) { v2 = hsl[2] * (1 + hsl[1]); } else { v2 = hsl[1] + hsl[2] - (hsl[1] * hsl[2]); } v1 = 2 * hsl[2] - v2; rgb.forEach(function(v, i) { v3 = hsl[0] + (1 - i) * 1/3; if (v3 < 0) { v3++; } else if (v3 > 1) { v3--; } if (v3 < 1/6) { rgb[i] = v1 + ((v2 - v1) * 6 * v3); } else if (v3 < 0.5) { rgb[i] = v2; } else if (v3 < 2/3) { rgb[i] = v1 + ((v2 - v1) * 6 * (2/3 - v3)); } else { rgb[i] = v1; } }); } return rgb.map(function(v) { return v * 255; }); }; /* ================================================================================ Date functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.getDateInWeek = function(date, weekday) { /* >>> Ox.formatDate(Ox.getDateInWeek(new Date("January 1 2000"), "Sunday"), "%A, %B %e, %Y") "Sunday, January 2, 2000" >>> Ox.formatDate(Ox.getDateInWeek(new Date("Jan 1 2000"), "Fri"), "%A, %B %e, %Y") "Friday, December 31, 1999" >>> Ox.formatDate(Ox.getDateInWeek(new Date("1/1/2000"), 1), "%A, %B %e, %Y") "Monday, December 27, 1999" */ var date = date || new Date(), sourceWeekday = Ox.formatDate(date, "%u"); targetWeekday = Ox.isNumber(weekday) ? weekday : Ox.map(Ox.WEEKDAYS, function(v, i) { return v.substr(0, 3) == weekday.substr(0, 3) ? i + 1 : null; })[0]; date.setDate(date.getDate() - sourceWeekday + targetWeekday); return date; } Ox.getDayOfTheYear = function(date) { /* >>> Ox.getDayOfTheYear(new Date("12/31/2000")) 366 >>> Ox.getDayOfTheYear(new Date("12/31/2002")) 365 >>> Ox.getDayOfTheYear(new Date("12/31/2004")) 366 */ return function(date) { date = date || new Date(); var month = date.getMonth(), year = date.getFullYear(); return Ox.sum(Ox.map(Ox.range(month), function(i) { return Ox.getDaysInMonth(year, i + 1); })) + date.getDate(); /* var day = date.getDate(), month = date.getMonth(); i; for (i = 0; i < month; i++) { day += Ox.DAYS[i]; } if (month >= 2 && Ox.isLeapYear(date.getFullYear())) { day++; } return day; */ }; }(); Ox.getDaysInMonth = function(year, month) { /* >>> Ox.getDaysInMonth(2000, 2) 29 >>> Ox.getDaysInMonth("2002", "Feb") 28 >>> Ox.getDaysInMonth("2004", "February") 29 */ var year = parseInt(year), month = Ox.isNumber(month) ? month : Ox.map(Ox.MONTHS, function(v, i) { return v.substr(0, 3) == month.substr(0, 3) ? i + 1 : null; })[0]; return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate() //return Ox.DAYS[month - 1] + (month == 2 && Ox.isLeapYear(year)); } Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear = function(date) { /* Decimal weekday of January 1 (0-6, Sunday as first day) >>> Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear(new Date("01/01/00")) 6 */ var date_ = date ? new Date(date.valueOf()) : new Date(); date_.setMonth(0); date_.setDate(1); return date_.getDay(); }; Ox.getISODate = function(date) { /* >>> Ox.getISODate(new Date("01/01/2000")) "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z" */ return Ox.formatDate(date || new Date(), '%FT%TZ'); }; Ox.getISODay = function(date) { /* Decimal weekday (1-7, Monday as first day) >>> Ox.getISODay(new Date("01/01/2000")) 6 >>> Ox.getISODay(new Date("01/02/2000")) 7 >>> Ox.getISODay(new Date("01/03/2000")) 1 */ return (date || new Date()).getDay() || 7; }; Ox.getISOWeek = function(date) { /* see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 >>> Ox.getISOWeek(new Date("01/01/2000")) 52 >>> Ox.getISOWeek(new Date("01/02/2000")) 52 >>> Ox.getISOWeek(new Date("01/03/2000")) 1 */ date = date || new Date(); var date_ = new Date(date.valueOf()); // set date to Thursday of the same week date_.setDate(date.getDate() - Ox.getISODay(date) + 4); return Math.floor((Ox.getDayOfTheYear(date_) - 1) / 7) + 1; }; Ox.getISOYear = function(date) { /* see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 >>> Ox.getISOYear(new Date("01/01/2000")) 1999 >>> Ox.getISOYear(new Date("01/02/2000")) 1999 >>> Ox.getISOYear(new Date("01/03/2000")) 2000 */ date = date || new Date(); var date_ = new Date(date.valueOf()); // set date to Thursday of the same week date_.setDate(date.getDate() - Ox.getISODay(date) + 4); return date_.getFullYear(); }; Ox.getTime = function() { return +new Date(); } Ox.getTimezoneOffsetString = function(date) { /* Time zone offset string ('-1200' - '+1200') >>> Ox.getTimezoneOffsetString(new Date('01/01/2000')).length 5 */ var offset = (date || new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(); return (offset < 0 ? '+' : '-') + Ox.pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60), 2) + Ox.pad(Math.abs(offset) % 60, 2); }; Ox.getWeek = function(date) { /* Week of the year (0-53, Sunday as first day) >>> Ox.getWeek(new Date("01/01/2000")) 0 >>> Ox.getWeek(new Date("01/02/2000")) 1 >>> Ox.getWeek(new Date("01/03/2000")) 1 */ date = date || new Date(); return Math.floor((Ox.getDayOfTheYear(date) + Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear(date) - 1) / 7); }; Ox.isLeapYear = function(year) { /* >>> Ox.isLeapYear(1900) false >>> Ox.isLeapYear(2000) true >>> Ox.isLeapYear(2004) true */ return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0); }; /* ================================================================================ DOM functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.canvas = function() { // Ox.canvas(img) or Ox.canvas(width, height) var c = {}, isImage = arguments.length == 1, image = isImage ? arguments[0] : { width: arguments[0], height: arguments[1] }; c.context = (c.canvas = Ox.element('canvas').attr({ width: image.width, height: