update Ox.URL
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 315 additions and 106 deletions
@ -4,23 +4,46 @@
Ox.URL <f> URL controller
(options) -> <o> URL controller
options <o> Options object
findKeys <[o]> Find keys {id: "", type: ""}
type can be "string" or "number"
getItemId <f> Tests if a string matches an item
findKeys <[o]> Find keys
id <s> Find key id
type <s> Value type ("string" or "number")
getItem <f> Tests if a string matches an item
(string, callback) -> <u> undefined
string <s> The string to be tested
callback <f> callback function
id <s> Matching item id, or empty
getSpanId <f> Tests if a string matches a span
(string, callback) -> <u> undefined
getSpan <f> Tests if a string matches a span
(item, view, string, callback) -> <u> undefined
item <s> The item id, or empty
view <s> The view, or empty
string <s> The string to be tested
callback <f> callback function
callback <f> Callback function
id <s> Matching span id, or empty
view <s> Matching view, or empty
pages <[s]> List of pages
sortKeys <[o]> Sort keys {id: "", operator: ""}
operator is the default operator ("+" or "-")
sortKeys <o> Sort keys for list and item views for all types
typeA <o> Sort keys for this type
list <o> Sort keys for list views for this type
viewA <[o]> Sort keys for this view
id <s> Sort key id
operator <s> Default sort operator ("+" or "-")
item <o> Sort keys for item views for this type
viewA <[o]> Sort keys for this view
id <s> Sort key id
operator <s> Default sort operator ("+" or "-")
spanType <o> Span types for list and item views for all types
typeA <o> Span types for this type
list <o> Span types for list views for this type
viewA <s> Span type for this view
Can be "date", "duration" or "location"
item <o> Span types for item views for this type
viewA <s> Span type for this view
Can be "date", "duration" or "location"
types <[s]> List of types
views <o> List of views {type: {'list': [...], 'item': [...]}}
views <o> List and item views for all types
typeA <o> Views for type "typeA"
list <[s]> List views for this type
item <[s]> Item views for this type
@ -82,12 +105,12 @@ example.com/clip/+clip.duration/subtitles=foo
in ascending order. (In pan.do/ra's clip view, annotation=foo is always per
clip. There is no way to show all clips of all items where any clip matches
subtitles=foo, this doesn't seem to be needed.)
Ff "map" is a default type list view and "Paris" is a place id, this will
If "map" is a default type list view and "paris" is a place name, this will
zoom the map to Paris, show all places of items that match title!=london,
and when a place is selected sort matching clips by item duration in
default order.
If "calendar" is a default type list view, this will zoom the calendar to
the 20th century, show all events of all items that match event=hiroshima,
and when an event is selected sort matching clips by clip duration in
@ -95,6 +118,21 @@ example.com/calendar/1900,2000/clip.duration/event=hiroshima
always per item. There is no way to show all events of all clips that match
event=hiroshima, this doesn't seem to be needed.)
