<h1>OxDoc — A JavaScript Documentation Language</h1>

<p><code>OxDoc</code> is a new format for JavaScript documentation. It was developed for and is used throughout <code>OxJS</code>, which provides a <a href="#doc/Ox.doc">parser</a> and a <a href="#doc/Ox.DocPanel">browser</a> for it.</p>

<p><code>OxDoc</code> itself isn't formally documented yet, but you may want to take a look at the extensive <a href="#examples/oxdoc_tutorial">tutorial</a>. The sample below should give you a rough first idea.</p>

<p>For now, <code>OxDoc</code> should be considered a proposal, and this introduction is, above all, a request for <a href="#development">comments</a>.</p>

<pre class="code">
//@ Section Name
this.My = {};
//@ My.foo &lt;number> One-line summary, with *some* `markdown`
My.foo = 23;
My.bar &lt;object> Summary
    Optional multi-line description, with *some* `markdown`.
    property &lt;object> A property of `My.bar`
        Description of `property`.
        foo &lt;number> A number
        bar &lt;[string]> An array of strings
    method &lt;function> A method of `My.bar`
        (foo[, bar], callback) -> &lt;undefined> Return value
        foo &lt;number|string> Argument, number or string
        bar &lt;boolean|false> Optional argument, default is `false`
        callback &lt;function> Callback function
            arg &lt;boolean> Argument
    baz &lt;event> An event triggered by `My.bar`
        x &lt;number> Event property
        y &lt;number> Event property
    # This is a comment. Below are inline tests. The last one is asynchronous.
    > My.bar.property.foo &lt; 1
    > My.bar.property.bar.join('')
    > My.bar.method(1, function(arg) { Ox.test(arg, true); })
My.bar = {
    property: {
        foo: Math.random(),
        bar: 'string'.split('') 
    method: function(foo, bar, callback) {
        if (arguments.length == 2) {
            callback = bar;
            bar = false;
        if (bar) {
            // trigger baz event
        setTimeout(function() {