much better formatting of date ranges and their duration

This commit is contained in:
rolux 2011-05-26 19:10:32 +02:00
parent 13669aec63
commit f0052d3e3c
4 changed files with 247 additions and 97 deletions

View file

@ -36,14 +36,19 @@ Ox.load('UI', {debug: true, hideScreen: true, showScreen: true, theme: 'modern'}
{name: 'Summer 1968', start: '1968-06', end: '1968-09', type: 'date'},
{name: '1969', start: '1969', end: '1970', type: 'date'},
{name: '1970s', start: '1970', end: '1980', type: 'date'},
{name: '1970', start: '1970', end: '1971', type: 'date'},
{name: '1980s', start: '1980', end: '1990', type: 'date'},
{name: '1990s', start: '1990', end: '2000', type: 'date'},
{name: '3rd Millennium', start: '2000', end: '3000', type: 'date'},
{name: '21st Century', start: '2000', end: '2100', type: 'date'},
{name: '2000s', start: '2000', end: '2010', type: 'date'},
{name: '2000', start: '2000', end: '2001', type: 'date'},
{name: '2001', start: '2001', end: '2002', type: 'date'},
{name: '2010s', start: '2010', end: '2020', type: 'date'},
{name: '2020s', start: '2020', end: '2030', type: 'date'},
{name: 'Julius Caesar', start: '-100-07-13', end: '-44-03-15', type: 'person'},
{name: 'Barbarossa', start: '1122', end: '1190-06-10', type: 'person'},
{name: 'Genghis Khan', start: '1162', end: '1228', type: 'person'},
{name: 'Marco Polo', start: '1254', end: '1324-01-08', type: 'person'},

View file

@ -95,9 +95,6 @@ Ox.load('UI', {
WebkitUserSelect: 'text'
['moz', 'webkit'].forEach(function(browser) {
Ox.print('-' + browser + '-linear-gradient(left top, left bottom, rgb(' +
getColor(success, 0) + '), rgb(' +
getColor(success, 1) + '))')
background: '-' + browser + '-linear-gradient(top, rgb(' +
getColor(success, 0) + '), rgb(' +

