2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

302 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (C) Jean-Paul Calderone
# Copyright (C) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Helpers for the OpenSSL test suite, largely copied from
import shutil
import traceback
import os, os.path
from tempfile import mktemp
from unittest import TestCase
import sys
from OpenSSL._util import exception_from_error_queue
from OpenSSL.crypto import Error
import memdbg
except Exception:
class _memdbg(object): heap = None
memdbg = _memdbg()
from OpenSSL._util import ffi, lib, byte_string as b
class TestCase(TestCase):
:py:class:`TestCase` adds useful testing functionality beyond what is available
from the standard library :py:class:`unittest.TestCase`.
def run(self, result):
run = super(TestCase, self).run
if memdbg.heap is None:
return run(result)
# Run the test as usual
before = set(memdbg.heap)
# Clean up some long-lived allocations so they won't be reported as
# memory leaks.
after = set(memdbg.heap)
if not after - before:
# No leaks, fast succeed
if result.wasSuccessful():
# If it passed, run it again with memory debugging
before = set(memdbg.heap)
# Clean up some long-lived allocations so they won't be reported as
# memory leaks.
after = set(memdbg.heap)
self._reportLeaks(after - before, result)
def _reportLeaks(self, leaks, result):
def format_leak(p):
stacks = memdbg.heap[p]
# Eventually look at multiple stacks for the realloc() case. For
# now just look at the original allocation location.
(size, python_stack, c_stack) = stacks[0]
stack = traceback.format_list(python_stack)[:-1]
# c_stack looks something like this (interesting parts indicated
# with inserted arrows not part of the data):
# /home/exarkun/Projects/pyOpenSSL/branches/use-opentls/__pycache__/ [0x7fe2e20582cf]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyCFunction_Call+0x8b) [0x56265a]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x4d5f52]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x753b) [0x4d0e1e]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x4d6419]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x4d6129]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x753b) [0x4d0e1e]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyEval_EvalCodeEx+0x1043) [0x4d3726]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x55fd51]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyObject_Call+0x7e) [0x420ee6]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords+0x158) [0x4d56ec]
# /home/exarkun/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cffi-0.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ [0x7fe2e38be96e]
# /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e36ad819]
# /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e36adb7c]
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1cef784] <------ end interesting
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1d6a24b] .
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1cf0c18] .
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1cf15ec] .
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1d524d6] .
# /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fe2e1d5364a] <------ begin interesting
# /home/exarkun/Projects/opentls/trunk/tls/c/__pycache__/ [0x7fe2df84d397]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyCFunction_Call+0x8b) [0x56265a]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x4d5f52]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x753b) [0x4d0e1e]
# /home/exarkun/Projects/cpython/2.7/python() [0x4d6419]
# ...
# Notice the stack is upside down compared to a Python traceback.
# Identify the start and end of interesting bits and stuff it into the stack we report.
saved = list(c_stack)
# Figure the first interesting frame will be after a the cffi-compiled module
while c_stack and '/__pycache__/_cffi__' not in c_stack[-1]:
# Figure the last interesting frame will always be CRYPTO_malloc,
# since that's where we hooked in to things.
while c_stack and 'CRYPTO_malloc' not in c_stack[0] and 'CRYPTO_realloc' not in c_stack[0]:
if c_stack:
c_stack = saved[::-1]
stack.extend([frame + "\n" for frame in c_stack])
stack.insert(0, "Leaked (%s) at:\n")
return "".join(stack)
if leaks:
unique_leaks = {}
for p in leaks:
size = memdbg.heap[p][-1][0]
new_leak = format_leak(p)
if new_leak not in unique_leaks:
unique_leaks[new_leak] = [(size, p)]
unique_leaks[new_leak].append((size, p))
for (stack, allocs) in unique_leaks.iteritems():
allocs_accum = []
for (size, pointer) in allocs:
addr = int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', pointer))
allocs_accum.append("%d@0x%x" % (size, addr))
allocs_report = ", ".join(sorted(allocs_accum))
(None, Exception(stack % (allocs_report,)), None))
def tearDown(self):
Clean up any files or directories created using :py:meth:`TestCase.mktemp`.
