2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_paths.ZipFilePathTestCase -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
This module contains implementations of IFilePath for zip files.
See the constructor for ZipArchive for use.
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import time
import errno
# Python 2.6 includes support for incremental unzipping of zipfiles, and
# thus obviates the need for ChunkingZipFile.
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
from zipfile import ZipFile
from twisted.python.zipstream import ChunkingZipFile
from twisted.python.filepath import IFilePath, FilePath, AbstractFilePath
from zope.interface import implements
# using FilePath here exclusively rather than os to make sure that we don't do
# anything OS-path-specific here.
ZIP_PATH_SEP = '/' # In zipfiles, "/" is universally used as the
# path separator, regardless of platform.
class ZipPath(AbstractFilePath):
I represent a file or directory contained within a zip file.
def __init__(self, archive, pathInArchive):
Don't construct me directly. Use ZipArchive.child().
@param archive: a ZipArchive instance.
@param pathInArchive: a ZIP_PATH_SEP-separated string.
self.archive = archive
self.pathInArchive = pathInArchive
# self.path pretends to be os-specific because that's the way the
# 'zipimport' module does it.
self.path = os.path.join(archive.zipfile.filename,
def __cmp__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ZipPath):
return NotImplemented
return cmp((self.archive, self.pathInArchive),
(other.archive, other.pathInArchive))
def __repr__(self):
parts = [os.path.abspath(self.archive.path)]
path = os.sep.join(parts)
return "ZipPath('%s')" % (path.encode('string-escape'),)
def parent(self):
splitup = self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)
if len(splitup) == 1:
return self.archive
return ZipPath(self.archive, ZIP_PATH_SEP.join(splitup[:-1]))
def child(self, path):
Return a new ZipPath representing a path in C{self.archive} which is
a child of this path.
@note: Requesting the C{".."} (or other special name) child will not
cause L{InsecurePath} to be raised since these names do not have
any special meaning inside a zip archive. Be particularly
careful with the C{path} attribute (if you absolutely must use
it) as this means it may include special names with special
meaning outside of the context of a zip archive.
return ZipPath(self.archive, ZIP_PATH_SEP.join([self.pathInArchive, path]))
def sibling(self, path):
return self.parent().child(path)
# preauthChild = child
def exists(self):
return self.isdir() or self.isfile()
def isdir(self):
return self.pathInArchive in self.archive.childmap
def isfile(self):
return self.pathInArchive in self.archive.zipfile.NameToInfo
def islink(self):
return False
def listdir(self):
if self.exists():
if self.isdir():
return self.archive.childmap[self.pathInArchive].keys()
raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Leaf zip entry listed")
raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Non-existent zip entry listed")
def splitext(self):
Return a value similar to that returned by os.path.splitext.
# This happens to work out because of the fact that we use OS-specific
# path separators in the constructor to construct our fake 'path'
# attribute.
return os.path.splitext(self.path)
def basename(self):
return self.pathInArchive.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)[-1]
def dirname(self):
# XXX NOTE: This API isn't a very good idea on filepath, but it's even
# less meaningful here.
return self.parent().path
def open(self, mode="r"):
return, mode=mode)
# XXX oh man, is this too much hax?
self.archive.zipfile.mode = mode
return self.archive.zipfile.readfile(self.pathInArchive)
def changed(self):
def getsize(self):
Retrieve this file's size.
@return: file size, in bytes
return self.archive.zipfile.NameToInfo[self.pathInArchive].file_size
def getAccessTime(self):
Retrieve this file's last access-time. This is the same as the last access
time for the archive.
@return: a number of seconds since the epoch
return self.archive.getAccessTime()
def getModificationTime(self):
Retrieve this file's last modification time. This is the time of
modification recorded in the zipfile.
@return: a number of seconds since the epoch.
return time.mktime(
+ (0, 0, 0))
def getStatusChangeTime(self):
Retrieve this file's last modification time. This name is provided for
compatibility, and returns the same value as getmtime.
@return: a number of seconds since the epoch.
return self.getModificationTime()
class ZipArchive(ZipPath):
""" I am a FilePath-like object which can wrap a zip archive as if it were a
archive = property(lambda self: self)
def __init__(self, archivePathname):
"""Create a ZipArchive, treating the archive at archivePathname as a zip file.
@param archivePathname: a str, naming a path in the filesystem.
self.zipfile = ZipFile(archivePathname)
self.zipfile = ChunkingZipFile(archivePathname)
self.path = archivePathname
self.pathInArchive = ''
# zipfile is already wasting O(N) memory on cached ZipInfo instances,
# so there's no sense in trying to do this lazily or intelligently
self.childmap = {} # map parent: list of children
for name in self.zipfile.namelist():
name = name.split(ZIP_PATH_SEP)
for x in range(len(name)):
child = name[-x]
parent = ZIP_PATH_SEP.join(name[:-x])
if parent not in self.childmap:
self.childmap[parent] = {}
self.childmap[parent][child] = 1
parent = ''
def child(self, path):
Create a ZipPath pointing at a path within the archive.
@param path: a str with no path separators in it, either '/' or the
system path separator, if it's different.
return ZipPath(self, path)
def exists(self):
Returns true if the underlying archive exists.
return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).exists()
def getAccessTime(self):
Return the archive file's last access time.
return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getAccessTime()
def getModificationTime(self):
Return the archive file's modification time.
return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getModificationTime()
def getStatusChangeTime(self):
Return the archive file's status change time.
return FilePath(self.zipfile.filename).getStatusChangeTime()
def __repr__(self):
return 'ZipArchive(%r)' % (os.path.abspath(self.path),)
__all__ = ['ZipArchive', 'ZipPath']