2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

2051 lines
67 KiB

# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_smtp -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol implementation.
import time, re, base64, types, socket, os, random, rfc822
import binascii
import warnings
from email.base64MIME import encode as encode_base64
from zope.interface import implements, Interface
from twisted.copyright import longversion
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.protocols import policies
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import error
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.interfaces import ITLSTransport, ISSLTransport
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.python import util
from twisted import cred
from twisted.python.runtime import platform
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
# Cache the hostname (XXX Yes - this is broken)
if platform.isMacOSX():
# On OS X, getfqdn() is ridiculously slow - use the
# probably-identical-but-sometimes-not gethostname() there.
DNSNAME = socket.gethostname()
DNSNAME = socket.getfqdn()
# Used for fast success code lookup
SUCCESS = dict.fromkeys(xrange(200,300))
class IMessageDelivery(Interface):
def receivedHeader(helo, origin, recipients):
Generate the Received header for a message
@type helo: C{(str, str)}
@param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
@type origin: C{Address}
@param origin: The address the message is from
@type recipients: C{list} of L{User}
@param recipients: A list of the addresses for which this message
is bound.
@rtype: C{str}
@return: The full \"Received\" header string.
def validateTo(user):
Validate the address for which the message is destined.
@type user: C{User}
@param user: The address to validate.
@rtype: no-argument callable
@return: A C{Deferred} which becomes, or a callable which
takes no arguments and returns an object implementing C{IMessage}.
This will be called and the returned object used to deliver the
message when it arrives.
@raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are
not to be accepted.
def validateFrom(helo, origin):
Validate the address from which the message originates.
@type helo: C{(str, str)}
@param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
@type origin: C{Address}
@param origin: The address the message is from
@rtype: C{Deferred} or C{Address}
@return: C{origin} or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be
passed C{origin}.
@raise SMTPBadSender: Raised of messages from this address are
not to be accepted.
class IMessageDeliveryFactory(Interface):
"""An alternate interface to implement for handling message delivery.
It is useful to implement this interface instead of L{IMessageDelivery}
directly because it allows the implementor to distinguish between
different messages delivery over the same connection. This can be
used to optimize delivery of a single message to multiple recipients,
something which cannot be done by L{IMessageDelivery} implementors
due to their lack of information.
def getMessageDelivery():
"""Return an L{IMessageDelivery} object.
This will be called once per message.
class SMTPError(Exception):
class SMTPClientError(SMTPError):
"""Base class for SMTP client errors.
def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=False, retry=False):
@param code: The SMTP response code associated with this error.
@param resp: The string response associated with this error.
@param log: A string log of the exchange leading up to and including
the error.
@type log: L{str}
@param isFatal: A boolean indicating whether this connection can
proceed or not. If True, the connection will be dropped.
@param retry: A boolean indicating whether the delivery should be
retried. If True and the factory indicates further retries are
desirable, they will be attempted, otherwise the delivery will
be failed.
self.code = code
self.resp = resp
self.log = log
self.addresses = addresses
self.isFatal = isFatal
self.retry = retry
def __str__(self):
if self.code > 0:
res = ["%.3d %s" % (self.code, self.resp)]
res = [self.resp]
if self.log:
return '\n'.join(res)
class ESMTPClientError(SMTPClientError):
"""Base class for ESMTP client errors.
class EHLORequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
"""The server does not support EHLO.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class AUTHRequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
"""Authentication was required but the server does not support it.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class TLSRequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
"""Transport security was required but the server does not support it.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class AUTHDeclinedError(ESMTPClientError):
"""The server rejected our credentials.
Either the username, password, or challenge response
given to the server was rejected.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class AuthenticationError(ESMTPClientError):
"""An error ocurred while authenticating.
Either the server rejected our request for authentication or the
challenge received was malformed.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class TLSError(ESMTPClientError):
"""An error occurred while negiotiating for transport security.
This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
class SMTPConnectError(SMTPClientError):
"""Failed to connect to the mail exchange host.
This is considered a fatal error. A retry will be made.
def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=True):
SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
class SMTPTimeoutError(SMTPClientError):
"""Failed to receive a response from the server in the expected time period.
This is considered a fatal error. A retry will be made.
def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=True):
SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
class SMTPProtocolError(SMTPClientError):
"""The server sent a mangled response.
This is considered a fatal error. A retry will not be made.
def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=False):
SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
class SMTPDeliveryError(SMTPClientError):
"""Indicates that a delivery attempt has had an error.
class SMTPServerError(SMTPError):
def __init__(self, code, resp):
self.code = code
self.resp = resp
def __str__(self):
return "%.3d %s" % (self.code, self.resp)
class SMTPAddressError(SMTPServerError):
def __init__(self, addr, code, resp):
SMTPServerError.__init__(self, code, resp)
self.addr = Address(addr)
def __str__(self):
return "%.3d <%s>... %s" % (self.code, self.addr, self.resp)
class SMTPBadRcpt(SMTPAddressError):
def __init__(self, addr, code=550,
resp='Cannot receive for specified address'):
SMTPAddressError.__init__(self, addr, code, resp)
class SMTPBadSender(SMTPAddressError):
def __init__(self, addr, code=550, resp='Sender not acceptable'):
SMTPAddressError.__init__(self, addr, code, resp)
def rfc822date(timeinfo=None,local=1):
Format an RFC-2822 compliant date string.
@param timeinfo: (optional) A sequence as returned by C{time.localtime()}
or C{time.gmtime()}. Default is now.
@param local: (optional) Indicates if the supplied time is local or
universal time, or if no time is given, whether now should be local or
universal time. Default is local, as suggested (SHOULD) by rfc-2822.
