simpler text list column head elements, better column drag

This commit is contained in:
rlx 2011-09-09 10:41:13 +00:00
parent 7bf42e5b0b
commit 0ba258281f
12 changed files with 461 additions and 330 deletions

View file

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Ox.load('Image', function() {
'Method...', 'blur(1)', 'blur(5)',
'channel("r")', 'channel("g")', 'channel("b")', 'channel("a")',
'channel("h")', 'channel("s")', 'channel("l")',
'contour()', 'depth(1)', 'depth(4)', 'edges()', 'emboss()',
'depth(1)', 'depth(2)', 'depth(4)',
'edges()', 'emboss()',
'encode("secret")', 'decode()',
'encode("secret", false)', 'decode(false)',
'encode("secret", 1)', 'decode(1)',
@ -18,9 +20,10 @@ Ox.load('Image', function() {
'hue(-60)', 'hue(60)',
'lightness(-0.5)', 'lightness(0.5)',
'motionBlur()', 'posterize()',
'mosaic(4)', 'motionBlur()', 'photocopy()', 'posterize()',
'resize(256, 256)', 'resize(512, 512)',
'saturation(-0.5)', 'saturation(0.5)',
'scale(0.5, -1)',
'sharpen()', 'solarize()',
'src("png/Lenna.png")', 'src("png/OxJS.png")'
].forEach(function(filter) {
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ Ox.load('Image', function() {
image[fn].apply(null, Ox.merge(args, function(image) {
src: image.src()
}).css({width: '512px', height: '512px'});
} else if (fn == 'decode') {
image[fn].apply(null, Ox.merge(args, function(str) {

View file

@ -8,19 +8,21 @@
Ox.load('Image', function() {
var fixmeOxelement;
var body = Ox.element('body'),
button = Ox.element('<input>').attr({type: 'button', value: 'encode'}).click(function() {
button = Ox.element('<input>').attr({type: 'button', value: 'Encode'}).click(function() {
button.attr({disabled: 'disabled'})
if (button.attr('value') == 'encode') {
button.attr({value: 'encoding...'});
if (button.attr('value') == 'Encode') {
button.attr({value: 'Encoding...'});
encode(function(image) {
fixmeOxelement = image;
button.removeAttr('disabled').attr({value: 'decode'});
button.removeAttr('disabled').attr({value: 'Decode'});
} else {
button.attr({value: 'decoding...'});
button.attr({value: 'Decoding...'});
setTimeout(function() {
decode(fixmeOxelement, function() {
button.attr({value: 'done'})
button.attr({value: 'Done'})
}, 0);

