import sys import win32wnet import struct # Constants generated by h2py from nb30.h NCBNAMSZ = 16 MAX_LANA = 254 NAME_FLAGS_MASK = 0x87 GROUP_NAME = 0x80 UNIQUE_NAME = 0x00 REGISTERING = 0x00 REGISTERED = 0x04 DEREGISTERED = 0x05 DUPLICATE = 0x06 DUPLICATE_DEREG = 0x07 LISTEN_OUTSTANDING = 0x01 CALL_PENDING = 0x02 SESSION_ESTABLISHED = 0x03 HANGUP_PENDING = 0x04 HANGUP_COMPLETE = 0x05 SESSION_ABORTED = 0x06 ALL_TRANSPORTS = "M\0\0\0" MS_NBF = "MNBF" NCBCALL = 0x10 NCBLISTEN = 0x11 NCBHANGUP = 0x12 NCBSEND = 0x14 NCBRECV = 0x15 NCBRECVANY = 0x16 NCBCHAINSEND = 0x17 NCBDGSEND = 0x20 NCBDGRECV = 0x21 NCBDGSENDBC = 0x22 NCBDGRECVBC = 0x23 NCBADDNAME = 0x30 NCBDELNAME = 0x31 NCBRESET = 0x32 NCBASTAT = 0x33 NCBSSTAT = 0x34 NCBCANCEL = 0x35 NCBADDGRNAME = 0x36 NCBENUM = 0x37 NCBUNLINK = 0x70 NCBSENDNA = 0x71 NCBCHAINSENDNA = 0x72 NCBLANSTALERT = 0x73 NCBACTION = 0x77 NCBFINDNAME = 0x78 NCBTRACE = 0x79 ASYNCH = 0x80 NRC_GOODRET = 0x00 NRC_BUFLEN = 0x01 NRC_ILLCMD = 0x03 NRC_CMDTMO = 0x05 NRC_INCOMP = 0x06 NRC_BADDR = 0x07 NRC_SNUMOUT = 0x08 NRC_NORES = 0x09 NRC_SCLOSED = 0x0a NRC_CMDCAN = 0x0b NRC_DUPNAME = 0x0d NRC_NAMTFUL = 0x0e NRC_ACTSES = 0x0f NRC_LOCTFUL = 0x11 NRC_REMTFUL = 0x12 NRC_ILLNN = 0x13 NRC_NOCALL = 0x14 NRC_NOWILD = 0x15 NRC_INUSE = 0x16 NRC_NAMERR = 0x17 NRC_SABORT = 0x18 NRC_NAMCONF = 0x19 NRC_IFBUSY = 0x21 NRC_TOOMANY = 0x22 NRC_BRIDGE = 0x23 NRC_CANOCCR = 0x24 NRC_CANCEL = 0x26 NRC_DUPENV = 0x30 NRC_ENVNOTDEF = 0x34 NRC_OSRESNOTAV = 0x35 NRC_MAXAPPS = 0x36 NRC_NOSAPS = 0x37 NRC_NORESOURCES = 0x38 NRC_INVADDRESS = 0x39 NRC_INVDDID = 0x3B NRC_LOCKFAIL = 0x3C NRC_OPENERR = 0x3f NRC_SYSTEM = 0x40 NRC_PENDING = 0xff UCHAR = "B" WORD = "H" DWORD = "I" USHORT = "H" ULONG = "I" ADAPTER_STATUS_ITEMS = [ ("6s", "adapter_address"), (UCHAR, "rev_major"), (UCHAR, "reserved0"), (UCHAR, "adapter_type"), (UCHAR, "rev_minor"), (WORD, "duration"), (WORD, "frmr_recv"), (WORD, "frmr_xmit"), (WORD, "iframe_recv_err"), (WORD, "xmit_aborts"), (DWORD, "xmit_success"), (DWORD, "recv_success"), (WORD, "iframe_xmit_err"), (WORD, "recv_buff_unavail"), (WORD, "t1_timeouts"), (WORD, "ti_timeouts"), (DWORD, "reserved1"), (WORD, "free_ncbs"), (WORD, "max_cfg_ncbs"), (WORD, "max_ncbs"), (WORD, "xmit_buf_unavail"), (WORD, "max_dgram_size"), (WORD, "pending_sess"), (WORD, "max_cfg_sess"), (WORD, "max_sess"), (WORD, "max_sess_pkt_size"), (WORD, "name_count"), ] NAME_BUFFER_ITEMS = [ (str(NCBNAMSZ) + "s", "name"), (UCHAR, "name_num"), (UCHAR, "name_flags"), ] SESSION_HEADER_ITEMS = [ (UCHAR, "sess_name"), (UCHAR, "num_sess"), (UCHAR, "rcv_dg_outstanding"), (UCHAR, "rcv_any_outstanding"), ] SESSION_BUFFER_ITEMS = [ (UCHAR, "lsn"), (UCHAR, "state"), (str(NCBNAMSZ)+"s", "local_name"), (str(NCBNAMSZ)+"s", "remote_name"), (UCHAR, "rcvs_outstanding"), (UCHAR, "sends_outstanding"), ] LANA_ENUM_ITEMS = [ ("B", "length"), # Number of valid entries in lana[] (str(MAX_LANA+1) + "s", "lana"), ] FIND_NAME_HEADER_ITEMS = [ (WORD, "node_count"), (UCHAR, "reserved"), (UCHAR, "unique_group"), ] FIND_NAME_BUFFER_ITEMS = [ (UCHAR, "length"), (UCHAR, "access_control"), (UCHAR, "frame_control"), ("6s", "destination_addr"), ("6s", "source_addr"), ("18s", "routing_info"), ] ACTION_HEADER_ITEMS = [ (ULONG, "transport_id"), (USHORT, "action_code"), (USHORT, "reserved"), ] del UCHAR, WORD, DWORD, USHORT, ULONG NCB = win32wnet.NCB def Netbios(ncb): ob = ncb.Buffer is_ours = hasattr(ob, "_pack") if is_ours: ob._pack() try: return win32wnet.Netbios(ncb) finally: if is_ours: ob._unpack() class NCBStruct: def __init__(self, items): self._format = "".join([item[0] for item in items]) self._items = items self._buffer_ = win32wnet.NCBBuffer(struct.calcsize(self._format)) for format, name in self._items: if len(format)==1: if format == 'c': val = '\0' else: val = 0 else: l = int(format[:-1]) val = '\0' * l self.__dict__[name] = val def _pack(self): vals = [] for format, name in self._items: try: vals.append(self.__dict__[name]) except KeyError: vals.append(None) self._buffer_[:] = struct.pack(*(self._format,) + tuple(vals)) def _unpack(self): items = struct.unpack(self._format, self._buffer_) assert len(items)==len(self._items), "unexpected number of items to unpack!" for (format, name), val in zip(self._items, items): self.__dict__[name] = val def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if attr not in self.__dict__ and attr[0]!='_': for format, attr_name in self._items: if attr==attr_name: break else: raise AttributeError(attr) self.__dict__[attr] = val def ADAPTER_STATUS(): return NCBStruct(ADAPTER_STATUS_ITEMS) def NAME_BUFFER(): return NCBStruct(NAME_BUFFER_ITEMS) def SESSION_HEADER(): return NCBStruct(SESSION_HEADER_ITEMS) def SESSION_BUFFER(): return NCBStruct(SESSION_BUFFER_ITEMS) def LANA_ENUM(): return NCBStruct(LANA_ENUM_ITEMS) def FIND_NAME_HEADER(): return NCBStruct(FIND_NAME_HEADER_ITEMS) def FIND_NAME_BUFFER(): return NCBStruct(FIND_NAME_BUFFER_ITEMS) def ACTION_HEADER(): return NCBStruct(ACTION_HEADER_ITEMS) def byte_to_int(b): """Given an element in a binary buffer, return its integer value""" if sys.version_info >= (3,0): # a byte is already an int in py3k return b return ord(b) # its a char from a string in py2k. if __name__=='__main__': # code ported from "HOWTO: Get the MAC Address for an Ethernet Adapter" # MS KB ID: Q118623 ncb = NCB() ncb.Command = NCBENUM la_enum = LANA_ENUM() ncb.Buffer = la_enum rc = Netbios(ncb) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected result %d" % (rc,)) for i in range(la_enum.length): ncb.Reset() ncb.Command = NCBRESET ncb.Lana_num = byte_to_int(la_enum.lana[i]) rc = Netbios(ncb) if rc != 0: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected result %d" % (rc,)) ncb.Reset() ncb.Command = NCBASTAT ncb.Lana_num = byte_to_int(la_enum.lana[i]) ncb.Callname = "* ".encode("ascii") # ensure bytes on py2x and 3k adapter = ADAPTER_STATUS() ncb.Buffer = adapter Netbios(ncb) print("Adapter address:", end=' ') for ch in adapter.adapter_address: print("%02x" % (byte_to_int(ch),), end=' ') print()