@returns: A string representing the time and date in RFC-2822 format.
if not timeinfo:
if local:
timeinfo = time.localtime()
timeinfo = time.gmtime()
if local:
if timeinfo[8]:
tz = -time.altzone
tz = -time.timezone
(tzhr, tzmin) = divmod(abs(tz), 3600)
if tz:
tzhr *= int(abs(tz)//tz)
(tzmin, tzsec) = divmod(tzmin, 60)
(tzhr, tzmin) = (0,0)
return "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d" % (
['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'][timeinfo[6]],
['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][timeinfo[1] - 1],
timeinfo[0], timeinfo[3], timeinfo[4], timeinfo[5],
tzhr, tzmin)
def idGenerator():
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 1
def messageid(uniq=None, N=idGenerator().next):
"""Return a globally unique random string in RFC 2822 Message-ID format
Optional uniq string will be added to strenghten uniqueness if given.
datetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
pid = os.getpid()
rand = random.randrange(2**31L-1)
if uniq is None:
uniq = ''
uniq = '.' + uniq
return '<%s.%s.%s%s.%s@%s>' % (datetime, pid, rand, uniq, N(), DNSNAME)
def quoteaddr(addr):
"""Turn an email address, possibly with realname part etc, into
a form suitable for and SMTP envelope.
if isinstance(addr, Address):
return '<%s>' % str(addr)
res = rfc822.parseaddr(addr)
if res == (None, None):
# It didn't parse, use it as-is
return '<%s>' % str(addr)
return '<%s>' % str(res[1])
class AddressError(SMTPError):
"Parse error in address"
# Character classes for parsing addresses
atom = r"[-A-Za-z0-9!\#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]"
class Address:
"""Parse and hold an RFC 2821 address.
Source routes are stipped and ignored, UUCP-style bang-paths
and %-style routing are not parsed.
@type domain: C{str}
@ivar domain: The domain within which this address resides.
@type local: C{str}
@ivar local: The local (\"user\") portion of this address.
tstring = re.compile(r'''( # A string of
(?:"[^"]*" # quoted string
|\\. # backslash-escaped characted
|''' + atom + r''' # atom character
)+|.) # or any single character''',re.X)
atomre = re.compile(atom) # match any one atom character
def __init__(self, addr, defaultDomain=None):
if isinstance(addr, User):
addr = addr.dest
if isinstance(addr, Address):
self.__dict__ = addr.__dict__.copy()
elif not isinstance(addr, types.StringTypes):
addr = str(addr)
self.addrstr = addr
# Tokenize
atl = filter(None,self.tstring.split(addr))
local = []
domain = []
while atl:
if atl[0] == '<':
if atl[-1] != '>':
raise AddressError, "Unbalanced <>"
atl = atl[1:-1]
elif atl[0] == '@':
atl = atl[1:]
if not local:
# Source route
while atl and atl[0] != ':':
# remove it
atl = atl[1:]
if not atl:
raise AddressError, "Malformed source route"
atl = atl[1:] # remove :
elif domain:
raise AddressError, "Too many @"
# Now in domain
domain = ['']
elif len(atl[0]) == 1 and not self.atomre.match(atl[0]) and atl[0] != '.':
raise AddressError, "Parse error at %r of %r" % (atl[0], (addr, atl))
if not domain:
atl = atl[1:]
self.local = ''.join(local)
self.domain = ''.join(domain)
if self.local != '' and self.domain == '':
if defaultDomain is None:
defaultDomain = DNSNAME
self.domain = defaultDomain
dequotebs = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
def dequote(self,addr):
"""Remove RFC-2821 quotes from address."""
res = []
atl = filter(None,self.tstring.split(str(addr)))
for t in atl:
if t[0] == '"' and t[-1] == '"':
elif '\\' in t:
return ''.join(res)
def __str__(self):
if self.local or self.domain:
return '@'.join((self.local, self.domain))
return ''
def __repr__(self):
return "%s.%s(%s)" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
class User:
"""Hold information about and SMTP message recipient,
including information on where the message came from
def __init__(self, destination, helo, protocol, orig):
host = getattr(protocol, 'host', None)
self.dest = Address(destination, host)
self.helo = helo
self.protocol = protocol
if isinstance(orig, Address):
self.orig = orig
self.orig = Address(orig, host)
def __getstate__(self):
"""Helper for pickle.
protocol isn't picklabe, but we want User to be, so skip it in
the pickle.
return { 'dest' : self.dest,
'helo' : self.helo,
'protocol' : None,
'orig' : self.orig }
def __str__(self):
return str(self.dest)
class IMessage(Interface):
"""Interface definition for messages that can be sent via SMTP."""
def lineReceived(line):
"""handle another line"""
def eomReceived():
"""handle end of message
return a deferred. The deferred should be called with either:
callback(string) or errback(error)
def connectionLost():
"""handle message truncated
semantics should be to discard the message
class SMTP(basic.LineOnlyReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
SMTP server-side protocol.
timeout = 600
host = DNSNAME
portal = None
# Control whether we log SMTP events
noisy = True
# A factory for IMessageDelivery objects. If an
# avatar implementing IMessageDeliveryFactory can
# be acquired from the portal, it will be used to
# create a new IMessageDelivery object for each
# message which is received.
deliveryFactory = None
# An IMessageDelivery object. A new instance is
# used for each message received if we can get an
# IMessageDeliveryFactory from the portal. Otherwise,
# a single instance is used throughout the lifetime
# of the connection.
delivery = None
# Cred cleanup function.
_onLogout = None
def __init__(self, delivery=None, deliveryFactory=None):
self.mode = COMMAND
self._from = None
self._helo = None
self._to = [] = delivery
self.deliveryFactory = deliveryFactory
def timeoutConnection(self):
msg = '%s Timeout. Try talking faster next time!' % (,)
self.sendCode(421, msg)
def greeting(self):
return '%s NO UCE NO UBE NO RELAY PROBES' % (,)
def connectionMade(self):
# Ensure user-code always gets something sane for _helo
peer = self.transport.getPeer()
host =
except AttributeError: # not an IPv4Address
host = str(peer)
self._helo = (None, host)
self.sendCode(220, self.greeting())
def sendCode(self, code, message=''):
"Send an SMTP code with a message."
