import calendar import codecs import collections import mmap import os import re import time import zlib from ._util import py3 try: from UserDict import UserDict # Python 2.x except ImportError: UserDict = collections.UserDict # Python 3.x if py3: # Python 3.x def make_bytes(s): return s.encode("us-ascii") else: # Python 2.x def make_bytes(s): # pragma: no cover return s # pragma: no cover # see Text String Type on page 86 and D.3 PDFDocEncoding Character Set # on page 656 def encode_text(s): return codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + s.encode("utf_16_be") PDFDocEncoding = { 0x16: u"\u0017", 0x18: u"\u02D8", 0x19: u"\u02C7", 0x1A: u"\u02C6", 0x1B: u"\u02D9", 0x1C: u"\u02DD", 0x1D: u"\u02DB", 0x1E: u"\u02DA", 0x1F: u"\u02DC", 0x80: u"\u2022", 0x81: u"\u2020", 0x82: u"\u2021", 0x83: u"\u2026", 0x84: u"\u2014", 0x85: u"\u2013", 0x86: u"\u0192", 0x87: u"\u2044", 0x88: u"\u2039", 0x89: u"\u203A", 0x8A: u"\u2212", 0x8B: u"\u2030", 0x8C: u"\u201E", 0x8D: u"\u201C", 0x8E: u"\u201D", 0x8F: u"\u2018", 0x90: u"\u2019", 0x91: u"\u201A", 0x92: u"\u2122", 0x93: u"\uFB01", 0x94: u"\uFB02", 0x95: u"\u0141", 0x96: u"\u0152", 0x97: u"\u0160", 0x98: u"\u0178", 0x99: u"\u017D", 0x9A: u"\u0131", 0x9B: u"\u0142", 0x9C: u"\u0153", 0x9D: u"\u0161", 0x9E: u"\u017E", 0xA0: u"\u20AC", } def decode_text(b): if b[:len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)] == codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE: return b[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE):].decode("utf_16_be") elif py3: # Python 3.x return "".join(PDFDocEncoding.get(byte, chr(byte)) for byte in b) else: # Python 2.x return u"".join(PDFDocEncoding.get(ord(byte), byte) for byte in b) class PdfFormatError(RuntimeError): """An error that probably indicates a syntactic or semantic error in the PDF file structure""" pass def check_format_condition(condition, error_message): if not condition: raise PdfFormatError(error_message) class IndirectReference(collections.namedtuple("IndirectReferenceTuple", ["object_id", "generation"])): def __str__(self): return "%s %s R" % self def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode("us-ascii") def __eq__(self, other): return other.__class__ is self.__class__ and \ other.object_id == self.object_id and \ other.generation == self.generation def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.object_id, self.generation)) class IndirectObjectDef(IndirectReference): def __str__(self): return "%s %s obj" % self class XrefTable: def __init__(self): self.existing_entries = {} # object ID => (offset, generation) self.new_entries = {} # object ID => (offset, generation) self.deleted_entries = {0: 65536} # object ID => generation self.reading_finished = False def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.reading_finished: self.new_entries[key] = value else: self.existing_entries[key] = value if key in self.deleted_entries: del self.deleted_entries[key] def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.new_entries[key] except KeyError: return self.existing_entries[key] def __delitem__(self, key): if key in self.new_entries: generation = self.new_entries[key][1] + 1 del self.new_entries[key] self.deleted_entries[key] = generation elif key in self.existing_entries: generation = self.existing_entries[key][1] + 1 self.deleted_entries[key] = generation elif key in self.deleted_entries: generation = self.deleted_entries[key] else: raise IndexError("object ID " + str(key) + " cannot be deleted because it doesn't exist") def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.existing_entries or key in self.new_entries def __len__(self): return len(set(self.existing_entries.keys()) | set(self.new_entries.keys()) | set(self.deleted_entries.keys())) def keys(self): return ( set(self.existing_entries.keys()) - set(self.deleted_entries.keys()) ) | set(self.new_entries.keys()) def write(self, f): keys = sorted(set(self.new_entries.keys()) | set(self.deleted_entries.keys())) deleted_keys = sorted(set(self.deleted_entries.keys())) startxref = f.tell() f.write(b"xref\n") while keys: # find a contiguous sequence of object IDs prev = None for index, key in enumerate(keys): if prev is None or prev+1 == key: prev = key else: contiguous_keys = keys[:index] keys = keys[index:] break else: contiguous_keys = keys keys = None f.write(make_bytes("%d %d\n" % (contiguous_keys[0], len(contiguous_keys)))) for object_id in contiguous_keys: if object_id in self.new_entries: f.write(make_bytes("%010d %05d n \n" % self.new_entries[object_id])) else: this_deleted_object_id = deleted_keys.pop(0) check_format_condition(object_id == this_deleted_object_id, "expected the next deleted object " "ID to be %s, instead found %s" % (object_id, this_deleted_object_id)) try: next_in_linked_list = deleted_keys[0] except IndexError: next_in_linked_list = 0 f.write(make_bytes("%010d %05d f \n" % (next_in_linked_list, self.deleted_entries[object_id]))) return startxref class PdfName: def __init__(self, name): if isinstance(name, PdfName): = elif isinstance(name, bytes): = name else: = name.encode("us-ascii") def name_as_str(self): return"us-ascii") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, PdfName) and == or \ other == def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return "PdfName(%s)" % repr( @classmethod def from_pdf_stream(cls, data): return cls(PdfParser.interpret_name(data)) allowed_chars = set(range(33, 127)) - set(ord(c) for c in "#%/()<>[]{}") def __bytes__(self): result = bytearray(b"/") for b in if py3: # Python 3.x if b in self.allowed_chars: result.append(b) else: result.extend(make_bytes("#%02X" % b)) else: # Python 2.x if ord(b) in self.allowed_chars: result.append(b) else: result.extend(b"#%02X" % ord(b)) return bytes(result) __str__ = __bytes__ class PdfArray(list): def __bytes__(self): return b"[ " + b" ".join(pdf_repr(x) for x in self) + b" ]" __str__ = __bytes__ class PdfDict(UserDict): def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == "data": if hasattr(UserDict, "__setattr__"): UserDict.__setattr__(self, key, value) else: self.__dict__[key] = value else: if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode("us-ascii") self[key] = value def __getattr__(self, key): try: value = self[key] except KeyError: try: value = self[key.encode("us-ascii")] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) if isinstance(value, bytes): value = decode_text(value) if key.endswith("Date"): if value.startswith("D:"): value = value[2:] relationship = 'Z' if len(value) > 17: relationship = value[14] offset = int(value[15:17]) * 60 if len(value) > 20: offset += int(value[18:20]) format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'[:len(value) - 2] value = time.strptime(value[:len(format)+2], format) if relationship in ['+', '-']: offset *= 60 if relationship == '+': offset *= -1 value = time.gmtime(calendar.timegm(value) + offset) return value def __bytes__(self): out = bytearray(b"<<") for key, value in self.items(): if value is None: continue value = pdf_repr(value) out.extend(b"\n") out.extend(bytes(PdfName(key))) out.extend(b" ") out.extend(value) out.extend(b"\n>>") return bytes(out) if not py3: __str__ = __bytes__ class PdfBinary: def __init__(self, data): = data if py3: # Python 3.x def __bytes__(self): return make_bytes("<%s>" % "".join("%02X" % b for b in else: # Python 2.x def __str__(self): return "<%s>" % "".join("%02X" % ord(b) for b in class PdfStream: def __init__(self, dictionary, buf): self.dictionary = dictionary self.buf = buf def decode(self): try: filter = self.dictionary.Filter except AttributeError: return self.buf if filter == b"FlateDecode": try: expected_length = self.dictionary.DL except AttributeError: expected_length = self.dictionary.Length return zlib.decompress(self.buf, bufsize=int(expected_length)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "stream filter %s unknown/unsupported" % repr(self.dictionary.Filter)) def pdf_repr(x): if x is True: return b"true" elif x is False: return b"false" elif x is None: return b"null" elif (isinstance(x, PdfName) or isinstance(x, PdfDict) or isinstance(x, PdfArray) or isinstance(x, PdfBinary)): return bytes(x) elif isinstance(x, int): return str(x).encode("us-ascii") elif isinstance(x, time.struct_time): return b'(D:'+time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ', x).encode("us-ascii")+b')' elif isinstance(x, dict): return bytes(PdfDict(x)) elif isinstance(x, list): return bytes(PdfArray(x)) elif ((py3 and isinstance(x, str)) or (not py3 and isinstance(x, unicode))): return pdf_repr(encode_text(x)) elif isinstance(x, bytes): # XXX escape more chars? handle binary garbage x = x.