'use strict'; /*@ Ox.TimeInput <f> TimeInput Object options <o> Options object ampm <b|false> 24h/ampm seconds <b|false> show seconds milliseconds <b|false> show milliseconds value <d> value, defaults to current time self <o> Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.InputGroup> TimeInput Object @*/ Ox.TimeInput = function(options, self) { // fixme: seconds get set even if options.seconds is false var that; self = Ox.extend(self || {}, { options: Ox.extend({ ampm: false, seconds: false, milliseconds: false, value: (function() { var date = new Date(); return Ox.formatDate( date, options && (options.seconds || options.milliseconds) ? '%T' : '%H:%M' ) + (options && options.milliseconds ? '.' + Ox.pad(date % 1000, 3) : ''); }()), width: { hours: 32, minutes: 32, seconds: 32, milliseconds: 40, ampm: 32 } }, options || {}) }); self.options.seconds = self.options.seconds || self.options.milliseconds; self.$input = { hours: Ox.Input({ autocomplete: (self.options.ampm ? Ox.range(1, 13) : Ox.range(0, 24)).map(function(i) { return Ox.pad(i, 2); }), autocompleteReplace: true, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: true, id: 'hours', textAlign: 'right', width: self.options.width.hours }), minutes: Ox.Input({ autocomplete: Ox.range(0, 60).map(function(i) { return Ox.pad(i, 2); }), autocompleteReplace: true, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: true, id: 'minutes', textAlign: 'right', width: self.options.width.minutes }), seconds: Ox.Input({ autocomplete: Ox.range(0, 60).map(function(i) { return Ox.pad(i, 2); }), autocompleteReplace: true, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: true, id: 'seconds', textAlign: 'right', width: self.options.width.seconds }), milliseconds: Ox.Input({ autocomplete: Ox.range(0, 1000).map(function(i) { return Ox.pad(i, 3); }), autocompleteReplace: true, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: true, id: 'milliseconds', textAlign: 'right', width: self.options.width.milliseconds }), ampm: Ox.Input({ autocomplete: ['AM', 'PM'], autocompleteReplace: true, autocompleteReplaceCorrect: true, id: 'ampm', width: self.options.width.ampm }) }; that = Ox.InputGroup(Ox.extend(self.options, { id: self.options.id, inputs: [].concat([ self.$input.hours, self.$input.minutes, ], self.options.seconds ? [ self.$input.seconds ] : [], self.options.milliseconds ? [ self.$input.milliseconds ] : [], self.options.ampm ? [ self.$input.ampm ] : []), join: join, separators: [].concat([ {title: ':', width: 8}, ], self.options.seconds ? [ {title: ':', width: 8} ] : [], self.options.milliseconds ? [ {title: '.', width: 8} ] : [], self.options.ampm ? [ {title: '', width: 8} ] : []), split: split, value: self.options.value, width: 0 }), self); function getDate() { return new Date('1970/01/01 ' + ( self.options.milliseconds ? self.options.value.slice(0, -4) : self.options.value )); } function getValues() { var date = getDate(); return { ampm: Ox.formatDate(date, '%p'), hours: Ox.formatDate(date, self.options.ampm ? '%I' : '%H'), milliseconds: self.options.milliseconds ? self.options.value.slice(-3) : '000', minutes: Ox.formatDate(date, '%M'), seconds: Ox.formatDate(date, '%S') }; } function join() { return Ox.formatDate( new Date( '1970/01/01 ' + [ self.$input.hours.value(), self.$input.minutes.value(), self.options.seconds ? self.$input.seconds.value() : '00' ].join(':') + ( self.options.ampm ? ' ' + self.$input.ampm.value() : '' ) ), ( self.options.seconds ? '%T' : '%H:%M' ) + ( self.options.milliseconds ? '.' + self.$input.milliseconds.value() : '' ) ); } function split(value) { var values = getValues(); return [].concat([ values.hours, values.minutes, ], self.options.seconds ? [ values.seconds ] : [], self.options.milliseconds ? [ values.milliseconds ] : [], self.options.ampm ? [ values.ampm ] : []); } return that; };