lines = message.splitlines()
lastline = lines[-1:]
for line in lines[:-1]:
self.sendLine('%3.3d-%s' % (code, line))
self.sendLine('%3.3d %s' % (code,
lastline and lastline[0] or ''))
def lineReceived(self, line):
return getattr(self, 'state_' + self.mode)(line)
def state_COMMAND(self, line):
# Ignore leading and trailing whitespace, as well as an arbitrary
# amount of whitespace between the command and its argument, though
# it is not required by the protocol, for it is a nice thing to do.
line = line.strip()
parts = line.split(None, 1)
if parts:
method = self.lookupMethod(parts[0]) or self.do_UNKNOWN
if len(parts) == 2:
def sendSyntaxError(self):
self.sendCode(500, 'Error: bad syntax')
def lookupMethod(self, command):
return getattr(self, 'do_' + command.upper(), None)
def lineLengthExceeded(self, line):
if self.mode is DATA:
for message in self.__messages:
self.mode = COMMAND
del self.__messages
self.sendCode(500, 'Line too long')
def do_UNKNOWN(self, rest):
self.sendCode(500, 'Command not implemented')
def do_HELO(self, rest):
peer = self.transport.getPeer()
host =
except AttributeError:
host = str(peer)
self._helo = (rest, host)
self._from = None
self._to = []
self.sendCode(250, '%s Hello %s, nice to meet you' % (, host))
def do_QUIT(self, rest):
self.sendCode(221, 'See you later')
# A string of quoted strings, backslash-escaped character or
# atom characters + '@.,:'
qstring = r'("[^"]*"|\\.|' + atom + r'|[@.,:])+'
mail_re = re.compile(r'''\s*FROM:\s*(?P<path><> # Empty <>
|<''' + qstring + r'''> # <addr>
|''' + qstring + r''' # addr
)\s*(\s(?P<opts>.*))? # Optional WS + ESMTP options
rcpt_re = re.compile(r'\s*TO:\s*(?P<path><' + qstring + r'''> # <addr>
|''' + qstring + r''' # addr
)\s*(\s(?P<opts>.*))? # Optional WS + ESMTP options
def do_MAIL(self, rest):
if self._from:
self.sendCode(503,"Only one sender per message, please")
# Clear old recipient list
self._to = []
m = self.mail_re.match(rest)
if not m:
self.sendCode(501, "Syntax error")
addr = Address('path'),
except AddressError, e:
self.sendCode(553, str(e))
validated = defer.maybeDeferred(self.validateFrom, self._helo, addr)
validated.addCallbacks(self._cbFromValidate, self._ebFromValidate)
def _cbFromValidate(self, from_, code=250, msg='Sender address accepted'):
self._from = from_
self.sendCode(code, msg)
def _ebFromValidate(self, failure):
if failure.check(SMTPBadSender):
'Cannot receive from specified address %s: %s'
% (quoteaddr(failure.value.addr), failure.value.resp))
elif failure.check(SMTPServerError):
self.sendCode(failure.value.code, failure.value.resp)
log.err(failure, "SMTP sender validation failure")
'Requested action aborted: local error in processing')
def do_RCPT(self, rest):
if not self._from:
self.sendCode(503, "Must have sender before recipient")
m = self.rcpt_re.match(rest)
if not m:
self.sendCode(501, "Syntax error")
user = User('path'), self._helo, self, self._from)
except AddressError, e:
self.sendCode(553, str(e))
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.validateTo, user)
def _cbToValidate(self, to, user=None, code=250, msg='Recipient address accepted'):
if user is None:
user = to
self._to.append((user, to))
self.sendCode(code, msg)
def _ebToValidate(self, failure):
if failure.check(SMTPBadRcpt, SMTPServerError):
self.sendCode(failure.value.code, failure.value.resp)
'Requested action aborted: local error in processing'
def _disconnect(self, msgs):
for msg in msgs:
log.msg("msg raised exception from connectionLost")
def do_DATA(self, rest):
if self._from is None or (not self._to):
self.sendCode(503, 'Must have valid receiver and originator')
self.mode = DATA
helo, origin = self._helo, self._from
recipients = self._to
self._from = None
self._to = []
self.datafailed = None
msgs = []
for (user, msgFunc) in recipients:
msg = msgFunc()
rcvdhdr = self.receivedHeader(helo, origin, [user])
if rcvdhdr:
except SMTPServerError, e:
self.sendCode(e.code, e.resp)
self.mode = COMMAND
self.sendCode(550, "Internal server error")
self.mode = COMMAND
self.__messages = msgs
self.__inheader = self.__inbody = 0
self.sendCode(354, 'Continue')
if self.noisy:
fmt = 'Receiving message for delivery: from=%s to=%s'
log.msg(fmt % (origin, [str(u) for (u, f) in recipients]))
def connectionLost(self, reason):
# self.sendCode(421, 'Dropping connection.') # This does nothing...
# Ideally, if we (rather than the other side) lose the connection,
# we should be able to tell the other side that we are going away.
# RFC-2821 requires that we try.
if self.mode is DATA:
for message in self.__messages:
del self.__messages
except AttributeError:
if self._onLogout:
self._onLogout = None
def do_RSET(self, rest):
self._from = None
self._to = []
self.sendCode(250, 'I remember nothing.')
