oxframe - extract frames from ogg or webm videos Usage: oxframe [options] Options: -x WIDTH, --width=WIDTH scale image to given width -y HEIGHT, --height=HEIGHT scale image to given height -p POS, --pos=POS frame position in seconds, float -i INPUT, --input=INPUT video input -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT path to save frame to, jpg, png supported (defaults to png) -f FORMAT, --output=FORMAT output format, jpg or png if not provided detected from output extension Latest version is at: bzr branch http://code.0x2620.org/oxframe Dependencies: liboggz git://git.xiph.org/liboggz.git liboggplay git://git.xiph.org/liboggplay.git libtheora https://svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora libvpx http://git.chromium.org/webm/libvpx.git imlib2 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2 On Debian and Ubuntu you can install those with apt-get install \ liboggz-dev liboggplay-dev libtheora-dev libvpx-dev libimlib2-dev This repository contains a copy of libnestedd from git clone http://github.com/kinetiknz/nestegg.git