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2011-11-05 17:46:53 +01:00
'use strict';
(function() {
var defaultTags = [
// inline formatting
'b', 'code', 'em', 'i', 's', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'u',
2011-12-31 18:27:02 +05:30
// block formatting
2012-02-18 15:40:41 +00:00
'blockquote', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'pre',
// lists
'li', 'ol', 'ul',
// tables
'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr',
// other
'a', 'br', 'img',
// special
'rtl', '[]'
htmlEntities = {
'"': '&quot;', '&': '&amp;', "'": '&apos;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;'
regexp = {
entity: /&[^\s]+?;/g,
html: /[<&]/,
tag: new RegExp('<\\/?(' + [
'a', 'b', 'br', 'code', 'i', 's', 'span', 'u'
].join('|') + ')\\/?>', 'gi')
replace = {
a: [
/<a [^<>]*?href="((\/|https?:\/\/|mailto:).+?)".*?>/gi,
'<a href="{1}">',
img: [
/<img [^<>]*?src="((\/|https?:\/\/).+?)".*?>/gi,
'<img src="$1">'
rtl: [
'<div style="direction: rtl">'
'*': function(tag) {
return [
new RegExp('</?' + tag + ' ?/?>', 'gi'),
salt = Ox.range(2).map(function(){
return Ox.range(16).map(function() {
return Ox.char(65 + Ox.random(26));
function addLinks(string, obfuscate) {
return string
function(match, url, prefix, end) {
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase() == 'www.' ? 'http://' : '';
return Ox.formatString(
'<a href="{prefix}{url}">{url}</a>{end}',
{end: end, prefix: prefix, url: url}
obfuscate ? function(match, mail) {
return Ox.encodeEmailAddress(mail);
} : '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>'
function decodeHTMLEntities(string) {
return string
new RegExp('(' + Ox.values(htmlEntities).join('|') + ')', 'g'),
function(match) {
return Ox.keyOf(htmlEntities, match);
function(match, code) {
return Ox.char(
? parseInt(code.slice(1), 16)
: parseInt(code, 10)
// Splits a string into text (even indices) and tags (odd indices), ignoring
// tags with starting positions that are included in the ignore array
function splitHTMLTags(string, ignore) {
var isTag = false, ret = [''];
ignore = ignore || [];
Ox.forEach(string, function(char, i) {
if (!isTag && char == '<' && ignore.indexOf(i) == -1) {
isTag = true;
ret[ret.length - 1] += char;
if (isTag && char == '>') {
isTag = false;
return ret;
Ox.addLinks <f> Takes a string and adds links for e-mail addresses and URLs
(string[, isHTML]) -> <s> Formatted string
string <s> String
isHTML <b|false> If true, ignore matches in tags or enclosed by links
> Ox.addLinks('foo bar <foo@bar.com>')
'foo bar &lt;<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo@bar.com</a>&gt;'
> Ox.addLinks('www.foo.com/bar#baz, etc.')
'<a href="http://www.foo.com/bar#baz">www.foo.com/bar#baz</a>, etc.'
