# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2 import Image import math from StringIO import StringIO from subtitles import time2ms import oxdb_cache lineWidth = 600 timlelineHeight = 16 rowHeight = timlelineHeight + 2 * 4 ''' returns timeline view as a png image for a given movie. ''' def loadTimeline(movie, lines = -1): length = int(movie.length / 1000) l = int(math.ceil(length / lineWidth) + 1) if lines == -1 or l < lines: lines = l size = (lineWidth, rowHeight * lines) timelineColor = (64, 64, 64) i = Image.new("RGBA", size) for currentLine in range(0, lines): offset = currentLine * rowHeight + 4 try: data = oxdb_cache.loadTimeline(movie, "%02d" % (currentLine * 10)) f = StringIO(data) t = Image.open(f) t = t.convert('RGBA') box = (0, offset , t.size[0], offset + t.size[1]) i.paste(t, box) except: width = lineWidth if currentLine == lines -1: width = length - (lines - 1) * lineWidth box = ((0, offset , width, offset + timlelineHeight)) i.paste(timelineColor, box) f = StringIO() i.save(f, 'PNG') return f.getvalue() ''' returns timeline overlay as a png image for a given movie query is used to only highlight scenes matching query ''' def loadTimelineOverlay(movie, query, lines = -1): background = (255,255,255,0) marker = (255,255,0,128) markerBorder = (255,255,0,255) length = int(movie.length / 1000) l = int(math.ceil(length / lineWidth) + 1) if lines == -1 or l < lines: lines = l size = (lineWidth, rowHeight * lines) mask = Image.new("RGBA", size, background) for subtitle in movie.overlay(query): start = int(round(time2ms(subtitle.start) / 1000)) stop = int(round(time2ms(subtitle.stop) / 1000)) if start < stop: currentLine = math.ceil(start / lineWidth) if currentLine <= l: offset = currentLine * rowHeight + 4 start = start - ((currentLine) * lineWidth) stop = stop - ((currentLine) * lineWidth) box = ((start, offset -1, stop, offset + timlelineHeight + 1)) mask.paste(marker, box) borderBox = ((start, offset -1, stop, offset)) mask.paste(markerBorder, borderBox) borderBox = ((start, offset + timlelineHeight, stop, offset + timlelineHeight +1)) mask.paste(markerBorder, borderBox) f = StringIO() mask.save(f, 'PNG', quality=70) return f.getvalue() return Image.composite(image, overlay, mask) ''' returns an image map marking all the scenes with mouse events for a given movie. ''' def loadTimelineImageMap(movie): s = movie.subtitleDict length = int(movie.length / 1000) imageMap ='' for key in sorted([int(k) for k in s]): sub = s["%s" % key] start = int(round(time2ms(sub['start']) / 1000)) stop = int(round(time2ms(sub['stop']) / 1000)) if start < stop: currentLine = math.ceil(start / lineWidth) offset = int(currentLine * rowHeight + 4) start = int(start - ((currentLine) * lineWidth)) stop = int(stop - ((currentLine) * lineWidth)) box = (start, offset -1, stop, offset + timlelineHeight + 1) area = '