def dataLineReceived(self, line):
if line[:1] == '.':
if line == '.':
self.mode = COMMAND
if self.datafailed:
if not self.__messages:
self._messageHandled("thrown away")
m.eomReceived() for m in self.__messages
], consumeErrors=True).addCallback(self._messageHandled
del self.__messages
line = line[1:]
if self.datafailed:
# Add a blank line between the generated Received:-header
# and the message body if the message comes in without any
# headers
if not self.__inheader and not self.__inbody:
if ':' in line:
self.__inheader = 1
elif line:
for message in self.__messages:
self.__inbody = 1
if not line:
self.__inbody = 1
for message in self.__messages:
except SMTPServerError, e:
self.datafailed = e
for message in self.__messages:
state_DATA = dataLineReceived
def _messageHandled(self, resultList):
failures = 0
for (success, result) in resultList:
if not success:
failures += 1
if failures:
msg = 'Could not send e-mail'
L = len(resultList)
if L > 1:
msg += ' (%d failures out of %d recipients)' % (failures, L)
self.sendCode(550, msg)
self.sendCode(250, 'Delivery in progress')
def _cbAnonymousAuthentication(self, (iface, avatar, logout)):
Save the state resulting from a successful anonymous cred login.
if issubclass(iface, IMessageDeliveryFactory):
self.deliveryFactory = avatar = None
elif issubclass(iface, IMessageDelivery):
self.deliveryFactory = None = avatar
raise RuntimeError("%s is not a supported interface" % (iface.__name__,))
self._onLogout = logout
self.challenger = None
# overridable methods:
def validateFrom(self, helo, origin):
Validate the address from which the message originates.
@type helo: C{(str, str)}
@param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
@type origin: C{Address}
@param origin: The address the message is from
@rtype: C{Deferred} or C{Address}
@return: C{origin} or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be
passed C{origin}.
@raise SMTPBadSender: Raised of messages from this address are
not to be accepted.
if self.deliveryFactory is not None: = self.deliveryFactory.getMessageDelivery()
if is not None:
return defer.maybeDeferred(,
helo, origin)
# No login has been performed, no default delivery object has been
# provided: try to perform an anonymous login and then invoke this
# method again.
if self.portal:
result = self.portal.login(
IMessageDeliveryFactory, IMessageDelivery)
def ebAuthentication(err):
Translate cred exceptions into SMTP exceptions so that the
protocol code which invokes C{validateFrom} can properly report
the failure.
if err.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
exc = SMTPBadSender(origin)
elif err.check(cred.error.UnhandledCredentials):
exc = SMTPBadSender(
origin, resp="Unauthenticated senders not allowed")
return err
self._cbAnonymousAuthentication, ebAuthentication)
def continueValidation(ignored):
Re-attempt from address validation.
return self.validateFrom(helo, origin)
return result
raise SMTPBadSender(origin)
def validateTo(self, user):
Validate the address for which the message is destined.
@type user: L{User}
@param user: The address to validate.
@rtype: no-argument callable
@return: A C{Deferred} which becomes, or a callable which
takes no arguments and returns an object implementing C{IMessage}.
This will be called and the returned object used to deliver the
message when it arrives.
@raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are
not to be accepted.
if is not None:
raise SMTPBadRcpt(user)
def receivedHeader(self, helo, origin, recipients):
if is not None:
return, origin, recipients)
heloStr = ""
if helo[0]:
heloStr = " helo=%s" % (helo[0],)
domain = self.transport.getHost().host
from_ = "from %s ([%s]%s)" % (helo[0], helo[1], heloStr)
by = "by %s with %s (%s)" % (domain,
for_ = "for %s; %s" % (' '.join(map(str, recipients)),
return "Received: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (from_, by, for_)
class SMTPFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
"""Factory for SMTP."""
# override in instances or subclasses
domain = DNSNAME
timeout = 600
protocol = SMTP
portal = None
def __init__(self, portal = None):
self.portal = portal
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = protocol.ServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
p.portal = self.portal = self.domain
return p
class SMTPClient(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
SMTP client for sending emails.
After the client has connected to the SMTP server, it repeatedly calls
L{SMTPClient.getMailFrom}, L{SMTPClient.getMailTo} and
L{SMTPClient.getMailData} and uses this information to send an email.
It then calls L{SMTPClient.getMailFrom} again; if it returns C{None}, the
client will disconnect, otherwise it will continue as normal i.e. call
L{SMTPClient.getMailTo} and L{SMTPClient.getMailData} and send a new email.