2012-05-27 21:32:08 +02:00
> Ox.addLinks('<a href="http://www.foo.com">www.foo.com</a>', true)
'<a href="http://www.foo.com">www.foo.com</a>'
Ox.addLinks = function(string, isHTML) {
var isLink = false;
return isHTML
? splitHTMLTags(string).map(function(string, i) {
var isTag = i % 2;
if (isTag) {
if (/^<a/.test(string)) {
isLink = true;
} else if (/^<\/a/.test(string)) {
isLink = false;
return isTag || isLink ? string : addLinks(string);
: Ox.normalizeHTML(addLinks(string));
Ox.encodeEmailAddress <f> Returns obfuscated mailto: link
> Ox.encodeEmailAddress('mailto:foo@bar.com').indexOf(':') > -1
Ox.encodeEmailAddress = function(string) {
var parts = ['mailto:' + string, string].map(function(part) {
return Ox.map(part, function(char) {
var code = char.charCodeAt(0);
return char == ':' ? ':'
: '&#'
+ (Math.random() < 0.5 ? code : 'x' + code.toString(16))
+ ';'
return '<a href="' + parts[0] + '">' + parts[1] + '</a>';
Ox.encodeHTMLEntities <f> Encodes HTML entities
(string[, encodeAll]) -> <s> String
string <s> String
encodeAll <b|false> If true, encode characters > 127 as numeric entities
> Ox.encodeHTMLEntities('<\'&"> äbçdê')
'&lt;&apos;&amp;&quot;&gt; äbçdê'
> Ox.encodeHTMLEntities('<\'&"> äbçdê', true)
'&lt;&apos;&amp;&quot;&gt; &#x00E4;b&#x00E7;d&#x00EA;'
Ox.encodeHTMLEntities = function(string, encodeAll) {
return Ox.map(String(string), function(char) {
var code = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (code < 128) {
char = char in htmlEntities ? htmlEntities[char] : char;
} else if (encodeAll) {
char = '&#x'
+ Ox.pad(code.toString(16).toUpperCase(), 'left', 4, '0')
+ ';';
return char;
Ox.decodeHTMLEntities <f> Decodes HTML entities
(string[, decodeAll]) -> <s> String
string <s> String
decodeAll <b|false> If true, decode named entities for characters > 127
Note that `decodeAll` relies on `Ox.normalizeHTML`, which uses the
DOM and may transform the string
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&#x003C;&#x0027;&#x0026;&#x0022;&#x003E;')
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&lt;&apos;&amp;&quot;&gt;')
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&#x00E4;b&#x00E7;d&#x00EA;')
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&auml;b&ccedil;d&ecirc;')
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&auml;b&ccedil;d&ecirc;', true)
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('<b>&beta;')
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('<b>&beta;', true)
> Ox.decodeHTMLEntities('&lt;b&gt;')
Ox.decodeHTMLEntities = function(string, decodeAll) {
return decodeAll
? Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(Ox.normalizeHTML(string))
: decodeHTMLEntities(string);
Ox.highlight <f> Highlight matches in string
(string, query, classname[, isHTML]) -> Output string
string <s> Input string
query <r|s> Case-insentitive query string, or regular expression
classname <s> Class name for matches
isHTML <b|false> If true, the input string is treated as HTML
> Ox.highlight('<foo><bar>', 'foo', 'c')
'&lt;<span class="c">foo</span>&gt;&lt;bar&gt;'
> Ox.highlight('&amp;', '&amp;', 'c')
'<span class="c">&amp;amp;</span>'
> Ox.highlight('&', '&amp;', 'c')
> Ox.highlight('&lt;foo&gt; &lt;foo&gt;', '<foo>', 'c', true)
'<span class="c">&lt;foo&gt;</span> <span class="c">&lt;foo&gt;</span>'
> Ox.highlight('<span class="name">name</span>', 'name', 'c', true)
'<span class="name"><span class="c">name</span></span>'
> Ox.highlight('amp &amp; amp', 'amp', 'c', true)
'<span class="c">amp</span> &amp; <span class="c">amp</span>'
> Ox.highlight('amp &amp; amp', 'amp & amp', 'c', true)
'<span class="c">amp &amp; amp</span>'
> Ox.highlight('<b>&lt;b&gt;</b>', '<b>', 'c', true)
'<span class="c"><b>&lt;b&gt;</b></span>'
> Ox.highlight('<b>&lt;b&gt;</b>', '&lt;b&gt;', 'c', true)
> Ox.highlight('foo<b>bar</b>baz', 'foobar', 'c', true)
'<span class="c">foo<b>bar</b></span>baz'
> Ox.highlight('foo<p>bar</p>baz', 'foobar', 'c', true)
> Ox.highlight('foo <br/>bar baz', 'foo bar', 'c', true)
'<span class="c">foo <br>bar</span> baz'
Ox.highlight = function(string, query, classname, isHTML) {
if (!query) {
return string;
var cursor = 0,
entities = [],
matches = [],
offset = 0,
re = Ox.isRegExp(query) ? query
: new RegExp(Ox.escapeRegExp(query), 'gi'),
span = ['<span class="' + classname + '">', '</span>'],
tags = [];
function insert(array) {
// for each replacement
array.forEach(function(v) {
// replace the modified value with the original value