View file

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
Ox.Image <f> Generic image object
To render the image as an image element, use its <code>src()</code>
method, to render it as a canvas, use its <code>canvas</code> property.
(src, callback) -> <u> undefined
(width, height, callback) -> <u> undefined
(width, height, background, callback) -> <u> undefined
@ -26,7 +28,8 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
} else {
self.width = arguments[0];
self.height = arguments[1];
self.background = arguments.length == 4 ? arguments[2] : [0, 0, 0, 0];
self.background = arguments.length == 4
? arguments[2] : [0, 0, 0, 0];
@ -66,19 +69,21 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
self.width = self.image.width;
self.height = self.image.height;
self.canvas = Ox.element('<canvas>').attr({
that.canvas = Ox.element('<canvas>').attr({
width: self.width,
height: self.height
self.context = self.canvas[0].getContext('2d');
that.context = that.canvas[0].getContext('2d');
if (self.image) {
self.context.drawImage(self.image, 0, 0);
that.context.drawImage(self.image, 0, 0);
} else if (Ox.sum(self.background)) {
that.fillRect(0, 0, self.width, self.height);
that.context.fillRect(0, 0, self.width, self.height);
self.imageData = self.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
that.imageData = that.context.getImageData(
0, 0, self.width, self.height
); =;
@ -92,6 +97,11 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
blur <f> Apply blur filter
(val) -> <o> The image object
val <n> Amount of blur (1 to 5, more is slow)
that.blur = function(val) {
var filter = [],
size = val * 2 + 1;
@ -111,6 +121,13 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
return that.filter(filter);
//@ canvas <o> Canvas object
channel <f> Reduce the image to one channel
(channel) -> <o> The image object
channel <str> 'r', 'g', 'b', 'a', 'h', 's' or 'l'
@*/ = function(str) {
str = str[0].toLowerCase();
return {
@ -134,6 +151,12 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
//@ context <o> 2D drawing context
contour <f> Apply contour filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.contour = function(val) {
return that.filter([
+1, +1, +1,
@ -142,15 +165,24 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
depth <f> Reduce the bit depth
(depth) -> <o> The image object
depth <n> Bits per channel (1 to 7)
that.depth = function(val) {
var pow = Math.pow(2, 8 - val);
return {
return, i) {
return i < 3 ? Math.floor(v / pow) * pow : v
return i < 3 ? Math.floor(v / pow) * pow/* * 255 / val*/ : v;
edges <f> Apply edges filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.edges = function(val) {
return that.filter([
-1, -1, -1,
@ -159,6 +191,10 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
emboss <f> Apply emboss filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.emboss = function(val) {
return that.filter([
-1, -1, +0,
@ -171,8 +207,8 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
encode <f> Encodes a string into the image
For most purposes, deflate and mode should be omitted, since the
defaults make the existence of the message harder to detect. A valid
use case for deflate and mode would be to encode, additionally to
the secret string, a more easily detected decoy string: <code>
use case for deflate and mode would be to first encode a more easily
detected decoy string, and only then the secret string: <code>
image.encode(decoy, false, 1, function(image) { image.encode(secret,
-1, callback); })</code>.
(str, callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
@ -183,7 +219,7 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
str <s> The string to be encoded
callback <f> Callback function
image <o> The image object (modified)
deflate <b|true> If true, compress string with deflate
deflate <b|true> If true, encode the string with deflate
mode <n|0> Encoding mode
If mode is between -7 and 0, the string will be encoded one bit
per byte, as the number of bits within that byte set to 1,
@ -199,6 +235,7 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
mode = Ox.isNumber(arguments[1]) ? arguments[1]
: Ox.isNumber(arguments[2]) ? arguments[2] : 0,
b = 0, bin,
// Array of bits per byte to be modified (0 is LSB)
bits = mode < 1 ? [-mode] :, function(bit) {
return mode & 1 << bit ? bit : null;
@ -226,6 +263,7 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
if (rgba[3] == 255) {
var index = getIndex(xy);
Ox.loop(3, function(c) {
// fixme: use: var data =[i + c]
var i = index + c;
Ox.forEach(bits, function(bit) {
if ((
@ -245,11 +283,23 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
self.context.putImageData(self.imageData, 0, 0);
that.context.putImageData(that.imageData, 0, 0);
return that;
decode <f> Decode encoded string
(callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
(deflate, callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
(mode, callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
(deflate, mode, callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
(mode, deflate, callback) -> <o> The image object (unmodified)
deflate <b|true> If true, decode the string with deflate
mode <n|0> See encode method
callback <f> Callback function
image <o> The image object (modified)
that.decode = function() {
var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1],
deflate = Ox.isBoolean(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0]
@ -257,6 +307,7 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
mode = Ox.isNumber(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0]
: Ox.isNumber(arguments[1]) ? arguments[1] : 0,
bin = '',
// Array of bits per byte to be modified (0 is LSB)
bits = mode < 1 ? [-mode] :, function(b) {
return mode & 1 << b ? b : null;
@ -268,35 +319,41 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
var i = index + c;
Ox.forEach(bits, function(bit) {
bin += mode < 1
// Read the number of bits set to 1, mod 2
? Ox.sum(Ox.range(8).map(function(bit) {
return +!!([i] & 1 << bit);
})) % 2
// or the one bit in question
: +!!([i] & 1 << bit);
if (bin.length == 8) {
