2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

513 lines
18 KiB

import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
from . import util
_sourceless_rev_file = re.compile(r'(.*\.py)(c|o)?$')
_only_source_rev_file = re.compile(r'(.*\.py)$')
_legacy_rev = re.compile(r'([a-f0-9]+)\.py$')
_mod_def_re = re.compile(r'(upgrade|downgrade)_([a-z0-9]+)')
_slug_re = re.compile(r'\w+')
_default_file_template = "%(rev)s_%(slug)s"
_relative_destination = re.compile(r'(?:\+|-)\d+')
class ScriptDirectory(object):
"""Provides operations upon an Alembic script directory.
This object is useful to get information as to current revisions,
most notably being able to get at the "head" revision, for schemes
that want to test if the current revision in the database is the most
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory
from alembic.config import Config
config = Config()
config.set_main_option("script_location", "myapp:migrations")
script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
head_revision = script.get_current_head()
def __init__(self, dir, file_template=_default_file_template,
self.dir = dir
self.versions = os.path.join(self.dir, 'versions')
self.file_template = file_template
self.truncate_slug_length = truncate_slug_length or 40
self.sourceless = sourceless
if not os.access(dir, os.F_OK):
raise util.CommandError("Path doesn't exist: %r. Please use "
"the 'init' command to create a new "
"scripts folder." % dir)
def from_config(cls, config):
"""Produce a new :class:`.ScriptDirectory` given a :class:`.Config`
The :class:`.Config` need only have the ``script_location`` key
script_location = config.get_main_option('script_location')
if script_location is None:
raise util.CommandError("No 'script_location' key "
"found in configuration.")
truncate_slug_length = config.get_main_option("truncate_slug_length")
if truncate_slug_length is not None:
truncate_slug_length = int(truncate_slug_length)
return ScriptDirectory(
sourceless=config.get_main_option("sourceless") == "true"
def walk_revisions(self, base="base", head="head"):
"""Iterate through all revisions.
This is actually a breadth-first tree traversal,
with leaf nodes being heads.
if head == "head":
heads = set(self.get_heads())
heads = set([head])
while heads:
todo = set(heads)
heads = set()
for head in todo:
if head in heads:
for sc in self.iterate_revisions(head, base):
if sc.is_branch_point and sc.revision not in todo:
yield sc
def get_revision(self, id_):
"""Return the :class:`.Script` instance with the given rev id."""
id_ = self.as_revision_number(id_)
return self._revision_map[id_]
except KeyError:
# do a partial lookup
revs = [x for x in self._revision_map
if x is not None and x.startswith(id_)]
if not revs:
raise util.CommandError("No such revision '%s'" % id_)
elif len(revs) > 1:
raise util.CommandError(
"Multiple revisions start "
"with '%s', %s..." % (
", ".join("'%s'" % r for r in revs[0:3])
return self._revision_map[revs[0]]
_get_rev = get_revision
def as_revision_number(self, id_):
"""Convert a symbolic revision, i.e. 'head' or 'base', into
an actual revision number."""
if id_ == 'head':
id_ = self.get_current_head()
elif id_ == 'base':
id_ = None
return id_
_as_rev_number = as_revision_number
def iterate_revisions(self, upper, lower):
"""Iterate through script revisions, starting at the given
upper revision identifier and ending at the lower.
The traversal uses strictly the `down_revision`
marker inside each migration script, so
it is a requirement that upper >= lower,
else you'll get nothing back.