image.height })[0]).getContext('2d'); isImage && c.context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); c.data = (c.imageData = c.context.getImageData( 0, 0, image.width, image.height )).data; return c; }; Ox.element = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.element('div').attr({id: 'foo'}).attr('id') 'foo' >>> Ox.element('div').html('foo').html() 'foo' */ return { 0: str[0] == '#' ? document.getElementById(str.substr(1)) : document.createElement(str), attr: function() { var args, ret, that = this; if (arguments.length == 1 && Ox.isString(arguments[0])) { ret = this[0].getAttribute(arguments[0]); } else { Ox.forEach(Ox.makeObject.apply(this, arguments), function(v, k) { that[0].setAttribute(k, v); }); ret = this; } return ret; }, html: function(str) { var ret; if (Ox.isUndefined(str)) { ret = this[0].innerHTML; } else { this[0].innerHTML = str; ret = this; } return ret; } } }; /* ================================================================================ Encoding functions ================================================================================ */ (function() { var aliases = {'I': '1', 'L': '1', 'O': '0', 'U': 'V'}, digits = '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ'; function cap(width, height) { // returns maximum encoding capacity of an image return parseInt(width * height * 3/8) - 4; } function seek(data, px) { // returns this, or the next, opaque pixel while (data[px * 4 + 3] < 255) { if (++px * 4 == data.length) { throwPNGError('de'); } } return px; } function xor(byte) { // returns "1"-bits-in-byte % 2 var xor = 0; Ox.range(8).forEach(function(i) { xor ^= byte >> i & 1; }); return xor; } function throwPNGError(str) { throw new RangeError( 'PNG codec can\'t ' + (str == 'en' ? 'encode data' : 'decode image') ); } function throwUTF8Error(byte, pos) { throw new RangeError( 'UTF-8 codec can\'t decode byte 0x' + byte.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ' at position ' + pos ); } Ox.encodeBase32 = function(num) { // see http://www.crockford.com/wrmg/base32.html /* >>> Ox.encodeBase32(15360) 'F00' >>> Ox.encodeBase32(33819) '110V' */ return Ox.map(num.toString(32), function(char) { return digits[parseInt(char, 32)]; }).join(''); } Ox.decodeBase32 = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeBase32('foo') 15360 >>> Ox.decodeBase32('ilou') 33819 >>> Ox.decodeBase32('?').toString() 'NaN' */ return parseInt(Ox.map(str.toUpperCase(), function(char) { var index = digits.indexOf(aliases[char] || char); return (index == -1 ? ' ' : index).toString(32); }).join(''), 32); } Ox.encodeBase64 = function(num) { /* >>> Ox.encodeBase64(32394) 'foo' */ return btoa(Ox.encodeBase256(num)).replace(/=/g, ""); } Ox.decodeBase64 = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeBase64('foo') 32394 */ return Ox.decodeBase256(atob(str)); } Ox.encodeBase128 = function(num) { /* >>> Ox.encodeBase128(1685487) 'foo' */ var str = ''; while (num) { str = Ox.char(num & 127) + str; num >>= 7; } return str; } Ox.decodeBase128 = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeBase128('foo') 1685487 */ var num = 0, len = str.length; Ox.forEach(str, function(char, i) { num += char.charCodeAt(0) << (len - i - 1) * 7; }); return num; } Ox.encodeBase256 = function(num) { /* >>> Ox.encodeBase256(6713199) 'foo' */ var str = ''; while (num) { str = Ox.char(num & 255) + str; num >>= 8; } return str; } Ox.decodeBase256 = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeBase256('foo') 6713199 */ var num = 0, len = str.length; Ox.forEach(str, function(char, i) { num += char.charCodeAt(0) << (len - i - 1) * 8; }); return num; } Ox.encodeDeflate = function(str) { // encodes string, using deflate /* in fact, the string is written to the rgb channels of a canvas element, then the dataURL is decoded from base64, and some head and tail cut off */ str = Ox.encodeUTF8(str); var len = str.length, c = Ox.canvas(Math.ceil((4 + len) / 3), 1), data; str = Ox.pad(Ox.encodeBase256(len), 4, Ox.char(0)) + str + Ox.repeat('\u00FF', (4 - len % 4) % 4); // simpler? Ox.pad()? /* fixme: why does map not work here? c.data = $.map(c.data, function(v, i) { return i % 4 < 3 ? str.charCodeAt(i - parseInt(i / 4)) : 255; }); */ for (i = 0; i < c.data.length; i += 1) { c.data[i] = i % 4 < 3 ? str.charCodeAt(i - parseInt(i / 4)) : 255; } c.context.putImageData(c.imageData, 0, 0); Ox.print(c.canvas.toDataURL()) data = atob(c.canvas.toDataURL().split(',')[1]); Ox.print('data', data); return data.substr(8, data.length - 20); } Ox.decodeDeflate = function(str) { var image = new Image(); image.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + btoa('\u0089PNG\r\n\u001A\n' + str + Ox.repeat('\u0000', 4) + 'IEND\u00AEB`\u0082'); Ox.print(image.src); while (!image.width) {} // block until image data is available str = Ox.map(Ox.canvas(image).data, function(v, i) { return i % 4 < 3 ? Ox.char(v) : ''; }).join(''); return Ox.decodeUTF8(str.substr(4, Ox.decodeBase256(str.substr(0, 4)))); } Ox.encodeHTML = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.encodeHTML('\'<"&">\'') ''<"&">'' >>> Ox.encodeHTML('äbçdê') 'äbçdê' */ return Ox.map(str, function(v) { var code = v.charCodeAt(0); return code < 128 ? (v in Ox.HTML_ENTITIES ? Ox.HTML_ENTITIES[v] : v) : '&#x' + Ox.pad(code.toString(16).toUpperCase(), 4) + ';'; }).join(''); }; Ox.decodeHTML = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeHTML(''<"&">'') '\'<"&">\'' >>> Ox.decodeHTML(''<"&">'') '\'<"&">\'' >>> Ox.decodeHTML('äbçdê') 