# If enabled then log SMTP client server communication
debug = True
# Number of seconds to wait before timing out a connection. If
# None, perform no timeout checking.
timeout = None
def __init__(self, identity, logsize=10):
self.identity = identity or ''
self.toAddressesResult = []
self.successAddresses = []
self._from = None
self.resp = []
self.code = -1
self.log = util.LineLog(logsize)
def sendLine(self, line):
# Log sendLine only if you are in debug mode for performance
if self.debug:
self.log.append('>>> ' + line)
def connectionMade(self):
self._expected = [ 220 ]
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_helo
self._failresponse = self.smtpConnectionFailed
def connectionLost(self, reason=protocol.connectionDone):
"""We are no longer connected"""
self.mailFile = None
def timeoutConnection(self):
-1, "Timeout waiting for SMTP server response",
def lineReceived(self, line):
# Log lineReceived only if you are in debug mode for performance
if self.debug:
self.log.append('<<< ' + line)
why = None
self.code = int(line[:3])
except ValueError:
# This is a fatal error and will disconnect the transport lineReceived will not be called again
self.sendError(SMTPProtocolError(-1, "Invalid response from SMTP server: %s" % line, self.log.str()))
if line[0] == '0':
# Verbose informational message, ignore it
if line[3:4] == '-':
# continuation
if self.code in self._expected:
why = self._okresponse(self.code,'\n'.join(self.resp))
why = self._failresponse(self.code,'\n'.join(self.resp))
self.code = -1
self.resp = []
return why
def smtpConnectionFailed(self, code, resp):
self.sendError(SMTPConnectError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
def smtpTransferFailed(self, code, resp):
if code < 0:
self.sendError(SMTPProtocolError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
self.smtpState_msgSent(code, resp)
def smtpState_helo(self, code, resp):
self.sendLine('HELO ' + self.identity)
self._expected = SUCCESS
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
def smtpState_from(self, code, resp):
self._from = self.getMailFrom()
self._failresponse = self.smtpTransferFailed
if self._from is not None:
self.sendLine('MAIL FROM:%s' % quoteaddr(self._from))
self._expected = [250]
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_to
# All messages have been sent, disconnect
def smtpState_disconnect(self, code, resp):
def smtpState_to(self, code, resp):
self.toAddresses = iter(self.getMailTo())
self.toAddressesResult = []
self.successAddresses = []
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_toOrData
self._expected = xrange(0,1000)
self.lastAddress = None
return self.smtpState_toOrData(0, '')
def smtpState_toOrData(self, code, resp):
if self.lastAddress is not None:
self.toAddressesResult.append((self.lastAddress, code, resp))
if code in SUCCESS:
self.lastAddress =
except StopIteration:
if self.successAddresses:
self._expected = [ 354 ]
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_data
return self.smtpState_msgSent(code,'No recipients accepted')
self.sendLine('RCPT TO:%s' % quoteaddr(self.lastAddress))
def smtpState_data(self, code, resp):
s = basic.FileSender()
d = s.beginFileTransfer(
self.getMailData(), self.transport, self.transformChunk)
def ebTransfer(err):
d.addCallbacks(self.finishedFileTransfer, ebTransfer)
self._expected = SUCCESS
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_msgSent
def smtpState_msgSent(self, code, resp):
if self._from is not None:
self.sentMail(code, resp, len(self.successAddresses),
self.toAddressesResult, self.log)
self.toAddressesResult = []
self._from = None
self._expected = SUCCESS
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
## Helpers for FileSender
def transformChunk(self, chunk):
Perform the necessary local to network newline conversion and escape
leading periods.
This method also resets the idle timeout so that as long as process is
being made sending the message body, the client will not time out.
return chunk.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\n.', '\r\n..')
def finishedFileTransfer(self, lastsent):
if lastsent != '\n':
line = '\r\n.'
line = '.'
# these methods should be overriden in subclasses
def getMailFrom(self):
"""Return the email address the mail is from."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getMailTo(self):
"""Return a list of emails to send to."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getMailData(self):
"""Return file-like object containing data of message to be sent.
Lines in the file should be delimited by '\\n'.
raise NotImplementedError
def sendError(self, exc):
If an error occurs before a mail message is sent sendError will be
called. This base class method sends a QUIT if the error is
non-fatal and disconnects the connection.
@param exc: The SMTPClientError (or child class) raised
@type exc: C{SMTPClientError}
if isinstance(exc, SMTPClientError) and not exc.isFatal:
# If the error was fatal then the communication channel with the
# SMTP Server is broken so just close the transport connection
self.smtpState_disconnect(-1, None)
def sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log):
"""Called when an attempt to send an email is completed.
If some addresses were accepted, code and resp are the response
to the DATA command. If no addresses were accepted, code is -1
and resp is an informative message.
@param code: the code returned by the SMTP Server
@param resp: The string response returned from the SMTP Server
@param numOK: the number of addresses accepted by the remote host.
@param addresses: is a list of tuples (address, code, resp) listing
the response to each RCPT command.
@param log: is the SMTP session log
raise NotImplementedError
def _disconnectFromServer(self):
self._expected = xrange(0, 1000)
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_disconnect
class ESMTPClient(SMTPClient):
# Fall back to HELO if the server does not support EHLO
heloFallback = True
# Refuse to proceed if authentication cannot be performed
requireAuthentication = False
# Refuse to proceed if TLS is not available
requireTransportSecurity = False
# Indicate whether or not our transport can be considered secure.
_tlsMode = False
# ClientContextFactory to use for STARTTLS
context = None
def __init__(self, secret, contextFactory=None, *args, **kw):
SMTPClient.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
self.authenticators = []
self.secret = secret
self.context = contextFactory
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == "tlsMode":
"tlsMode attribute of twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient "
"is deprecated since Twisted 13.0",
category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._tlsMode
raise AttributeError(
'%s instance has no attribute %r' % (
self.__class__.__name__, name,))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "tlsMode":
"tlsMode attribute of twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient "
"is deprecated since Twisted 13.0",
category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
self._tlsMode = value
self.__dict__[name] = value
def esmtpEHLORequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
self.sendError(EHLORequiredError(502, "Server does not support ESMTP Authentication", self.log.str()))
def esmtpAUTHRequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
tmp = []
for a in self.authenticators:
auth = "[%s]" % ', '.join(tmp)
self.sendError(AUTHRequiredError(502, "Server does not support Client Authentication schemes %s" % auth,
def esmtpTLSRequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
self.sendError(TLSRequiredError(502, "Server does not support secure communication via TLS / SSL",
def esmtpTLSFailed(self, code=-1, resp=None):
self.sendError(TLSError(code, "Could not complete the SSL/TLS handshake", self.log.str()))
def esmtpAUTHDeclined(self, code=-1, resp=None):
self.sendError(AUTHDeclinedError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
def esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge(self, code=-1, resp=None):
str = "Login failed because the SMTP Server returned a malformed Authentication Challenge"
self.sendError(AuthenticationError(501, str, self.log.str()))
def esmtpAUTHServerError(self, code=-1, resp=None):
self.sendError(AuthenticationError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
def registerAuthenticator(self, auth):
"""Registers an Authenticator with the ESMTPClient. The ESMTPClient
will attempt to login to the SMTP Server in the order the
Authenticators are registered. The most secure Authentication
mechanism should be registered first.