// Every 8 bits, add one byte to the string
str += Ox.char(parseInt(bin, 2));
bin = '';
if (str.length == len) {
if (++done == 1) {
// After 4 bytes, parse string as length
len = Ox.decodeBase256(str);
Ox.print("LEN", len)
len + 4 > getCapacity(bits.length)
&& error('decode');
if (
len <= 0 ||
len > getCapacity(bits.length) - 4
) {
str = '';
} else {
// After length more bytes, break
return false;
return done != 2;
if (done == 2) {
return false;
return done != 2;
try {
if (deflate) {
Ox.decodeDeflate(str, callback);
} else {
@ -306,28 +363,22 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
that.fillRect = function(x, y, w, h) {
self.context.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
return that;
that.fillStyle = function() {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return self.context.fillStyle;
} else {
self.context.fillStyle = arguments[0];
return that;
filter <f> Pixel-wise filter function
Undocumented, see source code
(filter) -> <o> The image object
(filter, bias) -> <o> The image object
filter <[n]> Filter matrix
bias <n> Bias
that.filter = function(filter, bias) {
bias = bias || 0;
var filterSize = Math.sqrt(filter.length),
d = (filterSize - 1) / 2,
imageData = self.context.createImageData(self.width, self.height),
imageData = that.context.createImageData(self.width, self.height),
data = [];
self.imageData = self.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
that.imageData = that.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
Ox.loop(0,, 4, function(i) {
var filterIndex = 0,
xy = getXY(i);
@ -351,8 +402,8 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
:[i + c];
self.context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
self.imageData = imageData;
that.context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
that.imageData = imageData; = data;
return that;
@ -383,12 +434,23 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
//@ imageData <o> Image data object
invert <f> Apply invert filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.invert = function() {
return {
return [255 - rgba[0], 255 - rgba[1], 255 - rgba[2], rgba[3]];
lightness <f> Apply lightness filter
(val) -> <o> The image object
val <n> Amount, from -1 (darkest) to 1 (lightest)
that.lightness = function(val) {
return setSL('l', val);
@ -401,8 +463,8 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
xy <[n]> XY coordinates
@*/ = function(fn) {
self.imageData = self.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
that.imageData = that.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
Ox.loop(0,, 4, function(i) {
fn([[i],[i + 1],
@ -411,10 +473,44 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {[i + c] = val;
self.context.putImageData(self.imageData, 0, 0);
that.context.putImageData(that.imageData, 0, 0);
return that;
mosaic <f> Apply mosaic filter
(size) -> <o> The image object
size <n> Mosaic size
that.mosaic = function(size) {
that.forEach(function(rgba, xy) {
if (xy[0] % size == 0 && xy[1] % size == 0) {
Ox.loop(size, function(x) {
Ox.loop(size, function(y) {
var hsl, rgb;
if ((x == 0 || y == 0) && !(x == size - 1 || y == size - 1)) {
that.pixel(xy[0] + x, xy[1] + y,, i) {
return i < 3 ? Math.min(c + 16, 255) : c;
} else if ((x == size - 1 || y == size - 1) && !(x == 0 || y == 0)) {
that.pixel(xy[0] + x, xy[1] + y,, i) {
return i < 3 ? Math.max(c - 16, 0) : c;
} else {
that.pixel(xy[0] + x, xy[1] + y, rgba);
that.context.putImageData(that.imageData, 0, 0);
return that;
motionBlur <f> Apply motion blur filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.motionBlur = function() {
return that.filter([
0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
@ -425,6 +521,22 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
photocopy <f> Apply photocopy filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.photocopy = function(val) {
return that.saturation(-1).depth(1).blur(1);
pixel <f> Get or set pixel values
(x, y) -> <[n]> RGBA values
(x, y, val) -> <o> The image object
x <n> X coordinate
y <n> Y coordinate
val <[n]> RGBA values
that.pixel = function(x, y, val) {
var i = getIndex(x, y);
if (!val) {
@ -438,6 +550,10 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
posterize <f> Apply posterize filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.posterize = function() {
return that.blur(3).map(function(rgba) {
return [
@ -450,17 +566,27 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
that.resize = function(width, height) {
// fixme: may not work this way
width: width,
height: height
return that;
saturation <f> Apply saturation filter
(val) -> <o> The image object
val <n> Amount, from -1 (lowest) to 1 (highest)
that.saturation = function(val) {
return setSL('s', val);
sharpen <f> Apply sharpen filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.sharpen = function(val) {
return that.filter([
-1, -1, -1,
@ -469,6 +595,10 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
solarize <f> Apply solarize filter
() -> <o> The image object
that.solarize = function() {
return {
return [
@ -480,9 +610,15 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
src <f> Get or set the image source
() -> <s> Data URL
(src) -> <o> Image object, with new source
src <s> Image source (local, remote or data URL)
that.src = function() {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return self.canvas[0].toDataURL();
return that.canvas[0].toDataURL();
} else {
var callback = arguments[1];
self.src = arguments[0];
@ -490,13 +626,13 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
self.image.onload = function() {
self.width = self.image.width;
self.height = self.image.height;
width: self.width,
height: self.height
self.context.drawImage(self.image, 0, 0);
self.imageData = self.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
that.context.drawImage(self.image, 0, 0);
that.imageData = that.context.getImageData(0, 0, self.width, self.height); =;
callback && callback(that);
self.image.src = self.src;
@ -504,8 +640,6 @@ Ox.load.Image = function(options, callback) {
that.toDataURL = that.src;

