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This website requires an up-to-date, ' + 'HTML5-compliant web browser. ' + 'It should work fine in current versions of ' + 'Chrome, ' + 'Firefox and ' + 'Safari, or ' + 'Internet Explorer with ' + '' + 'Chrome Frame installed. ' + 'To proceed at your own risk, click on the logo above.' }, db: Ox.localStorage('OxJS'), getCSS: function(element) { var css = {}, home = app.url.get().page == '', center = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2), middle = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2); if (element == 'label') { css = home ? { top: middle + 16 + 'px', left: center - 128 + 'px', width: '242px', height: '16px', fontSize: '12px', opacity: 1, overflow: 'visible' } : { top: '35px', left: '4px', width: '40px', height: '4px', fontSize: '1px', opacity: 0 } } else if (element == 'loading') { css.top = middle + 52 + 'px' } else if (element == 'logo') { css = home || !app.state.loaded ? { left: center - 128 + 'px', top: middle - 128 + 'px', width: '256px', height: '128px', borderRadius: '32px' } : { top: '6px', left: '6px', width: '48px', height: '24px', borderRadius: '6px' }; } else if (element == 'menu') { css = home ? { top: middle + 56 + 'px', left: Math.ceil(center - app.$ui.menu.width() / 2) + 'px' } : { top: '6px', left: Math.ceil(center - app.$ui.menu.width() / 2) + 'px' }; } else if (element == 'screen') { css.opacity = home ? 1 : 0; } else if (element == 'switch') { css = home ? { top: middle + 96 + 'px', right: Math.floor(center - app.$ui.switch.width() / 2) + 'px' } : { top: '6px', right: '6px' }; } else if (element == 'warning') { css = { left: center - 128 + 'px', top: middle + 16 + 'px', }; } return css; }, getSRC: function(element) { return 'source/Ox.UI/themes/' + app.user.theme + '/' + { icon: 'png/icon16.png', loading: 'svg/symbolLoading.svg', logo: 'png/logo128.png' }[element]; }, init: function() { app.user = Ox.extend(app.data.user, app.db()); app.loadScreen(function() { app.loadData(function() { Ox.load('UI', {theme: app.user.theme}, app.load); }); }); }, load: function(browserSupported) { var url = app.url.get(); app.user.page = url.page; if (url.item && url.page in app.user.item) { app.user.item[url.page] = url.item; } app.db(app.user); app.$ui.panel = app.ui.panel() .select(app.user.page) .appendTo(Ox.$body); // jqueryfy so that we can animate ['screen', 'logo', 'loading'].forEach(function(element) { app.$ui[element] = $('.' + element); }); app.$ui.loading.animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function() { app.$ui.loading.remove(); }); if (!browserSupported) { app.$ui.warning = app.ui.warning() .css(app.getCSS('warning')) .appendTo(Ox.$body); app.$ui.logo .css({cursor: 'pointer'}) .one({ click: function() { app.$ui.warning.remove(); app.load(true); } }); } else if (!url.page) { app.$ui.logo .css({cursor: 'pointer'}) .on({click: app.toggle}); ['label', 'menu', 'switch'].forEach(function(element) { app.$ui[element] = app.ui[element]() .css({opacity: 0}) .appendTo(Ox.$body); app.$ui[element] .css(app.getCSS(element)) .animate({opacity: 1}, 500); }); } else { ['label', 'menu', 'switch'].forEach(function(element) { app.$ui[element] = app.ui[element]().appendTo(Ox.$body); app.$ui[element].css(app.getCSS(element)).hide(); }); app.$ui.screen.animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function() { app.$ui.screen.hide(); }); app.$ui.logo.animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function() { app.$ui.logo .attr({src: app.getSRC('logo')}) .css(app.getCSS('logo')) .animate({opacity: 1}, 500, function() { app.$ui.logo .css({cursor: 'pointer'}) .on({click: app.toggle}); }); app.$ui.switch.css({opacity: 0}).show() .animate({opacity: 1}, 500); }); } Ox.$window.on({hashchange: app.urlchange}); app.state.loaded = true; }, loadData: function(callback) { var q = '?' + Ox.random(100000), url = 'https://oxjs.org/downloads/downloads.json' + q; Ox.getJSON('index.json' + q, function(data) { app.data = Ox.extend(app.data, data); app.data.pages.forEach(function(page) { var id = page.id == 'doc' ? 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' You\'re up to date.' : ' ' + current ) : current; } ] }, resize: function() { [ 'logo', 'loading', 'label', 'menu', 'switch' ].forEach(function(element) { app.$ui[element] && app.$ui[element].css(app.getCSS(element)); }); }, rotate: function() { var css, deg = 0, previousTime = +new Date(), interval = setInterval(function() { var currentTime = +new Date(), delta = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000, loadingIcon = document.getElementById('loadingIcon'); if (loadingIcon) { previousTime = currentTime; deg = Math.round((deg + delta * 360) % 360 / 30) * 30; css = 'rotate(' + deg + 'deg)'; loadingIcon.style.MozTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.MSTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.OTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.WebkitTransform = css; } else { clearInterval(interval); } }, 83); }, setTheme: function(theme) { app.user.theme = theme; app.db(app.user); (Ox.$('#icon') || Ox.$('').attr({ id: 'icon', rel: 'shortcut icon', type: 'image/png' }).appendTo(Ox.$('head'))).attr({ href: app.getSRC('icon') }); app.$ui.logo && app.$ui.logo .attr({src: app.getSRC('logo')}) .css(app.getCSS('logo')); Ox.Theme ? Ox.Theme(theme) : Ox.$('body').addClass('OxTheme' + Ox.toTitleCase(theme) ); }, state: { animating: false, loaded: false }, toggle: function() { !app.state.animating && app.url.set( app.url.get().page ? { page: '', item: '' } : { page: app.user.previousPage, item: app.user.previousPage in app.user.item ? app.user.item[app.user.previousPage] : '' } ); }, ui: { doc: function() { return Ox.DocPanel({ element: $('
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