The iterator yields :class:`.Script` objects.
if upper is not None and _relative_destination.match(upper):
relative = int(upper)
revs = list(self._iterate_revisions("head", lower))
revs = revs[-relative:]
if len(revs) != abs(relative):
raise util.CommandError("Relative revision %s didn't "
"produce %d migrations" % (upper, abs(relative)))
return iter(revs)
elif lower is not None and _relative_destination.match(lower):
relative = int(lower)
revs = list(self._iterate_revisions(upper, "base"))
revs = revs[0:-relative]
if len(revs) != abs(relative):
raise util.CommandError("Relative revision %s didn't "
"produce %d migrations" % (lower, abs(relative)))
return iter(revs)
return self._iterate_revisions(upper, lower)
def _iterate_revisions(self, upper, lower):
lower = self.get_revision(lower)
upper = self.get_revision(upper)
orig = lower.revision if lower else 'base', \
upper.revision if upper else 'base'
script = upper
while script != lower:
if script is None and lower is not None:
raise util.CommandError(
"Revision %s is not an ancestor of %s" % orig)
yield script
downrev = script.down_revision
script = self._revision_map[downrev]
def _upgrade_revs(self, destination, current_rev):
revs = self.iterate_revisions(destination, current_rev)
return [
(script.module.upgrade, script.down_revision, script.revision,
for script in reversed(list(revs))
def _downgrade_revs(self, destination, current_rev):
revs = self.iterate_revisions(current_rev, destination)
return [
(script.module.downgrade, script.revision, script.down_revision,
for script in revs
def run_env(self):
"""Run the script environment.
This basically runs the ```` script present
in the migration environment. It is called exclusively
by the command functions in :mod:`alembic.command`.
util.load_python_file(self.dir, '')
def env_py_location(self):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, ""))
def _revision_map(self):
map_ = {}
for file_ in os.listdir(self.versions):
script = Script._from_filename(self, self.versions, file_)
if script is None:
if script.revision in map_:
util.warn("Revision %s is present more than once" %
map_[script.revision] = script
for rev in map_.values():
if rev.down_revision is None:
if rev.down_revision not in map_:
util.warn("Revision %s referenced from %s is not present"
% (rev.down_revision, rev))
rev.down_revision = None
map_[None] = None
return map_
def _rev_path(self, rev_id, message, create_date):
slug = "_".join(_slug_re.findall(message or "")).lower()
if len(slug) > self.truncate_slug_length:
slug = slug[:self.truncate_slug_length].rsplit('_', 1)[0] + '_'
filename = "" % (
self.file_template % {
'rev': rev_id,
'slug': slug,
'year': create_date.year,
'month': create_date.month,
'hour': create_date.hour,
'minute': create_date.minute,
'second': create_date.second
return os.path.join(self.versions, filename)
def get_current_head(self):
"""Return the current head revision.
If the script directory has multiple heads
due to branching, an error is raised.
Returns a string revision number.
current_heads = self.get_heads()
if len(current_heads) > 1:
raise util.CommandError('Only a single head is supported. The '
'script directory has multiple heads (due to branching), which '
'must be resolved by manually editing the revision files to '
'form a linear sequence. Run `alembic branches` to see the '
if current_heads:
return current_heads[0]
return None
_current_head = get_current_head
"""the 0.2 name, for backwards compat."""
def get_heads(self):
"""Return all "head" revisions as strings.
Returns a list of string revision numbers.
This is normally a list of length one,
unless branches are present. The
:meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_current_head()` method
can be used normally when a script directory
has only one head.
heads = []
for script in self._revision_map.values():
if script and script.is_head:
return heads
def get_base(self):
"""Return the "base" revision as a string.
This is the revision number of the script that
has a ``down_revision`` of None.
Behavior is not defined if more than one script
has a ``down_revision`` of None.
for script in self._revision_map.values():
if script and script.down_revision is None \
and script.revision in self._revision_map:
return script.revision
return None
def _generate_template(self, src, dest, **kw):
util.status("Generating %s" % os.path.abspath(dest),
def _copy_file(self, src, dest):
util.status("Generating %s" % os.path.abspath(dest),
src, dest)
def generate_revision(self, revid, message, refresh=False, **kw):
"""Generate a new revision file.
This runs the ```` template, given
template arguments, and creates a new file.
:param revid: String revision id. Typically this
comes from ``alembic.util.rev_id()``.
:param message: the revision message, the one passed
by the -m argument to the ``revision`` command.