'äbçdê' >>> Ox.decodeHTML('äbçdê') 'äbçdê' */ // relies on dom, but shorter than using this: // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/named-character-references.html return Ox.element('div').html(str)[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; //return $('<div/>').html(str)[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; }; Ox.encodePNG = function(img, str) { // encodes string into image, returns new image url /* the message is compressed with deflate (by proxy of canvas), then the string (four bytes length) + (length bytes message) is encoded bitwise into the r/g/b bytes of all opaque pixels by flipping, if necessary, the least significant bit, so that (number of "1"-bits of the byte) % 2 is the bit of the string wishlist: - only use deflate if it actually shortens the message - in deflate, strip and later re-insert the chunk types - encode a decoy message into the least significant bit (and flip the second least significant bit, if at all) - write an extra png chunk containing some key */ //str = Ox.encodeDeflate(str); currently broken str = Ox.encodeUTF8(str); var c = Ox.canvas(img), len = str.length, px = 0; if (len == 0 || len > cap(img.width, img.height)) { throwPNGError('en') } len = Ox.pad(Ox.encodeBase256(len), 4, Ox.char(0)); Ox.forEach(Ox.map(len + str, function(byte) { return Ox.map(Ox.range(8), function(i) { return byte.charCodeAt(0) >> 7 - i & 1; }).join(''); }).join(''), function(bit, i) { var index = parseInt((px = seek(c.data, px)) * 4 + i % 3), byte = c.data[index]; c.data[index] = bit == xor(byte) ? byte : byte & 254 | !(byte & 1); px += i % 3 == 2; }); c.context.putImageData(c.imageData, 0, 0); return c.canvas.toDataURL(); } Ox.decodePNG = function(img) { // decodes image, returns string var bits = '', data = Ox.canvas(img).data, flag = false, i = 0, len = 4, max = cap(img.width, img.height), px = 0, str = ''; do { bits += xor(data[parseInt((px = seek(data, px)) * 4 + i % 3)]); px += i % 3 == 2; if (++i % 8 == 0) { str += Ox.char(parseInt(bits, 2)); bits = ''; len--; if (len == 0 && !flag) { len = Ox.decodeBase256(str); if (len <= 0 || len > max) { Ox.print(len); throwPNGError('de'); } str = ''; flag = true; } } } while (len); try { //return Ox.decodeDeflate(str); currently broken return Ox.decodeUTF8(str); } catch(e) { Ox.print(e.toString()); throwPNGError('de'); } } Ox.encodeUTF8 = function(str) { /* see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 >>> Ox.encodeUTF8('foo') 'foo' >>> Ox.encodeUTF8('¥€$') '\u00C2\u00A5\u00E2\u0082\u00AC\u0024' */ return Ox.map(Array.prototype.slice.call(str), function(chr) { var code = chr.charCodeAt(0), str = ''; if (code < 128) { str = chr; } else if (code < 2048) { str = String.fromCharCode(code >> 6 | 192) + String.fromCharCode(code & 63 | 128); } else { str = String.fromCharCode(code >> 12 | 224) + String.fromCharCode(code >> 6 & 63 | 128) + String.fromCharCode(code & 63 | 128); } return str; }).join(''); } Ox.decodeUTF8 = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.decodeUTF8('foo') 'foo' >>> Ox.decodeUTF8('\u00C2\u00A5\u00E2\u0082\u00AC\u0024') '¥€$' */ var bytes = Ox.map(str, function(v) { return v.charCodeAt(0); }), i = 0, len = str.length, str = ''; while (i < len) { if (bytes[i] <= 128) { str += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); i++; } else if ( bytes[i] >= 192 && bytes[i] < 240 && i < len - (bytes[i] < 224 ? 1 : 2) ) { if (bytes[i + 1] >= 128 && bytes[i + 1] < 192) { if (bytes[i] < 224) { str += String.fromCharCode((bytes[i] & 31) << 6 | bytes[i + 1] & 63); i += 2; } else if (bytes[i + 2] >= 128 && bytes[i + 2] < 192) { str += String.fromCharCode((bytes[i] & 15) << 12 | (bytes[i + 1] & 63) << 6 | bytes[i + 2] & 63); i += 3; } else { throwUTF8Error(bytes[i + 2], i + 2); } } else { throwUTF8Error(bytes[i + 1], i + 1); } } else { throwUTF8Error(bytes[i], i); } } return str; }; })(); /* ================================================================================ Format functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.formatColor = function() { }; Ox.formatCurrency = function(num, str, dec) { /* >>> Ox.formatCurrency(1000, '$', 2) '$1,000.00' */ return str + Ox.formatNumber(num, dec); }; Ox.formatDate = function() { /* See http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man3/strftime.3.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 >>> _date = new Date("01/02/05 00:03:04") "Sun Jan 02 2005 00:03:04 GMT+0100 (CET)" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%A") // Full weekday "Sunday" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%a") // Abbreviated weekday "Sun" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%B") // Full month "January" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%b") // Abbreviated month "Jan" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%C") // Century "20" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%c") // US time and date "01/02/05 12:03:04 AM" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%D") // US date "01/02/05" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%d") // Zero-padded day of the month "02" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%e") // Space-padded day of the month " 2" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%F") // Date "2005-01-02" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%G") // Full ISO-8601 year "2004" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%g") // Abbreviated ISO-8601 year "04" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%H") // Zero-padded hour (24-hour clock) "00" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%h") // Abbreviated month "Jan" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%I") // Zero-padded hour (12-hour clock) "12" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%j") // Zero-padded day of the year "002" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%k") // Space-padded hour (24-hour clock) " 0" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%l") // Space-padded hour (12-hour clock) "12" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%M") // Zero-padded minute "03" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%m") // Zero-padded month "01" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%n") // Newline "\n" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%p") // AM or PM "AM" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%Q") // Quarter of the year "1" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%R") // Zero-padded hour and minute "00:03" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%r") // US time "12:03:04 AM" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%S") // Zero-padded second "04" >/> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%s") // Number of seconds since the Epoch "1104620584" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%T") // Time "00:03:04" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%t") // Tab "\t" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%U") // Zero-padded week of the year (00-53, Sunday as first day) "01" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%u") // Decimal weekday (1-7, Monday as first day) "7" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%V") // Zero-padded ISO-8601 week of the year "53" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%v") // Formatted date " 2-Jan-2005" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%W") // Zero-padded week of the year (00-53, Monday as first day) "00" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%w") // Decimal weekday (0-6, Sunday as first day) "0" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%X") // US time "12:03:04 AM" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%x") // US date "01/02/05" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%Y") // Full year "2005" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%y") // Abbreviated year "05" >/> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%Z") // Time zone name "CET" >/> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%z") // Time zone offset "+0100" >/> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%+") // Formatted date and time "Sun Jan 2 00:03:04 CET 2005" >>> Ox.formatDate(_date, "%%") "%" >>> delete _date true >>> Ox.formatDate(new Date("01/01/2000"), "%W") "00" >>> Ox.formatDate(new Date("01/02/2000"), "%W") "00" >>> Ox.formatDate(new Date("01/03/2000"), "%W") "01" */ var format = [ ["%", function() {return "%{%}";}], ["c", function() {return "%x %X";}], ["X", function() {return "%r";}], ["x", function() {return "%D";}], ["D", function() {return "%m/%d/%y";}], ["F", function() {return "%Y-%m-%d";}], ["h", function() {return "%b";}], ["R", function() {return "%H:%M";}], ["r", function() {return "%I:%M:%S %p";}], ["T", function() {return "%H:%M:%S";}], ["v", function() {return "%e-%b-%Y";}], ["\\+", function() {return "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y";}], ["A", function(d) {return Ox.WEEKDAYS[(d.getDay() + 6) % 7];}], ["a", function(d) {return Ox.WEEKDAYS[(d.getDay() + 6) % 7].toString().substr(0, 3);}], ["B", function(d) {return Ox.MONTHS[d.getMonth()];}], ["b", function(d) {return Ox.MONTHS[d.getMonth()].toString().substr(0, 3);}], ["C", function(d) {return d.getFullYear().toString().substr(0, 2);}], ["d", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getDate(), 2);}], ["e", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getDate(), 2, " ");}], ["G", function(d) {return Ox.getISOYear(d);}], ["g", function(d) {return Ox.getISOYear(d).toString().substr(-2);}], ["H", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getHours(), 2);}], ["I", function(d) {return Ox.pad((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1, 2);}], ["j", function(d) {return Ox.pad(Ox.getDayOfTheYear(d), 3);}], ["k", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getHours(), 2, " ");}], ["l", function(d) {return Ox.pad(((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1), 2, " ");}], ["M", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getMinutes(), 2);}], ["m", function(d) {return Ox.pad((d.getMonth() + 1), 2);}], ["p", function(d) {return Ox.AMPM[Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12)];}], ["Q", function(d) {return Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 4) + 1;}], ["S", function(d) {return Ox.pad(d.getSeconds(), 2);}], ["s", function(d) {return Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000);}], ["U", function(d) {return Ox.pad(Ox.getWeek(d), 2);}], ["u", function(d) {return Ox.getISODay(d);}], ["V", function(d) {return Ox.pad(Ox.getISOWeek(d), 2);}], ["W", function(d) {return Ox.pad(Math.floor((Ox.getDayOfTheYear(d) + (Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear(d) || 7) - 2) / 7), 2);}], ["w", function(d) {return