<h1>Getting Started with OxJS</h1> <p><pre><!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="OxJS/build/Ox.js"></script> <script> Ox.load(function() { // Document ready. Your code here. }); </script> </head> <body></body> </html></pre><p> <p>To include <code>Ox.UI</code>, start with <code>Ox.load('UI', function() { ... })</code>.</p> <p>For the development version, use <code>OxJS/dev/Ox.js</code> instead.<p> <p>If you're making changes to <code>OxJS</code> (methods, widgets, modules, etc.), make them in <code>source/</code>, not in <code>dev/</code>. <code>dev/</code> contains symlinks to <code>source/</code> (plus some json files to tell <code>Ox.load</code> which resources to include), so your edits will be live.</p> <p>To add or remove files, or to rebuild the production version, run <code>/tools/build/build.py</code>. This will update both <code>build/</code> and <code>dev/</code> from <code>source/</code>.</p>