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\") x = x.replace(b"(", b"\\(") x = x.replace(b")", b"\\)") return b"(" + x + b")" else: return bytes(x) class PdfParser: """Based on Supports PDF up to 1.4 """ def __init__(self, filename=None, f=None, buf=None, start_offset=0, mode="rb"): # type: (PdfParser, str, file, Union[bytes, bytearray], int, str) # -> None if buf and f: raise RuntimeError( "specify buf or f or filename, but not both buf and f") self.filename = filename self.buf = buf self.f = f self.start_offset = start_offset self.should_close_buf = False self.should_close_file = False if filename is not None and f is None: self.f = f = open(filename, mode) self.should_close_file = True if f is not None: self.buf = buf = self.get_buf_from_file(f) self.should_close_buf = True if not filename and hasattr(f, "name"): self.filename = self.cached_objects = {} if buf: self.read_pdf_info() else: self.file_size_total = self.file_size_this = 0 self.root = PdfDict() self.root_ref = None = PdfDict() self.info_ref = None self.page_tree_root = {} self.pages = [] self.orig_pages = [] self.pages_ref = None self.last_xref_section_offset = None self.trailer_dict = {} self.xref_table = XrefTable() self.xref_table.reading_finished = True if f: self.seek_end() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() return False # do not suppress exceptions def start_writing(self): self.close_buf() self.seek_end() def close_buf(self): try: self.buf.close() except AttributeError: pass self.buf = None def close(self): if self.should_close_buf: self.close_buf() if self.f is not None and self.should_close_file: self.f.close() self.f = None def seek_end(self):, os.SEEK_END) def write_header(self): self.f.write(b"%PDF-1.4\n") def write_comment(self, s): self.f.write(("%% %s\n" % (s,)).encode("utf-8")) def write_catalog(self): self.del_root() self.root_ref = self.next_object_id(self.f.tell()) self.pages_ref = self.next_object_id(0) self.rewrite_pages() self.write_obj(self.root_ref, Type=PdfName(b"Catalog"), Pages=self.pages_ref) self.write_obj(self.pages_ref, Type=PdfName(b"Pages"), Count=len(self.pages), Kids=self.pages) return self.root_ref def rewrite_pages(self): pages_tree_nodes_to_delete = [] for i, page_ref in enumerate(self.orig_pages): page_info = self.cached_objects[page_ref] del self.xref_table[page_ref.object_id] pages_tree_nodes_to_delete.append(page_info[PdfName(b"Parent")]) if page_ref not in self.pages: # the page has been deleted continue # make dict keys into strings for passing to write_page stringified_page_info = {} for key, value in page_info.items(): # key should be a PdfName stringified_page_info[key.name_as_str()] = value stringified_page_info["Parent"] = self.pages_ref new_page_ref = self.write_page(None, **stringified_page_info) for j, cur_page_ref in enumerate(self.pages): if cur_page_ref == page_ref: # replace the page reference with the new one self.pages[j] = new_page_ref # delete redundant Pages tree nodes from xref table for pages_tree_node_ref in pages_tree_nodes_to_delete: while pages_tree_node_ref: pages_tree_node = self.cached_objects[pages_tree_node_ref] if pages_tree_node_ref.object_id in self.xref_table: del self.xref_table[pages_tree_node_ref.object_id] pages_tree_node_ref = pages_tree_node.get(b"Parent", None) self.orig_pages = [] def write_xref_and_trailer(self, new_root_ref=None): if new_root_ref: self.del_root() self.root_ref = new_root_ref if self.info_ref = self.write_obj(None, start_xref = self.xref_table.write(self.f) num_entries = len(self.xref_table) trailer_dict = {b"Root": self.root_ref, b"Size": num_entries} if self.last_xref_section_offset is not None: trailer_dict[b"Prev"] = self.last_xref_section_offset if trailer_dict[b"Info"] = self.info_ref self.last_xref_section_offset = start_xref self.f.write(b"trailer\n" + bytes(PdfDict(trailer_dict)) + make_bytes("\nstartxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF" % start_xref)) def write_page(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj): if isinstance(ref, int): ref = self.pages[ref] if "Type" not in dict_obj: dict_obj["Type"] = PdfName(b"Page") if "Parent" not in dict_obj: dict_obj["Parent"] = self.pages_ref return self.write_obj(ref, *objs, **dict_obj) def write_obj(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj): f = self.f if ref is None: ref = self.next_object_id(f.tell()) else: self.xref_table[ref.object_id] = (f.tell(), ref.generation) f.write(bytes(IndirectObjectDef(*ref))) stream = dict_obj.pop("stream", None) if stream is not None: dict_obj["Length"] = len(stream) if dict_obj: f.write(pdf_repr(dict_obj)) for obj in objs: f.write(pdf_repr(obj)) if stream is not None: f.write(b"stream\n") f.write(stream) f.write(b"\nendstream\n") f.write(b"endobj\n") return ref def del_root(self): if self.root_ref is None: return del self.xref_table[self.root_ref.object_id] del self.xref_table[self.root[b"Pages"].object_id] @staticmethod