View file

@ -1105,25 +1105,23 @@ Lists
//-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
//-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxHead {
.OxTextList .OxHead {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
height: 16px;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxCell {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxHeadCell {
float: left;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
height: 12px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxCell:nthChild(1) {
margin-left: 0;
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxHeadCell:first-child {
padding-left: 2px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxTitle {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxTitle {
float: left;
height: 15px;
padding: 1px 2px 0 2px;
height: 14px;
padding: 2px 2px 0 2px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
@ -1131,47 +1129,34 @@ Lists
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxTitle img {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin: -1px 0 0 -4px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxTitle:first-child {
padding-left: 4px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxOrder {
float: left;
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxTitle img {
width: 10px;
height: 13px;
padding: 3px 0 0 6px;
font-size: 7px;
height: 10px;
margin: 1px 0 0 -1px;
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxOrder {
float: left;
display: none;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxOrder.OxSelected {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxHeadCell.OxSelected .OxOrder {
//cursor: pointer;
display: block;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize {
float: left;
width: 5px;
height: 16px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize.OxResizable {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize.OxResizable {
cursor: ew-resize;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxLeft,
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxCenter,
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxRight {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize div {
float: left;
width: 2px;
height: 16px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxLeft,
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxRight {
width: 2px;
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxCenter {
.OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize div.OxCenter {
width: 1px;
background: rgb(24, 24, 24);
.OxTextList .OxBar .OxSelect {
position: absolute;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
Ox.Clipboard <o> Basic clipboard handler
copy <f> copy to clipbloard
(data) -> <u> set clipboard to data
paste <f> paste from clipbload
() -> <o> get clipboard data
_print <f> debug function
() -> <u> print clipboard contents to console
data <o> clipboard object
copy <f> Copy data to clipboard
(data) -> <u> undefined
paste <f> Paste data from clipboard
() -> <*> Clipboard data
Ox.Clipboard = function() {
var clipboard = {};

View file

@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ Ox.List = function(options, self) {
function copyItems() {
// fixme: both copy and paste should just deal with Ox.Clipboard,
// and use a "type"
self.options.selected.length && that.triggerEvent('copy', {
ids: self.options.selected
@ -653,7 +655,7 @@ Ox.List = function(options, self) {
if (self.$items.length == 0) {
return self.options.selected;
} else {
return $.map(self.selected, function(pos) {
return {
return self.$items[pos].options('data')[self.options.unique];
@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ Ox.List = function(options, self) {
that.triggerEvent('move', {
//id: id,
ids: $.map(self.$items, function($item) {
ids: self.$$item) {
return $item.options('data')[self.options.unique];
//position: pos