example.com/2001/2001 -> example.com/0062622/video/00:33:21
2001 matches an item title (word match), the second 2001 is a valid duration
example.com/2002/2002 -> example.com/calendar/2002/2002
2002 is a valid duration, but no list view supports durations. Then it is
read as a year, and we get calendar view with find *=2002
example.com/@paris/paris -> example.com/map/ABC/paris
paris matches a place name (case-insensitive), so we get map view, zoomed to
Paris, with find *=paris
example.com/@renaissance/renaissance -> example.com/calendar/ABC/renaissance
renaissaince matches an event name (case-insensitive), so we get calendar
view, zoomed to the Renaissance, with find *=renaissance
example.com/@foo/foo -> example.com/map/@foo/foo
foo doesn't match a place or event name, but getSpan() sets the map query to
foo and returns @foo, so we get map view, zoomed to Foo, with find *=foo
Ox.URL = function(options) {
@ -102,18 +140,19 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
var self = {}, that = {};
self.options = Ox.extend({
// fixme: find keys are also per type/list|item/view
// since one can search for layer properties in some item views
findKeys: [],
getItemId: null,
getSpanId: null,
getItem: null,
getSpan: null,
pages: [],
sortKeys: [],
spanType: {},
sortKeys: {},
types: [],
views: {}
}, options);
self.sortKeyIds = self.options.sortKeys.map(function(sortKey) {
return sortKey.id;
Ox.print('Ox.URL options', self.options)
function constructCondition(condition) {
var key = condition.key == '*' ? '' : condition.key,
@ -133,6 +172,10 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
return [key, operator, value].join('');
function constructDate(date) {
return Ox.formatDate(date, '%Y-%m-%d', true);
function constructDuration(duration) {
return Ox.formatDuration(duration, 3).replace(/\.000$/, '');
@ -149,44 +192,60 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
function constructSort(sort) {
function constructLocation(location) {
return location.join(',');
function constructSort(sort, state) {
return sort.map(function(sort) {
return (
sort.operator == Ox.getObjectById(self.options.sortKeys, sort.key).operator
? '' : sort.operator
sort.operator == Ox.getObjectById(self.options.sortKeys[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
][state.view], sort.key).operator ? '' : sort.operator
) + sort.key;
function constructSpan(span) {
return span.map(function(point) {
return /^[0-9-\.:]+$/.test(str) ? constuctDuration(point) : point;
function constructSpan(span, state) {
var spanType = self.options.spanType[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
return (Ox.isArray(span) ? span : [span]).map(function(point) {
return Ox.isNumber(point) ? (
spanType == 'date' ? constructDate(point)
: spanType == 'duration' ? constructDuration(point)
: constructLocation(point)
) : point;
function constructURL(state) {
var parts = [];
if (state.page) {
} else {
if (self.options.types.indexOf(state.type) > 0) {
if (state.item) {
if (self.options.views[state.type][
state.item ? 'item' : 'list'
].indexOf(state.view) > 0) {
].indexOf(state.view) > -1) {
if (state.span) {
parts.push(constructSpan(state.span, state));
if (state.sort.length) {
if (state.sort && state.sort.length) {
parts.push(constructSort(state.sort, state));
if (state.find) {
return parts.join('/');
return '/' + parts.join('/');
function decodeValue(str) {
@ -205,8 +264,29 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
return ret;
function isNumericalSpan(str) {
return str.split(',').every(function(str) {
return /^[0-9-\.:]+$/.test(str);
function getSpanType(str, types) {
Ox.print('getSpanType', str, types)
var canBeDate = types.indexOf('date') > -1,
canBeDuration = types.indexOf('duration') > -1,
canBeLocation = types.indexOf('location') > -1,
length = str.split(',').length;
return canBeDate && /\d-/.test(str) ? 'date'
: canBeDuration && /:/.test(str) ? 'duration'
: canBeLocation && length == 4 ? 'location'
// leaves us with [-]D[.D][,[-]D[.D]]
: canBeDuration ? 'duration'
: canBeDate && !/\./.test(str) ? 'date'
: canBeLocation && length == 2 ? 'location' : ':'
function parseCondition(str) {
var condition,
var condition = {},
operators = ['!==', '==', '!=', '=', '!<', '<', '!>', '>'],
Ox.forEach(operators, function(operator) {
@ -220,7 +300,11 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
return false;
if (!condition.operator) {
if (
|| Ox.getPositionById(self.options.findKeys, condition.key) == -1
