<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>OxJS Image Encode Demo</title <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../build/Ox.js"></script> <script> Ox.load('Image', function() { var fixmeOxelement; var body = Ox.element('body'), button = Ox.element('<input>').attr({type: 'button', value: 'Encode'}).click(function() { button.attr({disabled: 'disabled'}) if (button.attr('value') == 'Encode') { button.attr({value: 'Encoding...'}); encode(function(image) { fixmeOxelement = image; button.removeAttr('disabled').attr({value: 'Decode'}); }); } else { button.attr({value: 'Decoding...'}); setTimeout(function() { decode(fixmeOxelement, function() { button.attr({value: 'Done'}) }); }, 0); } }).appendTo(body); Ox.element('<br>').appendTo(body); function encode(callback) { var lines = [ 'The first image he told me about was of three children on a road in Iceland in 1965.', 'He said for him it was the image of happiness, and that he had often tried to link it to other images, but it had never worked.' ]; Ox.Image('png/vietnam.png', function(vietnam) { vietnam.encode(lines[1], false, 1, function(vietnam) { Ox.Image('png/iceland.png', function(iceland){ iceland.encode(lines[0], false, 1, function(iceland) { Ox.print('src.length', vietnam.src().length) iceland.encode(vietnam.src(), -1, function(image) { Ox.element('<img>').attr({src: image.src()}).appendTo(body); callback(image); }); }); }); }); }); } function decode(iceland, callback) { iceland.decode(false, 1, function(str) { Ox.element('<div>').html(str).appendTo(body); iceland.decode(-1, function(src) { Ox.element('<img>').attr({src: src}).appendTo(body); Ox.Image(src, function(vietnam) { vietnam.decode(false, 1, function(str) { Ox.element('<div>').html(str).appendTo(body); callback(); }); }); }); }); } }); </script> </head> <body></body> </html>