View file

@ -81,59 +81,59 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
keys: find
self.options.columns.forEach(function(v) { // fixme: can this go into a generic ox.js function?
self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) { // fixme: can this go into a generic ox.js function?
// fixme: and can't these just remain undefined?
if (Ox.isUndefined(v.align)) {
v.align = 'left';
if (Ox.isUndefined(column.align)) {
column.align = 'left';
if (Ox.isUndefined(v.clickable)) {
v.clickable = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(column.clickable)) {
column.clickable = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(v.editable)) {
v.editable = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(column.editable)) {
column.editable = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(v.unique)) {
v.unique = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(column.unique)) {
column.unique = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(v.visible)) {
v.visible = false;
if (Ox.isUndefined(column.visible)) {
column.visible = false;
if (v.unique) {
self.unique =;
if (column.unique) {
self.unique =;
$.extend(self, {
Ox.extend(self, {
columnPositions: [],
defaultColumnWidths: $.map(self.options.columns, function(v) {
return v.defaultWidth || v.width;
defaultColumnWidths: {
return column.defaultWidth || column.width;
itemHeight: 16,
page: 0,
pageLength: 100,
scrollLeft: 0,
selectedColumn: getColumnIndexById(self.options.sort[0].key),
visibleColumns: $.map(self.options.columns, function(v) {
return v.visible ? v : null;
visibleColumns: self.options.columns.filter(function(column) {
return column.visible;
// fixme: there might be a better way than passing both visible and position
self.options.columns.forEach(function(v) {
if (!Ox.isUndefined(v.position)) {
self.visibleColumns[v.position] = v;
self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) {
if (!Ox.isUndefined(column.position)) {
self.visibleColumns[column.position] = column;
$.extend(self, {
columnWidths: $.map(self.visibleColumns, function(v, i) {
return v.width;
Ox.extend(self, {
columnWidths: {
return column.width;
pageHeight: self.options.pageLength * self.itemHeight
self.format = {};
self.options.columns.forEach(function(v, i) {
if (v.format) {
self.format[] = v.format;
self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) {
if (column.format) {
self.format[] = column.format;
@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
that.$head = Ox.Container()
right: self.options.scrollbarVisible ? Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 'px' : 0
right: self.options.scrollbarVisible
? Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 'px' : 0
@ -155,13 +156,13 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
if (self.options.columnsRemovable) {
that.$select = Ox.Select({
id: + 'SelectColumns',
items: $.map(self.options.columns, function(v, i) {
items: {
return {
checked: v.visible,
disabled: v.removable === false,
title: v.title
checked: column.visible,
disabled: column.removable === false,
title: column.title
max: -1,
min: 1,
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
sortable: self.options.sortable,
type: 'text',
unique: self.unique
}, $.extend({}, self)) // pass event handler
}, Ox.extend({}, self)) // pass event handler
top: (self.options.columnsVisible ? 16 : 0) + 'px',
@ -305,83 +306,87 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function constructHead() {
var offset = 0;
that.$titles = [];
self.columnOffsets = [];
self.visibleColumns.forEach(function(v, i) {
var $order, $resize, $left, $center, $right;
offset += self.columnWidths[i];
self.columnOffsets[i] = offset - self.columnWidths[i] / 2;
that.$titles[i] = Ox.Element()
.addClass('OxTitle OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(
width: (self.columnWidths[i] - 9) + 'px',
textAlign: v.align
self.$heads = [];
self.$titles = [];
self.$orderButtons = [];
self.visibleColumns.forEach(function(column, i) {
var $resize;
self.$heads[i] = Ox.Element()
.addClass('OxHeadCell OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(
.css({width: self.columnWidths[i] - 5 + 'px'})
// if sort operator is set, bind click event
if (v.operator) {
anyclick: function(event, e) {
if (column.operator) {
anyclick: function() {
// if columns are movable, bind drag events
if (self.options.columnsMovable) {
dragstart: function(event, e) {
dragstartColumn(, e);
dragstartColumn(, e);
drag: function(event, e) {
dragColumn(, e);
dragColumn(, e);
dragend: function(event, e) {
dragendColumn(, e);
dragendColumn(, e);
$order = $('<div>')
self.$titles[i] = Ox.Element()
width: self.columnWidths[i] - 9 + 'px',
textAlign: column.align
self.$orderButtons[i] = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: column.operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down',
type: 'image'
.html(Ox.UI.symbols['triangle_' + (
v.operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down'
.css({marginTop: (column.operator == '+' ? 1 : -1) + 'px'})
.click(function() {
$resize = Ox.Element()
// if columns are resizable, bind click and drag events
if (self.options.columnsResizable) {
doubleclick: function(event, e) {
resetColumn(, e);
resetColumn(, e);
dragstart: function(event, e) {
dragstartResize(, e);
dragstartResize(, e);
drag: function(event, e) {
dragResize(, e);
dragResize(, e);
dragend: function(event, e) {
dragendResize(, e);
dragendResize(, e);
$left = $('<div>').addClass('OxLeft').appendTo($resize.$element);
$center = $('<div>').addClass('OxCenter').appendTo($resize.$element);
$right = $('<div>').addClass('OxRight').appendTo($resize.$element);
width: (Ox.sum(self.columnWidths) + 2) + 'px'
if (getColumnPositionById(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id) > -1) { // fixme: save in var
width: (self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].width - 25) + 'px'
@ -419,56 +424,39 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
return $item;
function formatValue(key, value, data) {
// fixme: this may be obscure...
// since the format of a value may depend on another value,
// we pass all data as a second parameter to the supplied format function
var format = self.format[key];
if (value === null) {
value = '';
} else if (format) {
value = Ox.isObject(format) ?
Ox['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)]
.apply(this, Ox.merge([value], format.args || [])) :
format(value, data);
} else if (Ox.isArray(value)) {
value = value.join(', ');
return value;
function dragstartColumn(id, e) {
self.drag = {
startX: e.clientX,
columnOffsets: getColumnOffsets(),
// fixme: doesn't take into account horizontal scroll
listOffset: that.$element.offset().left,
startPos: getColumnPositionById(id)
$.extend(self.drag, {
stopPos: self.drag.startPos,
offsets: $.map(self.visibleColumns, function(v, i) {
return self.columnOffsets[i] - self.columnOffsets[self.drag.startPos]
$('.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id)).css({
opacity: 0.25
that.$titles[self.drag.startPos].addClass('OxDrag').css({ // fixme: why does the class not work?
self.drag.stopPos = self.drag.startPos;
$('.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id)).css({opacity: 0.25});
self.drag.startPos > 0 && self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].prev().children().eq(2).css({opacity: 0.25});
self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].next().children().eq(0).css({opacity: 0.25});
self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].addClass('OxDrag').css({ // fixme: why does the class not work?