) {
// missing operator or unknown key
condition = {key: '*', value: str, operator: '='};
if (['=', '!='].indexOf(condition.operator) > -1) {
@ -233,11 +317,17 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
if (condition.value.indexOf(':') > -1) {
condition.value = condition.value.split(':')
condition.value = condition.value.split(':').map(decodeValue);
} else {
condition.value = decodeValue(condition.value);
return condition;
function parseDate(str) {
return Ox.formatDate(Ox.parseDate(str, true), '%Y-%m-%d');
function parseDuration(str) {
var parts = str.split(':').reverse();
while (parts.length > 3) {
@ -284,18 +374,36 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
return find;
function parseSort(str) {
function parseLocation(str) {
return str.split(',').map(function(str, i) {
return Ox.limit(parseInt(str, 10), -90 * (i + 1), 90 * (i + 1));
function parseSort(str, state) {
return str.split(',').map(function(str) {
var hasOperator = /^[\+-]/.test(str);
return {
key: hasOperator ? str.substr(1) : str,
operator: hasOperator ? str[0] : Ox.getObjectById(self.options.sortKeys, str).operator
operator: hasOperator
? str[0]
: Ox.getObjectById(self.options.sortKeys[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
][state.view], str).operator
function parseSpan(str, callback) {
return str.split(',').map(parseDuration);
function parseSpan(str, type) {
var split = str.split(',');
if (split.length == 4) {
split = [split[0] + ',' + split[1], split[2] + ',' + split[3]];
return split.map(
type == 'date' ? parseDate
: type == 'duration' ? parseDuration
: parseLocation
function parseURL(str, callback) {
@ -305,72 +413,135 @@ Ox.URL = function(options) {
state = {};
if (parts.length == 0) {
state.page = '';
} else if (self.options.pages.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1) {
state.page = parts[0];
} else {
if (self.options.types.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1) {
// type
state.type = parts[0];
} else {
// set to default type
state.type = self.options.types[0];
if (parts.length) {
if (self.options.views.list.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1) {
if (self.options.views[state.type].list.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1) {
// list view
state.item = '';
state.view = parts[0];
} else {
self.options.getItemId(parts[0], function(itemId) {
if (itemId) {
state.item = itemId;
// test for item id or name
self.options.getItem(parts[0], function(item) {
state.item = item;
if (item) {
} else {
function parseBeyondItem(itemId) {
if (parts.length && itemId && self.options.views.item.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1) {
function parseBeyondItem() {
var span, spanType, spanTypes;
if (
parts.length && state.item
&& self.options.views[state.type].item.indexOf(parts[0]) > -1
) {
// item view
state.view = parts[0];
Ox.print('pBI', state, parts.join('/'));
if (parts.length) {
if (parts.split(',').every(function(str) {
return /^[0-9-\.:]+$/.test(str);
})) {
state.span = parseSpan(parts[0]);
if (isNumericalSpan(parts[0])) {
// test for numerical span
spanTypes = self.options.spanType[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
// if no view is given then parse the span anyway,
// but make sure the span type could match a view
spanType = state.view
? spanTypes[state.view]
: getSpanType(parts[0], Ox.unique(Ox.values(spanTypes)));
Ox.print('SPAN TYPE', spanType)
if (spanType) {
span = parseSpan(parts[0], spanType);
if (span) {
if (!state.view) {
// if no view is given then switch to the first
// view that supports a span of this type
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
], function(view) {
if (spanTypes[view] == spanType) {
state.view = view;
state.span = span;
return false;
} else {
self.options.getSpanId(parts[0], function(spanId) {
if (spanId) {
state.span = spanId;
state.span = span;
if (!state.span && /^[A-Z@]/.test(parts[0])) {
// test for span id or name
self.options.getSpan(state.item, state.view, parts[0], function(span, view) {
if (span) {
if (!state.view) {
// set list or item view
state.view = view;
state.span = span;
} else {
} else {
function parseBeyondSpan() {
if (!state.view) {
// set to default list or item view
state.view = self.options.views[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
Ox.print('pBS', state)
var sortKeyIds = (self.options.sortKeys[state.type][
!state.item ? 'list' : 'item'