def get_buf_from_file(f): if hasattr(f, "getbuffer"): return f.getbuffer() elif hasattr(f, "getvalue"): return f.getvalue() else: try: return mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) except ValueError: # cannot mmap an empty file return b"" def read_pdf_info(self): self.file_size_total = len(self.buf) self.file_size_this = self.file_size_total - self.start_offset self.read_trailer() self.root_ref = self.trailer_dict[b"Root"] self.info_ref = self.trailer_dict.get(b"Info", None) self.root = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.root_ref)) if self.info_ref is None: = PdfDict() else: = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.info_ref)) check_format_condition(b"Type" in self.root, "/Type missing in Root") check_format_condition(self.root[b"Type"] == b"Catalog", "/Type in Root is not /Catalog") check_format_condition(b"Pages" in self.root, "/Pages missing in Root") check_format_condition(isinstance(self.root[b"Pages"], IndirectReference), "/Pages in Root is not an indirect reference") self.pages_ref = self.root[b"Pages"] self.page_tree_root = self.read_indirect(self.pages_ref) self.pages = self.linearize_page_tree(self.page_tree_root) # save the original list of page references # in case the user modifies, adds or deletes some pages # and we need to rewrite the pages and their list self.orig_pages = self.pages[:] def next_object_id(self, offset=None): try: # TODO: support reuse of deleted objects reference = IndirectReference(max(self.xref_table.keys()) + 1, 0) except ValueError: reference = IndirectReference(1, 0) if offset is not None: self.xref_table[reference.object_id] = (offset, 0) return reference delimiter = br"[][()<>{}/%]" delimiter_or_ws = br"[][()<>{}/%\000\011\012\014\015\040]" whitespace = br"[\000\011\012\014\015\040]" whitespace_or_hex = br"[\000\011\012\014\015\0400-9a-fA-F]" whitespace_optional = whitespace + b"*" whitespace_mandatory = whitespace + b"+" newline_only = br"[\r\n]+" newline = whitespace_optional + newline_only + whitespace_optional re_trailer_end = re.compile( whitespace_mandatory + br"trailer" + whitespace_optional + br"\<\<(.*\>\>)" + newline + br"startxref" + newline + br"([0-9]+)" + newline + br"%%EOF" + whitespace_optional + br"$", re.DOTALL) re_trailer_prev = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"trailer" + whitespace_optional + br"\<\<(.*?\>\>)" + newline + br"startxref" + newline + br"([0-9]+)" + newline + br"%%EOF" + whitespace_optional, re.DOTALL) def read_trailer(self): search_start_offset = len(self.buf) - 16384 if search_start_offset < self.start_offset: search_start_offset = self.start_offset m =, search_start_offset) check_format_condition(m, "trailer end not found") # make sure we found the LAST trailer last_match = m while m: last_match = m m =, m.start()+16) if not m: m = last_match trailer_data = self.last_xref_section_offset = int( self.trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data) self.xref_table = XrefTable() self.read_xref_table(xref_section_offset=self.last_xref_section_offset) if b"Prev" in self.trailer_dict: self.read_prev_trailer(self.trailer_dict[b"Prev"]) def read_prev_trailer(self, xref_section_offset): trailer_offset = self.read_xref_table( xref_section_offset=xref_section_offset) m = self.buf[trailer_offset:trailer_offset+16384]) check_format_condition(m, "previous trailer not found") trailer_data = check_format_condition(int( == xref_section_offset, "xref section offset in previous trailer " "doesn't match what was expected") trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data) if b"Prev" in trailer_dict: self.read_prev_trailer(trailer_dict[b"Prev"]) re_whitespace_optional = re.compile(whitespace_optional) re_name = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"/([!-$&'*-.0-;=?-Z\\^-z|~]+)(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_dict_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\<\<") re_dict_end = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"\>\>" + whitespace_optional) @classmethod def interpret_trailer(cls, trailer_data): trailer = {} offset = 0 while True: m = cls.re_name.match(trailer_data, offset) if not m: m = cls.re_dict_end.match(trailer_data, offset) check_format_condition( m and m.end() == len(trailer_data), "name not found in trailer, remaining data: " + repr(trailer_data[offset:])) break key = cls.interpret_name( value, offset = cls.get_value(trailer_data, m.end()) trailer[key] = value check_format_condition( b"Size" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Size"], int), "/Size