View file

@ -74,12 +74,26 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) { { = Ox.isUndefined( ? Ox.uid() :;
event.start = Ox.parseDate(event.start, true);
event.end = Ox.parseDate(event.end, true);
event.startTime = Ox.parseDate(event.start, true);
event.endTime = Ox.parseDate(event.end, true);
event.rangeText = Ox.formatDateRange(event.start, event.end, true);
event.durationText = Ox.formatDateRangeDuration(event.start, event.end, true);
self.maxZoom = 32;
self.minLabelWidth = 80;
We need to iterate over irregular intervals, like months or years.
The idea is to put this logic into a data structure, the units.
Just like the 0-th second is 1970-01-01 00:00:00, the 0th month
is 1970-01, or the 0-th century is the 20th century.
A month unit, for example, has the following properties:
- seconds: average number of seconds
- date: returns the start date of the index-th month
- name: returns a string representation of the index-th month
- value: returns the month index for a given date
self.units = [
id: 'millennium',
@ -93,8 +107,8 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
name: function(i) {
return i > -2
? Ox.formatOrdinal(i + 2) + ' millennium'
: Ox.formatOrdinal(-i - 1) + ' millennium BC'
? Ox.formatOrdinal(i + 2) + ' Millennium'
: Ox.formatOrdinal(-i - 1) + ' Millennium BC'
value: function(date) {
return Math.floor(date.getUTCFullYear() / 1000) - 1;
@ -112,8 +126,8 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
name: function(i) {
return i > -20
? Ox.formatOrdinal(i + 20) + ' century'
: Ox.formatOrdinal(-i - 19) + ' century BC'
? Ox.formatOrdinal(i + 20) + ' Century'
: Ox.formatOrdinal(-i - 19) + ' Century BC'
value: function(date) {
return Math.floor(date.getUTCFullYear() / 100) - 19;
@ -506,55 +520,11 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
function formatEvent(event) {
return formatEventRange(event) + '<br/>' + formatEventDuration(event);
function formatEventDuration(event) {
// fixme: still wrong because of different number of leap days
var date = new Date(getEventDuration(event)),
strings = [],
values = {
years: date.getUTCFullYear() - 1970,
days: Ox.getDayOfTheYear(date, true) - 1,
hours: date.getUTCHours(),
minutes: date.getUTCMinutes(),
seconds: date.getUTCMilliseconds()
//Ox.print('****', values);
['year', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'].forEach(function(key) {
var value = values[key + 's'];
value && strings.push(value + ' ' + key + (value > 1 ? 's' : ''));
return strings.join(' ');
function formatEventRange(event) {
var isFullDays = Ox.formatDate(event.start, '%H:%M:%S', true) == '00:00:00' &&
Ox.formatDate(event.end, '%H:%M:%S', true) == '00:00:00',
isOneDay = isFullDays && getEventDuration(event) == 86400000, // fixme: wrong, DST
isSameDay = Ox.formatDate(event.start, '%Y-%m-%d', true) ==
Ox.formatDate(event.end, '%Y-%m-%d', true),
isSameYear = event.start.getUTCFullYear() == event.end.getUTCFullYear(),
timeFormat = isFullDays ? '' : ', %H:%M:%S',
string = Ox.formatDate(event.start, '%a, %b %e', true);
if (isOneDay || isSameDay || !isSameYear) {
string += Ox.formatDate(event.start, ', %Y' + timeFormat, true);
if (!isOneDay && !isSameDay) {
string += Ox.formatDate(event.end, ' - %a, %b %e, %Y' + timeFormat, true);
if (isSameDay) {
string += Ox.formatDate(event.end, ' - ' + timeFormat.replace(', ', ''), true);
return string;
function getCalendarEvent(zoom) {
var ms = self.options.width * getSecondsPerPixel(zoom) * 1000;
return {
start: new Date( - ms / 2),
end: new Date( + ms / 2)
startTime: new Date( - ms / 2),
endTime: new Date( + ms / 2)
@ -570,17 +540,17 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
function getEventCenter(event) {
return new Date(+event.start + getEventDuration(event) / 2);
return new Date(+event.startTime + getEventDuration(event) / 2);
function getEventDuration(event) {
return event.end - event.start;
return event.endTime - event.startTime;
function getEventElement(event, zoom) {
var left = Math.max(getPosition(event.start, zoom), -10000),
var left = Math.max(getPosition(event.startTime, zoom), -10000),
paddingLeft = (event.type && left < 0 ? -left : 0),
width = Ox.limit(getPosition(event.end, zoom) - left, 1, 20000) - paddingLeft;
width = Ox.limit(getPosition(event.endTime, zoom) - left, 1, 20000) - paddingLeft;
return new Ox.Element()
.addClass('OxEvent' +
(event.type ? ' Ox' + Ox.toTitleCase(event.type) : '' ) +
@ -692,8 +662,8 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
name: + i),
start: + i),
end: + i + 1)
startTime: + i),
endTime: + i + 1)
}, zoom)
.addClass(Ox.mod(value + i, 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd')
@ -729,7 +699,7 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
if ($'.OxLine > .OxEvent')) {
event = getEventById($'id'));
title = '<span class="OxBright">' + + '</span><br/>' +
event.rangeText + '<br>' + event.durationText;
} else {
title = Ox.formatDate(getMouseDate(e), '%a, %b %e, %Y, %H:%M:%S', true);
@ -763,9 +733,9 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
function overlaps(eventA, eventB) {
return (
eventA.start >= eventB.start && eventA.start < eventB.end
eventA.startTime >= eventB.startTime && eventA.startTime < eventB.endTime
) || (
eventB.start >= eventA.start && eventB.start < eventA.end
eventB.startTime >= eventA.startTime && eventB.startTime < eventA.endTime
@ -827,10 +797,10 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
return -1;
} else if (a.type != 'date' && b.type == 'date') {
return 1;
} else if (a.start < b.start || a.start > b.start) {
return a.start - b.start;
} else if (a.startTime < b.startTime || a.startTime > b.startTime) {
return a.startTime - b.startTime;
} else {
return (b.end - b.start) - (a.end - a.start);
return (b.endTime - b.startTime) - (a.endTime - a.startTime);
}).forEach(function(event, i) {
var line = lineEvents.length;
@ -865,7 +835,7 @@ Ox.Calendar = function(options, self) {
events.sort(function(a, b) {
// sort events by start, ascending
return a.start - b.start;
return a.startTime - b.startTime;
}).forEach(function(event) {
overlaps(event, calendarEvent) &&