d.getDay();}], ["Y", function(d) {return d.getFullYear();}], ["y", function(d) {return d.getFullYear().toString().substr(-2);}], ["Z", function(d) {return d.toString().split("(")[1].replace(")", "");}], ["z", function(d) {return Ox.getTimezoneOffsetString(d);}], ["n", function() {return "\n";}], ["t", function() {return "\t";}], ["\\{%\\}", function() {return "%";}] ]; format.forEach(function(v, i) { v[0] = new RegExp('%' + v[0] + '', 'g'); }); return function(date, str) { str = str || date; date = arguments.length == 2 ? date : new Date(); var split; if (typeof date == 'string') { // support YYYY-MM-DD split = date.substr(0, 10).split('-'); if (split.length == 3) { date = [split[1], split[2], split[0]].join('/') + date.substr(10); } } if (Ox.isNumber(date) || Ox.isString(date)) { date = new Date(date); } if (Ox.isDate(date) && date.toString() != 'Invalid Date') { Ox.forEach(format, function(v) { str = str.replace(v[0], v[1](date)); }); } else { str = ''; } return str; }; }(); Ox.formatDuration = function(sec, dec, format) { /* >>> Ox.formatDuration(123456.789, 3) "1:10:17:36.789" >>> Ox.formatDuration(12345.6789) "03:25:46" >>> Ox.formatDuration(12345.6789, true) "0:03:25:46" >>> Ox.formatDuration(3599.999, 3) "00:59:59.999" >>> Ox.formatDuration(3599.999) "01:00:00" */ var format = arguments.length == 3 ? format : (Ox.isString(dec) ? dec : "short"), dec = (arguments.length == 3 || Ox.isNumber(dec)) ? dec : 0, sec = dec ? sec : Math.round(sec), val = [ Math.floor(sec / 31536000), Math.floor(sec % 31536000 / 86400), Math.floor(sec % 86400 / 3600), Math.floor(sec % 3600 / 60), format == "short" ? Ox.formatNumber(sec % 60, dec) : sec % 60 ], str = { medium: ["y", "d", "h", "m", "s"], long: ["year", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"] }, pad = [0, 3, 2, 2, dec ? dec + 3 : 2]; while (!val[0] && val.length > (format == "short" ? 3 : 1)) { val.shift(); str.medium.shift(); str.long.shift(); pad.shift(); } while (format != "short" && !val[val.length - 1] && val.length > 1) { val.pop(); str.medium.pop(); str.long.pop(); } return Ox.map(val, function(v, i) { return format == "short" ? Ox.pad(v, pad[i]) : v + (format == "long" ? " " : "") + str[format][i] + (format == "long" && v != 1 ? "s" : ""); }).join(format == "short" ? ":" : " "); }; Ox.formatNumber = function(num, dec) { /* >>> Ox.formatNumber(123456789, 3) "123,456,789.000" >>> Ox.formatNumber(-2000000 / 3, 3) "-666,666.667" >>> Ox.formatNumber(666666.666) "666,667" */ var str = Math.abs(num).toFixed(dec || 0), spl = str.split('.'), arr = []; while (spl[0]) { arr.unshift(spl[0].substr(-3)); spl[0] = spl[0].substr(0, spl[0].length - 3); } spl[0] = arr.join(','); return (num < 0 ? '-' : '') + spl.join('.'); }; Ox.formatPercent = function(num, total, dec) { /* >>> Ox.formatPercent(1, 1000, 2) "0.10%" */ return Ox.formatNumber(num / total * 100, dec) + '%' }; Ox.formatResolution = function(arr, str) { /* >>> Ox.formatResolution([1920, 1080], 'px') "1920 x 1080 px" */ return arr[0] + ' x ' + arr[1] + (str ? ' ' + str : ''); } Ox.formatString = function (str, obj) { /* >>> Ox.formatString('{0}{1}', ['foo', 'bar']) "foobar" >>> Ox.formatString('{a}{b}', {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'}) "foobar" */ return str.replace(/\{([^}]+)\}/g, function(str, match) { return obj[match]; }); } Ox.formatValue = function(num, str, bin) { /* >>> Ox.formatValue(0, "B") "0 KB" >>> Ox.formatValue(123456789, "B") "123.5 MB" >>> Ox.formatValue(1234567890, "B", true) "1.15 GiB" */ var base = bin ? 1024 : 1000, len = Ox.PREFIXES.length, val; Ox.forEach(Ox.PREFIXES, function(chr, i) { if (num < Math.pow(base, i + 2) || i == len - 1) { val = Ox.formatNumber(num / Math.pow(base, i + 1), i) + ' ' + chr + (bin ? 'i' : '') + str; return false; } }); return val; }; Ox.formatUnit = function(num, str) { return num + ' ' + str; }; /* ================================================================================ Geo functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.Line = function(point0, point1) { var self = { points: [point0, point1] }, that = this; function rad() { return self.points.map(function(point) { return { lat: Ox.rad(point.lat()), lng: Ox.rad(point.lng()) }; }); } that.getArea = function() { }; that.getBearing = function() { var points = rad(), x = Math.cos(point[0].lat) * Math.sin(point[1].lat) - Math.sin(point[0].lat) * Math.cos(point[1].lat) * Math.cos(point[1].lng - point[0].lng), y = Math.sin(point[1].lng - point[0].lng) * Math.cos(point[1].lat); return (Ox.deg(math.atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360; }; that.getDistance = function() { var points = rad(); return Math.acos( Math.sin(point[0].lat) * Math.sin(point[1].lat) + Math.cos(point[0].lat) * Math.cos(point[1].lat) * Math.cos(point[1].lng - point[0].lng) ) * Ox.EARTH_RADIUS; }; that.getMidpoint = function() { var points = rad(), x = Math.cos(point[1].lat) * Math.cos(point[1].lng - point[0].lng), y = Math.cos(point[1].lat) * Math.sin(point[1].lng - point[0].lng), d = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(Math.cos(point[0].lat) + x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2) ), lat = Ox.deg( Math.atan2(Math.sin(points[0].lat) + Math.sin(points[1].lat), d) ), lng = Ox.deg( points[0].lng + Math.atan2(y, math.cos(points[0].lat) + x) ); return new Point(lat, lng); }; that.points = function() { }; return that; }; Ox.Point = function(lat, lng) { var self = {lat: lat, lng: lng}, that = this; that.lat = function() { }; that.latlng = function() { }; that.lng = function() { }; that.getMetersPerDegree = function() { return Math.cos(self.lat * Math.PI / 180) * Ox.EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE / 360; } that.getXY = function() { return [ getXY(Ox.rad(self.lng)), getXY(Ox.asinh(Math.tan(Ox.rad(-self.lat)))) ]; }; return that; }; Ox.Rectangle = function(point0, point1) { var self = { points: [ new Point( Math.min(point0.lat(), point1.lat()), point0.lng() ), new Point( Math.max(point0.lat(), point1.lat()), point1.lng() ) ] }, that = this; that.contains = function(rectangle) { } that.crossesDateline = function() { return self.points[0].lng > self.points[1].lng; } that.getCenter = function() { return new Ox.Line(self.points[0], self.points[1]).getMidpoint(); }; that.intersects = function(rectangle) { }; return that; }; /* ================================================================================ HTML functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.parseEmailAddresses = function(html) { return html.replace( /\b([0-9A-Z\.\+\-_]+@(?:[0-9A-Z\-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6})\b/gi, '<a href="mailto:$1" title="mailto:$1">$1</a>' ); }; Ox.parseHTML = (function() { /* >>> Ox.parseHTML('http://foo.com, bar') '<a href="http://foo.com" title="http://foo.com">foo.com</a>, bar' >>> Ox.parseHTML('(see: www.foo.com)') '(see: <a href="http://www.foo.com" title="http://www.foo.com">www.foo.com</a>)' >>> Ox.parseHTML('foo@bar.com') '<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com" title="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo@bar.com</a>' >>> Ox.parseHTML('<a href="http://foo.com" onmouseover="alert()">foo</a>') '<a href="http://foo.com" title="http://foo.com">foo</a>' >>> Ox.parseHTML('<a href="javascript:alert()">foo</a>') '<a href="javascript:alert()">foo</a>' >>> Ox.parseHTML('[http://foo.com foo]') '<a href="http://foo.com" title="http://foo.com">foo</a>' >>> Ox.parseHTML('<rtl>foo</rtl>') '<div style="direction: rtl">foo</div>' >>> Ox.parseHTML('<script>alert()</script>') '<script>alert()</script>' */ var defaultTags = [ 'a', 'b', 'blockquote', 'cite', 'code', 'del', 'em', 'i', 'img', 'ins', 'li', 'ol', 'q', 'rtl', 's', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'ul', '[]' ], parse = { a: { '<a [^<>]*?href="(https?:\/\/.+?)".*?>': '<a href="{1}" title="{1}">', '<\/a>': '</a>' }, img: { '<img [^<>]*?src="(https?:\/\/.+?)".*?>': '<img src="{1}">' }, rtl: { '<rtl>': '<div style="direction: rtl">', '<\/rtl>': '</div>' }, '*': function(tag) { var ret = {}; ret['<(/?' + tag + ')>'] = '<{1}>'; return ret; } }, tab = '\t'; return function(html, tags, wikilinks) { var matches = [], tags = tags || defaultTags; html = Ox.clean(html); if (tags.indexOf('[]') > -1) { html = html.replace(/\[(https?:\/\/.+?) (.+?)\]/gi, '<a href="$1">$2</a>'); tags = tags.filter(function(tag) { return tag != '[]'; }); } tags.forEach(function(tag) { var p = parse[tag] || parse['*'](tag); Ox.forEach(p, function(replace, regexp) { html = html.replace(new RegExp(regexp, 'gi'), function() { matches.push(Ox.formatString(replace, arguments)); return tab + (matches.length - 1) + tab; }); }); }); html = Ox.encodeHTML(html); html = Ox.parseURLs(html); html = Ox.parseEmailAddresses(html); matches.forEach(function(match, i) { html = html.replace(new RegExp(tab + i + tab, 'gi'), match); }); html = html.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>\n') // close extra opening (and remove extra closing) tags // return $('<div>').html(html).html(); // fixme: this converts '"' to '"' return Ox.element('div').html(html).html(); } }()); Ox.parseURL = (function() { // fixme: leak memory, like now, or create every time? ... benchmark?? var a = document.createElement('a'), keys = ['hash', 'host', 'hostname', 'origin', 'pathname', 'port', 'protocol', 'search']; return function(str) { var ret = {}; a.href = str; keys.forEach(function(key) { ret[key] = a[key]; }); return ret; }; }()); Ox.parseURLs = function(html) { return html.replace( /\b((https?:\/\/|www\.).+?)([\.,:;!\?\)\]]*?(\s|$))/gi, function(str, url, pre, end) { url = (pre == 'www.' ? 'http://' : '' ) + url; return Ox.formatString( '<a href="{url}" title="{url}">{host}</a>{end}', { end: end, host: Ox.parseURL(url).hostname, url: url } ); } ); }; /* ================================================================================ Math functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.asinh = function(x) { /* fixme: no test */ return Math.log(x + Math.sqrt(x * x + 1)); }; Ox.deg = function(rad) { /* >>> Ox.deg(2 * Math.PI) 360 */ return rad * 180 / Math.PI; }; Ox.divideInt = function(num, by) { /* >>> Ox.divideInt(100, 3) [33, 33, 34] >>> Ox.divideInt(100, 6) [16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17] */ var arr = [], div = parseInt(num / by), mod = num % by, i; for (i = 0; i < by; i++) { arr[i] = div + (i > by - 1 - mod); } return arr; } Ox.limit = function(num, min, max) { /* >>> Ox.limit(1, 2, 3) 2 >>> Ox.limit(2, 1) 1 */ var len = arguments.length; max = arguments[len - 1]; min = len == 3 ? min : 0; return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max); }; Ox.log = function(x, base) { /* >>> Ox.log(100, 10) 2 >>> Ox.log(Math.E) 1 */ return Math.log(x) / Math.log(base || Math.E); }; Ox.rad = function(deg) { /* >>> Ox.rad(360) 2 * Math.PI */ return deg * Math.PI / 180; }; Ox.random = function() { /* >>> Ox.random(3) in {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0} true >>> Ox.random(1, 2) in {1: 0, 2: 0} true */ var len = arguments.length, min = len == 1 ? 