not in trailer or not an integer") check_format_condition( b"Root" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Root"], IndirectReference), "/Root not in trailer or not an indirect reference") return trailer re_hashes_in_name = re.compile(br"([^#]*)(#([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))?") @classmethod def interpret_name(cls, raw, as_text=False): name = b"" for m in cls.re_hashes_in_name.finditer(raw): if name += + \ bytearray.fromhex("us-ascii")) else: name += if as_text: return name.decode("utf-8") else: return bytes(name) re_null = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"null(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_true = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"true(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_false = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"false(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_int = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_real = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"([-+]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+))(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_array_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\[") re_array_end = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"]") re_string_hex = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"\<(" + whitespace_or_hex + br"*)\>") re_string_lit = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\(") re_indirect_reference = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)" + whitespace_mandatory + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)" + whitespace_mandatory + br"R(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_indirect_def_start = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)" + whitespace_mandatory + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)" + whitespace_mandatory + br"obj(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_indirect_def_end = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"endobj(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") re_comment = re.compile( br"(" + whitespace_optional + br"%[^\r\n]*" + newline + br")*") re_stream_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"stream\r?\n") re_stream_end = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"endstream(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")") @classmethod def get_value(cls, data, offset, expect_indirect=None, max_nesting=-1): if max_nesting == 0: return None, None m = cls.re_comment.match(data, offset) if m: offset = m.end() m = cls.re_indirect_def_start.match(data, offset) if m: check_format_condition( int( > 0, "indirect object definition: object ID must be greater than 0") check_format_condition( int( >= 0, "indirect object definition: generation must be non-negative") check_format_condition( expect_indirect is None or expect_indirect == IndirectReference(int(, int(, "indirect object definition different than expected") object, offset = cls.get_value( data, m.end(), max_nesting=max_nesting-1) if offset is None: return object, None m = cls.re_indirect_def_end.match(data, offset) check_format_condition( m, "indirect object definition end not found") return object, m.end() check_format_condition( not expect_indirect, "indirect object definition not found") m = cls.re_indirect_reference.match(data, offset) if m: check_format_condition( int( > 0, "indirect object reference: object ID must be greater than 0") check_format_condition( int( >= 0, "indirect object reference: generation must be non-negative") return IndirectReference(int(, int(, m.end() m = cls.re_dict_start.match(data, offset) if m: offset = m.end() result = {} m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset) while not m: key, offset = cls.get_value( data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting-1) if offset is None: return result, None value, offset = cls.get_value( data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting-1) result[key] = value if offset is None: return result, None m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset) offset = m.end() m = cls.re_stream_start.match(data, offset) if m: try: stream_len = int(result[b"Length"]) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError): raise PdfFormatError( "bad or missing Length in stream dict (%r)" % result.get(b"Length", None)) stream_data = data[m.end():m.end() + stream_len] m = cls.re_stream_end.match(data, m.end() + stream_len) check_format_condition(m, "stream