
120 lines
5.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2010-01-07 21:21:07 +01:00
$(function() {
var $body = $("body")
overflowY: "auto"
$tests = new Ox.Bar({
size: 20
padding: "6px 0 6px 8px",
fontSize: "16px",
fontWeight: "bold"
colors = [
["255, 64, 64", "224, 32, 32", "240, 16, 16"],
["64, 192, 64", "32, 160, 32", "40, 176, 48"],
["96, 96, 255", "64, 64, 224", "80, 80, 240"]
gradients = [
"-webkit-gradient(linear, "
setBackground($tests, true);
tests("../build/js/ox.js", "../build/js/ox.data.js");
function tests() {
var succeeded = 0, failed = 0,
lines, spaces, command, expected, result, success,
replace = ["", ""], fns = [], $test
$.each($.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments, function(i, script) {
$.get(script, function(data) {
Ox.Bar({size: 17})
.css({padding: "3px 0 0 8px"})
lines = data.split("\n");
$.each(lines, function(l, line) {
if (line.indexOf("/*") > -1 && lines[l + 1].indexOf("====") > -1) {
Ox.Bar({size: 17})
.css({padding: "3px 0 0 24px"})
.html($.trim(lines[l + 2]))
//setBackground(x, 2)
spaces = line.indexOf(">>> ");
if (spaces > -1) {
command = $.trim(line).substr(4).split(" // ")[0];
fn = command.match(/Ox\.\w+/);
expected = eval(lines[l + 1].substr(spaces, lines[l + 1].length));
// fixme: if object, recursively check identity
result = eval(command);
if (fn) {
fn = fn[0];
success = typeof expected == "object" ?
expected.toString() == result.toString() : expected === result;
succeeded += success;
failed += !success;
$tests.html((succeeded + failed) + " tests, " +
succeeded + " succeeded, " + failed + " failed");
if (!success) {
setBackground($tests, success);
if ($.inArray(fn, fns) == -1) {
$test = Ox.CollapsePanel({
collapsed: true,
title: fn + "()"
setBackground($test.find(".OxBar"), true);
Ox.Bar({size:17}) // fixme: Ox.Object() used to work
//padding: "2px 0 2px 8px",
background: "rgb(" + colors[+success][2] + ")"
Ox.basename(script) + ", line " + l + ": <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">" +
Ox.encodeHTML(command).replace(replace[0], replace[1]) + " " +
(success ? "=" : "!") + "=&gt; " + Ox.encodeHTML(expected.toString()) +
(success ? "" : " ==&gt; " + Ox.encodeHTML(result.toString())) + "</span>"
// to be fixed in ui:
// /*
marginTop: -$test.$content.height() + "px"
// /*
if (!success) {
setBackground($test.find(".OxBar"), success);
} else {
replace = command.split(" = ")
function setBackground($element, success) {
$.each(gradients, function(i, v) {
background: v + "left top, left bottom, from(rgb(" +
colors[+success][0] + ")), to(rgb(" +
colors[+success][1] + ")))"