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2011-11-05 17:46:53 +01:00
'use strict';
//@ Ox.AMPM <[str]> ['AM', 'PM']
Ox.AMPM = ['AM', 'PM'];
//@ Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES <o> Base 32 aliases
Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES = {'I': '1', 'L': '1', 'O': '0', 'U': 'V'},
//@ Ox.BASE_32_DIGITS <o> Base 32 digits
//@ Ox.BCAD <[str]> ['BC', 'AD']
Ox.BCAD = ['BC', 'AD'];
// fixme: this is unused, and probably unneeded
//@ Ox.DURATIONS <[str]> ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
Ox.DURATIONS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'];
//@ Ox.EARTH_RADIUS <number> Radius of the earth in meters
// see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS-84
Ox.EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;
//@ Ox.EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE <num> Circumference of the earth in meters
//@ Ox.HTML_ENTITIES <object> HTML entities for ... (FIXME)
'"': '&quot;', '&': '&amp;', "'": '&apos;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;'
//@ Ox.KEYS <object> Names for key codes
// The dot notation ('0.numpad') allows for namespaced events ('key_0.numpad'),
// so that binding to 'key_0' will catch both 'key_0' and 'key_0.numpad'.
Ox.KEYS = {
0: 'section', 8: 'backspace', 9: 'tab', 12: 'clear', 13: 'enter',
16: 'shift', 17: 'control', 18: 'alt', 20: 'capslock', 27: 'escape',
32: 'space', 33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 35: 'end', 36: 'home',
37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right', 40: 'down',
45: 'insert', 46: 'delete', 47: 'help',
48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4',
53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7', 56: '8', 57: '9',
65: 'a', 66: 'b', 67: 'c', 68: 'd', 69: 'e',
70: 'f', 71: 'g', 72: 'h', 73: 'i', 74: 'j',
75: 'k', 76: 'l', 77: 'm', 78: 'n', 79: 'o',
80: 'p', 81: 'q', 82: 'r', 83: 's', 84: 't',
85: 'u', 86: 'v', 87: 'w', 88: 'x', 89: 'y', 90: 'z',
// fixme: this is usually 91: window.left, 92: window.right, 93: select
91: 'meta.left', 92: 'meta.right', 93: 'meta.right',
96: '0.numpad', 97: '1.numpad', 98: '2.numpad',
99: '3.numpad', 100: '4.numpad', 101: '5.numpad',
102: '6.numpad', 103: '7.numpad', 104: '8.numpad', 105: '9.numpad',
106: 'asterisk.numpad', 107: 'plus.numpad', 109: 'minus.numpad',
108: 'enter.numpad', 110: 'dot.numpad', 111: 'slash.numpad',
112: 'f1', 113: 'f2', 114: 'f3', 115: 'f4', 116: 'f5',
117: 'f6', 118: 'f7', 119: 'f8', 120: 'f9', 121: 'f10',
122: 'f11', 123: 'f12', 124: 'f13', 125: 'f14', 126: 'f15',
127: 'f16', 128: 'f17', 129: 'f18', 130: 'f19', 131: 'f20',
144: 'numlock', 145: 'scrolllock',
186: 'semicolon', 187: 'equal', 188: 'comma', 189: 'minus',
190: 'dot', 191: 'slash', 192: 'backtick', 219: 'openbracket',
220: 'backslash', 221: 'closebracket', 222: 'quote', 224: 'meta'
// see dojo, for ex.