0 : arguments[0], max = arguments[len - 1]; return min + parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); }; Ox.round = function(num, dec) { /* >>> Ox.round(2 / 3, 6) 0.666667 >>> Ox.round(1 / 2, 3) 0.5 */ var pow = Math.pow(10, dec || 0); return Math.round(num * pow) / pow; }; Ox.sinh = function(x) { /* fixme: no test */ return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / 2; }; /* ================================================================================ RegExp functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.regexp = { 'accents': '¨´`ˆ˜', 'letters': 'a-z¨´`ˆ˜äåáàâãæçëéèèñïíìîöóòôõøœßúùûÿ' }; /* ================================================================================ String functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.basename = function(str) { /* fixme: this should go into Path functions >>> Ox.basename("foo/bar/foo.bar") "foo.bar" >>> Ox.basename("foo.bar") "foo.bar" */ return str.replace(/^.*[\/\\]/g, ''); }; Ox.char = String.fromCharCode; Ox.clean = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.clean("foo bar") "foo bar" >>> Ox.clean(" foo bar ") "foo bar" >>> Ox.clean(" foo \n bar ") "foo\nbar" */ return Ox.map(str.split('\n'), function(str) { return Ox.trim(str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')); }).join('\n'); }; Ox.contains = function(str, chr) { /* >>> Ox.contains("foo", "bar") false >>> Ox.contains("foobar", "bar") true */ return str.indexOf(chr) > -1; }; Ox.endsWith = function(str, sub) { /* >>> Ox.endsWith("foobar", "bar") true */ return str.substr(-sub.length) === sub; }; Ox.highlight = function(txt, str) { // fixme: move to ox.ui return str ? txt.replace( new RegExp('(' + str + ')', 'ig'), '<span class="OxHighlight">$1</span>' ) : txt; }; Ox.isValidEmail = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.isValidEmail("foo@bar.com") true >>> Ox.isValidEmail("foo.bar@foobar.co.uk") true >>> Ox.isValidEmail("foo@bar") false */ return !!/^[0-9A-Z\.\+\-_]+@(?:[0-9A-Z\-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}$/i(str); } Ox.pad = function(str, len, pad, pos) { /* >>> Ox.pad(1, 2) "01" >>> Ox.pad("abc", 6, ".", "right") "abc..." >>> Ox.pad("foobar", 3, ".", "right") "foo" >>> Ox.pad("abc", 6, "123456", "right") "abc123" >>> Ox.pad("abc", 6, "123456", "left") "456abc" */ str = str.toString().substr(0, len); pad = Ox.repeat(pad || "0", len - str.length); pos = pos || "left"; str = pos == "left" ? pad + str : str + pad; str = pos == "left" ? str.substr(str.length - len, str.length) : str.substr(0, len); return str; }; Ox.repeat = function(str, num) { /* >>> Ox.repeat(1, 3) "111" >>> Ox.repeat("foo", 3) "foofoofoo" */ return num >= 1 ? new Array(num + 1).join(str.toString()) : ''; }; Ox.reverse = function(str) { /* Ox.reverse("foo") oof */ return str.split('').reverse().join(''); }; Ox.startsWith = function(str, sub) { /* >>> Ox.startsWith("foobar", "foo") true */ return str.substr(0, sub.length) === sub; }; Ox.stripTags = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.stripTags("f<span>o</span>o") "foo" */ return str.replace(/(<.*?>)/gi, ''); }; Ox.toCamelCase = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.toCamelCase("foo-bar-baz") "fooBarBaz" >>> Ox.toCamelCase("foo/bar/baz") "fooBarBaz" >>> Ox.toCamelCase("foo_bar_baz") "fooBarBaz" */ return str.replace(/[\-_\/][a-z]/g, function(str) { return str[1].toUpperCase(); }); }; Ox.toDashes = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.toDashes("fooBarBaz") "foo-bar-baz" */ return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(str) { return '-' + str.toLowerCase(); }); }; Ox.toSlashes = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.toSlashes("fooBarBaz") "foo/bar/baz" */ return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(str) { return '/' + str.toLowerCase(); }); }; Ox.toTitleCase = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.toTitleCase("foo") "Foo" >>> Ox.toTitleCase("Apple releases iPhone, IBM stock plummets") "Apple Releases iPhone, IBM Stock Plummets" */ return Ox.map(str.split(' '), function(v) { var sub = v.substr(1), low = sub.toLowerCase(); if (sub == low) { v = v.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + low; } return v; }).join(" "); }; Ox.toUnderscores = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.toUnderscores("fooBarBaz") "foo_bar_baz" */ return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(str) { return '_' + str.toLowerCase(); }); }; Ox.trim = function(str) { // is in jQuery /* Ox.trim(" foo ") "foo" */ return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }; Ox.truncate = function(str, len, pad, pos) { /* >>> Ox.truncate("anticonstitutionellement", 16, "...", "center") "anticon...lement" */ var pad = pad || {}, pos = pos || "right", strlen = str.length, padlen = pad.length, left, right; if (strlen > len) { if (pos == "left") { str = pad + str.substr(padlen + strlen - len); } else if (pos == "center") { left = Math.ceil((len - padlen) / 2); right = Math.floor((len - padlen) / 2); str = str.substr(0, left) + pad + str.substr(-right); } else if (pos == "right") { str = str.substr(0, len - padlen) + pad; } } return str; }; Ox.words = function(str) { /* >>> Ox.words('He\'s referring to the "ill-conceived" AOL/TimeWarner merger--didn\'t you know?') ['he\'s', 'referring', 'to' , 'the' , 'ill-conceived' , 'aol', 'timewarner' , 'merger' , 'didn\'t', 'you', 'know'] */ var arr = str.toLowerCase().split(/\b/), chr = "-'", len = arr.length, startsWithWord = !!