View file

@ -1063,8 +1063,11 @@ Ox.rgb = function(hsl) {
//@ Ox.AMPM <[str]> ['AM', 'PM']
Ox.AMPM = ['AM', 'PM'];
//@ Ox.DURATIONS <[str]> ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second']
Ox.DURATIONS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second'];
//@ Ox.BCAD <[str]> ['BC', 'AD']
Ox.BCAD = ['BC', 'AD'];
// fixme: this is unused, and probably unneeded
//@ Ox.DURATIONS <[str]> ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
Ox.DURATIONS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'];
//@ Ox.EARTH_RADIUS <number> Radius of the earth in meters
// see
Ox.EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;
@ -1199,8 +1202,6 @@ Ox.getDateInWeek <f> Get the date that falls on a given weekday in the same week
// fixme: why is this Monday first? shouldn't it then be "getDateInISOWeek"??
Ox.getDateInWeek = function(date, weekday, utc) {
date = Ox.makeDate(date);
Ox.print(date, Ox.getDate(date, utc), Ox.formatDate(date, '%u', utc), date)
var sourceWeekday = Ox.getISODay(date, utc),
@ -1208,7 +1209,6 @@ Ox.getDateInWeek = function(date, weekday, utc) {, function(v, i) {
return v.substr(0, 3) == weekday.substr(0, 3) ? i + 1 : null;
Ox.print(date, Ox.getDate(date, utc), sourceWeekday, targetWeekday)
return Ox.setDate(date, Ox.getDate(date, utc) - sourceWeekday + targetWeekday, utc);
@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@ Ox.makeDate <f> Takes a date, number or string, returns a date
Ox.makeDate = function(date) {
return Ox.isDate(date) ? date :
Ox.isUndefined(date) ? new Date() : new Date(date);
// if date is a date, new Date(date) makes a clone
return Ox.isUndefined(date) ? new Date() : new Date(date);
@ -1445,12 +1445,11 @@ Ox.makeYear = function(date, utc) {
return Ox.isDate(date) ? Ox.getFullYear(date, utc) : parseInt(date);
Ox.parseDate(f) Takes a string ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') and returns a date
Ox.parseDate <f> Takes a string ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') and returns a date
str <s> string
utc <b|false> If true, Date is UTC
> +Ox.parseDate('1970-01-01 01:01:01')
> +Ox.parseDate('1970-01-01 01:01:01', true)
> +Ox.parseDate('1970', true)
@ -1458,9 +1457,9 @@ Ox.parseDate(f) Takes a string ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') and returns a date
Ox.parseDate = function(str, utc) {
var date = new Date(),
var date = new Date(0),
defaults = [, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
values = /(\d+)-?(\d+)?-?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?/(str);
values = /(-?\d+)-?(\d+)?-?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?/(str);
values =, i) {
return v || defaults[i];
@ -1469,11 +1468,29 @@ Ox.parseDate = function(str, utc) {
'FullYear', 'Month', 'Date', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'
].forEach(function(part, i) {
date = Ox['set' + part](date, values[i], utc);
Ox['set' + part](date, values[i], utc);
return date;
Ox.parseDateRange = function(start, end, utc) {
var dates = [
Ox.parseDate(start, utc),
Ox.parseDate(end, utc)
part = [
'FullYear', 'Month', 'Date', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'
/(-?\d+)-?(\d+)?-?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?/(end)
).length - 2
Ox['set' + part](dates[1], Ox['get' + part](dates[1], utc) + 1, utc);
return dates;
//@ Ox.setDate <f> Set the day of a date, optionally UTC
// see Ox.setSeconds for source code
//@ Ox.setDay <f> Set the weekday of a date, optionally UTC
@ -1493,14 +1510,15 @@ Ox.parseDate = function(str, utc) {
'FullYear', 'Month', 'Date', 'Day',