string = Ox.splice(string, v.position, v.length, v.value);
// for each match
matches.forEach(function(match) {
if (v.position < match.position) {
// replacement is before match, update match position
match.position += v.value.length - v.length;
} else if (
v.position < match.position + match.value.length
) {
// replacement is inside match, update match value
match.value = Ox.splice(
match.value, v.position - match.position, v.length,
if (isHTML && regexp.html.test(string)) {
string = string // Ox.normalizeHTML(string)
// remove inline tags
.replace(regexp.tag, function(value, tag, position) {
length: 0, position: position, value: value
return '';
// decode html entities
.replace(regexp.entity, function(value, position) {
var ret = Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value, true);
length: ret.length, position: position, value: value
return ret;
// if decoding entities has created new tags, ignore them
splitHTMLTags(string, entities.map(function(entity) {
var ret = entity.position + offset;
offset += entity.length - entity.value.length
return ret;
})).forEach(function(v, i) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
// outside tags, find matches and save position and value
v.replace(re, function(value, position) {
{position: cursor + position, value: value}
cursor += v.length;
// for each match (in reverse order, so that positions are correct)
matches.reverse().forEach(function(match) {
// wrap it in a span
string = Ox.splice(
string, match.position, match.value.length,
// we may have enclosed single opening or closing tags in a span
if (matches.length && tags.length) {
string = Ox.normalizeHTML(string);
} else {
string = Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(
string.replace(re, function(value) {
return salt.join(matches.length - 1);
matches.forEach(function(match, i) {
string = string.replace(new RegExp(salt.join(i)), match);
return string;
Ox.normalizeHTML <f> Normalize HTML (using the DOM)
> Ox.normalizeHTML('<b>foo')
> Ox.normalizeHTML('<b>foo</b></b>')
> Ox.normalizeHTML('&lt;&apos;&amp;&quot;&gt; &#x00E4;b&#x00E7;d&#x00EA;')
'&lt;\'&amp;"&gt; äbçdê'
Ox.normalizeHTML = function(html) {
return regexp.html.test(html) ? Ox.$('<div>').html(html).html() : html;
Ox.parseMarkdown <f> Parses (a tiny subset of) Markdown.
> Ox.parseMarkdown('*foo* **bar** `baz` ``back`tick``')
'<em>foo</em> <strong>bar</strong> <code>baz</code> <code>back`tick</code>'
2012-06-23 13:30:33 +02:00
> Ox.parseMarkdown('foo\n\nbar\n\nbaz')
> Ox.parseMarkdown('\n```foo\n\nbar\n\nbaz\n```')
'<pre><code class="foo">bar<br><br>baz</code></pre>'
> Ox.parseMarkdown('<http://example.com>')
'<a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a>'
> Ox.parseMarkdown('[example](http://example.com "example.com")')
'<a href="http://example.com" title="example.com">example</a>'
> Ox.parseMarkdown('[example](http://example.com?foo=bar&bar=baz)')
'<a href="http://example.com?foo=bar&amp;bar=baz">example</a>'
> Ox(Ox.parseMarkdown('<mail@example.com>')).startsWith('<a href="')
> Ox(Ox.parseMarkdown('<mail@example.com>')).endsWith('</a>')
> Ox(Ox.parseMarkdown('<mail@example.com>')).count(':')
> Ox(Ox.parseMarkdown('<mail@example.com>')).decodeHTMLEntities()
'<a href="mailto:mail@example.com">mail@example.com</a>'
Ox.parseMarkdown = function(string) {
// see https://github.com/coreyti/showdown/blob/master/src/showdown.js
return string.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n')
function(match, classname, code) {
return '<pre><code'
+ (classname ? ' class="' + classname + '"' : '') + '>'
+ code.trim().replace(/</g, '&lt;') + '\n</code></pre>';
function(match, prev, backticks, code, next) {
return prev + '<code>'
+ code.trim().replace(/</g, '&lt;') + '</code>';
/(\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\]\([ \t]*()<?(.*?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g,
function(match, all, text, id, url, rest, quote, title) {
return '<a href="' + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(url) + '"' + (
title ? ' title="' + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(title) + '"' : ''
) + '>' + text + '</a>';
'<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>'
function(match, mail) {
return Ox.encodeEmailAddress(mail);
2012-06-23 13:30:33 +02:00
.replace(/\n\n/g, '<br><br>');
Ox.sanitizeHTML <f> Takes untrusted HTML and returns something trustworthy
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('http://foo.com, ...')
