"""Store and retrieve wheel signing / verifying keys. Given a scope (a package name, + meaning "all packages", or - meaning "no packages"), return a list of verifying keys that are trusted for that scope. Given a package name, return a list of (scope, key) suggested keys to sign that package (only the verifying keys; the private signing key is stored elsewhere). Keys here are represented as urlsafe_b64encoded strings with no padding. Tentative command line interface: # list trusts wheel trust # trust a particular key for all wheel trust + key # trust key for beaglevote wheel trust beaglevote key # stop trusting a key for all wheel untrust + key # generate a key pair wheel keygen # import a signing key from a file wheel import keyfile # export a signing key wheel export key """ import json import os.path from wheel.util import native, load_config_paths, save_config_path class WheelKeys(object): SCHEMA = 1 CONFIG_NAME = 'wheel.json' def __init__(self): self.data = {'signers':[], 'verifiers':[]} def load(self): # XXX JSON is not a great database for path in load_config_paths('wheel'): conf = os.path.join(native(path), self.CONFIG_NAME) if os.path.exists(conf): with open(conf, 'r') as infile: self.data = json.load(infile) for x in ('signers', 'verifiers'): if not x in self.data: self.data[x] = [] if 'schema' not in self.data: self.data['schema'] = self.SCHEMA elif self.data['schema'] != self.SCHEMA: raise ValueError( "Bad wheel.json version {0}, expected {1}".format( self.data['schema'], self.SCHEMA)) break return self def save(self): # Try not to call this a very long time after load() path = save_config_path('wheel') conf = os.path.join(native(path), self.CONFIG_NAME) with open(conf, 'w+') as out: json.dump(self.data, out, indent=2) return self def trust(self, scope, vk): """Start trusting a particular key for given scope.""" self.data['verifiers'].append({'scope':scope, 'vk':vk}) return self def untrust(self, scope, vk): """Stop trusting a particular key for given scope.""" self.data['verifiers'].remove({'scope':scope, 'vk':vk}) return self def trusted(self, scope=None): """Return list of [(scope, trusted key), ...] for given scope.""" trust = [(x['scope'], x['vk']) for x in self.data['verifiers'] if x['scope'] in (scope, '+')] trust.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) trust.reverse() return trust def signers(self, scope): """Return list of signing key(s).""" sign = [(x['scope'], x['vk']) for x in self.data['signers'] if x['scope'] in (scope, '+')] sign.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) sign.reverse() return sign def add_signer(self, scope, vk): """Remember verifying key vk as being valid for signing in scope.""" self.data['signers'].append({'scope':scope, 'vk':vk})