2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_checkers -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Provide L{ICredentialsChecker} implementations to be used in Conch protocols.
import base64, binascii, errno
import pwd
except ImportError:
pwd = None
import crypt
# Python 2.5 got spwd to interface with shadow passwords
import spwd
except ImportError:
spwd = None
import shadow
except ImportError:
shadow = None
shadow = None
from twisted.cred import pamauth
except ImportError:
pamauth = None
from zope.interface import implements, providedBy
from twisted.conch import error
from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker
from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, ISSHPrivateKey
from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin, UnhandledCredentials
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python import failure, reflect, log
from twisted.python.util import runAsEffectiveUser
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):
return crypt.crypt(pw, crypted) == crypted
def _pwdGetByName(username):
Look up a user in the /etc/passwd database using the pwd module. If the
pwd module is not available, return None.
@param username: the username of the user to return the passwd database
information for.
if pwd is None:
return None
return pwd.getpwnam(username)
def _shadowGetByName(username):
Look up a user in the /etc/shadow database using the spwd or shadow
modules. If neither module is available, return None.
@param username: the username of the user to return the shadow database
information for.
if spwd is not None:
f = spwd.getspnam
elif shadow is not None:
f = shadow.getspnam
return None
return runAsEffectiveUser(0, 0, f, username)
class UNIXPasswordDatabase:
A checker which validates users out of the UNIX password databases, or
databases of a compatible format.
@ivar _getByNameFunctions: a C{list} of functions which are called in order
to valid a user. The default value is such that the /etc/passwd
database will be tried first, followed by the /etc/shadow database.
credentialInterfaces = IUsernamePassword,
def __init__(self, getByNameFunctions=None):
if getByNameFunctions is None:
getByNameFunctions = [_pwdGetByName, _shadowGetByName]
self._getByNameFunctions = getByNameFunctions
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
for func in self._getByNameFunctions:
pwnam = func(credentials.username)
except KeyError:
return"invalid username"))
if pwnam is not None:
crypted = pwnam[1]
if crypted == '':
if verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, credentials.password):
return defer.succeed(credentials.username)
# fallback
return"unable to verify password"))
class SSHPublicKeyDatabase:
Checker that authenticates SSH public keys, based on public keys listed in
authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 files in user .ssh/ directories.
credentialInterfaces = (ISSHPrivateKey,)
_userdb = pwd
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.checkKey, credentials)
d.addCallback(self._cbRequestAvatarId, credentials)
return d
def _cbRequestAvatarId(self, validKey, credentials):
Check whether the credentials themselves are valid, now that we know
if the key matches the user.
@param validKey: A boolean indicating whether or not the public key
matches a key in the user's authorized_keys file.
@param credentials: The credentials offered by the user.
@type credentials: L{ISSHPrivateKey} provider
@raise UnauthorizedLogin: (as a failure) if the key does not match the
user in C{credentials}. Also raised if the user provides an invalid
@raise ValidPublicKey: (as a failure) if the key matches the user but
the credentials do not include a signature. See
L{error.ValidPublicKey} for more information.
@return: The user's username, if authentication was successful.
if not validKey:
return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("invalid key"))
if not credentials.signature:
return failure.Failure(error.ValidPublicKey())
pubKey = keys.Key.fromString(credentials.blob)
if pubKey.verify(credentials.signature, credentials.sigData):
return credentials.username
except: # any error should be treated as a failed login
return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin('error while verifying key'))
return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to verify key"))
def getAuthorizedKeysFiles(self, credentials):
Return a list of L{FilePath} instances for I{authorized_keys} files
which might contain information about authorized keys for the given
On OpenSSH servers, the default location of the file containing the
list of authorized public keys is
I{$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2} is also returned, though it has been
U{deprecated by OpenSSH since
@return: A list of L{FilePath} instances to files with the authorized keys.
pwent = self._userdb.getpwnam(credentials.username)
root = FilePath(pwent.pw_dir).child('.ssh')
files = ['authorized_keys', 'authorized_keys2']
return [root.child(f) for f in files]
def checkKey(self, credentials):
Retrieve files containing authorized keys and check against user
ouid, ogid = self._userdb.getpwnam(credentials.username)[2:4]
for filepath in self.getAuthorizedKeysFiles(credentials):
if not filepath.exists():
lines =
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
lines = runAsEffectiveUser(ouid, ogid,
for l in lines:
l2 = l.split()
if len(l2) < 2:
if base64.decodestring(l2[1]) == credentials.blob:
return True
except binascii.Error:
return False
def _ebRequestAvatarId(self, f):
if not f.check(UnauthorizedLogin):
return failure.Failure(UnauthorizedLogin("unable to get avatar id"))
return f
class SSHProtocolChecker:
SSHProtocolChecker is a checker that requires multiple authentications
to succeed. To add a checker, call my registerChecker method with
the checker and the interface.
After each successful authenticate, I call my areDone method with the
avatar id. To get a list of the successful credentials for an avatar id,
use C{SSHProcotolChecker.successfulCredentials[avatarId]}. If L{areDone}
returns True, the authentication has succeeded.
def __init__(self):
self.checkers = {}
self.successfulCredentials = {}
def get_credentialInterfaces(self):
return self.checkers.keys()
credentialInterfaces = property(get_credentialInterfaces)
def registerChecker(self, checker, *credentialInterfaces):
if not credentialInterfaces:
credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces
for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces:
self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
Part of the L{ICredentialsChecker} interface. Called by a portal with
some credentials to check if they'll authenticate a user. We check the
interfaces that the credentials provide against our list of acceptable
checkers. If one of them matches, we ask that checker to verify the
credentials. If they're valid, we call our L{_cbGoodAuthentication}
method to continue.
@param credentials: the credentials the L{Portal} wants us to verify
ifac = providedBy(credentials)
for i in ifac:
c = self.checkers.get(i)
if c is not None:
d = defer.maybeDeferred(c.requestAvatarId, credentials)
return d.addCallback(self._cbGoodAuthentication,
return"No checker for %s" % \
', '.join(map(reflect.qual, ifac))))
def _cbGoodAuthentication(self, avatarId, credentials):
Called if a checker has verified the credentials. We call our
L{areDone} method to see if the whole of the successful authentications
are enough. If they are, we return the avatar ID returned by the first
if avatarId not in self.successfulCredentials:
self.successfulCredentials[avatarId] = []
if self.areDone(avatarId):
del self.successfulCredentials[avatarId]
return avatarId
raise error.NotEnoughAuthentication()
def areDone(self, avatarId):
Override to determine if the authentication is finished for a given
@param avatarId: the avatar returned by the first checker. For
this checker to function correctly, all the checkers must
return the same avatar ID.
return True