][state.view] || []).map(function(sortKey) {
return sortKey.id;
if (parts.length && parts[0].split(',').every(function(str) {
return self.sortKeyIds.indexOf(str.replace(/^[\+-]/, '')) > -1;
return sortKeyIds.indexOf(str.replace(/^[\+-]/, '')) > -1;
})) {
state.sort = parseSort(parts[0]);
// sort
state.sort = parseSort(parts[0], state);
if (parts.length) {
// find
state.find = parseFind(parts.join('/'));
that._constructURL = function(state) {
that._construct = function(state) {
return constructURL(state);
@ -49,22 +49,26 @@ Ox.Filter = function(options, self) {
self.conditionOperators = {
date: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'},
{id: '=', title: 'is'},
{id: '!=', title: 'is not'},
{id: '<', title: 'is before'},
{id: '!<', title: 'is not before'},
{id: '>', title: 'is after'},
{id: '!>', title: 'is not after'},
{id: '-', title: 'is between'},
{id: '!-', title: 'is not between'}
list: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'}
{id: '=', title: 'is'},
{id: '!=', title: 'is not'}
number: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'},
{id: '=', title: 'is'},
{id: '!=', title: 'is not'},
{id: '<', title: 'is less than'},
{id: '!<', title: 'is not less than'},
{id: '>', title: 'is greater than'},
{id: '!>', title: 'is not greater than'},
{id: '-', title: 'is between'},
{id: '!-', title: 'is not between'}/*,
{id: '^', title: 'starts with'},
@ -73,18 +77,18 @@ Ox.Filter = function(options, self) {
{id: '!$', title: 'does not end with'}*/
string: [
{id: '=', title: 'is'},
{id: '!=', title: 'is not'},
{id: '', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!', title: 'does not contain'},
{id: '==', title: 'is'},
{id: '!==', title: 'is not'},
{id: '=', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!=', title: 'does not contain'},
{id: '^', title: 'starts with'},
{id: '!^', title: 'does not start with'},
{id: '$', title: 'ends with'},
{id: '!$', title: 'does not end with'}
text: [
{id: '', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!', title: 'does not contain'}
{id: '=', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!=', title: 'does not contain'}
self.operators = [
@ -698,6 +698,12 @@ Ox.isEmpty <f> Returns true if a collection is empty
> Ox.isEmpty(function() {})
> Ox.isEmpty(function(a) {})
> Ox.isEmpty(null)
> Ox.isEmpty()
Ox.isEmpty = function(val) {
// fixme: what about deep isEmpty?
@ -771,8 +777,11 @@ Ox.len <f> Returns the length of an array, function, object or string
> Ox.len('abc')
Ox.len = function(obj) {
return (Ox.isObject(obj) ? Ox.values(obj) : obj).length;
Ox.len = function(col) {
var type = Ox.typeOf(col);
return ['array', 'function', 'string'].indexOf(type) > -1
? col.length
: type == 'object' ? Ox.values(col).length : void 0;
@ -1253,6 +1262,10 @@ Ox.rgb = function(hsl) {
//@ Ox.AMPM <[str]> ['AM', 'PM']
Ox.AMPM = ['AM', 'PM'];
//@ Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES <o> Base 32 aliases
Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES = {'I': '1', 'L': '1', 'O': '0', 'U': 'V'},
//@ Ox.BASE_32_DIGITS <o> Base 32 digits
//@ Ox.BCAD <[str]> ['BC', 'AD']
Ox.BCAD = ['BC', 'AD'];
// fixme: this is unused, and probably unneeded
@ -1292,7 +1305,8 @@ Ox.KEYS = {
108: 'enter.numpad', 110: 'dot.numpad', 111: 'slash.numpad',
112: 'f1', 113: 'f2', 114: 'f3', 115: 'f4', 116: 'f5',
117: 'f6', 118: 'f7', 119: 'f8', 120: 'f9', 121: 'f10',
122: 'f11', 123: 'f12', 124: 'f13', 125: 'f14', 126: 'f15', 127: 'f16',
122: 'f11', 123: 'f12', 124: 'f13', 125: 'f14', 126: 'f15',
127: 'f16', 128: 'f17', 129: 'f18', 130: 'f19', 131: 'f20',
144: 'numlock', 145: 'scrolllock',
186: 'semicolon', 187: 'equal', 188: 'comma', 189: 'minus',
190: 'dot', 191: 'slash', 192: 'backtick', 219: 'openbracket',
@ -1938,9 +1952,6 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
(function() {
var aliases = {'I': '1', 'L': '1', 'O': '0', 'U': 'V'},
digits = '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ';
function cap(width, height) {
// returns maximum encoding capacity of an image
return parseInt(width * height * 3/8) - 4;
@ -1980,6 +1991,29 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
Ox.encodeBase26 <b> Encode a number as base26
> Ox.encodeBase26(3758)
Ox.encodeBase26 = function(num) {
return Ox.map(num.toString(26), function(char) {
return Ox.char(65 + parseInt(char, 26));
Ox.decodeBase26 <f> Decodes a base26-encoded number
See <a href="http://www.crockford.com/wrmg/base32.html">Base 32</a>.