@param auth: The Authentication mechanism to register
@type auth: class implementing C{IClientAuthentication}
def connectionMade(self):
self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_ehlo
def esmtpState_ehlo(self, code, resp):
self._expected = SUCCESS
self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_serverConfig
self._failresponse = self.esmtpEHLORequired
if self.heloFallback:
self._failresponse = self.smtpState_helo
self.sendLine('EHLO ' + self.identity)
def esmtpState_serverConfig(self, code, resp):
Handle a positive response to the I{EHLO} command by parsing the
capabilities in the server's response and then taking the most
appropriate next step towards entering a mail transaction.
items = {}
for line in resp.splitlines():
e = line.split(None, 1)
if len(e) > 1:
items[e[0]] = e[1]
items[e[0]] = None
self.tryTLS(code, resp, items)
def tryTLS(self, code, resp, items):
Take a necessary step towards being able to begin a mail transaction.
The step may be to ask the server to being a TLS session. If TLS is
already in use or not necessary and not available then the step may be
to authenticate with the server. If TLS is necessary and not available,
fail the mail transmission attempt.
This is an internal helper method.
@param code: The server status code from the most recently received
server message.
@type code: L{int}
@param resp: The server status response from the most recently received
server message.
@type resp: L{bytes}
@param items: A mapping of ESMTP extensions offered by the server. Keys
are extension identifiers and values are the associated values.
@type items: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{bytes}
@return: C{None}
# has ssl can ssl must ssl result
# t t t authenticate
# t t f authenticate
# t f t authenticate
# t f f authenticate
# f t t STARTTLS
# f t f STARTTLS
# f f t esmtpTLSRequired
# f f f authenticate
hasTLS = ISSLTransport.providedBy(self.transport)
canTLS = self.context and b"STARTTLS" in items
mustTLS = self.requireTransportSecurity
if hasTLS or not (canTLS or mustTLS):
self.authenticate(code, resp, items)
elif canTLS:
self._expected = [220]
self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_starttls
self._failresponse = self.esmtpTLSFailed
def esmtpState_starttls(self, code, resp):
Handle a positive response to the I{STARTTLS} command by starting a new
TLS session on C{self.transport}.
Upon success, re-handshake with the server to discover what capabilities
it has when TLS is in use.
# Send another EHLO once TLS has been started to
# get the TLS / AUTH schemes. Some servers only allow AUTH in TLS mode.
self.esmtpState_ehlo(code, resp)
def authenticate(self, code, resp, items):
if self.secret and items.get('AUTH'):
schemes = items['AUTH'].split()
tmpSchemes = {}
#XXX: May want to come up with a more efficient way to do this
for s in schemes:
tmpSchemes[s.upper()] = 1
for a in self.authenticators:
auth = a.getName().upper()
if auth in tmpSchemes:
self._authinfo = a
# Special condition handled
if auth == "PLAIN":
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
self._failresponse = self._esmtpState_plainAuth
self._expected = [235]
challenge = encode_base64(self._authinfo.challengeResponse(self.secret, 1), eol="")
self.sendLine('AUTH ' + auth + ' ' + challenge)
self._expected = [334]
self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_challenge
# If some error occurs here, the server declined the AUTH
# before the user / password phase. This would be
# a very rare case
self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHServerError
self.sendLine('AUTH ' + auth)
if self.requireAuthentication:
self.smtpState_from(code, resp)
def _esmtpState_plainAuth(self, code, resp):
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHDeclined
self._expected = [235]
challenge = encode_base64(self._authinfo.challengeResponse(self.secret, 2), eol="")
self.sendLine('AUTH PLAIN ' + challenge)
def esmtpState_challenge(self, code, resp):
self._authResponse(self._authinfo, resp)
def _authResponse(self, auth, challenge):
self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHDeclined
challenge = base64.decodestring(challenge)
except binascii.Error:
# Illegal challenge, give up, then quit
self._okresponse = self.esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge
self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge
resp = auth.challengeResponse(self.secret, challenge)
self._expected = [235, 334]
self._okresponse = self.smtpState_maybeAuthenticated
self.sendLine(encode_base64(resp, eol=""))
def smtpState_maybeAuthenticated(self, code, resp):
Called to handle the next message from the server after sending a
response to a SASL challenge. The server response might be another
challenge or it might indicate authentication has succeeded.
if code == 235:
# Yes, authenticated!
del self._authinfo
self.smtpState_from(code, resp)
# No, not authenticated yet. Keep trying.
self._authResponse(self._authinfo, resp)
class ESMTP(SMTP):
ctx = None
canStartTLS = False
startedTLS = False
authenticated = False
def __init__(self, chal = None, contextFactory = None):
if chal is None:
chal = {}
self.challengers = chal
self.authenticated = False
self.ctx = contextFactory
def connectionMade(self):
self.canStartTLS = ITLSTransport.providedBy(self.transport)
self.canStartTLS = self.canStartTLS and (self.ctx is not None)
def greeting(self):
return SMTP.greeting(self) + ' ESMTP'
def extensions(self):
ext = {'AUTH': self.challengers.keys()}
if self.canStartTLS and not self.startedTLS:
ext['STARTTLS'] = None
return ext
def lookupMethod(self, command):
m = SMTP.lookupMethod(self, command)
if m is None:
m = getattr(self, 'ext_' + command.upper(), None)
return m
def listExtensions(self):
r = []
for (c, v) in self.extensions().iteritems():
if v is not None:
if v:
# Intentionally omit extensions with empty argument lists
r.append('%s %s' % (c, ' '.join(v)))
return '\n'.join(r)
def do_EHLO(self, rest):
peer = self.transport.getPeer().host
self._helo = (rest, peer)
self._from = None
self._to = []
'%s Hello %s, nice to meet you\n%s' % (, peer,
def ext_STARTTLS(self, rest):
if self.startedTLS:
self.sendCode(503, 'TLS already negotiated')
elif self.ctx and self.canStartTLS:
self.sendCode(220, 'Begin TLS negotiation now')
self.startedTLS = True
self.sendCode(454, 'TLS not available')
def ext_AUTH(self, rest):
if self.authenticated:
self.sendCode(503, 'Already authenticated')
parts = rest.split(None, 1)
chal = self.challengers.get(parts[0].upper(), lambda: None)()
if not chal:
self.sendCode(504, 'Unrecognized authentication type')
self.mode = AUTH
self.challenger = chal
if len(parts) > 1:
