'use strict'; /*@ Ox.CollapsePanel CollapsePanel Object options Options object collapsed collapsed state extras panel extras size size title title self Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> CollapsePanel Object toggle toggle @*/ Ox.CollapsePanel = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ animate: true, collapsed: false, extras: [], size: 16, title: '' }) .options(options) .update({ collapsed: function() { // will be toggled again in toggleCollapsed self.options.collapsed = !self.options.collapsed; self.$button.toggle(); toggleCollapsed(); }, title: function() { self.$title.html(self.options.title); } }) .addClass('OxPanel OxCollapsePanel'); self.$titlebar = Ox.Bar({ orientation: 'horizontal', size: self.options.size }) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: doubleclickTitlebar }) .appendTo(that); self.$button = Ox.Button({ style: 'symbol', type: 'image', value: self.options.collapsed ? 'expand' : 'collapse', values: [ {id: 'expand', title: 'right'}, {id: 'collapse', title: 'down'} ] }) .bindEvent({ click: toggleCollapsed }) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); self.$title = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxTitle') .html(self.options.title) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); if (self.options.extras.length) { self.$extras = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxExtras') .css({width: self.options.extras.length * 16 + 'px'}) .appendTo(self.$titlebar); self.options.extras.forEach(function($extra) { $extra.appendTo(self.$extras); }); } that.$content = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxContent') .appendTo(that); // fixme: doesn't work, content still empty // need to hide it if collapsed if (self.options.collapsed) { that.$content.css({ marginTop: -that.$content.height() + 'px' }).hide(); } function doubleclickTitlebar(e) { if (!$(e.target).hasClass('OxButton')) { self.$button.trigger('click'); } } function toggleCollapsed() { // show/hide is needed in case the collapsed content // grows vertically when shrinking the panel horizontally var marginTop; self.options.collapsed = !self.options.collapsed; marginTop = self.options.collapsed ? -that.$content.height() : 0; !self.options.collapsed && that.$content.css({ marginTop: -that.$content.height() + 'px' }).show(); if (self.options.animate) { that.$content.animate({ marginTop: marginTop + 'px' }, 250, function() { self.options.collapsed && that.$content.hide(); }); } else { that.$content.css({ marginTop: marginTop + 'px' }); self.options.collapsed && that.$content.hide(); } that.triggerEvent('toggle', { collapsed: self.options.collapsed }); } /*@ update Update panel when in collapsed state @*/ that.updatePanel = function() { self.options.collapsed && that.$content.css({ marginTop: -that.$content.height() }); }; return that; };