EPUBJS.reader = {}; EPUBJS.reader.plugins = {}; //-- Attach extra Controllers as plugins (like search?) (function(root, $) { var previousReader = root.ePubReader || {}; var ePubReader = root.ePubReader = function(path, options) { return new EPUBJS.Reader(path, options); }; _.extend(ePubReader, { noConflict : function() { root.ePubReader = previousReader; return this; } }); //exports to multiple environments if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) //AMD define(function(){ return Reader; }); else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) //Node module.exports = ePubReader; })(window, jQuery); EPUBJS.Reader = function(bookPath, _options) { var reader = this; var book; var plugin; var $viewer = $("#viewer"); var search = window.location.search; var parameters; this.settings = _.defaults(_options || {}, { bookPath : bookPath, restore : true, reload : false, bookmarks : null, annotations : null, contained : null, bookKey : null, styles : null, sidebarReflow: false, generatePagination: false, history: true }); // Overide options with search parameters if(search) { parameters = search.slice(1).split("&"); parameters.forEach(function(p){ var split = p.split("="); var name = split[0]; var value = split[1] || ''; reader.settings[name] = value; }); } this.setBookKey(this.settings.bookPath); //-- This could be username + path or any unique string if(this.settings.restore && this.isSaved()) { this.applySavedSettings(); } this.settings.styles = this.settings.styles || { fontSize : "100%" }; this.book = book = new EPUBJS.Book({ bookPath: this.settings.bookPath, restore: this.settings.restore, reload: this.settings.reload, contained: this.settings.contained, bookKey: this.settings.bookKey, styles: this.settings.styles }); if(this.settings.previousLocationCfi) { book.gotoCfi(this.settings.previousLocationCfi); } this.offline = false; this.sidebarOpen = false; if(!this.settings.bookmarks) { this.settings.bookmarks = []; } if(!this.settings.annotations) { this.settings.annotations = []; } if(this.settings.generatePagination) { book.generatePagination($viewer.width(), $viewer.height()); } book.renderTo("viewer"); reader.ReaderController = EPUBJS.reader.ReaderController.call(reader, book); reader.SettingsController = EPUBJS.reader.SettingsController.call(reader, book); reader.ControlsController = EPUBJS.reader.ControlsController.call(reader, book); reader.SidebarController = EPUBJS.reader.SidebarController.call(reader, book); reader.BookmarksController = EPUBJS.reader.BookmarksController.call(reader, book); reader.NotesController = EPUBJS.reader.NotesController.call(reader, book); // Call Plugins for(plugin in EPUBJS.reader.plugins) { if(EPUBJS.reader.plugins.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) { reader[plugin] = EPUBJS.reader.plugins[plugin].call(reader, book); } } book.ready.all.then(function() { reader.ReaderController.hideLoader(); }); book.getMetadata().then(function(meta) { reader.MetaController = EPUBJS.reader.MetaController.call(reader, meta); }); book.getToc().then(function(toc) { reader.TocController = EPUBJS.reader.TocController.call(reader, toc); }); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.unload.bind(this), false); window.addEventListener("hashchange", this.hashChanged.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.adjustFontSize.bind(this), false); book.on("renderer:keydown", this.adjustFontSize.bind(this)); book.on("renderer:keydown", reader.ReaderController.arrowKeys.bind(this)); book.on("renderer:selected", this.selectedRange.bind(this)); return this; }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.adjustFontSize = function(e) { var fontSize; var interval = 2; var PLUS = 187; var MINUS = 189; var ZERO = 48; var MOD = (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ); if(!this.settings.styles) return; if(!this.settings.styles.fontSize) { this.settings.styles.fontSize = "100%"; } fontSize = parseInt(this.settings.styles.fontSize.slice(0, -1)); if(MOD && e.keyCode == PLUS) { e.preventDefault(); this.book.setStyle("fontSize", (fontSize + interval) + "%"); } if(MOD && e.keyCode == MINUS){ e.preventDefault(); this.book.setStyle("fontSize", (fontSize - interval) + "%"); } if(MOD && e.keyCode == ZERO){ e.preventDefault(); this.book.setStyle("fontSize", "100%"); } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.addBookmark = function(cfi) { var present = this.isBookmarked(cfi); if(present > -1 ) return; this.settings.bookmarks.push(cfi); this.trigger("reader:bookmarked", cfi); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeBookmark = function(cfi) { var bookmark = this.isBookmarked(cfi); if( bookmark === -1 ) return; delete this.settings.bookmarks[bookmark]; this.trigger("reader:unbookmarked", bookmark); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.isBookmarked = function(cfi) { var bookmarks = this.settings.bookmarks; return bookmarks.indexOf(cfi); }; /* EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.searchBookmarked = function(cfi) { var bookmarks = this.settings.bookmarks, len = bookmarks.length, i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (bookmarks[i]['cfi'] === cfi) return i; } return -1; }; */ EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.clearBookmarks = function() { this.settings.bookmarks = []; }; //-- Notes EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.addNote = function(note) { this.settings.annotations.push(note); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeNote = function(note) { var index = this.settings.annotations.indexOf(note); if( index === -1 ) return; delete this.settings.annotations[index]; }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.clearNotes = function() { this.settings.annotations = []; }; //-- Settings EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.setBookKey = function(identifier){ if(!this.settings.bookKey) { this.settings.bookKey = "epubjsreader:" + EPUBJS.VERSION + ":" + window.location.host + ":" + identifier; } return this.settings.bookKey; }; //-- Checks if the book setting can be retrieved from localStorage EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.isSaved = function(bookPath) { var storedSettings; if(!localStorage) { return false; } storedSettings = localStorage.getItem(this.settings.bookKey); if(storedSettings === null) { return false; } else { return true; } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeSavedSettings = function() { if(!localStorage) { return false; } localStorage.removeItem(this.settings.bookKey); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.applySavedSettings = function() { var stored; if(!localStorage) { return false; } stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.settings.bookKey)); if(stored) { this.settings = _.defaults(this.settings, stored); return true; } else { return false; } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.saveSettings = function(){ if(this.book) { this.settings.previousLocationCfi = this.book.getCurrentLocationCfi(); } if(!localStorage) { return false; } localStorage.setItem(this.settings.bookKey, JSON.stringify(this.settings)); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.unload = function(){ if(this.settings.restore && localStorage) { this.saveSettings(); } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.hashChanged = function(){ var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1); this.book.goto(hash); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.selectedRange = function(range){ var epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(); var cfi = epubcfi.generateCfiFromRangeAnchor(range, this.book.renderer.currentChapter.cfiBase); var cfiFragment = "#"+cfi; // Update the History Location if(this.settings.history && window.location.hash != cfiFragment) { // Add CFI fragment to the history history.pushState({}, '', cfiFragment); this.currentLocationCfi = cfi; } }; //-- Enable binding events to reader RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(EPUBJS.Reader.prototype); EPUBJS.reader.BookmarksController = function() { var reader = this; var book = this.book; var $bookmarks = $("#bookmarksView"), $list = $bookmarks.find("#bookmarks"); var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var show = function() { $bookmarks.show(); }; var hide = function() { $bookmarks.hide(); }; var counter = 0; var createBookmarkItem = function(cfi) { var listitem = document.createElement("li"), link = document.createElement("a"); listitem.id = "bookmark-"+counter; listitem.classList.add('list_item'); //-- TODO: Parse Cfi link.textContent = cfi; link.href = cfi; link.classList.add('bookmark_link'); link.addEventListener("click", function(event){ var cfi = this.getAttribute('href'); book.gotoCfi(cfi); event.preventDefault(); }, false); listitem.appendChild(link); counter++; return listitem; }; this.settings.bookmarks.forEach(function(cfi) { var bookmark = createBookmarkItem(cfi); docfrag.appendChild(bookmark); }); $list.append(docfrag); this.on("reader:bookmarked", function(cfi) { var item = createBookmarkItem(cfi); $list.append(item); }); this.on("reader:unbookmarked", function(index) { var $item = $("#bookmark-"+index); $item.remove(); }); return { "show" : show, "hide" : hide }; }; EPUBJS.reader.ControlsController = function(book) { var reader = this; var $store = $("#store"), $fullscreen = $("#fullscreen"), $fullscreenicon = $("#fullscreenicon"), $cancelfullscreenicon = $("#cancelfullscreenicon"), $slider = $("#slider"), $main = $("#main"), $sidebar = $("#sidebar"), $settings = $("#setting"), $bookmark = $("#bookmark"); var goOnline = function() { reader.offline = false; // $store.attr("src", $icon.data("save")); }; var goOffline = function() { reader.offline = true; // $store.attr("src", $icon.data("saved")); }; var fullscreen = false; book.on("book:online", goOnline); book.on("book:offline", goOffline); $slider.on("click", function () { if(reader.sidebarOpen) { reader.SidebarController.hide(); $slider.addClass("icon-menu"); $slider.removeClass("icon-right"); } else { reader.SidebarController.show(); $slider.addClass("icon-right"); $slider.removeClass("icon-menu"); } }); $fullscreen.on("click", function() { screenfull.toggle($('#container')[0]); }); if(screenfull) { document.addEventListener(screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange, function() { fullscreen = screenfull.isFullscreen; if(fullscreen) { $fullscreen .addClass("icon-resize-small") .removeClass("icon-resize-full"); } else { $fullscreen .addClass("icon-resize-full") .removeClass("icon-resize-small"); } }); } $settings.on("click", function() { reader.SettingsController.show(); }); $bookmark.on("click", function() { var cfi = reader.book.getCurrentLocationCfi(); var bookmarked = reader.isBookmarked(cfi); if(bookmarked === -1) { //-- Add bookmark reader.addBookmark(cfi); $bookmark .addClass("icon-bookmark") .removeClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } else { //-- Remove Bookmark reader.removeBookmark(cfi); $bookmark .removeClass("icon-bookmark") .addClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } }); book.on('renderer:locationChanged', function(cfi){ var cfiFragment = "#" + cfi; //-- Check if bookmarked var bookmarked = reader.isBookmarked(cfi); if(bookmarked === -1) { //-- Not bookmarked $bookmark .removeClass("icon-bookmark") .addClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } else { //-- Bookmarked $bookmark .addClass("icon-bookmark") .removeClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } reader.currentLocationCfi = cfi; // Update the History Location if(reader.settings.history && window.location.hash != cfiFragment) { // Add CFI fragment to the history history.pushState({}, '', cfiFragment); } }); book.on('book:pageChanged', function(location){ // console.log("page", location.page, location.percentage) }); return { }; }; EPUBJS.reader.MetaController = function(meta) { var title = meta.bookTitle, author = meta.creator; var $title = $("#book-title"), $author = $("#chapter-title"), $dash = $("#title-seperator"); document.title = title+" – "+author; $title.html(title); $author.html(author); $dash.show(); }; EPUBJS.reader.NotesController = function() { var book = this.book; var reader = this; var $notesView = $("#notesView"); var $notes = $("#notes"); var $text = $("#note-text"); var $anchor = $("#note-anchor"); var annotations = reader.settings.annotations; var renderer = book.renderer; var popups = []; var epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(); var show = function() { $notesView.show(); }; var hide = function() { $notesView.hide(); } var insertAtPoint = function(e) { var range; var textNode; var offset; var doc = book.renderer.doc; var cfi; var annotation; // standard if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) { range = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); textNode = range.offsetNode; offset = range.offset; // WebKit } else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) { range = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); textNode = range.startContainer; offset = range.startOffset; } if (textNode.nodeType !== 3) { for (var i=0; i < textNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (textNode.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) { textNode = textNode.childNodes[i]; break; } } } // Find the end of the sentance offset = textNode.textContent.indexOf(".", offset); if(offset === -1){ offset = textNode.length; // Last item } else { offset += 1; // After the period } cfi = epubcfi.generateCfiFromTextNode(textNode, offset, book.renderer.currentChapter.cfiBase); annotation = { annotatedAt: new Date(), anchor: cfi, body: $text.val() } // add to list reader.addNote(annotation); // attach addAnnotation(annotation); placeMarker(annotation); // clear $text.val(''); $anchor.text("Attach"); $text.prop("disabled", false); book.off("renderer:click", insertAtPoint); }; var addAnnotation = function(annotation){ var note = document.createElement("li"); var link = document.createElement("a"); note.innerHTML = annotation.body; // note.setAttribute("ref", annotation.anchor); link.innerHTML = " context »"; link.href = "#"+annotation.anchor; link.onclick = function(){ book.gotoCfi(annotation.anchor); return false; }; note.appendChild(link); $notes.append(note); }; var placeMarker = function(annotation){ var doc = book.renderer.doc; var marker = document.createElement("span"); var mark = document.createElement("a"); marker.classList.add("footnotesuperscript", "reader_generated"); marker.style.verticalAlign = "super"; marker.style.fontSize = ".75em"; // marker.style.position = "relative"; marker.style.lineHeight = "1em"; // mark.style.display = "inline-block"; mark.style.padding = "2px"; mark.style.backgroundColor = "#fffa96"; mark.style.borderRadius = "5px"; mark.style.cursor = "pointer"; marker.id = "note-"+EPUBJS.core.uuid(); mark.innerHTML = annotations.indexOf(annotation) + 1 + "[Reader]"; marker.appendChild(mark); epubcfi.addMarker(annotation.anchor, doc, marker); markerEvents(marker, annotation.body); } var markerEvents = function(item, txt){ var id = item.id; var showPop = function(){ var poppos, iheight = renderer.height, iwidth = renderer.width, tip, pop, maxHeight = 225, itemRect, left, top, pos; //-- create a popup with endnote inside of it if(!popups[id]) { popups[id] = document.createElement("div"); popups[id].setAttribute("class", "popup"); pop_content = document.createElement("div"); popups[id].appendChild(pop_content); pop_content.innerHTML = txt; pop_content.setAttribute("class", "pop_content"); renderer.render.document.body.appendChild(popups[id]); //-- TODO: will these leak memory? - Fred popups[id].addEventListener("mouseover", onPop, false); popups[id].addEventListener("mouseout", offPop, false); //-- Add hide on page change renderer.on("renderer:locationChanged", hidePop, this); renderer.on("renderer:locationChanged", offPop, this); // chapter.book.on("renderer:chapterDestroy", hidePop, this); } pop = popups[id]; //-- get location of item itemRect = item.getBoundingClientRect(); left = itemRect.left; top = itemRect.top; //-- show the popup pop.classList.add("show"); //-- locations of popup popRect = pop.getBoundingClientRect(); //-- position the popup pop.style.left = left - popRect.width / 2 + "px"; pop.style.top = top + "px"; //-- Adjust max height if(maxHeight > iheight / 2.5) { maxHeight = iheight / 2.5; pop_content.style.maxHeight = maxHeight + "px"; } //-- switch above / below if(popRect.height + top >= iheight - 25) { pop.style.top = top - popRect.height + "px"; pop.classList.add("above"); }else{ pop.classList.remove("above"); } //-- switch left if(left - popRect.width <= 0) { pop.style.left = left + "px"; pop.classList.add("left"); }else{ pop.classList.remove("left"); } //-- switch right if(left + popRect.width / 2 >= iwidth) { //-- TEMP MOVE: 300 pop.style.left = left - 300 + "px"; popRect = pop.getBoundingClientRect(); pop.style.left = left - popRect.width + "px"; //-- switch above / below again if(popRect.height + top >= iheight - 25) { pop.style.top = top - popRect.height + "px"; pop.classList.add("above"); }else{ pop.classList.remove("above"); } pop.classList.add("right"); }else{ pop.classList.remove("right"); } } var onPop = function(){ popups[id].classList.add("on"); } var offPop = function(){ popups[id].classList.remove("on"); } var hidePop = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ popups[id].classList.remove("show"); }, 100); } var openSidebar = function(){ reader.ReaderController.slideOut(); show(); }; item.addEventListener("mouseover", showPop, false); item.addEventListener("mouseout", hidePop, false); item.addEventListener("click", openSidebar, false); } $anchor.on("click", function(e){ $anchor.text("Cancel"); $text.prop("disabled", "true"); // listen for selection book.on("renderer:click", insertAtPoint); }); annotations.forEach(function(note) { addAnnotation(note); }); renderer.registerHook("beforeChapterDisplay", function(callback, renderer){ var chapter = renderer.currentChapter; annotations.forEach(function(note) { var cfi = epubcfi.parse(note.anchor); if(cfi.spinePos === chapter.spinePos) { try { placeMarker(note); } catch(e) { console.log("anchoring failed", note.anchor); } } }); callback(); }, true); return { "show" : show, "hide" : hide }; }; EPUBJS.reader.ReaderController = function(book) { var $main = $("#main"), $divider = $("#divider"), $loader = $("#loader"), $next = $("#next"), $prev = $("#prev"); var reader = this; var book = this.book; var slideIn = function() { var currentPosition = book.getCurrentLocationCfi(); if (reader.settings.sidebarReflow){ $main.removeClass('single'); $main.one("transitionend", function(){ book.gotoCfi(currentPosition); }); } else { $main.removeClass("closed"); } }; var slideOut = function() { var currentPosition = book.getCurrentLocationCfi(); if (reader.settings.sidebarReflow){ $main.addClass('single'); $main.one("transitionend", function(){ book.gotoCfi(currentPosition); }); } else { $main.addClass("closed"); } }; var showLoader = function() { $loader.show(); hideDivider(); }; var hideLoader = function() { $loader.hide(); //-- If the book is using spreads, show the divider // if(book.settings.spreads) { // showDivider(); // } }; var showDivider = function() { $divider.addClass("show"); }; var hideDivider = function() { $divider.removeClass("show"); }; var keylock = false; var arrowKeys = function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 