cursor: 'move'
//Ox.print('columnOffsets', self.drag.columnOffsets)
function dragColumn(id, e) {
var d = e.clientX - self.drag.startX,
pos = self.drag.stopPos;
Ox.forEach(self.drag.offsets, function(v, i) {
if (d < 0 && d < v) {
var pos = self.drag.stopPos;
Ox.forEach(self.drag.columnOffsets, function(offset, i) {
var x = self.drag.listOffset + offset + self.columnWidths[i] / 2;
if (i < self.drag.startPos && e.clientX < x) {
self.drag.stopPos = i;
return false;
} else if (d > 0 && d > v) {
} else if (i > self.drag.startPos && e.clientX > x) {
self.drag.stopPos = i;
if (self.drag.stopPos != pos) {
moveColumn(id, self.drag.stopPos);
self.drag.columnOffsets = getColumnOffsets();
self.drag.startPos = self.drag.stopPos;
//Ox.print('columnOffsets', self.drag.columnOffsets)
@ -479,10 +467,8 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
self.columnWidths.splice(self.drag.stopPos, 0, width);
$('.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id)).css({
opacity: 1
$('.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id)).css({opacity: 1});
cursor: 'pointer'
@ -492,14 +478,13 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function dragstartResize(id, e) {
var pos = getColumnPositionById(id);
self.drag = {
startX: e.clientX,
startWidth: self.columnWidths[pos]
function dragResize(id, e) {
var width = Ox.limit(
self.drag.startWidth - self.drag.startX + e.clientX,
self.drag.startWidth + e.clientDX,
@ -531,6 +516,24 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function formatValue(key, value, data) {
// fixme: this may be obscure...
// since the format of a value may depend on another value,
// we pass all data as a second parameter to the supplied format function
var format = self.format[key];
if (value === null) {
value = '';
} else if (format) {
value = Ox.isObject(format) ?
Ox['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)]
.apply(this, Ox.merge([value], format.args || [])) :
format(value, data);
} else if (Ox.isArray(value)) {
value = value.join(', ');
return value;
function getCell(id, key) {
Ox.print('getCell', id, key)
var $item = getItem(id);
@ -538,6 +541,14 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
return $($item.find('.OxCell.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(key))[0]);
function getColumnOffsets() {
return, i) {
return Ox.sum(, i_) {
return i_ < i ? self.columnWidths[i_] : 0;
function getColumnIndexById(id) {
return Ox.getPositionById(self.options.columns, id);
@ -549,10 +560,10 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function getItem(id) {
//Ox.print('getItem', id)
var $item = null;
$.each(that.find('.OxItem'), function(i, v) {
$v = $(v);
if ($'id') == id) {
$item = $v;
that.find('.OxItem').each(function() {
$this = $(this);
if ($'id') == id) {
$item = $this;
return false;
@ -579,37 +590,50 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function moveColumn(id, pos) {
// fixme: column head should be one element, not three
//Ox.print('moveColumn', id, pos)
var startPos = getColumnPositionById(id),
stopPos = pos,
startClassName = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id),
stopClassName = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.visibleColumns[stopPos].id),
startSelector = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id),
stopSelector = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.visibleColumns[stopPos].id),
insert = startPos < stopPos ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore'
$column = $('.OxTitle' + startClassName),
$order = $,
$resize = $;
//Ox.print(startClassName, insert, stopClassName)
$column.detach()[insert](insert == 'insertAfter' ? $('.OxTitle' + stopClassName).next().next() : $('.OxTitle' + stopClassName));
$.each(that.$body.find('.OxItem'), function(i, v) {
var $v = $(v);
$column = $('.OxHeadCell' + startSelector),
$resize = $;
//Ox.print(startSelector, insert, stopSelector)
$column.detach()[insert](insert == 'insertAfter'
? $('.OxHeadCell' + stopSelector).next()
: $('.OxHeadCell' + stopSelector));
that.$body.find('.OxItem').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var column = self.visibleColumns.splice(startPos, 1)[0],
width = self.columnWidths.splice(startPos, 1)[0];
self.visibleColumns.splice(stopPos, 0, column);
self.columnWidths.splice(stopPos, 0, width);
var $head = self.$heads.splice(startPos, 1)[0],
columnWidth = self.columnWidths.splice(startPos, 1)[0],
visibleColumn = self.visibleColumns.splice(startPos, 1)[0];
self.$heads.splice(stopPos, 0, $head);
self.columnWidths.splice(stopPos, 0, columnWidth);
self.visibleColumns.splice(stopPos, 0, visibleColumn);
var pos = getColumnPositionById(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id);
if (pos > -1) {
that.$element.find('.OxResize .OxSelected').removeClass('OxSelected');
pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).addClass('OxSelected');
if (pos == stopPos) {
pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).css({opacity: 0.25});
self.$heads[pos].next().children().eq(0).css({opacity: 0.25});
function removeColumn(id) {
//Ox.print('removeColumn', id);
var className = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id),
index = getColumnIndexById(id),
var index = getColumnIndexById(id),
position = getColumnPositionById(id),
$column = $('.OxTitle' + className),
selector = '.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(id),
$column = $('.OxHeadCell ' + selector),
$order = $,
$resize = $;
self.options.columns[index].visible = false;
@ -618,19 +642,17 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
itemWidth = getItemWidth();
$.each(that.$body.find('.OxItem'), function(i, v) {
var $v = $(v);
width: itemWidth + 'px'
that.$body.find('.OxItem').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.css({width: itemWidth + 'px'});
width: itemWidth + 'px'
keys: Ox.merge( {
}), self.options.keys)
@ -654,12 +676,15 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
width: (Ox.sum(self.columnWidths) + 2) + 'px'
width: (width - 9 - (i == self.selectedColumn ? 16 : 0)) + 'px'
width: width - 5 + 'px'
width: width - 9 - (i == self.selectedColumn ? 16 : 0) + 'px'
that.$element.find('.OxCell.OxColumn' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.options.columns[i].id)).css({
width: (width - (self.options.columnsVisible ? 9 : 8)) + 'px'
width: width - (self.options.columnsVisible ? 9 : 8) + 'px'
@ -678,13 +703,12 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
var pos = getColumnPositionById(id);
if (pos > -1) {
pos > 0 && that.$titles[pos].prev().children().eq(2).toggleClass('OxSelected');
pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).toggleClass('OxSelected');
width: (
that.$titles[pos].width() + (that.$titles[pos].hasClass('OxSelected') ? -16 : 16)
self.$titles[pos].width() + (self.$heads[pos].hasClass('OxSelected') ? -16 : 16)
) + 'px'
@ -692,8 +716,8 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function triggerColumnChangeEvent() {
that.triggerEvent('columnchange', {
ids: $.map(self.visibleColumns, function(v, i) {
ids: {
@ -713,11 +737,14 @@ Ox.TextList = function(options, self) {
function updateOrder(id) {
var pos = getColumnPositionById(id);
var operator = self.options.sort[0].operator,
pos = getColumnPositionById(id);
if (pos > -1) {
'triangle_' + (self.options.sort[0].operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down')
title: operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down'
marginTop: (operator == '+' ? 1 : -1) + 'px'