chal.getChallenge() # Discard it, apparently the client does not
# care about it.
rest = parts[1]
rest = None
def _cbAuthenticated(self, loginInfo):
Save the state resulting from a successful cred login and mark this
connection as authenticated.
result = SMTP._cbAnonymousAuthentication(self, loginInfo)
self.authenticated = True
return result
def _ebAuthenticated(self, reason):
Handle cred login errors by translating them to the SMTP authenticate
failed. Translate all other errors into a generic SMTP error code and
log the failure for inspection. Stop all errors from propagating.
self.challenge = None
if reason.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
self.sendCode(535, 'Authentication failed')
log.err(reason, "SMTP authentication failure")
'Requested action aborted: local error in processing')
def state_AUTH(self, response):
Handle one step of challenge/response authentication.
@param response: The text of a response. If None, this
function has been called as a result of an AUTH command with
no initial response. A response of '*' aborts authentication,
as per RFC 2554.
if self.portal is None:
self.sendCode(454, 'Temporary authentication failure')
self.mode = COMMAND
if response is None:
challenge = self.challenger.getChallenge()
encoded = challenge.encode('base64')
self.sendCode(334, encoded)
if response == '*':
self.sendCode(501, 'Authentication aborted')
self.challenger = None
self.mode = COMMAND
uncoded = response.decode('base64')
except binascii.Error:
self.sendCode(501, 'Syntax error in parameters or arguments')
self.challenger = None
self.mode = COMMAND
if self.challenger.moreChallenges():
challenge = self.challenger.getChallenge()
coded = challenge.encode('base64')[:-1]
self.sendCode(334, coded)
self.mode = COMMAND
result = self.portal.login(
self.challenger, None,
IMessageDeliveryFactory, IMessageDelivery)
result.addCallback(lambda ign: self.sendCode(235, 'Authentication successful.'))
class SenderMixin:
"""Utility class for sending emails easily.
Use with SMTPSenderFactory or ESMTPSenderFactory.
done = 0
def getMailFrom(self):
if not self.done:
self.done = 1
return str(self.factory.fromEmail)
return None
def getMailTo(self):
return self.factory.toEmail
def getMailData(self):
return self.factory.file
def sendError(self, exc):
# Call the base class to close the connection with the SMTP server
SMTPClient.sendError(self, exc)
# Do not retry to connect to SMTP Server if:
# 1. No more retries left (This allows the correct error to be returned to the errorback)
# 2. retry is false
# 3. The error code is not in the 4xx range (Communication Errors)
if (self.factory.retries >= 0 or
(not exc.retry and not (exc.code >= 400 and exc.code < 500))):
self.factory.sendFinished = True
def sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log):
# Do not retry, the SMTP server acknowledged the request
self.factory.sendFinished = True
if code not in SUCCESS:
errlog = []
for addr, acode, aresp in addresses:
if acode not in SUCCESS:
errlog.append("%s: %03d %s" % (addr, acode, aresp))
exc = SMTPDeliveryError(code, resp, '\n'.join(errlog), addresses)
self.factory.result.callback((numOk, addresses))
class SMTPSender(SenderMixin, SMTPClient):
SMTP protocol that sends a single email based on information it
gets from its factory, a L{SMTPSenderFactory}.
class SMTPSenderFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
Utility factory for sending emails easily.
@type currentProtocol: L{SMTPSender}
@ivar currentProtocol: The current running protocol returned by
@type sendFinished: C{bool}
@ivar sendFinished: When the value is set to True, it means the message has
been sent or there has been an unrecoverable error or the sending has
been cancelled. The default value is False.
domain = DNSNAME
protocol = SMTPSender
def __init__(self, fromEmail, toEmail, file, deferred, retries=5,
@param fromEmail: The RFC 2821 address from which to send this
@param toEmail: A sequence of RFC 2821 addresses to which to
send this message.
@param file: A file-like object containing the message to send.
@param deferred: A Deferred to callback or errback when sending
of this message completes.
@type deferred: L{defer.Deferred}
@param retries: The number of times to retry delivery of this
@param timeout: Period, in seconds, for which to wait for
server responses, or None to wait forever.
assert isinstance(retries, (int, long))
if isinstance(toEmail, types.StringTypes):
toEmail = [toEmail]
self.fromEmail = Address(fromEmail)
self.nEmails = len(toEmail)
self.toEmail = toEmail
self.file = file
self.result = deferred
self.sendFinished = False
self.currentProtocol = None
self.retries = -retries
self.timeout = timeout
def _removeDeferred(self, result):
del self.result
return result
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, err):
self._processConnectionError(connector, err)
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, err):
self._processConnectionError(connector, err)
def _processConnectionError(self, connector, err):
self.currentProtocol = None
if (self.retries < 0) and (not self.sendFinished):
log.msg("SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: %s" % -self.retries)
# Rewind the file in case part of it was read while attempting to
# send the message., 0)
self.retries += 1
elif not self.sendFinished:
# If we were unable to communicate with the SMTP server a ConnectionDone will be
# returned. We want a more clear error message for debugging
if err.check(error.ConnectionDone):
err.value = SMTPConnectError(-1, "Unable to connect to server.")
