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2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
Ox.AnnotationFolder <f:Ox.Element> AnnotationFolder Object
() -> <f> AnnotationFolder Object
(options) -> <f> AnnotationFolder Object
(options, self) -> <f> AnnotationFolder Object
options <o> Options object
editable <b|false> If true, annotations can be added
id <s> id
items <a|[]> items
title <s> title
type <s|'text'> panel type
width <n|0>
self <o> shared private variable
Ox.AnnotationFolder = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element({}, self)
collapsed: false,
editable: false,
id: '',
'in': 0,
item: '',
items: [],
out: 0,
position: 0,
range: 'all',
selected: '',
sort: 'position',
title: '',
type: 'text',
users: 'all',
width: 0
.options(options || {});
self.sort = getSort();
collapsed: self.options.collapsed,
extras: self.options.editable ? [
id: 'add',
style: 'symbol',
title: 'add',
tooltip: 'Add ' + self.options.item,
type: 'image'
click: function(data) {
that.triggerEvent('add', {value: ''});
] : [],
size: 16,
title: self.options.title
toggle: togglePanel
that.$content = that.$element.$content;
if (self.options.type == 'event') {
self.$annotations = Ox.Element();
} else if (self.options.type == 'place') {
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
self.$annotations = Ox.Element()
width: self.options.width + 'px',
height: '256px'
Ox.print('PLACES::', self.places)
self.$map = Ox.Map({
places: getPlaces()
// showLabels: true
selectplace: function(data) {
selectAnnotation({id: data.annotationId});
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
} else if (['string', 'text'].indexOf(self.options.type) > -1) {
self.$annotations = Ox.ArrayEditable({
editable: self.options.editable,
items: getAnnotations(),
selected: self.options.selected,
sort: self.sort,
submitOnBlur: false,
width: self.options.type == 'text' ? self.options.width + 8 : self.options.width,
type: self.options.type == 'text' ? 'textarea' : 'input'
add: function(data) {
that.triggerEvent('add', {value: data.value || ''});
blur: function() {
'delete': function(data) {
that.triggerEvent('remove', {id: data.id});
edit: function() {
self.editing = true;
select: selectAnnotation,
submit: submitAnnotation,
key_space: function() {
self.options.selected && setTimeout(function() {
selectAnnotation({id: self.options.selected});
}, 0);
function getAnnotations() {
return self.options.items.filter(function(item) {
return self.editing && item.id == self.options.selected || (
self.options.range == 'all' || (
self.options.range == 'selection'
&& item['in'] < self.options.out
&& item.out > self.options['in']
) || (
self.options.range == 'position'
&& item['in'] <= self.options.position
&& item.out >= self.options.position
) && (
self.options.users == 'all'
|| self.options.users.indexOf(item.user) > -1
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
function getPlaces() {
var places = [];
getAnnotations().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.place && Ox.getIndexById(places, item.place.id) == -1) {
annotationId: item.id
}, item.place));
return places;
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
function getSort() {
return ({
duration: ['-duration', '+in', '+value'],
position: ['+in', '-duration', '+value'],
text: ['+value', '+in', '-duration']
function selectAnnotation(data) {
var item = Ox.getObjectById(self.options.items, data.id);
self.options.selected = item ? data.id : '';
that.triggerEvent('select', Ox.extend(data, item ? {
'in': item['in'],
out: item.out,
layer: self.options.id
} : {}));
function submitAnnotation(data) {
var item = Ox.getObjectById(self.options.items, data.id);
item.value = data.value;
self.editing = false;
Ox.print('??:', self.options.items[0], self.$annotations.options('items')[0])
//self.$annotations.options({items: self.options.items});
self.options.sort == 'text' && self.$annotations.reloadItems();
that.triggerEvent('submit', item);
function togglePanel() {
self.options.collapsed = !self.options.collapsed;
that.triggerEvent('toggle', {collapsed: self.options.collapsed});
self.setOption = function(key, value) {
if (['in', 'out'].indexOf(key) > -1 && self.editing) {
var index = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.items, self.options.selected);
self.options.items[index][key] = value;
self.options.items[index].duration = self.options.out - self.options['in'];
if (key == 'in') {
//fixme: array editable should support item updates while editing
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
if (self.editing || self.options.range == 'selection') {
self.options.type == 'place' ? self.$map.options({places: getPlaces()})
: self.$annotations.options({items: getAnnotations()});
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
} else if (key == 'out') {
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
if (self.editing || self.options.range == 'selection') {
self.options.type == 'place' ? self.$map.options({places: getPlaces()})
: self.$annotations.options({items: getAnnotations()});
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
} else if (key == 'position') {
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
if (self.editing || self.options.range == 'position') {
self.options.type == 'place' ? self.$map.options({places: getPlaces()})
: self.$annotations.options({items: getAnnotations()});
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
} else if (key == 'range') {
self.$annotations.options({items: getAnnotations()});
} else if (key == 'selected') {
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
if (value === '') {
self.editing = false;
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
self.$annotations.options({selected: value});
} else if (key == 'sort') {
self.sort = getSort();
self.$annotations.options({sort: self.sort});
} else if (key == 'users') {
self.$annotations.options({items: getAnnotations()});
2012-01-12 19:04:32 +00:00
} else if (key == 'width') {
width: self.options.type == 'text' ? self.options.width + 8 : self.options.width
2012-01-12 10:39:05 +00:00
addItem <f> addItem
that.addItem = function(item) {
var pos = 0;
self.options.items.splice(pos, 0, item);
self.$annotations.addItem(pos, item);
that.blurItem = function() {
that.editItem = function() {
removeItems <f> removeItems
that.removeItem = function(id) {
var pos = Ox.getIndexById(self.options.items, id);
self.options.items.splice(pos, 1);
self.$annotations.removeItems && self.$annotations.removeItems([id]);
return that;