Subclasses must invoke this method if they override it or the
cleanup will not occur.
if False and self._temporaryFiles is not None:
for temp in self._temporaryFiles:
if os.path.isdir(temp):
elif os.path.exists(temp):
except Error:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if e.args != ([],):"Left over errors in OpenSSL error queue: " + repr(e))
def assertIsInstance(self, instance, classOrTuple, message=None):
Fail if C{instance} is not an instance of the given class or of
one of the given classes.
@param instance: the object to test the type (first argument of the
C{isinstance} call).
@type instance: any.
@param classOrTuple: the class or classes to test against (second
argument of the C{isinstance} call).
@type classOrTuple: class, type, or tuple.
@param message: Custom text to include in the exception text if the
assertion fails.
if not isinstance(instance, classOrTuple):
if message is None:
suffix = ""
suffix = ": " + message"%r is not an instance of %s%s" % (
instance, classOrTuple, suffix))
def failUnlessIn(self, containee, container, msg=None):
Fail the test if :py:data:`containee` is not found in :py:data:`container`.
:param containee: the value that should be in :py:class:`container`
:param container: a sequence type, or in the case of a mapping type,
will follow semantics of 'if key in dict.keys()'
:param msg: if msg is None, then the failure message will be
'%r not in %r' % (first, second)
if containee not in container:
raise self.failureException(msg or "%r not in %r"
% (containee, container))
return containee
assertIn = failUnlessIn
def failUnlessIdentical(self, first, second, msg=None):
Fail the test if :py:data:`first` is not :py:data:`second`. This is an
obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality
(i.e. :py:func:`__eq__`) test.
:param msg: if msg is None, then the failure message will be
'%r is not %r' % (first, second)
if first is not second:
raise self.failureException(msg or '%r is not %r' % (first, second))
return first
assertIdentical = failUnlessIdentical
def failIfIdentical(self, first, second, msg=None):
Fail the test if :py:data:`first` is :py:data:`second`. This is an
obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality
(i.e. :py:func:`__eq__`) test.
:param msg: if msg is None, then the failure message will be
'%r is %r' % (first, second)
if first is second:
raise self.failureException(msg or '%r is %r' % (first, second))
return first
assertNotIdentical = failIfIdentical
def failUnlessRaises(self, exception, f, *args, **kwargs):
Fail the test unless calling the function :py:data:`f` with the given
:py:data:`args` and :py:data:`kwargs` raises :py:data:`exception`. The
failure will report the traceback and call stack of the unexpected
:param exception: exception type that is to be expected
:param f: the function to call
:return: The raised exception instance, if it is of the given type.
:raise self.failureException: Raised if the function call does
not raise an exception or if it raises an exception of a
different type.
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
except exception:
inst = sys.exc_info()[1]
return inst
raise self.failureException('%s raised instead of %s'
% (sys.exc_info()[0],
raise self.failureException('%s not raised (%r returned)'
% (exception.__name__, result))
assertRaises = failUnlessRaises
_temporaryFiles = None
def mktemp(self):
Pathetic substitute for twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.mktemp.
if self._temporaryFiles is None:
self._temporaryFiles = []
temp = b(mktemp(dir="."))
return temp
# Other stuff
def assertConsistentType(self, theType, name, *constructionArgs):
Perform various assertions about :py:data:`theType` to ensure that it is a
well-defined type. This is useful for extension types, where it's
pretty easy to do something wacky. If something about the type is
unusual, an exception will be raised.
:param theType: The type object about which to make assertions.
:param name: A string giving the name of the type.
:param constructionArgs: Positional arguments to use with :py:data:`theType` to
create an instance of it.
self.assertEqual(theType.__name__, name)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(theType, type))
instance = theType(*constructionArgs)
self.assertIdentical(type(instance), theType)