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = self.protocol(self.domain, self.nEmails*2+2)
p.factory = self
p.timeout = self.timeout
self.currentProtocol = p
return p
def _removeProtocol(self, result):
Remove the protocol created in C{buildProtocol}.
@param result: The result/error passed to the callback/errback of
@return: The C{result} untouched.
if self.currentProtocol:
self.currentProtocol = None
return result
from twisted.mail.imap4 import IClientAuthentication
from twisted.mail.imap4 import CramMD5ClientAuthenticator, LOGINAuthenticator
from twisted.mail.imap4 import LOGINCredentials as _lcredentials
class LOGINCredentials(_lcredentials):
L{LOGINCredentials} generates challenges for I{LOGIN} authentication.
For interoperability with Outlook, the challenge generated does not exactly
match the one defined in the
U{draft specification<>}.
def __init__(self):
self.challenges = ['Password:', 'Username:']
class PLAINAuthenticator:
def __init__(self, user):
self.user = user
def getName(self):
return "PLAIN"
def challengeResponse(self, secret, chal=1):
if chal == 1:
return "%s\0%s\0%s" % (self.user, self.user, secret)
return "%s\0%s" % (self.user, secret)
class ESMTPSender(SenderMixin, ESMTPClient):
requireAuthentication = True
requireTransportSecurity = True
def __init__(self, username, secret, contextFactory=None, *args, **kw):
self.heloFallback = 0
self.username = username
if contextFactory is None:
contextFactory = self._getContextFactory()
ESMTPClient.__init__(self, secret, contextFactory, *args, **kw)
def _registerAuthenticators(self):
# Register Authenticator in order from most secure to least secure
def _getContextFactory(self):
if self.context is not None:
return self.context
from twisted.internet import ssl
except ImportError:
return None
context = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
context.method = ssl.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD
return context
except AttributeError:
return None
class ESMTPSenderFactory(SMTPSenderFactory):
Utility factory for sending emails easily.
protocol = ESMTPSender
def __init__(self, username, password, fromEmail, toEmail, file,
deferred, retries=5, timeout=None,
contextFactory=None, heloFallback=False,
SMTPSenderFactory.__init__(self, fromEmail, toEmail, file, deferred, retries, timeout)
self.username = username
self.password = password
self._contextFactory = contextFactory
self._heloFallback = heloFallback
self._requireAuthentication = requireAuthentication
self._requireTransportSecurity = requireTransportSecurity
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = self.protocol(self.username, self.password, self._contextFactory, self.domain, self.nEmails*2+2)
p.heloFallback = self._heloFallback
p.requireAuthentication = self._requireAuthentication
p.requireTransportSecurity = self._requireTransportSecurity
p.factory = self
p.timeout = self.timeout
return p
def sendmail(smtphost, from_addr, to_addrs, msg,
senderDomainName=None, port=25, reactor=reactor):
"""Send an email
This interface is intended to be a direct replacement for
smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() (with the obvious change that
you specify the smtphost as well). Also, ESMTP options
are not accepted, as we don't do ESMTP yet. I reserve the
right to implement the ESMTP options differently.
@param smtphost: The host the message should be sent to
@param from_addr: The (envelope) address sending this mail.
@param to_addrs: A list of addresses to send this mail to. A string will
be treated as a list of one address
@param msg: The message, including headers, either as a file or a string.
File-like objects need to support read() and close(). Lines must be
delimited by '\\n'. If you pass something that doesn't look like a
file, we try to convert it to a string (so you should be able to
pass an email.Message directly, but doing the conversion with
email.Generator manually will give you more control over the
@param senderDomainName: Name by which to identify. If None, try
to pick something sane (but this depends on external configuration
and may not succeed).
@param port: Remote port to which to connect.
@param reactor: The reactor used to make TCP connection.
@rtype: L{Deferred}
@returns: A cancellable L{Deferred}, its callback will be called if a
message is sent to ANY address, the errback if no message is sent. When
the C{cancel} method is called, it will stop retrying and disconnect
the connection immediately.
The callback will be called with a tuple (numOk, addresses) where numOk
is the number of successful recipient addresses and addresses is a list
of tuples (address, code, resp) giving the response to the RCPT command
for each address.
if not hasattr(msg,'read'):
# It's not a file
msg = StringIO(str(msg))
def cancel(d):
Cancel the L{twisted.mail.smtp.sendmail} call, tell the factory not to
retry and disconnect the connection.
@param d: The L{defer.Deferred} to be cancelled.
factory.sendFinished = True
if factory.currentProtocol:
# Connection hasn't been made yet
d = defer.Deferred(cancel)
factory = SMTPSenderFactory(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, d)
if senderDomainName is not None:
factory.domain = senderDomainName
connector = reactor.connectTCP(smtphost, port, factory)
return d
## Yerg. Codecs!
import codecs
def xtext_encode(s, errors=None):
r = []
for ch in s:
o = ord(ch)
if ch == '+' or ch == '=' or o < 33 or o > 126:
r.append('+%02X' % o)
return (''.join(r), len(s))
def xtext_decode(s, errors=None):
Decode the xtext-encoded string C{s}.
r = []
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] == '+':
r.append(chr(int(s[i + 1:i + 3], 16)))
except ValueError:
r.append(s[i:i + 3])
i += 3
i += 1
return (''.join(r), len(s))
class xtextStreamReader(codecs.StreamReader):
def decode(self, s, errors='strict'):
return xtext_decode(s)
class xtextStreamWriter(codecs.StreamWriter):
def decode(self, s, errors='strict'):
return xtext_encode(s)
def xtext_codec(name):
if name == 'xtext':
return (xtext_encode, xtext_decode, xtextStreamReader, xtextStreamWriter)