37) { book.prevPage(); $prev.addClass("active"); keylock = true; setTimeout(function(){ keylock = false; $prev.removeClass("active"); }, 100); e.preventDefault(); } if(e.keyCode == 39) { book.nextPage(); $next.addClass("active"); keylock = true; setTimeout(function(){ keylock = false; $next.removeClass("active"); }, 100); e.preventDefault(); } } document.addEventListener('keydown', arrowKeys, false); $next.on("click", function(e){ book.nextPage(); e.preventDefault(); }); $prev.on("click", function(e){ book.prevPage(); e.preventDefault(); }); book.on("renderer:spreads", function(bool){ if(bool) { showDivider(); } else { hideDivider(); } }); // book.on("book:atStart", function(){ // $prev.addClass("disabled"); // }); // // book.on("book:atEnd", function(){ // $next.addClass("disabled"); // }); return { "slideOut" : slideOut, "slideIn" : slideIn, "showLoader" : showLoader, "hideLoader" : hideLoader, "showDivider" : showDivider, "hideDivider" : hideDivider, "arrowKeys" : arrowKeys }; }; EPUBJS.reader.SettingsController = function() { var book = this.book; var reader = this; var $settings = $("#settings-modal"), $overlay = $(".overlay"); var show = function() { $settings.addClass("md-show"); }; var hide = function() { $settings.removeClass("md-show"); }; var $sidebarReflowSetting = $('#sidebarReflow'); $sidebarReflowSetting.on('click', function() { reader.settings.sidebarReflow = !reader.settings.sidebarReflow; }); $settings.find(".closer").on("click", function() { hide(); }); $overlay.on("click", function() { hide(); }); return { "show" : show, "hide" : hide }; }; EPUBJS.reader.SidebarController = function(book) { var reader = this; var $sidebar = $("#sidebar"), $panels = $("#panels"); var activePanel = "Toc"; var changePanelTo = function(viewName) { var controllerName = viewName + "Controller"; if(activePanel == viewName || typeof reader[controllerName] === 'undefined' ) return; reader[activePanel+ "Controller"].hide(); reader[controllerName].show(); activePanel = viewName; $panels.find('.active').removeClass("active"); $panels.find("#show-" + viewName ).addClass("active"); }; var getActivePanel = function() { return activePanel; }; var show = function() { reader.sidebarOpen = true; reader.ReaderController.slideOut(); $sidebar.addClass("open"); } var hide = function() { reader.sidebarOpen = false; reader.ReaderController.slideIn(); $sidebar.removeClass("open"); } $panels.find(".show_view").on("click", function(event) { var view = $(this).data("view"); changePanelTo(view); event.preventDefault(); }); return { 'show' : show, 'hide' : hide, 'getActivePanel' : getActivePanel, 'changePanelTo' : changePanelTo }; }; EPUBJS.reader.TocController = function(toc) { var book = this.book; var $list = $("#tocView"), docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var currentChapter = false; var generateTocItems = function(toc, level) { var container = document.createElement("ul"); if(!level) level = 1; toc.forEach(function(chapter) { var listitem = document.createElement("li"), link = document.createElement("a"); toggle = document.createElement("a"); var subitems; listitem.id = "toc-"+chapter.id; listitem.classList.add('list_item'); link.textContent = chapter.label; link.href = chapter.href; link.classList.add('toc_link'); listitem.appendChild(link); if(chapter.subitems.length > 0) { level++; subitems = generateTocItems(chapter.subitems, level); toggle.classList.add('toc_toggle'); listitem.insertBefore(toggle, link); listitem.appendChild(subitems); } container.appendChild(listitem); }); return container; }; var onShow = function() { $list.show(); }; var onHide = function() { $list.hide(); }; var chapterChange = function(e) { var id = e.id, $item = $list.find("#toc-"+id), $current = $list.find(".currentChapter"), $open = $list.find('.openChapter'); if($item.length){ if($item != $current && $item.has(currentChapter).length > 0) { $current.removeClass("currentChapter"); } $item.addClass("currentChapter"); // $open.removeClass("openChapter"); $item.parents('li').addClass("openChapter"); } }; book.on('renderer:chapterDisplayed', chapterChange); var tocitems = generateTocItems(toc); docfrag.appendChild(tocitems); $list.append(docfrag); $list.find(".toc_link").on("click", function(event){ var url = this.getAttribute('href'); event.preventDefault(); //-- Provide the Book with the url to show // The Url must be found in the books manifest book.goto(url); $list.find(".currentChapter") .addClass("openChapter") .removeClass("currentChapter"); $(this).parent('li').addClass("currentChapter"); }); $list.find(".toc_toggle").on("click", function(event){ var $el = $(this).parent('li'), open = $el.hasClass("openChapter"); event.preventDefault(); if(open){ $el.removeClass("openChapter"); } else { $el.addClass("openChapter"); } }); return { "show" : onShow, "hide" : onHide }; }; //# sourceMappingURL=reader.js.map