import json import ox import re remove = [ 'ABOVE', 'BAR', 'BELOW', 'CEDILLA', 'DIGRAPH', 'LONGA', 'ROTUNDA' ] special = { 'ACCOUNT OF': 'a/o', 'ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECT': 'a/s', 'AM': 'a.m.', 'ANGSTROM SIGN': 'A', 'C OVER KG': 'c/kg', 'CADA UNA': 'c/u', 'CARE OF': 'c/o', 'CM CUBED': 'cm3', 'CM SQUARED': 'cm2', 'CO': 'Co.', 'DM CUBED': 'dm3', 'DM SQUARED': 'dm2', 'EIGHT': '8', 'ELEVEN': '11', 'EULER CONSTANT': 'E', 'FACSIMILE SIGN': 'FAX', 'FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR': 'a', 'FIFTY': '50', 'FIVE': '5', 'FIVE HUNDRED': '500', 'FOUR': '4', 'INFORMATION SOURCE': 'I', 'KCAL': 'kcal', 'KELVIN SIGN': 'K', 'KK': 'K.K.', 'KM CAPITAL': 'KM', 'KM CUBED': 'km3', 'KM SQUARED': 'km2', 'LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE': '\'n', 'LIMITED LIABILITY SIGN': 'LTD', 'M CUBED': 'm3', 'M OVER S SQUARED': 'm/s2', 'M SQUARED': 'm2', 'MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR': 'o', 'MB SMALL': 'mb', 'MM CUBED': 'mm3', 'MM SQUARED': 'mm2', 'MV MEGA': 'MV', 'MW MEGA': 'MW', 'NINE': '9', 'NUMERO SIGN': 'No', 'ONE': '1', 'ONE HUNDRED': '100', 'ONE THOUSAND': '1000', 'PA AMPS': 'pA', 'PARTNERSHIP SIGN': 'PTE', 'PLANCK CONSTANT': 'h', 'PLANCK CONSTANT OVER PI': 'h', 'PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI': 'h', 'PM': 'p.m.', 'RAD OVER S SQUARED': 'rad/s2', 'RUPEE SIGN': 'Rs', 'S T': 'st', 'SERVICE MARK': 'SM', 'SEVEN': '7', 'SIX': '6', 'TELEPHONE SIGN': 'TEL', 'TEN': '10', 'THREE': '3', 'TRADE MARK SIGN': 'TM', 'TWELVE': '12', 'TWO': '2' } special_keys = sorted(special.keys(), key=lambda x: -len(x)) units = [ 'bar', 'Bq', 'cal', 'cd', 'cm', 'da', 'dB', 'dl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'fm', 'GHz', 'GPa', 'Gy', 'ha', 'hPa', 'Hz', 'in', 'kA', 'kcal', 'kg', 'KHz', 'kl', 'km', 'KPa', 'kt', 'kV', 'kW', 'log', 'lm', 'ln', 'lx', 'mA', 'mg', 'MHz', 'mil', 'ml', 'mm', 'mol', 'MPa', 'ms', 'mV', 'mW', 'nA', 'nF', 'nm', 'ns', 'nV', 'nW', 'oV', 'Pa', 'pc', 'pH', 'PPM', 'ps', 'pV', 'pW', 'rad', 'sr', 'Sv', 'THz', 'wb' ] txt = ox.cache.read_url('', unicode=True) lines = txt.split('\n') length = len(lines) chars = {} sections = [] types = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): results = re.compile('^@@\t[0-9A-Z]{4}\t(.+)\t[0-9A-Z]{4}').findall(line) if results: # section section = results[0].upper() sections.append(section) else: results = re.compile('^@\t\t(.+)').findall(line) if results: # type type = results[0].upper() types.append(type) else: results = re.compile('^([0-9A-Z]{4})\t(.+)').findall(line) if results: # char + name char = unichr(int(results[0][0], 16)) name = results[0][1] chars[char] = { 'names': [] if name[0] == '<' else [name], 'section': section, 'type': type } if char == '\uFFFF': break else: results = re.compile('^\t= (.+)').findall(line) if results: # name for name in results[0].upper().split(', '): chars[char]['names'].append(name) html = ox.cache.readUrlUnicode('') results = re.compile("title='(.+):.+<tt>([0-9A-Z]{4})</tt>").findall(html) no_ascii = [] for result in results: code = result[1] if int(code, 16) > 127: char = unichr(int(code, 16)) name = result[0] words = name.split(' ') ascii = '' for key in special_keys: if name == key or name.endswith(' ' + key): ascii = special[key] break if not ascii: for unit in units: if words[-1] == unit.upper(): ascii = unit break; if not ascii: name = re.sub(' WITH .+', '', name) for word in remove: name = re.sub(' ' + word, '', name) words = name.split(' ') if len(words[-1]) <= 2: ascii = words[-1] else: no_ascii.append(name) if ascii: if 'SMALL' in words and not 'CAPITAL' in words: ascii = ascii.lower() chars[char]['ascii'] = ascii f = open('../../source/Ox.Unicode/json/Ox.Unicode.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(chars, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) f.close() f = open('json/no_ascii.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(sorted(no_ascii), indent=4)) f.close()