update build script
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 40 additions and 12 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
def build_oxjs(geo):
@ -17,14 +17,18 @@ def build_oxjs(geo):
if base_path:
source_path = '../../source/'
build_path = '../../build/'
dev_path = '../../dev/'
root_path = '../../'
source_path = root_path + 'source/'
build_path = root_path + 'build/'
dev_path = root_path + 'dev/'
version = '0.1.%s' % subprocess.Popen(
['bzr', 'revno'],
comment = 'OxJS %s (c) 2012 0x2620, dual-licensed GPL/MIT, see http://oxjs.org for details' % version
year = time.strftime('%Y', time.gmtime())
comment = 'OxJS %s (c) %s 0x2620, dual-licensed GPL/MIT, see https://oxjs.org for details' % (version, year)
# SVGs
path = source_path + 'Ox.UI/themes/classic/svg/'
for filename in os.listdir(path):
@ -89,11 +93,11 @@ def build_oxjs(geo):
js = ''
js_dir = 'Ox/js/'
data = [[], [], []]
ox_files = [[], [], []]
for filename in filenames[0]:
data[0].append(js_dir + filename)
ox_files[0].append(js_dir + filename)
for filename in filenames[1]:
data[1].append(js_dir + filename)
ox_files[1].append(js_dir + filename)
filenames = filenames[0] + filenames[1]
for filename in os.listdir(source_path + js_dir):
if not filename in filenames \
@ -102,11 +106,11 @@ def build_oxjs(geo):
for filename in filenames:
js += read_file(source_path + js_dir + filename) + '\n'
if not js_dir + filename in data[0] + data[1]:
data[2].append(js_dir + filename)
js = js.replace("Ox.VERSION = '0.1.2';", "Ox.VERSION = '%s';" % version)
if not js_dir + filename in ox_files[0] + ox_files[1]:
ox_files[2].append(js_dir + filename)
js = re.sub("Ox.VERSION = '([\d\.]+)'", "Ox.VERSION = '%s'" % version, js)
write_file(build_path + 'Ox.js', ox.js.minify(js, comment))
write_file(dev_path + '/Ox/json/' + 'Ox.json', json.dumps(data, indent=4))
write_file(dev_path + '/Ox/json/' + 'Ox.json', json.dumps(ox_files, indent=4))
# Ox.UI
js = ''
@ -136,6 +140,30 @@ def build_oxjs(geo):
files = json.dumps(sorted(ui_files['dev']), indent=4)
write_file(dev_path + 'Ox.UI/json/Ox.UI.files.json', files)
# index
data = {
# sum(list, []) is flatten
'documentation': sorted(sum(ox_files, [])) + sorted(filter(
lambda x: re.match('.+\.js$', x),
) + map(
lambda x: 'Ox.%s/Ox.%s.js' % (x, x),
['Geo', 'Image', 'Unicode']
'examples': filter(
lambda x: not re.match('^\.', x),
os.listdir(root_path + 'examples/')
'readme': map(
lambda x: x.split('.')[0],
lambda x: not re.match('^[\._]', x),
os.listdir(root_path + 'readme/html')
write_file(root_path + 'index.json', json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
def copy_file(source, target):
print 'copying', source, 'to', target
Add table
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