2011-04-23 18:45:50 +02:00
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js
2011-04-23 00:03:10 +02:00
Ox.Filter = function(options, self) {
var self = self || {},
that = new Ox.Element('div', self)
findKeys: [],
query: {
conditions: [],
operator: '&'
sortKeys: [],
viewKeys: []
.options(options || {});
Ox.print('Ox.Filter self.options', self.options)
$.extend(self, {
conditionOperators: {
date: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'},
{id: '<', title: 'is before'},
{id: '>', title: 'is after'},
{id: '>&<', title: 'is between'},
{id: '<|>', title: 'is not between'}
list: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'}
number: [
{id: '', title: 'is'},
{id: '!', title: 'is not'},
{id: '<', title: 'is less than'},
{id: '>', title: 'is greater than'},
{id: '>&<', title: 'is between'},
{id: '<|>', title: 'is not between'}
string: [
{id: '=', title: 'is'},
{id: '!=', title: 'is not'},
{id: '^', title: 'begins with'},
{id: '$', title: 'ends with'},
{id: '', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!', title: 'does not contain'}
text: [
{id: '', title: 'contains'},
{id: '!', title: 'does not contain'}
operators: [
{id: '&', title: 'all'},
{id: '|', title: 'any'}
if (!self.options.query.conditions.length) {
self.options.query.conditions = [{
key: self.options.findKeys[0].id,
value: '',
operator: self.conditionOperators[
self.$operator = new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Label({
title: 'Match',
overlap: 'right',
width: 48
new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Select({
items: self.operators,
width: 48
change: changeOperator
new Ox.Label({
overlap: 'left',
title: 'of the following conditions',
width: 160
float: 'right',
width: 208
float: 'left',
self.$buttons = [];
self.$conditions = $.map(self.options.query.conditions, function(condition, i) {
return constructCondition(condition, i);
self.$limit = new Ox.InputGroup({
inputs: [
new Ox.Checkbox({
width: 16
new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Input({
width: 56
new Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'items', title: 'items'},
{id: 'hours', title: 'hours'},
{id: 'days', title: 'days'},
{id: 'GB', title: 'GB'}
overlap: 'left',
width: 64
float: 'right',
width: 120
new Ox.Select({
items: self.options.sortKeys,
width: 128
new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'ascending', title: 'ascending'},
{id: 'descending', title: 'descending'}
width: 96
new Ox.Label({
overlap: 'left',
title: 'order',
width: 72
float: 'right',
width: 168
separators: [
{title: 'Limit to', width: 56},
{title: 'sorted by', width: 64},
{title: 'in', width: 32}
self.$view = new Ox.InputGroup({
inputs: [
new Ox.Checkbox({
width: 16
new Ox.Select({
items: self.options.viewKeys,
width: 128
separators: [
{title: 'By default, view', width: 112}
self.$save = new Ox.InputGroup({
inputs: [
new Ox.Checkbox({
width: 16
new Ox.Input({
id: 'list',
width: 128
separators: [
{title: 'Save as Smart List', width: 112}
self.$items = $.merge($.merge([self.$operator], self.$conditions), [self.$limit, self.$view, self.$save]);
self.$form = new Ox.Form({
items: self.$items
that.$element = self.$form.$element;
function addCondition(pos) {
var key = self.options.findKeys[0];
self.options.query.conditions.splice(pos, 0, {
key: key.id,
value: '',
operator: self.conditionOperators[key.type][0].id
self.$conditions.splice(pos, 0, constructCondition({}, pos));
self.$form.addItem(pos + 1, self.$conditions[pos]);
function addGroup(pos) {
self.$form.addItem(pos + 1, constructGroup(pos))
function changeConditionKey(pos, key) {
Ox.print('changeConditionKey', pos, key);
var oldOperator = self.options.query.conditions[pos].operator,
oldType = Ox.getObjectById(
self.options.findKeys, self.options.query.conditions[pos].key
newType = Ox.getObjectById(
self.options.findKeys, key
oldConditionType = getConditionType(oldType),
newConditionType = getConditionType(newType);
changeConditionType = oldConditionType != newConditionType;
Ox.print('old new', oldConditionType, newConditionType)
self.options.query.conditions[pos].key = key;
if (changeConditionType) {
self.$conditions[pos].replaceElement(1, constructConditionOperator(pos, oldOperator));
function changeConditionOperator(pos, operator) {
self.options.query.conditions[pos].operator = operator;
function changeOperator(event, data) {
self.options.query.operator = data.selected[0].id;
function constructCondition(condition, pos) {
var $condition;
return $condition = new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Select({
items: $.map(self.options.findKeys, function(key) {
return {
id: key.id,
title: key.title
//items: $.extend({}, self.options.findKeys), // fixme: Ox.Menu messes with keys
overlap: 'right',
width: 128
change: function(event, data) {
Ox.print('event', event)
changeConditionKey($condition.data('position'), data.selected[0].id);
new Ox.Input({
width: 256
new Ox.Button({
disabled: self.options.query.conditions.length == 1,
id: 'remove',
title: 'remove',
type: 'image'
.css({margin: '0 4px 0 8px'})
click: function() {
new Ox.Button({
id: 'add',
title: 'add',
type: 'image'
.css({margin: '0 4px 0 4px'})
click: function() {
Ox.print('add', $(this).parent().parent().data('position'))
addCondition($condition.data('position') + 1)
new Ox.Button({
id: 'addgroup',
title: 'more',
type: 'image'
.css({margin: '0 0 0 4px'})
click: function() {
addGroup($condition.data('position') + 1)
.data({position: pos});
function constructConditionOperator(pos, selected) {
return new Ox.Select({
items: $.map(self.conditionOperators[getConditionType(
)], function(operator) {
return {
checked: operator.id == selected, // fixme: should be "selected", not "checked"
id: operator.operator,
title: operator.title
overlap: 'right',
width: 128
change: function(event, data) {
changeConditionOperator(/*$condition.data('position')*/ pos, data.selected[0].id)
function constructGroup() {
// fixme: duplicated
return new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Label({
title: self.options.operator == '&' ? 'and' : 'or',
overlap: 'right',
width: 48
new Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
new Ox.Select({
items: $.map(self.operators, function(operator) {
Ox.print('!!!!', {
checked: operator.id != self.options.operator,
id: operator.id,
title: operator.title
return {
//checked: operator.id != self.options.operator,
id: operator.id,
title: operator.title
width: 48
change: changeOperator
new Ox.Label({
overlap: 'left',
title: 'of the following conditions',
width: 160
float: 'right',
width: 208
float: 'left',
function getConditionType(type) {
type = Ox.isArray(type) ? type[0] : type;
if (['float', 'integer', 'year'].indexOf(type) > -1) {
type = 'number';
return type;
function removeCondition(pos) {
self.options.query.conditions.splice(pos, 1);
self.$conditions.splice(pos, 1);
self.$form.removeItem(pos + 1);
function updateConditions() {
self.$conditions.forEach(function(condition, pos) {
condition.data({position: pos});
disabled: self.options.query.conditions.length == 1
return that;