/* Load the image module. */ Ox.load('Image', function() { /* Load a sample image (about which you can read more on <a href="see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenna">Wikipedia</a>). */ Ox.Image('png/lenna256.png', function(image) { /* Create some DOM elements. */ var $body = Ox.$('body'), $select = Ox.$('<select>').bind({change: change}).appendTo($body), $image = Ox.$('<img>').attr({src: image.src()}).appendTo($body); [ 'Method...', 'src("png/lenna256.png")', 'blur(2)', 'blur(4)', 'channel("r")', 'channel("g")', 'channel("b")', 'channel("h")', 'channel("s")', 'channel("l")', 'contour()', 'depth(1)', 'depth(2)', 'depth(4)', 'drawCircle([128, 128], 64, {"fill": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"})', 'drawLine([[64, 64], [192, 192]], {"color": "green", "width": 2})', 'drawPath([[64, 64], [192, 64], [64, 192]], {"close": true})', 'drawRectangle([64, 64], [128, 128], {"fill": "red", "width": 0})', 'drawText("?", [16, 240], {"color": "blue", "font": "64px Arial"})', 'edges()', 'emboss()', 'encode("secret")', 'decode()', 'encode("secret", false)', 'decode(false)', 'encode("secret", 1)', 'decode(1)', 'encode("secret", false, 15)', 'decode(false, 15)', 'encode("secret", 127)', 'decode(127)', 'filter([0, 1, 0, 1, -2, 1, 0, 1, 0])', 'hue(-60)', 'hue(60)', 'invert()', 'lightness(-0.5)', 'lightness(0.5)', 'map(function(v, xy) { return Ox.sum(xy) % 2 ? [0, 0, 0] : v; })', 'mosaic(4)', 'motionBlur()', 'photocopy()', 'pixel([16, 16], [255, 255, 255])', 'posterize()', 'saturation(-0.5)', 'saturation(0.5)', 'sharpen()', 'solarize()' ].forEach(function(method) { Ox.$('<option>').html(method).appendTo($select); }); function change() { var value = $select.val(), match = value.match(/^(\w+)\((.*?)\)$/), fn = match[1], args; /* The <code>map</code> method takes a function as its argument, which we can't <code>JSON.parse</code>, but have to <code>eval</code>. */ try { args = JSON.parse('[' + match[2] + ']'); } catch(e) { args = [eval('f = ' + match[2])]; } /* The <code>src</code> and <code>encode</code> methods are asynchronous and take a callback function. */ if (fn == 'src' || fn == 'encode') { image[fn].apply(null, Ox.merge(args, function(image) { $image.attr({src: image.src()}); })); /* The <code>decode</code> method is asynchronous too, and its callback function gets passed a string. */ } else if (fn == 'decode') { image[fn].apply(null, Ox.merge(args, function(str) { alert(str); })); /* All other methods simply return the image. */ } else { $image.attr({src: image[fn].apply(null, args).src()}); } $select.val('Method...'); } }); });