> Ox.decodeBase26('foo')
Ox.decodeBase26 = function(str) {
return parseInt(Ox.map(str.toUpperCase(), function(char) {
return (char.charCodeAt(0) - 65).toString(26);
}).join(''), 26);
Ox.encodeBase32 <b> Encode a number as base32
See <a href="http://www.crockford.com/wrmg/base32.html">Base 32</a>.
@ -1990,9 +2024,9 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
Ox.encodeBase32 = function(num) {
return Ox.map(num.toString(32), function(char) {
return digits[parseInt(char, 32)];
return Ox.BASE_32_DIGITS[parseInt(char, 32)];
Ox.decodeBase32 <f> Decodes a base32-encoded number
@ -2006,10 +2040,10 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
Ox.decodeBase32 = function(str) {
return parseInt(Ox.map(str.toUpperCase(), function(char) {
var index = digits.indexOf(aliases[char] || char);
var index = Ox.BASE_32_DIGITS.indexOf(Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES[char] || char);
return (index == -1 ? ' ' : index).toString(32);
}).join(''), 32);
Ox.encodeBase64 <f> Encode a number as base64
@ -2018,7 +2052,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
Ox.encodeBase64 = function(num) {
return btoa(Ox.encodeBase256(num)).replace(/=/g, '');
Ox.decodeBase64 <f> Decodes a base64-encoded number
@ -2027,7 +2061,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
Ox.decodeBase64 = function(str) {
return Ox.decodeBase256(atob(str));
Ox.encodeBase128 <f> Encode a number as base128
@ -2040,8 +2074,8 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
str = Ox.char(num & 127) + str;
num >>= 7;
return str;
return str || '0';
Ox.decodeBase128 <f> Decode a base128-encoded number
@ -2054,7 +2088,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
num += char.charCodeAt(0) << (len - i - 1) * 7;
return num;
Ox.encodeBase256 <f> Encode a number as base256
@ -2068,7 +2102,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
num >>= 8;
return str;
Ox.decodeBase256 <f> Decode a base256-encoded number
@ -2081,7 +2115,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
num += char.charCodeAt(0) << (len - i - 1) * 8;
return num;
Ox.encodeDeflate <f> Encodes a string, using deflate
@ -2127,7 +2161,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
callback && callback(data);
return data;
Ox.decodeDeflate <f> Decodes an deflate-encoded string
@ -2179,7 +2213,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
image.onerror = error;
image.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + btoa(data);
Ox.encodeHTML <f> HTML-encodes a string
@ -2261,7 +2295,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
(and flip the second least significant bit, if at all)
- write an extra png chunk containing some key
Ox.decodePNG <f> Decodes an image, returns a string
@ -2306,7 +2340,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
} catch (e) {
throw new RangeError('PNG codec can\'t decode image');
Ox.encodeUTF8 <f> Encodes a string as UTF-8
@ -2334,7 +2368,7 @@ Ox.element = function(str) {
return str;
Ox.decodeUTF8 <f> Decodes an UTF-8-encoded string
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