/\w/(arr[0]); arr.forEach(function(v, i) { // find single occurrences of chars in chr // that are not at the beginning or end of str // and join the surrounding words with them if ( i > 0 && i < len - 1 && v.length == 1 && chr.indexOf(v) > -1 ) { arr[i + 1] = arr[i - 1] + arr[i] + arr[i + 1]; arr[i - 1] = arr[i] = ''; } }); // remove elements that have been emptied above arr = arr.filter(function(v) { return v.length; }); // return words, not spaces or punctuation return arr.filter(function(v, i) { return i % 2 == !startsWithWord; }); } Ox.wordwrap = function(str, len, sep, bal, spa) { /* >>> Ox.wordwrap("Anticonstitutionellement, Paris s'eveille", 25, "<br/>") "Anticonstitutionellement, <br/>Paris s'eveille" >>> Ox.wordwrap("Anticonstitutionellement, Paris s'eveille", 16, "<br/>") "Anticonstitution<br/>ellement, Paris <br/>s'eveille" >>> Ox.wordwrap("These are short words", 16, "<br/>", true) "These are <br/>short words" */ var str = str === null ? '' : str.toString(), len = len || 80, sep = sep || "<br/>", bal = bal || false, spa = Ox.isUndefined(spa) ? true : spa, words = str.split(" "), lines; if (bal) { // balance lines: test if same number of lines // can be achieved with a shorter line length lines = Ox.wordwrap(str, len, sep, false).split(sep); if (lines.length > 1) { // test shorter line, unless // that means cutting a word var max = Ox.max(Ox.map(words, function(word) { return word.length; })); while (len > max) { len--; if (Ox.wordwrap(str, len, sep, false).split(sep).length > lines.length) { len++; break; } } } } lines = [""]; Ox.forEach(words, function(word) { if ((lines[lines.length - 1] + word + " ").length <= len + 1) { // word fits in current line lines[lines.length - 1] += word + " "; } else { if (word.length <= len) { // word fits in next line lines.push(word + " "); } else { // word is longer than line var chr = len - lines[lines.length - 1].length; lines[lines.length - 1] += word.substr(0, chr); for (var pos = chr; pos < word.length; pos += len) { lines.push(word.substr(pos, len)); } lines[lines.length - 1] += " "; } } }); if (!spa) { lines = Ox.map(lines, function(line) { return Ox.trim(line); }); } return Ox.trim(lines.join(sep)); }; /* ================================================================================ Type functions ================================================================================ */ Ox.isArguments = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isArguments((function() { return arguments; }())) true */ return !!(val && val.toString() == '[object Arguments]'); } Ox.isArray = function(val) { // is in jQuery /* >>> Ox.isArray([]) true */ return val instanceof Array; } Ox.isBoolean = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isBoolean(false) true */ return typeof val == 'boolean'; }; Ox.isDate = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isDate(new Date()) true */ return val instanceof Date; }; Ox.isElement = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isElement(document.createElement()) true */ return !!(val && val.nodeType == 1); }; Ox.isFunction = function(val) { // is in jQuery /* >>> Ox.isFunction(function() {}) true >>> Ox.isFunction(/ /) false */ return typeof val == 'function' && !Ox.isRegExp(val); }; Ox.isInfinity = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isInfinity(Infinity) true >>> Ox.isInfinity(-Infinity) true >>> Ox.isInfinity(NaN) false */ return typeof val == 'number' && !isFinite(val) && !Ox.isNaN(val); }; Ox.isNaN = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isNaN(NaN) true */ return val !== val; } Ox.isNull = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isNull(null) true */ return val === null; }; Ox.isNumber = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isNumber(0) true >>> Ox.isNumber(Infinity) false >>> Ox.isNumber(-Infinity) false >>> Ox.isNumber(NaN) false */ return typeof val == 'number' && isFinite(val); }; Ox.isObject = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isObject({}) true >>> Ox.isObject([]) false >>> Ox.isObject(new Date()) false >>> Ox.isObject(null) false */ return typeof val == 'object' && !Ox.isArguments(val) && !Ox.isArray(val) && !Ox.isDate(val) && !Ox.isNull(val); }; Ox.isRegExp = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isRegExp(/ /) true */ return val instanceof RegExp; }; Ox.isString = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isString('') true */ return typeof val == 'string'; }; Ox.isUndefined = function(val) { /* >>> Ox.isUndefined() true */ return typeof val == 'undefined'; }; Ox.typeOf = function(val) { /* >>> (function() { return Ox.typeOf(arguments); }()) 'arguments' >>> Ox.typeOf([]) 'array' >>> Ox.typeOf(false) 'boolean' >>> Ox.typeOf(new Date()) 'date' >>> Ox.typeOf(document.createElement()) 'element' >>> Ox.typeOf(function() {}) 'function' >>> Ox.typeOf(Infinity) 'infinity' >>> Ox.typeOf(NaN) 'nan' >>> Ox.typeOf(null) 'null' >>> Ox.typeOf(0) 'number' >>> Ox.typeOf({}) 'object' >>> Ox.typeOf(/ /) 'regexp' >>> Ox.typeOf('') 'string' >>> Ox.typeOf() 'undefined' */ var ret; Ox.forEach(Ox.TYPES, function(type) { if (Ox['is' + type](val)) { ret = type.toLowerCase(); return false; } }); return ret; };