View file

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
function click(event) {
var $target = $(,
position = typeof $'position') != 'undefined' ?
$'position') : -1;
position = typeof $'position') != 'undefined'
? $'position') : -1;
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
function mousemove(event) {
var $target = $(,
position = typeof $'position') != 'undefined' ?
$'position') : -1;
position = typeof $'position') != 'undefined'
? $'position') : -1;
if (self.focused && position != self.selected) {
if (position > -1) {
@ -125,25 +125,23 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
itemId = ids.pop(),
menuId = ids.join('_');
return that;
disableItem <f> disableItem
that.disableItem = function(id) {
disabled: true
that.getItem(id).options({disabled: true});
return that;
enableItem <f> enableItem
that.enableItem = function(id) {
Ox.print('ENABLE ITEM', id)
disabled: false
that.getItem(id).options({disabled: false});
return that;
@ -180,7 +178,6 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
} else {
menu = that.getMenu(ids.shift()).getSubmenu(ids.join('_'));
//Ox.print('getMenu', id, menu);
return menu;
@ -195,6 +192,7 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
if (self.selected < self.options.menus.length - 1) {
clickTitle(self.selected + 1);
return that;
@ -204,15 +202,15 @@ Ox.MainMenu = function(options, self) {
if (self.selected) {
clickTitle(self.selected - 1);
return that;
uncheckItem <f> uncheckItem
that.uncheckItem = function(id) {
checked: false
that.getItem(id).options({checked: false});
return that;
return that;

View file

@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Ox.Menu = function(options, self) {
self.optionGroups = {};
items.forEach(function(item, i) {
if ( {
items[i] = $.map(item.items, function(v, i) {
return $.extend(v, {
items[i] =, i) {
return Ox.extend(v, {
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Ox.Menu = function(options, self) {
items.forEach(function(item) {
var position;
if ('id' in item) {
that.items.push(Ox.MenuItem($.extend(item, {
that.items.push(Ox.MenuItem(Ox.extend(item, {
menu: that,
position: position = that.items.length
})).data('position', position).appendTo(that.$content)); // fixme: jquery bug when passing {position: position}? does not return the object?;
@ -281,10 +281,7 @@ Ox.Menu = function(options, self) {
function constructSpace() {
return $('<tr>').append(
$('<td>', {
'class': 'OxSpace',
colspan: 5
$('<td>', {'class': 'OxSpace', colspan: 5})
@ -720,10 +717,10 @@ Ox.Menu = function(options, self) {
toggelMenu <f> toggleMenu
toggleMenu <f> toggleMenu
that.toggleMenu = function() {':hidden') ? that.showMenu() : that.hideMenu();
return':hidden') ? that.showMenu() : that.hideMenu();
return that;