end not found") offset = m.end() result = PdfStream(PdfDict(result), stream_data) else: result = PdfDict(result) return result, offset m = cls.re_array_start.match(data, offset) if m: offset = m.end() result = [] m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset) while not m: value, offset = cls.get_value( data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting-1) result.append(value) if offset is None: return result, None m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset) return result, m.end() m = cls.re_null.match(data, offset) if m: return None, m.end() m = cls.re_true.match(data, offset) if m: return True, m.end() m = cls.re_false.match(data, offset) if m: return False, m.end() m = cls.re_name.match(data, offset) if m: return PdfName(cls.interpret_name(, m.end() m = cls.re_int.match(data, offset) if m: return int(, m.end() m = cls.re_real.match(data, offset) if m: # XXX Decimal instead of float??? return float(, m.end() m = cls.re_string_hex.match(data, offset) if m: # filter out whitespace hex_string = bytearray([ b for b in if b in b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF" ]) if len(hex_string) % 2 == 1: # append a 0 if the length is not even - yes, at the end hex_string.append(ord(b"0")) return bytearray.fromhex(hex_string.decode("us-ascii")), m.end() m = cls.re_string_lit.match(data, offset) if m: return cls.get_literal_string(data, m.end()) # return None, offset # fallback (only for debugging) raise PdfFormatError( "unrecognized object: " + repr(data[offset:offset+32])) re_lit_str_token = re.compile(br"(\\[nrtbf()\\])|(\\[0-9]{1,3})|(\\(\r\n|\r|\n))|(\r\n|\r|\n)|(\()|(\))") escaped_chars = { b"n": b"\n", b"r": b"\r", b"t": b"\t", b"b": b"\b", b"f": b"\f", b"(": b"(", b")": b")", b"\\": b"\\", ord(b"n"): b"\n", ord(b"r"): b"\r", ord(b"t"): b"\t", ord(b"b"): b"\b", ord(b"f"): b"\f", ord(b"("): b"(", ord(b")"): b")", ord(b"\\"): b"\\", } @classmethod def get_literal_string(cls, data, offset): nesting_depth = 0 result = bytearray() for m in cls.re_lit_str_token.finditer(data, offset): result.extend(data[offset:m.start()]) if result.extend(cls.escaped_chars[[1]]) elif result.append(int([1:], 8)) elif pass elif result.extend(b"\n") elif result.extend(b"(") nesting_depth += 1 elif if nesting_depth == 0: return bytes(result), m.end() result.extend(b")") nesting_depth -= 1 offset = m.end() raise PdfFormatError("unfinished literal string") re_xref_section_start = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"xref" + newline) re_xref_subsection_start = re.compile( whitespace_optional + br"([0-9]+)" + whitespace_mandatory + br"([0-9]+)" + whitespace_optional + newline_only) re_xref_entry = re.compile(br"([0-9]{10}) ([0-9]{5}) ([fn])( \r| \n|\r\n)") def read_xref_table(self, xref_section_offset): subsection_found = False m = self.re_xref_section_start.match( self.buf, xref_section_offset + self.start_offset) check_format_condition(m, "xref section start not found") offset = m.end() while True: m = self.re_xref_subsection_start.match(self.buf, offset) if not m: check_format_condition( subsection_found, "xref subsection start not found") break subsection_found = True offset = m.end() first_object = int( num_objects = int( for i in range(first_object, first_object+num_objects): m = self.re_xref_entry.match(self.buf, offset) check_format_condition(m, "xref entry not found") offset = m.end() is_free = == b"f" generation = int( if not is_free: new_entry = (int(, generation) check_format_condition( i not in self.xref_table or self.xref_table[i] == new_entry, "xref entry duplicated (and not identical)") self.xref_table[i] = new_entry return offset def read_indirect(self, ref, max_nesting=-1): offset, generation = self.xref_table[ref[0]] check_format_condition( generation == ref[1], "expected to find generation %s for object ID %s in xref table, " "instead found generation %s at offset %s" % (ref[1], ref[0], generation, offset)) value = self.get_value(self.buf, offset + self.start_offset, expect_indirect=IndirectReference(*ref), max_nesting=max_nesting)[0] self.cached_objects[ref] = value return value def linearize_page_tree(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.page_tree_root check_format_condition( node[b"Type"] == b"Pages", "/Type of page tree node is not /Pages") pages = [] for kid in node[b"Kids"]: kid_object = self.read_indirect(kid) if kid_object[b"Type"] == b"Page": pages.append(kid) else: pages.extend(self.linearize_page_tree(node=kid_object)) return pages