:param refresh: when True, the in-memory state of this
:class:`.ScriptDirectory` will be updated with a new
:class:`.Script` instance representing the new revision;
the :class:`.Script` instance is returned.
If False, the file is created but the state of the
:class:`.ScriptDirectory` is unmodified; ``None``
is returned.
current_head = self.get_current_head()
create_date =
path = self._rev_path(revid, message, create_date)
os.path.join(self.dir, ""),
message=message if message is not None else ("empty message"),
if refresh:
script = Script._from_path(self, path)
self._revision_map[script.revision] = script
if script.down_revision:
return script
return None
class Script(object):
"""Represent a single revision file in a ``versions/`` directory.
The :class:`.Script` instance is returned by methods
such as :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.iterate_revisions`.
nextrev = frozenset()
def __init__(self, module, rev_id, path):
self.module = module
self.revision = rev_id
self.path = path
self.down_revision = getattr(module, 'down_revision', None)
revision = None
"""The string revision number for this :class:`.Script` instance."""
module = None
"""The Python module representing the actual script itself."""
path = None
"""Filesystem path of the script."""
down_revision = None
"""The ``down_revision`` identifier within the migration script."""
def doc(self):
"""Return the docstring given in the script."""
return re.split("\n\n", self.longdoc)[0]
def longdoc(self):
"""Return the docstring given in the script."""
doc = self.module.__doc__
if doc:
if hasattr(self.module, "_alembic_source_encoding"):
doc = doc.decode(self.module._alembic_source_encoding)
return doc.strip()
return ""
def add_nextrev(self, rev):
self.nextrev = self.nextrev.union([rev])
def is_head(self):
"""Return True if this :class:`.Script` is a 'head' revision.
This is determined based on whether any other :class:`.Script`
within the :class:`.ScriptDirectory` refers to this
:class:`.Script`. Multiple heads can be present.
return not bool(self.nextrev)
def is_branch_point(self):
"""Return True if this :class:`.Script` is a branch point.
A branchpoint is defined as a :class:`.Script` which is referred
to by more than one succeeding :class:`.Script`, that is more
than one :class:`.Script` has a `down_revision` identifier pointing
return len(self.nextrev) > 1
def log_entry(self):
return \
"Rev: %s%s%s\n" \
"Parent: %s\n" \
"Path: %s\n" \
"\n%s\n" % (
" (head)" if self.is_head else "",
" (branchpoint)" if self.is_branch_point else "",
" %s" % para
for para in self.longdoc.splitlines()
def __str__(self):
return "%s -> %s%s%s, %s" % (
" (head)" if self.is_head else "",
" (branchpoint)" if self.is_branch_point else "",
def _from_path(cls, scriptdir, path):
dir_, filename = os.path.split(path)
return cls._from_filename(scriptdir, dir_, filename)
def _from_filename(cls, scriptdir, dir_, filename):
if scriptdir.sourceless:
py_match = _sourceless_rev_file.match(filename)
py_match = _only_source_rev_file.match(filename)
if not py_match:
return None
py_filename =
if scriptdir.sourceless:
is_c = == 'c'
is_o = == 'o'
is_c = is_o = False
if is_o or is_c:
py_exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, py_filename))
pyc_exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, py_filename + "c"))
# prefer .py over .pyc because we'd like to get the
# source encoding; prefer .pyc over .pyo because we'd like to
# have the docstrings which a -OO file would not have
if py_exists or is_o and pyc_exists:
return None
module = util.load_python_file(dir_, filename)
if not hasattr(module, "revision"):
# attempt to get the revision id from the script name,
# this for legacy only
m = _legacy_rev.match(filename)
if not m:
raise util.CommandError(
"Could not determine revision id from filename %s. "
"Be sure the 'revision' variable is "
"declared inside the script (please see 'Upgrading "
"from Alembic 0.1 to 0.2' in the documentation)."
% filename)
revision =
revision = module.revision
return Script(module, revision, os.path.join(dir_, filename))