'<a href="http://foo.com">http://foo.com</a>, ...'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('http://foo.com/foo?bar&baz, ...')
'<a href="http://foo.com/foo?bar&amp;baz">http://foo.com/foo?bar&amp;baz</a>, ...'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('(see: www.foo.com)')
'(see: <a href="http://www.foo.com">www.foo.com</a>)'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('foo@bar.com')
'<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo@bar.com</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo</a>')
'<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com">foo</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="http://foo.com">foo</a>')
'<a href="http://foo.com">foo</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="http://www.foo.com/">http://www.foo.com/</a>')
'<a href="http://www.foo.com/">http://www.foo.com/</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="http://foo.com" onclick="alert()">foo</a>')
'<a href="http://foo.com">foo</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="javascript:alert()">foo</a>')
'&lt;a href="javascript:alert()"&gt;foo'
2012-05-27 13:42:55 +02:00
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="foo">foo</a>')
'&lt;a href="foo"&gt;foo'
2012-05-27 13:40:19 +02:00
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<a href="/foo">foo</a>')
'<a href="/foo">foo</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('[http://foo.com foo]')
'<a href="http://foo.com">foo</a>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<rtl>foo</rtl>')
'<div style="direction: rtl">foo</div>'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<script>alert()</script>')
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('\'foo\' < \'bar\' && "foo" > "bar"')
'\'foo\' &lt; \'bar\' &amp;&amp; "foo" &gt; "bar"'
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<b>foo')
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('<b>foo</b></b>')
2012-06-22 10:29:09 +02:00
> Ox.sanitizeHTML('&&amp;')
Ox.sanitizeHTML = function(html, tags) {
var matches = [];
tags = tags || defaultTags;
// html = Ox.clean(html); fixme: can this be a parameter?
if (tags.indexOf('[]') > -1) {
2012-05-27 13:40:19 +02:00
html = html.replace(/\[((\/|https?:\/\/|mailto:).+?) (.+?)\]/gi, '<a href="$1">$3</a>');
tags = tags.filter(function(tag) {
return tag != '[]';
tags.forEach(function(tag) {
var array = replace[tag] || replace['*'](tag);
Ox.forEach(array, function(value) {
html = html.replace(value[0], function() {
matches.push(Ox.formatString(value[1], arguments));
return salt.join(matches.length - 1);
html = Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(html));
matches.forEach(function(match, i) {
html = html.replace(new RegExp(salt.join(i)), match);
html = Ox.addLinks(html, true);
html = html.replace(/\n\n/g, '<br/><br/>');
// Close extra opening and remove extra closing tags.
// Note: this converts '&apos;' to "'" and '&quot;' to '"'
return Ox.normalizeHTML(html);
Ox.stripTags <f> Strips HTML tags from a string
> Ox.stripTags('f<span>o</span>o')
Ox.stripTags = function(string) {
return string.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');