'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds', 'Milliseconds'
].forEach(function(noun) {
Ox['get' + noun] = function(date, utc) {
return Ox.makeDate(date)['get' + (utc ? 'UTC' : '') + noun]()
].forEach(function(part) {
Ox['get' + part] = function(date, utc) {
return Ox.makeDate(date)['get' + (utc ? 'UTC' : '') + part]()
Ox['set' + noun] = function(date, num, utc) {
return new Date(
Ox.makeDate(date)['set' + (utc ? 'UTC' : '') + noun](num)
// Ox.setPart(date) modifies date
Ox['set' + part] = function(date, num, utc) {
return (
Ox.isDate(date) ? date : new Date(date)
)['set' + (utc ? 'UTC' : '') + part](num);
@ -2096,6 +2114,7 @@ Ox.formatDate <f> Formats a date according to a format string
<a href="">strftime</a>
and <a href="">ISO 8601</a>.
'%Q' (quarter) and '%X' (year with 'BC'/'AD') are non-standard
<script> = new Date('2005-01-02 00:03:04');
@ -2169,10 +2188,8 @@ Ox.formatDate <f> Formats a date according to a format string
> Ox.formatDate(, '%w') // Decimal weekday (0-6, Sunday as first day)
> Ox.formatDate(, '%X') // US time
'12:03:04 AM'
> Ox.formatDate(, '%x') // US date
> Ox.formatDate(, '%X') // Full year with BC or AD
'2005 AD'
> Ox.formatDate(, '%Y') // Full year
> Ox.formatDate(, '%y') // Abbreviated year
@ -2192,9 +2209,7 @@ Ox.formatDate = function(date, str, utc) {
date = Ox.makeDate(date);
var format = [
['%', function() {return '%{%}';}],
['c', function() {return '%x %X';}],
['X', function() {return '%r';}],
['x', function() {return '%D';}],
['c', function() {return '%D %r';}],
['D', function() {return '%m/%d/%y';}],
['F', function() {return '%Y-%m-%d';}],
['h', function() {return '%b';}],
@ -2226,9 +2241,15 @@ Ox.formatDate = function(date, str, utc) {
['U', function(d) {return Ox.pad(Ox.getWeek(d, utc), 2);}],
['u', function(d) {return Ox.getISODay(d, utc);}],
['V', function(d) {return Ox.pad(Ox.getISOWeek(d, utc), 2);}],
['W', function(d) {return Ox.pad(Math.floor((Ox.getDayOfTheYear(d, utc) +
(Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear(d, utc) || 7) - 2) / 7), 2);}],
['W', function(d) {
return Ox.pad(Math.floor((Ox.getDayOfTheYear(d, utc) +
(Ox.getFirstDayOfTheYear(d, utc) || 7) - 2) / 7), 2);
['w', function(d) {return Ox.getDay(d, utc);}],
['X', function(d) {
var y = Ox.getFullYear(d, utc);
return Math.abs(y) + ' ' + Ox.BCAD[y < 0 ? 0 : 1];
['Y', function(d) {return Ox.getFullYear(d, utc);}],
['y', function(d) {return Ox.getFullYear(d, utc).toString().substr(-2);}],
['Z', function(d) {return d.toString().split('(')[1].replace(')', '');}],
@ -2246,6 +2267,163 @@ Ox.formatDate = function(date, str, utc) {
return str;
Ox.formatDateRange <f> Formats a date range as a string
A date range is a pair of arbitrary-presicion date strings
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000', '2001')
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000', '2002')
'2000 - 2002'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01', '2000-02')
'January 2000'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01', '2000-03')
'January - March 2000'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01', '2000-01-02')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01', '2000-01-03')
'Sat, Jan 1 - Mon, Jan 3, 2000'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00', '2000-01-01 01')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00', '2000-01-01 02')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00 - 02:00'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00:00', '2000-01-01 00:01')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00:00', '2000-01-01 00:02')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00 - 00:02'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 00:00:01')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00:00'
