//vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js
Ox.BlockTimeline = function(options, self) {
var self = self || {},
that = new Ox.Element('div', self)
cuts: [],
duration: 0,
find: '',
matches: [],
points: [0, 0],
position: 0,
subtitles: [],
videoId: '',
width: 0
.options(options || {})
drag: function(event, e) {
$.extend(self, {
$images: [],
$lines: [],
$markerPoint: [],
$selection: [],
$subtitles: [],
$tooltip: new Ox.Tooltip({
animate: false
textAlign: 'center'
hasSubtitles: self.options.subtitles.length,
height: 16,
lines: Math.ceil(self.options.duration / self.options.width),
margin: 8
width: (self.options.width + self.margin) + 'px',
height: ((self.height + self.margin) * self.lines + 4) + 'px'
getTimelineImageURL(function(url) {
self.timelineImageURL = url;
Ox.range(0, self.lines).forEach(function(i) {
self.$markerPosition = $('')
src: Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/ox.ui/videoMarkerPlay.png'
position: 'absolute',
width: '9px',
height: '5px',
zIndex: 10
['in', 'out'].forEach(function(v, i) {
var titleCase = Ox.toTitleCase(v);
self.$markerPoint[i] = $('')
.addClass('OxMarkerPoint' + titleCase)
src: Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/ox.ui/videoMarker' + titleCase + '.png'
function addLine(i) {
// fixme: get URLs once, not once for every line
self.$lines[i] = new Ox.Element('div')
top: i * (self.height + self.margin) + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
self.$images[i] = $('')
src: self.timelineImageURL
marginLeft: (-i * self.options.width) + 'px'
if (self.hasSubtitles) {
self.subtitlesImageURL = getSubtitlesImageURL();
self.$subtitles[i] = $('')
src: self.subtitlesImageURL
marginLeft: (-i * self.options.width) + 'px'
if (self.options.points[0] != self.options.points[1]) {
function addSelection(i) {
self.selectionImageURL = getSelectionImageURL();
self.$selection[i] && self.$selection[i].remove();
self.$selection[i] = $('')
src: self.selectionImageURL
marginLeft: (-i * self.options.width) + 'px'
function getPosition(e) {
//FIXME: this might still be broken in opera according to http://acko.net/blog/mouse-handling-and-absolute-positions-in-javascript
return (e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : e.clientX - $(e.target).offset().left);
function getSelectionImageURL() {
var height = 18,
width = Math.ceil(self.options.duration),
$canvas = $('