2012-05-26 12:55:20 +02:00
//@ Ox.KEYWORDS <[s]> JavaScript keywords
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference
'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue',
'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do',
'else', 'enum', 'export', 'extends',
'false', 'finally', 'for', 'function',
'if', 'implements', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'interface',
'let', 'module',
'new', 'null',
'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public',
'super', 'switch', 'static',
'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeof',
'var', 'void',
'while', 'with'
Ox.MAP_TILE_SIZE = 256; // fixme: definitely not needed here
//@ Ox.MAX_LATITUDE <n> Maximum latitude of a Mercator projection
Ox.MAX_LATITUDE = Ox.deg(Math.atan(Ox.sinh(Math.PI)));
//@ Ox.MIN_LATITUDE <n> Minimum latitude of a Mercator projection
//@ Ox.MODIFIER_KEYS <obj> Names for modifier keys
// meta comes last so that one can differentiate between
// alt_control_shift_meta.left and alt_control_shift_meta.right
altKey: 'alt', // Mac: option
ctrlKey: 'control',
shiftKey: 'shift',
2012-05-25 21:59:48 +00:00
metaKey: 'meta' // Mac: command
//@ Ox.MONTHS <[str]> Names of months
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
//@ Ox.SHORT_MONTHS <[str]> Short names of months
Ox.SHORT_MONTHS = Ox.MONTHS.map(function(val) {
2012-05-24 11:47:33 +02:00
return val.slice(0, 3);
//@ Ox.PATH <str> Path of Ox.js
Ox.PATH = Ox.toArray(
).reverse().filter(function(element) {
return /Ox\.js$/.test(element.src);
})[0].src.replace(/Ox\.js$/, '');
2012-03-24 10:39:21 +00:00
//@ Ox.PREFIXES <[str]> <code>['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']</code>
Ox.PREFIXES = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'];
//@ Ox.SEASONS <[str]> Names of the seasons of the year
Ox.SEASONS = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'];
2012-05-19 12:10:41 +04:00
//@ Ox.STACK_SIZE <n> Maximum number of arguments
Ox.STACK_SIZE = 65536;
//@ Ox.SYMBOLS <obj> Unicode characters for symbols
DOLLAR: '\u0024',
CENT: '\u00A2', POUND: '\u00A3', CURRENCY: '\u00A4', YEN: '\u00A5',
BULLET: '\u2022', ELLIPSIS: '\u2026', PERMILLE: '\u2030',
COLON: '\u20A1', CRUZEIRO: '\u20A2', FRANC: '\u20A3', LIRA: '\u20A4',
NAIRA: '\u20A6', PESETA: '\u20A7', WON: '\u20A9', SHEQEL: '\u20AA',
DONG: '\u20AB', EURO: '\u20AC', KIP: '\u20AD', TUGRIK: '\u20AE',
DRACHMA: '\u20AF', PESO: '\u20B1', GUARANI: '\u20B2', AUSTRAL: '\u20B3',
HRYVNIA: '\u20B4', CEDI: '\u20B5', TENGE: '\u20B8', RUPEE: '\u20B9',
CELSIUS: '\u2103', FAHRENHEIT: '\u2109', POUNDS: '\u2114', OUNCE: '\u2125',
OHM: '\u2126', KELVIN: '\u212A', ANGSTROM: '\u212B', INFO: '\u2139',
LEFT: '\u2190', UP: '\u2191', RIGHT: '\u2192', DOWN: '\u2193',
HOME: '\u2196', END: '\u2198', RETURN: '\u21A9',
REDO: '\u21BA', UNDO: '\u21BB', PAGEUP: '\u21DE', PAGEDOWN: '\u21DF',
CAPSLOCK: '\u21EA', TAB: '\u21E5', SHIFT: '\u21E7', INFINITY: '\u221E',
CONTROL: '\u2303', COMMAND: '\u2318', ENTER: '\u2324', ALT: '\u2325',
DELETE: '\u2326', CLEAR:'\u2327',BACKSPACE: '\u232B', OPTION: '\u2387',
NAVIGATE: '\u2388', ESCAPE: '\u238B', EJECT: '\u23CF',
SPACE: '\u2423', DIAMOND: '\u25C6',
STAR: '\u2605', SOUND: '\u266B', TRASH: '\u267A', FLAG: '\u2691',
ANCHOR: '\u2693', GEAR: '\u2699', ATOM: '\u269B', WARNING: '\u26A0',
CUT: '\u2702', BACKUP: '\u2707', FLY: '\u2708', CHECK: '\u2713',
CLOSE: '\u2715', BALLOT: '\u2717', WINDOWS: '\u2756',
EDIT: '\uF802', CLICK: '\uF803', APPLE: '\uF8FF'
2012-05-19 12:10:41 +04:00
//@ Ox.TYPES <[str]> list of types, as returned by <code>Ox.type()</code> FIXME!
Ox.TYPES = [
'Arguments', 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Element', 'Function', 'Infinity',
'NaN', 'Null', 'Number', 'Object', 'RegExp', 'String', 'Undefined'
//@ Ox.VERSION <str> OxJS version number
2012-04-05 17:29:33 +02:00
Ox.VERSION = '0.1';
//@ Ox.WEEKDAYS <[str]> Names of weekdays
'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'
//@ Ox.SHORT_WEEKDAYS <[str]> Short names of weekdays
Ox.SHORT_WEEKDAYS = Ox.WEEKDAYS.map(function(val) {
2012-05-24 11:47:33 +02:00
return val.slice(0, 3);