> Ox.formatDateRange('2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 00:00:02')
'Sat, Jan 1, 2000, 00:00:00 - 00:00:02'
> Ox.formatDateRange('-50', '50')
'50 BC - 50 AD'
> Ox.formatDateRange('-50-01-01', '-50-12-31')
'Sun, Jan 1 - Sun, Dec 31, 50 BC'
> Ox.formatDateRange('-50-01-01 00:00:00', '-50-01-01 23:59:59')
'Sun, Jan 1, 50 BC, 00:00:00 - 23:59:59'
Ox.formatDateRange = function(start, end, utc) {
var isOneUnit = false,
range = [start, end],
dates ={
return Ox.parseDate(str, utc);
parts = {
var parts = Ox.compact(
/(-?\d+)-?(\d+)?-?(\d+)? ?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?:?(\d+)?/(str)
return {
return parseInt(part);
precision = {
return parts.length;
y = parts[0][0] < 0 ? '%X' : '%Y',
formats = [
'%B ' + y,
'%a, %b %e, ' + y,
'%a, %b %e, ' + y + ', %H:%M',
'%a, %b %e, ' + y + ', %H:%M',
'%a, %b %e, ' + y + ', %H:%M:%S',
if (precision[0] == precision[1]) {
isOneUnit = true;
Ox.loop(precision[0], function(i) {
if (i < precision[0] - 1 && parts[0][i] != parts[1][i]) {
isOneUnit = false;
if (i == precision[0] - 1 && parts[0][i] != parts[1][i] - 1) {
isOneUnit = false;
return isOneUnit;
if (isOneUnit) {
strings = [Ox.formatDate(dates[0], formats[precision[0] - 1], utc)];
} else {
format = formats[precision[0] - 1];
strings = [
Ox.formatDate(dates[0], formats[precision[0] - 1], utc),
Ox.formatDate(dates[1], formats[precision[1] - 1], utc)
// if same year, and neither date is more precise than day, then omit first year
if (
parts[0][0] == parts[1][0]
&& precision[0] <= 3
&& precision[1] <= 3
) {
strings[0] = Ox.formatDate(
dates[0], formats[precision[0] - 1].replace(
new RegExp(',? ' + y), ''
), utc
// if same day then omit second day
if (
parts[0][0] == parts[1][0]
&& parts[0][1] == parts[1][1]
&& parts[0][2] == parts[1][2]
) {
strings[1] = strings[1].split(', ').pop();
return {
// %e is a space-padded day
return string.replace(' ', ' ');
}).join(' - ');
Ox.formatDateRangeDuration <f> Formats the duration of a date range as a string
A date range is a pair of arbitrary-presicion date strings
> Ox.formatDateRangeDuration('2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2001-01-03 03:04:05')
'1 year 2 days 3 hours 4 minutes 5 seconds'
> Ox.formatDateRangeDuration('1999', '2000', true)
'1 year'
> Ox.formatDateRangeDuration('2000', '2001', true)
'1 year'
> Ox.formatDateRangeDuration('1999-02', '1999-03', true)
'1 month'
> Ox.formatDateRangeDuration('2000-02', '2000-03', true)
'1 month'
Ox.formatDateRangeDuration = function(start, end, utc) {
var date = Ox.parseDate(start, utc),
dates = [start, end].map(function(str) {
return Ox.parseDate(str, utc);
keys = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'],
parts = ['FullYear', 'Month', 'Date', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'],
values = [];
Ox.forEach(keys, function(key, i) {
while (true) {
if (key == 'month') {
Ox.setDate(date, Math.min(
Ox.getDate(date, utc),
Ox.getFullYear(date, utc),
Ox.getMonth(date, utc) + 2
), utc);
Ox['set' + parts[i]](date, Ox['get' + parts[i]](date, utc) + 1, utc);
if (date <= dates[1]) {
values[i] = (values[i] || 0) + 1;
} else {
Ox['set' + parts[i]](date, Ox['get' + parts[i]](date, utc) - 1, utc);
return, function(value, i) {
return value ? value + ' ' + keys[i] + (value > 1 ? 's' : '') : null;
}).join(' ');
Ox.formatDuration <f> Formats a duration as a string
> Ox.formatDuration(123456.789, 3)