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
position: 0,
title: [],
.options($.extend(options, {
.options(Ox.extend(options, {
keyboard: parseKeyboard(options.keyboard || self.defaults.keyboard),
title: Ox.toArray(options.title || self.defaults.title)
@ -63,10 +63,8 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
that.$icon = $('<td>', {
'class': 'OxCell OxIcon'
.append(self.options.icon ?
$('<img>', {
src: self.options.icon
}) : null
? $('<img>', {src: self.options.icon}) : null
@ -78,17 +76,19 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
$('<td>', {
'class': 'OxCell OxModifiers',
html: $.map(self.options.keyboard.modifiers, function(modifier) {
html: {
return Ox.UI.symbols[modifier];
$('<td>', {
'class': 'OxCell Ox' + (self.options.items.length ? 'Submenu' : 'Key'),
html: self.options.items.length ? Ox.UI.symbols.triangle_right :
Ox.UI.symbols[self.options.keyboard.key] ||
'class': 'OxCell Ox'
+ (self.options.items.length ? 'Submenu' : 'Key'),
html: self.options.items.length
? Ox.UI.symbols.triangle_right
: Ox.UI.symbols[self.options.keyboard.key]
|| self.options.keyboard.key.toUpperCase()
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
if (key == 'checked') {
that.$status.html(value ? Ox.UI.symbols.check : '')
} else if (key == 'disabled') {
that.toggleClass('OxDisabled'); // fixme: this will only work if onChange is only invoked on actual change
} else if (key == 'title') {
self.options.title = Ox.toArray(value);
@ -120,12 +120,11 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
toggelChecked <f> toggleChecked
toggleChecked <f> toggleChecked
that.toggleChecked = function() {
checked: !self.options.checked
that.options({checked: !self.options.checked});
return that;
that.toggleDisabled = function() {
@ -133,13 +132,11 @@ Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
toggelTitle <f> toggleTitle
toggleTitle <f> toggleTitle
that.toggleTitle = function() {
//Ox.print('s.o.t', self.options.title)
title: self.options.title.reverse()
that.options({title: self.options.title.reverse()});
return that;
return that;

View file

@ -378,24 +378,18 @@ Lists
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxFocus .OxItem.OxSelected:nth-child(even) {
background: rgb(206, 206, 206);
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBar {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(240, 240, 240), rgb(208, 208, 208));
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(240, 240, 240), rgb(208, 208, 208));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(240, 240, 240), rgb(208, 208, 208));
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBar .OxSelected {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(224, 224, 224), rgb(192, 192, 192));
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(224, 224, 224), rgb(192, 192, 192));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(224, 224, 224), rgb(192, 192, 192));
//color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBar .OxOrder {
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxHead .OxSelected {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(208, 208, 208), rgb(176, 176, 176));
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(208, 208, 208), rgb(176, 176, 176));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(208, 208, 208), rgb(176, 176, 176));
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxCenter {
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize .OxCenter {
background: rgb(192, 192, 192);
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBar .OxSelect {
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxHead .OxSelect {
border-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);
.OxThemeClassic .OxTextList .OxBody .OxItem .OxCell {

View file

@ -369,28 +369,23 @@ Lists
//background: rgb(66, 66, 82);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxItem.OxDroppable.OxDrop:nth-child(odd) .OxCell {
background: rgb(78, 78, 94);
background: rgb(78, 78, 78);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxItem.OxDroppable.OxDrop:nth-child(even) .OxCell {
background: rgb(82, 82, 98);
background: rgb(82, 82, 82);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxBar .OxSelected {
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxHead .OxSelected {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(80, 80, 80), rgb(48, 48, 48));
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(80, 80, 80), rgb(48, 48, 48));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(80, 80, 80), rgb(48, 48, 48));
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxBar .OxOrder {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxBar .OxResize .OxCenter {
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxHead .OxResize .OxCenter {
background: rgb(24, 24, 24);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxBar .OxSelect {
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxHead .OxSelect {
border-color: rgb(24, 24, 24);
.OxThemeModern .OxTextList .OxBody .OxItem .OxCell {